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857 lines
26 KiB

local Generic = require("device/generic/device") -- <= look at this file!
local UIManager
local logger = require("logger")
local ffi = require("ffi")
local C = ffi.C
local inkview = ffi.load("inkview")
local band = require("bit").band
local util = require("util")
local _ = require("gettext")
local function yes() return true end
local function no() return false end
local ext_path = "/mnt/ext1/system/config/extensions.cfg"
local app_name = ""
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook = Generic:extend{
model = "PocketBook",
isPocketBook = yes,
hasOTAUpdates = yes,
hasWifiToggle = yes,
isTouchDevice = yes,
hasKeys = yes,
hasFrontlight = yes,
hasSystemFonts = yes,
canSuspend = no,
canReboot = yes,
canPowerOff = yes,
needsScreenRefreshAfterResume = no,
home_dir = "/mnt/ext1",
canAssociateFileExtensions = yes,
-- all devices that have warmth lights use inkview api
hasNaturalLightApi = yes,
-- NOTE: Apparently, HW inversion is a pipedream on PB (#6669), ... well, on sunxi chipsets anyway.
-- For which we now probe in fbinfoOverride() and tweak the flag to "no".
-- NTX chipsets *should* work (PB631), but in case it doesn't on your device, set this to "no" in here.
-- The above comment applied to rendering without inkview. With the inkview library HW inverting the
-- screen is not possible. For now disable HWInvert for all devices.
canHWInvert = no,
-- If we can access the necessary devices, input events can be handled directly.
-- This improves latency (~40ms), as well as power usage - we can spend more time asleep,
-- instead of busy looping at 50Hz the way inkview insists on doing.
-- In case this method fails (no root), we fallback to classic inkview api.
raw_input = nil, --[[{
-- value or function to adjust touch matrix orientiation.
touch_rotation = -3+4,
-- Works same as input.event_map, but for raw input EV_KEY translation
keymap = { [scan] = event },
-- Runtime state: whether raw input is actually used
--- @fixme: Never actually set anywhere?
is_using_raw_input = nil,
-- InkView may have started translating button codes based on rotation on newer devices...
-- That historically wasn't the case, hence this defaulting to false.
inkview_translates_buttons = false,
-- Will be set appropriately at init
isB288SoC = no,
-- Private per-model kludges
_fb_init = function() end,
_model_init = function() end,
-- Helper to try load externally signalled book whenever we're brought to foreground
local function tryOpenBook()
local path = os.getenv("KO_PATH_OPEN_BOOK")
if not path then return end
local fi =, "r")
if not fi then return end
local fn = fi:read("*line")
if fn and util.pathExists(fn) then
-- A couple helper functions to compute/check aligned values...
-- c.f., <linux/kernel.h>
local function ALIGN(x, a)
-- (x + (a-1)) & ~(a-1)
local mask = a - 1
return + mask, bit.bnot(mask))
local function IS_ALIGNED(x, a)
-- (x & (a-1)) == 0
if, a - 1) == 0 then
return true
return false
function PocketBook:init()
local raw_input = self.raw_input
local touch_rotation = raw_input and raw_input.touch_rotation or 0
self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_pocketbook"):new {
device = self,
debug = logger.dbg,
wf_level = G_reader_settings:readSetting("wf_level") or 0,
fbinfoOverride = function(fb, finfo, vinfo)
-- Device model caps *can* set both to indicate that either will work to get correct orientation.
-- But for FB backend, the flags are mutually exclusive, so we nuke one of em later.
fb.is_always_portrait = self.isAlwaysPortrait()
fb.forced_rotation = self.usingForcedRotation()
-- Tweak combination of alwaysPortrait/hwRot/hwInvert flags depending on probed HW and wf settings.
if fb:isB288() then
self.isB288SoC = yes
-- Allow bypassing the bans for debugging purposes...
if G_reader_settings:nilOrFalse("pb_ignore_b288_quirks") then
logger.dbg("mxcfb: Disabling hwinvert on B288 chipset")
self.canHWInvert = no
-- GL16 glitches with hwrot. And apparently with more stuff on newer FW (#7663)
logger.dbg("mxcfb: Disabling hwrot on B288 chipset")
fb.forced_rotation = nil
-- If hwrot is still on, nuke swrot
if fb.forced_rotation then
fb.is_always_portrait = false
-- Legacy devices return incomplete/broken data, fix it without breaking saner devices.
