You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

653 lines
30 KiB

local BD = require("ui/bidi")
local Device = require("device")
local optionsutil = require("ui/data/optionsutil")
local util = require("util")
local _ = require("gettext")
local C_ = _.pgettext
local Screen = Device.screen
-- The values used for Font Size are not actually font sizes, but kopt zoom levels.
local FONT_SCALE_FACTORS = {0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.6, 2.0}
-- Font sizes used for the font size widget only
local FONT_SCALE_DISPLAY_SIZE = {12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 30, 35}
-- Get font scale numbers as a table of strings
local tableOfNumbersToTableOfStrings = function(numbers)
local t = {}
for i, v in ipairs(numbers) do
table.insert(t, string.format("%0.1f", v))
return t
local KoptOptions = {
prefix = "kopt",
icon = "appbar.rotation",
options = {
name = "rotation_mode",
name_text = _("Rotation"),
item_icons_func = function()
if Screen:getRotationMode() == Screen.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT then
-- P, 0UR
return {
elseif Screen:getRotationMode() == Screen.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT_ROTATED then
-- P, 180UD
return {
elseif Screen:getRotationMode() == Screen.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE then
-- L, 90CW
return {
-- L, 90CCW
return {
-- For Dispatcher & onMakeDefault's sake
labels = {C_("Rotation", "⤹ 90°"), C_("Rotation", "↑ 0°"), C_("Rotation", "⤸ 90°"), C_("Rotation", "↓ 180°")},
alternate = false,
default_arg = 0,
current_func = function() return Screen:getRotationMode() end,
event = "SetRotationMode",
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
icon = "appbar.crop",
options = {
name = "trim_page",
name_text = _("Page Crop"),
-- manual=0, auto=1, semi-auto=2, none=3
-- ordered from least to max cropping done or possible
toggle = {C_("Page crop", "none"), C_("Page crop", "auto"), C_("Page crop", "semi-auto"), C_("Page crop", "manual")},
alternate = false,
values = {3, 1, 2, 0},
enabled_func = function() return Device:isTouchDevice() or Device:hasDPad() end,
event = "PageCrop",
args = {"none", "auto", "semi-auto", "manual"},
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[Allows cropping blank page margins in the original document.
This might be needed on scanned documents, that may have speckles or fingerprints in the margins, to be able to use zoom to fit content width.
- 'none' does not cut the original document margins.
- 'auto' finds content area automatically.
- 'semi-auto" finds content area automatically, inside some larger area defined manually.
- 'manual" uses the area defined manually as-is.
In 'semi-auto' and 'manual' modes, you may need to define areas once on an odd page number, and once on an even page number (these areas will then be used for all odd, or even, page numbers).]]),
name = "page_margin",
name_text = _("Margin"),
toggle = {C_("Page margin", "small"), C_("Page margin", "medium"), C_("Page margin", "large")},
values = {0.05, 0.10, 0.25},
event = "MarginUpdate",
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[Set margins to be applied after page-crop and zoom modes are applied.]]),
name = "auto_straighten",
name_text = _("Auto Straighten"),
toggle = {_(""), _(""), _("10°"), _("15°"), _("25°")},
values = {0, 5, 10, 15, 25},
event = "DummyEvent",
args = {0, 5, 10, 15, 25},
more_options = true,
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[Attempt to automatically straighten tilted source pages.
Will rotate up to specified value.]]),
icon = "appbar.pagefit",
options = {
name = "zoom_overlap_h",
name_text = _("Horizontal overlap"),
enabled_func = function(configurable, document)
-- NOTE: document.is_reflowable is wonky as hell, don't trust it.
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "text_wrap", 0)
buttonprogress = true,
more_options = true,
values = {0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84},
default_pos = 4,
default_value = 36,
show_func = function(config)
return config and config.zoom_mode_genus < 3
event = "DefineZoom",
args = {0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84},
labels = {0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84},
hide_on_apply = true,
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[Set horizontal zoom overlap (between columns).]]),
name = "zoom_overlap_v",
name_text = _("Vertical overlap"),
enabled_func = function(configurable, document)
-- NOTE: document.is_reflowable is wonky as hell, don't trust it.
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "text_wrap", 0)
buttonprogress = true,
more_options = true,
values = {0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84},
default_pos = 4,
default_value = 36,
show_func = function(config)
return config and config.zoom_mode_genus < 3
event = "DefineZoom",
args = {0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84},
labels = {0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84},
hide_on_apply = true,
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[Set vertical zoom overlap (between lines).]]),
name = "zoom_mode_type",
name_text = _("Fit"),
enabled_func = function(configurable, document)
-- NOTE: document.is_reflowable is wonky as hell, don't trust it.
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "text_wrap", 0)
toggle = {_("full"), _("width"), _("height")},
alternate = false,
values = {2, 1, 0},
default_value = 1,
show_func = function(config) return config and config.zoom_mode_genus > 2 end,
event = "DefineZoom",
args = {"full", "width", "height"},
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[Set how the page should be resized to fit the screen.]]),
name = "zoom_range_number",
name_text_func = function(config)
if config then
if config.zoom_mode_genus == 1 then return _("Rows")
elseif config.zoom_mode_genus == 2 then return _("Columns")
return _("Number")
name_text_true_values = true,
enabled_func = function(configurable, document)
-- NOTE: document.is_reflowable is wonky as hell, don't trust it.
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "text_wrap", 0)
show_true_value_func = function(str)
return string.format("%.1f", str)
toggle = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"},
more_options = true,
more_options_param = {
value_step = 0.1, value_hold_step = 1,
value_min = 0.1, value_max = 1000,
precision = "%.1f",
values = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0},
default_pos = 2,
default_value = 2,
show_func = function(config)
return config and config.zoom_mode_genus < 3 and config.zoom_mode_genus > 0
event = "DefineZoom",
args = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0},
hide_on_apply = true,
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[Set the number of columns or rows into which to split the page.]]),
name = "zoom_factor",
name_text = _("Zoom factor"),
name_text_true_values = true,
enabled_func = function(configurable, document)
-- NOTE: document.is_reflowable is wonky as hell, don't trust it.
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "text_wrap", 0)
show_true_value_func = function(str)
return string.format("%.1f", str)
toggle = {"0.7", "1", "1.5", "2", "3", "5", "10", "20"},
more_options = true,
more_options_param = {
value_step = 0.1, value_hold_step = 1,
value_min = 0.1, value_max = 1000,
precision = "%.1f",
values = {0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0},
default_pos = 3,
default_value = 1.5,
show_func = function(config)
return config and config.zoom_mode_genus < 1
event = "DefineZoom",
args = {0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0},
hide_on_apply = true,
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
name = "zoom_mode_genus",
name_text = _("Zoom to"),
enabled_func = function(configurable, document)
-- NOTE: document.is_reflowable is wonky as hell, don't trust it.
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "text_wrap", 0)
-- toggle = {_("page"), _("content"), _("columns"), _("rows"), _("manual")},
item_icons = {
alternate = false,
values = {4, 3, 2, 1, 0},
labels = {_("page"), _("content"), _("columns"), _("rows"), _("manual")},
default_value = 4,
event = "DefineZoom",
args = {"page", "content", "columns", "rows", "manual"},
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
name = "zoom_direction",
name_text = _("Direction"),
enabled_func = function(config)
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(config, "text_wrap", 0) and config.zoom_mode_genus < 3
item_icons = {
alternate = false,
values = {7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0},
labels = {
_("Left to Right, Top to Bottom"),
_("Top to Bottom, Left to Right"),
_("Left to Right, Bottom to Top"),
_("Bottom to Top, Left to Right"),
_("Bottom to Top, Right to Left"),
_("Right to Left, Bottom to Top"),
_("Top to Bottom, Right to Left"),
_("Right to Left, Top to Bottom"),
default_value = 7,
event = "DefineZoom",
args = {7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0},
hide_on_apply = true,
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[Set how paging and swiping forward should move the view on the page:
left to right or reverse, top to bottom or reverse.]]),
icon = "appbar.pageview",
options = {
name = "page_scroll",
name_text = _("View Mode"),
toggle = {_("page"), _("continuous")},
values = {0, 1},
default_value = 1,
event = "SetScrollMode",
args = {false, true},
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[- 'page' mode shows only one page of the document at a time.