-- c.f.,
if string.byte(ffi.string(, 16), 1, 1) == 0 then
local xres_virtual = vinfo.xres_virtual
if not IS_ALIGNED(vinfo.xres_virtual, 32) then
vinfo.xres_virtual = ALIGN(vinfo.xres, 32)
local yres_virtual = vinfo.yres_virtual
if not IS_ALIGNED(vinfo.yres_virtual, 128) then
vinfo.yres_virtual = ALIGN(vinfo.yres, 128)
local line_length = finfo.line_length
finfo.line_length = vinfo.xres_virtual * bit.rshift(vinfo.bits_per_pixel, 3)
local fb_size = finfo.line_length * vinfo.yres_virtual
if fb_size > finfo.smem_len then
if not IS_ALIGNED(yres_virtual, 32) then
vinfo.yres_virtual = ALIGN(vinfo.yres, 32)
vinfo.yres_virtual = yres_virtual
fb_size = finfo.line_length * vinfo.yres_virtual
if fb_size > finfo.smem_len then
--fb_size = finfo.smem_len
finfo.line_length = line_length
vinfo.xres_virtual = xres_virtual
vinfo.yres_virtual = yres_virtual
vinfo.xres_virtual = bit.lshift(finfo.line_length, 3) / vinfo.bits_per_pixel
return self._fb_init(fb, finfo, vinfo)
-- raw touch input orientiation is different from the screen
getTouchRotation = function(fb)
if type(touch_rotation) == "function" then
return touch_rotation(self, fb:getRotationMode())
return (4 + fb:getRotationMode() + touch_rotation) % 4
-- Whenever we lose focus, but also get suspended for real (we can't reliably tell atm),
-- plugins need to be notified to stop doing foreground stuff, and vice versa. To this end,
-- we maintain pseudo suspended state just to keep plugins happy, even though it's not
-- related real to suspend states.
local quasiSuspended
self.input = require("device/input"):new{
device = self,
raw_input = raw_input,
event_map = setmetatable({
[C.KEY_HOME] = "Home",
[C.KEY_MENU] = "Menu",
[C.KEY_PREV] = "LPgBack",
[C.KEY_NEXT] = "LPgFwd",
[C.KEY_UP] = "Up",
[C.KEY_DOWN] = "Down",
[C.KEY_LEFT] = "Left",
[C.KEY_RIGHT] = "Right",
[C.KEY_OK] = "Press",
}, {__index=raw_input and raw_input.keymap or {}}),
handleMiscEv = function(this, ev)
local ui = require("ui/uimanager")
if ev.code == C.EVT_HIDE or ev.code == C.EVT_BACKGROUND then
if not quasiSuspended then
quasiSuspended = true
return "Suspend"
elseif ev.code == C.EVT_FOREGROUND or ev.code == C.EVT_SHOW then
ui:setDirty('all', 'ui')
if quasiSuspended then
quasiSuspended = false
return "Resume"
elseif ev.code == C.EVT_EXIT then
-- Auto shutdown event from inkview framework,
-- gracefully close everything and let the framework shutdown the device.
return "Exit"
elseif ev.code == C.MSC_GYRO then
return this:handleGyroEv(ev)
-- If InkView translates buttons for us, disable our own translation map
if self.inkview_translates_buttons then
-- If InkView tells us this device has a gsensor enable the event based functionality
if inkview.QueryGSensor() ~= 0 then
self.hasGSensor = yes
-- In contrast to kobo/kindle, pocketbook-devices do not use linux/input events directly.
-- To be able to use input.lua nevertheless,
-- we make inkview-events look like linux/input events or handle them directly here.
-- Unhandled events will leave Input:waitEvent() as "GenericInput"
-- NOTE: This all happens in ffi/input_pocketbook.lua
if (not self.input.raw_input) or (not pcall(, self.input, self.raw_input)) then
-- Raw mode open failed (no permissions?), so we'll run the usual way.
-- Disable touch coordinate translation as inkview will do that.
self.input.raw_input = nil
touch_rotation = 0
self.canSuspend = yes
self.powerd = require("device/pocketbook/powerd"):new{device = self}
function PocketBook:exit()
-- Exit code can be shoddy on some devices due to broken library dtors calling _exit(0) from os.exit(N)
local ko_exit = os.getenv("KO_EXIT_CODE")
if ko_exit then
local f =, "w+")
if f then
-- As returned by UIManager:run() in reader.lua
function PocketBook:notifyBookState(title, document)
local fn = document and document.file
logger.dbg("Notify book state", title, fn)
if fn then
local fo ="/tmp/.current", "w+")
if fo then
inkview.SetSubtaskInfo(inkview.GetCurrentTask(), 0, title and (title .. " - koreader") or "koreader", fn or _("N/A"))
function PocketBook:setDateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
if hour == nil or min == nil then return true end
-- If the device is rooted, we might actually have a fighting chance to change os clock.
local su = "/mnt/secure/su"
su = util.pathExists(su) and (su .. " ") or ""
local command
if year and month and day then
command = string.format(su .. "/bin/date -s '%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d'", year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
command = string.format(su .. "/bin/date -s '%d:%d'",hour, min)
if os.execute(command) == 0 then
os.execute(su .. '/sbin/hwclock -u -w')
return true
return false
function PocketBook:associateFileExtensions(assoc)
-- First load the system-wide table, from which we'll snoop file types and icons
local info = {}
for l in io.lines("/ebrmain/config/extensions.cfg") do
local m = { l:match("^([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):(.*)") }
if #m > 0 then
info[m[1]] = m
local res = {"#koreader"}
for k,v in pairs(assoc) do
local t = info[k]
if t then
-- A system entry exists, so just change app, and reuse the rest
t[4] = app_name .. "," .. t[4]
-- Doesn't exist, so hallucinate up something
-- TBD: We have document opener in 'v', maybe consult mime in there?
local bn = k:match("%a+"):upper()
t = { k, '@' .. bn .. '_file', "1", app_name, "ICON_" .. bn }
table.insert(res, table.concat(t, ":"))
local out =, "w+")
out:write(table.concat(res, "\n"))
function PocketBook:setAutoStandby(isAllowed)
inkview.iv_sleepmode(isAllowed and 1 or 0)
function PocketBook:powerOff()
function PocketBook:suspend()
function PocketBook:reboot()
inkview.iv_ipc_request(C.MSG_REBOOT, 1, nil, 0, 0)
function PocketBook:initNetworkManager(NetworkMgr)
local function keepWifiAlive()
-- Make sure only one wifiKeepAlive is scheduled
if NetworkMgr:isWifiOn() then
logger.dbg("ping wifi keep alive and reschedule")
UIManager:scheduleIn(30, keepWifiAlive)
logger.dbg("wifi is disabled do not reschedule")
function NetworkMgr:turnOnWifi(complete_callback)
if inkview.NetConnect(nil) == C.NET_OK then
else"NetConnect failed")
if complete_callback then
function NetworkMgr:turnOffWifi(complete_callback)
if complete_callback then
function NetworkMgr:isConnected()
return band(inkview.QueryNetwork(), C.NET_CONNECTED) ~= 0
NetworkMgr.isWifiOn = NetworkMgr.isConnected
function PocketBook:getSoftwareVersion()
return ffi.string(inkview.GetSoftwareVersion())
function PocketBook:getDeviceModel()
return ffi.string(inkview.GetDeviceModel())
function PocketBook:getDefaultCoverPath()
return "/mnt/ext1/system/logo/offlogo/cover.bmp"
function PocketBook:UIManagerReady(uimgr)
UIManager = uimgr
function PocketBook:setEventHandlers(uimgr)
-- Only fg/bg state plugin notifiers, not real power event.