- 'continuous' mode allows you to scroll the pages like you would in a web browser.]]),
name = "page_gap_height",
name_text = _("Page Gap"),
toggle = {C_("Page gap", "none"), C_("Page gap", "small"), C_("Page gap", "medium"), C_("Page gap", "large")},
values = {0, 8, 16, 32},
default_value = 8,
args = {0, 8, 16, 32},
event = "PageGapUpdate",
enabled_func = function (configurable)
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "page_scroll", 1)
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[In continuous view mode, sets the thickness of the separator between document pages.]]),
name = "full_screen",
name_text = _("Progress Bar"),
toggle = {_("off"), _("on")},
values = {1, 0},
default_value = 1,
event = "SetFullScreen",
args = {true, false},
show = false, -- toggling bottom status can be done via tap
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
name = "line_spacing",
name_text = _("Line Spacing"),
toggle = {C_("Line spacing", "small"), C_("Line spacing", "medium"), C_("Line spacing", "large")},
values = {1.0, 1.2, 1.4},
advanced = true,
enabled_func = function(configurable)
-- seems to only work in reflow mode
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "text_wrap", 1)
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[In reflow mode, sets the spacing between lines.]]),
name = "justification",
--- @translators Text alignment. Options given as icons: left, right, center, justify.
name_text = _("Alignment"),
item_icons = {
values = {-1,0,1,2,3},
advanced = true,
enabled_func = function(configurable)
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "text_wrap", 1)
labels = {
C_("Alignment", "auto"),
C_("Alignment", "left"),
C_("Alignment", "center"),
C_("Alignment", "right"),
C_("Alignment", "justify"),
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[In reflow mode, sets the text alignment.
The first option ("auto") tries to automatically align reflowed text as it is in the original document.]]),
icon = "appbar.textsize",
options = {
name = "font_size",
item_text = tableOfNumbersToTableOfStrings(FONT_SCALE_FACTORS),
item_align_center = 1.0,
spacing = 15,
item_font_size = FONT_SCALE_DISPLAY_SIZE,
event = "FontSizeUpdate",
enabled_func = function(configurable, document)
if document.is_reflowable then return true end
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "text_wrap", 1)
name = "font_fine_tune",
name_text = _("Font Size"),
toggle = Device:isTouchDevice() and {_("decrease"), _("increase")} or nil,
item_text = not Device:isTouchDevice() and {_("decrease"), _("increase")} or nil,
values = {-0.05, 0.05},
default_value = 0.05,
event = "FineTuningFontSize",
args = {-0.05, 0.05},
alternate = false,
enabled_func = function(configurable, document)
if document.is_reflowable then return true end
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "text_wrap", 1)
name_text_hold_callback = function(configurable, __, prefix)
local opt = {
name = "font_size",
name_text = _("Font Size"),
help_text = _([[In reflow mode, sets a font scaling factor that is applied to the original document font sizes.]]),
optionsutil.showValues(configurable, opt, prefix)
name = "word_spacing",
name_text = _("Word Gap"),
toggle = {C_("Word gap", "small"), C_("Word gap", "auto"), C_("Word gap", "large")},
enabled_func = function(configurable)
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "text_wrap", 1)
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[In reflow mode, sets the spacing between words.]]),
name = "text_wrap",
--- @translators Reflow text.
name_text = _("Reflow"),
toggle = {_("off"), _("on")},
values = {0, 1},
event = "ReflowUpdated",
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[Reflow mode extracts text and images from the original document, possibly discarding some formatting, and reflows it on the screen for easier reading.
Some of the other settings are only available when reflow mode is enabled.]]),
icon = "appbar.contrast",
options = {
name = "contrast",
name_text = _("Contrast"),
buttonprogress = true,
-- See
-- For pdf reflowing mode (kopt_contrast):
values = {1/0.8, 1/1.0, 1/1.5, 1/2.0, 1/4.0, 1/6.0, 1/10.0, 1/50.0},
default_pos = 2,
event = "GammaUpdate",
-- For pdf non-reflowing mode (mupdf):
args = {0.8, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 10.0, 50.0},
labels = {0.8, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 10.0, 50.0},
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
name = "page_opt",
name_text = _("Dewatermark"),
toggle = {_("off"), _("on")},
values = {0, 1},
default_value = 0,
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[Remove watermarks from the rendered document.
This can also be used to remove some gray background or to convert a grayscale or color document to black & white and get more contrast for easier reading.]]),
name = "hw_dithering",
name_text = _("Dithering"),
toggle = {_("off"), _("on")},
values = {0, 1},
default_value = 0,
advanced = true,
event = "HWDitheringUpdate",
args = {false, true},
show = Device:hasEinkScreen() and Device:canHWDither(),
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[Enable hardware dithering.]]),
name = "sw_dithering",
name_text = _("Dithering"),
toggle = {_("off"), _("on")},
values = {0, 1},
default_value = 0,
advanced = true,
event = "SWDitheringUpdate",
args = {false, true},
show = Device:hasEinkScreen() and not Device:canHWDither() and Device.screen.fb_bpp == 8,
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[Enable software dithering.]]),
name = "quality",
name_text = C_("Quality", "Render Quality"),
toggle = {C_("Quality", "low"), C_("Quality", "default"), C_("Quality", "high")},
values={0.5, 1.0, 1.5},
advanced = true,
enabled_func = function(configurable)
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "text_wrap", 1)
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[In reflow mode, sets the quality of the text and image extraction processing and output.]]),
Enable HW dithering in a few key places (#4541) * Enable HW dithering on supported devices (Clara HD, Forma; Oasis 2, PW4) * FileManager and co. (where appropriate, i.e., when covers are shown) * Book Status * Reader, where appropriate: * CRe: on pages whith image content (for over 7.5% of the screen area, should hopefully leave stuff like bullet points or small scene breaks alone). * Other engines: on user-request (in the gear tab of the bottom menu), via the new "Dithering" knob (will only appear on supported devices). * ScreenSaver * ImageViewer * Minimize repaints when flash_ui is enabled (by, almost everywhere, only repainting the flashing element, and not the toplevel window which hosts it). (The first pass of this involved fixing a few Button instances whose show_parent was wrong, in particular, chevrons in the FM & TopMenu). * Hunted down a few redundant repaints (unneeded setDirty("all") calls), either by switching the widget to nil when only a refresh was needed, and not a repaint, or by passing the appropritate widget to setDirty. (Note to self: Enable *verbose* debugging to catch broken setDirty calls via its post guard). There were also a few instances of 'em right behind a widget close. * Don't repaint the underlying widget when initially showing TopMenu & ConfigDialog. We unfortunately do need to do it when switching tabs, because of their variable heights. * On Kobo, disabled the extra and completely useless full refresh before suspend/reboot/poweroff, as well as on resume. No more double refreshes! * Fix another debug guard in Kobo sysfs_light * Switch ImageWidget & ImageViewer mostly to "ui" updates, which will be better suited to image content pretty much everywhere, REAGL or not. PS: (Almost :100: commits! :D)
6 years ago
icon = "appbar.settings",
options = {
Enable HW dithering in a few key places (#4541) * Enable HW dithering on supported devices (Clara HD, Forma; Oasis 2, PW4) * FileManager and co. (where appropriate, i.e., when covers are shown) * Book Status * Reader, where appropriate: * CRe: on pages whith image content (for over 7.5% of the screen area, should hopefully leave stuff like bullet points or small scene breaks alone). * Other engines: on user-request (in the gear tab of the bottom menu), via the new "Dithering" knob (will only appear on supported devices). * ScreenSaver * ImageViewer * Minimize repaints when flash_ui is enabled (by, almost everywhere, only repainting the flashing element, and not the toplevel window which hosts it). (The first pass of this involved fixing a few Button instances whose show_parent was wrong, in particular, chevrons in the FM & TopMenu). * Hunted down a few redundant repaints (unneeded setDirty("all") calls), either by switching the widget to nil when only a refresh was needed, and not a repaint, or by passing the appropritate widget to setDirty. (Note to self: Enable *verbose* debugging to catch broken setDirty calls via its post guard). There were also a few instances of 'em right behind a widget close. * Don't repaint the underlying widget when initially showing TopMenu & ConfigDialog. We unfortunately do need to do it when switching tabs, because of their variable heights. * On Kobo, disabled the extra and completely useless full refresh before suspend/reboot/poweroff, as well as on resume. No more double refreshes! * Fix another debug guard in Kobo sysfs_light * Switch ImageWidget & ImageViewer mostly to "ui" updates, which will be better suited to image content pretty much everywhere, REAGL or not. PS: (Almost :100: commits! :D)
6 years ago
name = "doc_language",
name_text = _("Document Language"),
event = "DocLangUpdate",