Assorted bag'o tweaks & fixes (#9569) * UIManager: Support more specialized update modes for corner-cases: * A2, which we'll use for the VirtualKeyboards keys (they'd... inadvertently switched to UI with the highlight refactor). * NO_MERGE variants of ui & partial (for sunxi). Use `[ui]` in ReaderHighlight's popup, because of a Sage kernel bug that could otherwise make it translucent, sometimes completely so (*sigh*). * UIManager: Assorted code cleanups & simplifications. * Logger & dbg: Unify logging style, and code cleanups. * SDL: Unbreak suspend/resume outside of the emulator (fix #9567). * NetworkMgr: Cache the network status, and allow it to be queried. (Used by AutoSuspend to avoid repeatedly poking the system when computing the standby schedule delay). * OneTimeMigration: Don't forget about `NETWORK_PROXY` & `STARDICT_DATA_DIR` when migrating `defaults.persistent.lua` (fix #9573) * WakeupMgr: Workaround an apparent limitation of the RTC found on i.MX5 Kobo devices, where setting a wakealarm further than UINT16_MAX seconds in the future would apparently overflow and wraparound... (fix #8039, many thanks to @yfede for the extensive deep-dive and for actually accurately pinpointing the issue!). * Kobo: Handle standby transitions at full CPU clock speeds, in order to limit the latency hit. * UIManager: Properly quit on reboot & exit. This ensures our exit code is preserved, as we exit on our own terms (instead of being killed by the init system). This is important on platforms where exit codes are semantically meaningful (e.g., Kobo). * UIManager: Speaking of reboot & exit, make sure the Screensaver shows in all circumstances (e.g., autoshutdown, re: #9542)), and that there aren't any extraneous refreshes triggered. (Additionally, fix a minor regression since #9448 about tracking this very transient state on Kobo & Cervantes). * Kindle: ID the upcoming Scribe. * Bump base (
2 years ago
UIManager.event_handlers.Suspend = function()
Assorted bag'o tweaks & fixes (#9569) * UIManager: Support more specialized update modes for corner-cases: * A2, which we'll use for the VirtualKeyboards keys (they'd... inadvertently switched to UI with the highlight refactor). * NO_MERGE variants of ui & partial (for sunxi). Use `[ui]` in ReaderHighlight's popup, because of a Sage kernel bug that could otherwise make it translucent, sometimes completely so (*sigh*). * UIManager: Assorted code cleanups & simplifications. * Logger & dbg: Unify logging style, and code cleanups. * SDL: Unbreak suspend/resume outside of the emulator (fix #9567). * NetworkMgr: Cache the network status, and allow it to be queried. (Used by AutoSuspend to avoid repeatedly poking the system when computing the standby schedule delay). * OneTimeMigration: Don't forget about `NETWORK_PROXY` & `STARDICT_DATA_DIR` when migrating `defaults.persistent.lua` (fix #9573) * WakeupMgr: Workaround an apparent limitation of the RTC found on i.MX5 Kobo devices, where setting a wakealarm further than UINT16_MAX seconds in the future would apparently overflow and wraparound... (fix #8039, many thanks to @yfede for the extensive deep-dive and for actually accurately pinpointing the issue!). * Kobo: Handle standby transitions at full CPU clock speeds, in order to limit the latency hit. * UIManager: Properly quit on reboot & exit. This ensures our exit code is preserved, as we exit on our own terms (instead of being killed by the init system). This is important on platforms where exit codes are semantically meaningful (e.g., Kobo). * UIManager: Speaking of reboot & exit, make sure the Screensaver shows in all circumstances (e.g., autoshutdown, re: #9542)), and that there aren't any extraneous refreshes triggered. (Additionally, fix a minor regression since #9448 about tracking this very transient state on Kobo & Cervantes). * Kindle: ID the upcoming Scribe. * Bump base (
2 years ago
UIManager.event_handlers.Resume = function()
UIManager.event_handlers.Exit = function()
local Event = require("ui/event")
-- Pocketbook HW rotation modes start from landsape, CCW
local function landscape_ccw() return {
every_paint = true, -- inkview will try to steal the rot mode frequently