Enable HW dithering in a few key places (#4541) * Enable HW dithering on supported devices (Clara HD, Forma; Oasis 2, PW4) * FileManager and co. (where appropriate, i.e., when covers are shown) * Book Status * Reader, where appropriate: * CRe: on pages whith image content (for over 7.5% of the screen area, should hopefully leave stuff like bullet points or small scene breaks alone). * Other engines: on user-request (in the gear tab of the bottom menu), via the new "Dithering" knob (will only appear on supported devices). * ScreenSaver * ImageViewer * Minimize repaints when flash_ui is enabled (by, almost everywhere, only repainting the flashing element, and not the toplevel window which hosts it). (The first pass of this involved fixing a few Button instances whose show_parent was wrong, in particular, chevrons in the FM & TopMenu). * Hunted down a few redundant repaints (unneeded setDirty("all") calls), either by switching the widget to nil when only a refresh was needed, and not a repaint, or by passing the appropritate widget to setDirty. (Note to self: Enable *verbose* debugging to catch broken setDirty calls via its post guard). There were also a few instances of 'em right behind a widget close. * Don't repaint the underlying widget when initially showing TopMenu & ConfigDialog. We unfortunately do need to do it when switching tabs, because of their variable heights. * On Kobo, disabled the extra and completely useless full refresh before suspend/reboot/poweroff, as well as on resume. No more double refreshes! * Fix another debug guard in Kobo sysfs_light * Switch ImageWidget & ImageViewer mostly to "ui" updates, which will be better suited to image content pretty much everywhere, REAGL or not. PS: (Almost :100: commits! :D)
6 years ago
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[Set the language to be used by the OCR engine.]]),
name = "forced_ocr",
--- @translators If OCR is unclear, please see
name_text = _("Forced OCR"),
toggle = {_("off"), _("on")},
values = {0, 1},
default_value = 0,
advanced = true,
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[Force the use of OCR for text selection, even if the document has a text layer.]]),
name = "writing_direction",
name_text = _("Writing Direction"),
enabled_func = function(configurable)
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "text_wrap", 1)
toggle = {
--- @translators LTR is left to right, which is the regular European writing direction.
--- @translators RTL is right to left, which is the regular writing direction in languages like Hebrew, Arabic, Persian and Urdu.
--- @translators TBRTL is top-to-bottom-right-to-left, which is a traditional Chinese/Japanese writing direction.
values = {0, 1, 2},
default_value = 0,
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[In reflow mode, sets the original text direction. This needs to be set to RTL to correctly extract and reflow RTL languages like Arabic or Hebrew.]]),
name = "defect_size",
--- @translators The maximum size of a dust or ink speckle to be ignored instead of being considered a character.
name_text = _("Reflow Speckle Ignore Size"),
toggle = {_("small"), _("medium"), _("large")},
values = {1.0, 3.0, 5.0},
event = "DefectSizeUpdate",
show = false, -- might work somehow, but larger values than 1.0 might easily eat content
enabled_func = function(configurable)
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "text_wrap", 1)
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
name = "detect_indent",
name_text = _("Indentation"),
toggle = {_("off"), _("on")},
values = {0, 1},
show = false, -- does not work
enabled_func = function(configurable)
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "text_wrap", 1)
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
name = "max_columns",
name_text = _("Document Columns"),
item_icons = {
values = {1, 2, 3},
enabled_func = function(configurable)
return optionsutil.enableIfEquals(configurable, "text_wrap", 1)
name_text_hold_callback = optionsutil.showValues,
help_text = _([[In reflow mode, sets the max number of columns to try to detect in the original document.
You might need to set it to 1 column if, in a full width document, text is incorrectly detected as multiple columns because of unlucky word spacing.]]),
if BD.mirroredUILayout() then
-- The justification items {AUTO, LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, JUSTIFY} will
-- be mirrored - but that's not enough: we need to swap LEFT and RIGHT,
-- so they appear in a more expected and balanced order to RTL users:
local j = KoptOptions[4].options[5]
assert( == "justification")
j.item_icons[2], j.item_icons[4] = j.item_icons[4], j.item_icons[2]
j.values[2], j.values[4] = j.values[4], j.values[2]
j.labels[2], j.labels[4] = j.labels[4], j.labels[2]
-- The zoom direction items will be mirrored, but we want them to
-- stay as is, as the RTL diretions are at the end of the arrays.
-- By reverting the mirroring, RTL directions will be on the right,
-- so, at the start of the options for a RTL reader.
j = KoptOptions[3].options[7]
assert( == "zoom_direction")
j.default_value = 0
return KoptOptions