restore = false, -- no need, because everything using inkview forces 3 on focus
default = nil, -- usually 3
} end
-- PocketBook Mini (515)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook515 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PB515",
display_dpi = 200,
isTouchDevice = no,
hasFrontlight = no,
hasDPad = yes,
hasFewKeys = yes,
-- PocketBook Basic 4 (606)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook606 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PB606",
display_dpi = 212,
isTouchDevice = no,
hasFrontlight = no,
hasDPad = yes,
hasFewKeys = yes,
-- PocketBook Basic (611)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook611 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PB611",
display_dpi = 167,
isTouchDevice = no,
hasFrontlight = no,
hasDPad = yes,
hasFewKeys = yes,
-- PocketBook Basic (613)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook613 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PB613B",
display_dpi = 167,
isTouchDevice = no,
hasWifiToggle = no,
hasSeamlessWifiToggle = no,
hasFrontlight = no,
hasDPad = yes,
hasFewKeys = yes,
-- PocketBook Basic 2 / Basic 3 (614/614W)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook614W = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PB614W",
display_dpi = 167,
isTouchDevice = no,
hasFrontlight = no,
hasDPad = yes,
hasFewKeys = yes,
-- PocketBook Basic Lux / 615 Plus (615/615W)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook615 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBBLux",
display_dpi = 212,
isTouchDevice = no,
hasDPad = yes,
hasFewKeys = yes,
-- PocketBook Basic Lux 2 (616/616W)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook616 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBBLux2",
display_dpi = 212,
isTouchDevice = no,
hasDPad = yes,
hasFewKeys = yes,
-- PocketBook Basic Lux 3 (617)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook617 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBBLux3",
display_dpi = 212,
isTouchDevice = no,
hasDPad = yes,
hasFewKeys = yes,
hasNaturalLight = yes,
-- PocketBook Basic Lux 4 (618)
local PocketBook618 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBBLux4",
display_dpi = 212,
-- PocketBook Touch (622)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook622 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBTouch",
display_dpi = 167,
hasFrontlight = no,
-- PocketBook Touch Lux (623)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook623 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBTouchLux",
display_dpi = 212,
-- PocketBook Basic Touch (624)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook624 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBBasicTouch",
display_dpi = 167,
hasFrontlight = no,
-- PocketBook Basic Touch 2 (625)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook625 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBBasicTouch2",
display_dpi = 167,
hasFrontlight = no,
-- PocketBook Touch Lux 2 / Touch Lux 3 (626)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook626 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBLux3",
display_dpi = 212,
-- PocketBook Touch Lux 4 (627)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook627 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBLux4",
display_dpi = 212,
isAlwaysPortrait = yes,
-- PocketBook Touch Lux 5 (628)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook628 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBTouchLux5",
display_dpi = 212,
isAlwaysPortrait = yes,
usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw,
hasNaturalLight = yes,
-- PocketBook Verse (629)
local PocketBook629 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PB629",
display_dpi = 212,
isAlwaysPortrait = yes,
hasNaturalLight = yes,
-- PocketBook Sense / Sense 2 (630)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook630 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBSense",
display_dpi = 212,
-- PocketBook Touch HD / Touch HD 2 (631)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook631 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBTouchHD",
display_dpi = 300,
-- see
hasNaturalLight = function() return inkview.GetFrontlightColor() >= 0 end,
-- PocketBook Touch HD Plus / Touch HD 3 (632)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook632 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBTouchHDPlus",
display_dpi = 300,
isAlwaysPortrait = yes,
usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw,
hasNaturalLight = yes,
-- PocketBook Color (633)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook633 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBColor",
display_dpi = 300,
color_saturation = 1.5,
hasColorScreen = yes,
canHWDither = yes, -- Adjust color saturation with inkview
canUseCBB = no, -- 24bpp
isAlwaysPortrait = yes,
usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw,
-- PocketBook Verse Pro (634)
local PocketBook634 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PB634",
display_dpi = 300,
isAlwaysPortrait = yes,
hasNaturalLight = yes,
-- PocketBook Aqua (640)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook640 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBAqua",
display_dpi = 167,
-- PocketBook Aqua 2 (641)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook641 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBAqua2",
display_dpi = 212,
-- PocketBook Ultra (650)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook650 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBUltra",
display_dpi = 212,
-- PocketBook Era (700)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook700 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PB700",
display_dpi = 300,
isAlwaysPortrait = yes,
hasNaturalLight = yes,
-- c.f.,
inkview_translates_buttons = true,
-- PocketBook InkPad 3 (740)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook740 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBInkPad3",
display_dpi = 300,
isAlwaysPortrait = yes,
usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw,
hasNaturalLight = yes,
-- PocketBook InkPad 3 Pro (740_2)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook740_2 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBInkPad3Pro",
display_dpi = 300,
isAlwaysPortrait = yes,
usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw,
hasNaturalLight = yes,
raw_input = {
touch_rotation = -1,
keymap = {
[115] = "Menu",
[109] = "LPgFwd",
[104] = "LPgBack",
-- PocketBook InkPad Color (741)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook741 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBInkPadColor",
display_dpi = 300,
color_saturation = 1.5,
hasColorScreen = yes,
canHWDither = yes, -- Adjust color saturation with inkview
canUseCBB = no, -- 24bpp
isAlwaysPortrait = yes,
usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw,
function PocketBook741._fb_init(fb, finfo, vinfo)
-- Pocketbook Color Lux reports bits_per_pixel = 8, but actually uses an RGB24 framebuffer
vinfo.bits_per_pixel = 24
-- PocketBook InkPad Color 2 (743C)
local PocketBook743C = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBInkPadColor2",
display_dpi = 300,
color_saturation = 1.5,
hasColorScreen = yes,
canHWDither = yes, -- Adjust color saturation with inkview
canUseCBB = no, -- 24bpp
isAlwaysPortrait = yes,
usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw,
hasNaturalLight = yes,
function PocketBook743C._fb_init(fb, finfo, vinfo)
-- Pocketbook Color Lux reports bits_per_pixel = 8, but actually uses an RGB24 framebuffer
vinfo.bits_per_pixel = 24
-- PocketBook InkPad Color 3 (743K3)
local PocketBook743K3 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBInkPadColor3",
display_dpi = 300,
color_saturation = 1.5,
hasColorScreen = yes,
canHWDither = yes, -- Adjust color saturation with inkview
canUseCBB = no, -- 24bpp
isAlwaysPortrait = yes,
usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw,
hasNaturalLight = yes,
function PocketBook743K3._fb_init(fb, finfo, vinfo)
-- Pocketbook Color Lux reports bits_per_pixel = 8, but actually uses an RGB24 framebuffer
vinfo.bits_per_pixel = 24
-- PocketBook InkPad 4 (743G/743g)
local PocketBook743G = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBInkPad4",
display_dpi = 300,
isAlwaysPortrait = yes,
usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw,
hasNaturalLight = yes,
-- PocketBook Color Lux (801)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBookColorLux = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBColorLux",
display_dpi = 125,
color_saturation = 1.5,
hasColorScreen = yes,
canHWDither = yes, -- Adjust color saturation with inkview
canUseCBB = no, -- 24bpp
function PocketBookColorLux:_model_init()
self.screen.blitbuffer_rotation_mode = self.screen.DEVICE_ROTATED_UPRIGHT
self.screen.native_rotation_mode = self.screen.DEVICE_ROTATED_UPRIGHT
function PocketBookColorLux._fb_init(fb, finfo, vinfo)
-- Pocketbook Color Lux reports bits_per_pixel = 8, but actually uses an RGB24 framebuffer
vinfo.bits_per_pixel = 24
vinfo.xres = vinfo.xres / 3
fb.refresh_pixel_size = 3
-- PocketBook InkPad / InkPad 2 (840)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook840 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PBInkPad",
display_dpi = 250,
-- PocketBook InkPad Lite (970)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook970 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PB970",
display_dpi = 150,
isAlwaysPortrait = yes,
hasNaturalLight = yes,
-- PocketBook InkPad X (1040)
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local PocketBook1040 = PocketBook:extend{
model = "PB1040",
display_dpi = 227,
isAlwaysPortrait = yes,
usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw,
hasNaturalLight = yes,
}'SoftwareVersion: ', PocketBook:getSoftwareVersion())
local codename = PocketBook:getDeviceModel()
if codename == "PocketBook 515" then
return PocketBook515
elseif codename == "PB606" or codename == "PocketBook 606" then
return PocketBook606
elseif codename == "PocketBook 611" then
return PocketBook611
elseif codename == "PocketBook 613" then
return PocketBook613
elseif codename == "PocketBook 614" or codename == "PocketBook 614W" then
return PocketBook614W
elseif codename == "PB615" or codename == "PB615W" or
codename == "PocketBook 615" or codename == "PocketBook 615W" then
return PocketBook615
elseif codename == "PB616" or codename == "PB616W" or
codename == "PocketBook 616" or codename == "PocketBook 616W" then
return PocketBook616
elseif codename == "PB617" or codename == "PocketBook 617" then
return PocketBook617
elseif codename == "PB618" then
return PocketBook618
elseif codename == "PocketBook 622" then
return PocketBook622
elseif codename == "PocketBook 623" then
return PocketBook623
elseif codename == "PocketBook 624" then
return PocketBook624
elseif codename == "PB625" then
return PocketBook625
elseif codename == "PB626" or codename == "PB626(2)-TL3" or
codename == "PocketBook 626" then
return PocketBook626
elseif codename == "PB627" then
return PocketBook627
elseif codename == "PB628" then
return PocketBook628
elseif codename == "PB629" then
return PocketBook629
elseif codename == "PocketBook 630" then
return PocketBook630
elseif codename == "PB631" or codename == "PocketBook 631" then
return PocketBook631
elseif codename == "PB632" then
return PocketBook632
elseif codename == "PB633" then
return PocketBook633
elseif codename == "PB634" then
return PocketBook634
elseif codename == "PB640" or codename == "PocketBook 640" then
return PocketBook640
elseif codename == "PB641" then
return PocketBook641
elseif codename == "PB650" or codename == "PocketBook 650" then
return PocketBook650
elseif codename == "PB700" or codename == "PocketBook 700" then
return PocketBook700
elseif codename == "PB740" then
return PocketBook740
elseif codename == "PB740-2" or codename == "PB740-3" then
return PocketBook740_2
elseif codename == "PB741" then
return PocketBook741
elseif codename == "PB743C" then
return PocketBook743C
elseif codename == "PB743K3" then
return PocketBook743K3
elseif codename == "PB743G" or codename == "PB743g" or codename == "PocketBook 743G" or codename == "PocketBook 743g" then
return PocketBook743G
elseif codename == "PocketBook 840" or codename == "Reader InkPad" then
return PocketBook840
elseif codename == "PB970" then
return PocketBook970
elseif codename == "PB1040" then
return PocketBook1040
elseif codename == "PocketBook Color Lux" then
return PocketBookColorLux
error("unrecognized PocketBook model " .. codename)