You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

559 lines
17 KiB

return {
com = {
north = ";",
alt_label = ";",
northeast = "(",
northwest = "¿",
east = "",
west = "?",
prd = {
north = ":",
alt_label = ":",
northeast = ")",
northwest = "¡",
east = "",
west = "!",
_at = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
northeast = "",
northwest = "",
_eq = {
north = "_",
alt_label = "_",
northwest = "-",
west = "",
south = "",
southwest = "",
pco = { -- period + colon
north = {
key = "",
label = "ZWJ",
alt_label = "ZWJ",
northeast = "'",
northwest = "=",
east = "!",
west = "?",
south = "|",
southeast = ":",
southwest = "/",
cop = { -- colon + period
label = "ZWJ",
north = ".",
alt_label = ".",
northeast = "'",
northwest = "=",
east = "!",
west = "?",
south = "|",
southeast = ":",
southwest = "/",
quo = {
north = "'",
alt_label = "'",
northeast = "»",
northwest = "«",
east = "",
west = "",
south = "`",
southeast = "",
southwest = "",
cse = { -- comma + semicolon
north = ";",
alt_label = ";",
northeast = "}",
northwest = "{",
east = { label = "!…", key = "!important;" },
west = "-",
south = "*",
southwest = "0",
southeast = ">",
sec = { -- semicolon + comma
north = ",",
alt_label = ",",
northeast = "}",
northwest = "{",
east = { label = "!…", key = "!important;" },
west = "-",
south = "*",
southwest = "0",
southeast = ">",
_da_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_dha_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_U_kaar_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_U_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_I_kaar_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_I_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_ra_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
northeast = "Ð",
northwest = "Ď",
east = "$", -- Dollar currency
west = "Đ",
south = "", -- partial derivative
southeast = "Δ", -- Greek delta
_rda_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_Ta_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_Tha_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_e_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_oi_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_u_kaar_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_u_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_i_kaar_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_i_ = {
north = "ি",
alt_label = "ি",
_o_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_ou_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_pa_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_pha_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_e_kaar_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_oi_kaar_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_o_kaar_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_ou_kaar_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_aa_kaar_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_a_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_sa_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_sHa_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_Da_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_Dha_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_ta_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_tha_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_ga_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_gha_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_ha_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_bisarga_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_ja_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_jha_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_ka_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_kha_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_la_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_anuswara_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_jya_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_ya_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_sha_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_Rha_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_cha_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_Cha_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_aa_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_rwi_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_ba_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_bha_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_na_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_Na_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_ma_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_uma_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
_rwi_kaar_ = {
north = ",",
alt_label = ","
_chandrabindu_ = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
-- Bengali Pancuations
com2 = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
daari = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
hashanto = {
north = "?",
alt_label = "?",
question2 = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
-- _1_ and _1p: numeric key 1 and its popup sibling (they have north swipe ups of each other, the rest is the same)
-- _1n and _1s: numpad key 1 (layer 2), -- superscript key 1 (layer 2, shifted)
_1_ = { "", north = "!", alt_label = "!", northeast = "¡", south = "'", southeast = "¿", east = "?", },
_1p = { "!", north = "", alt_label = "", northeast = "¡", south = "'", southeast = "¿", east = "?", },
_1n = { "", north = "¹", northeast = "", northwest = "", east = "", west = "¼", south = "", southwest = "½", southeast = "", "", "", "", },
_1s = { "¹", north = "", northeast = "", northwest = "", east = "", west = "¼", south = "", southwest = "½", southeast = "", "", "", "", },
_2_ = { "", north = "@", alt_label = "@", northeast = "~", northwest = "http://", east = "-", west = "https://", south = '"', southeast = "", southwest = "/", },
_2p = { "@", north = "", alt_label = "", northeast = "~", northwest = "http://", east = "-", west = "https://", south = '"', southeast = "", southwest = "/", },
_2n = { "", north = "²", northeast = "", east = "½", south = "", southeast = "", }, -- numpad 2
_2s = { "²", north = "", northeast = "", east = "½", south = "", southeast = "", }, -- superscript 2
_3_ = { "", north = "#", alt_label = "#", northeast = "", northwest = "", east = "", west = "", south = "", southeast = "", southwest = "", ":)", ":|", ":(", },
_3p = { "#", north = "", alt_label = "", northeast = "", northwest = "", east = "", west = "", south = "", southeast = "", southwest = "", ":)", ":|", ":(", },
_3n = { "", north = "³", northwest = "¾", east = "", west = "", southwest = "", south = "", }, -- numpad 3
_3s = { "³", north = "", northwest = "¾", east = "", west = "", southwest = "", south = "", }, -- superscript 3
_4_ = { "", north = "", alt_label = "$", northeast = "", northwest = "¥", east = "", west = "£", south = "", southeast = "¢", southwest = "", "", "", "", },
_4p = { "", north = "", alt_label = "", northeast = "", northwest = "¥", east = "", west = "£", south = "", southeast = "¢", southwest = "", "", "", "", },
_4n = { "", north = "", east = "¼", south = "", southeast = "", }, -- numpad 4
_4s = { "", north = "", east = "¼", south = "", southeast = "", }, -- superscript 4
_5_ = { "", north = "%", alt_label = "%", northeast = "", northwest = "", east = "", west = "¼", south = "½", southeast = "", southwest = "¾", },
_5p = { "%", north = "", alt_label = "", northeast = "", northwest = "", east = "", west = "¼", south = "½", southeast = "", southwest = "¾", },
_5n = { "", north = "", northeast = "", east = "", south = "", southeast = "", }, -- numpad 5
_5s = { "", north = "", northeast = "", east = "", south = "", southeast = "", }, -- superscript 5
-- diacritics. Symbols in quotation marks might look weird, however they should work fine.
_6_ = {
north = "^",
alt_label = "^",
northeast = { label = "◌́", key = "́", }, -- Combining Acute Accent
northwest = { label = "◌̀", key = "̀", }, -- Combinig Grave Accent
east = { label = "◌̂", key = "̂", }, -- Combining Circumflex Accent
west = { label = "◌̃", key = "̃", }, -- Combining Tilde
south = { label = "◌̧", key = "̧", }, -- Combining Cedilla
southeast = { label = "◌̈", key = "̈", }, -- Combining Diaeresis (Umlaut)
southwest = { label = "◌̇", key = "̇", }, -- Combining Dot Above
{ label = "◌̄", key = "̄", }, -- Combining Macron
{ label = "◌̌", key = "̌", }, -- Combining Caron
{ label = "◌̨", key = "̨", }, -- Combining Ogonek
_6p = {
north = "",
alt_label = "",
northeast = { label = "◌́", key = "́", }, -- Combining Acute Accent
northwest = { label = "◌̀", key = "̀", }, -- Combinig Grave Accent
east = { label = "◌̂", key = "̂", }, -- Combining Circumflex Accent
west = { label = "◌̃", key = "̃", }, -- Combining Tilde
south = { label = "◌̧", key = "̧", }, -- Combining Cedilla
southeast = { label = "◌̈", key = "̈", }, -- Combining Diaeresis (Umlaut)
southwest = { label = "◌̇", key = "̇", }, -- Combining Dot Above
{ label = "◌̄", key = "̄", }, -- Combining Macron
{ label = "◌̌", key = "̌", }, -- Combining Caron
{ label = "◌̨", key = "̨", }, -- Combining Ogonek
_6n = { "", north = "", east = "", south = "", }, -- numpad 6
_6s = { "", north = "", east = "", south = "", }, -- superscript 6
_7_ = { "", north = "", alt_label = "", northeast = "»", northwest = "«", east = "", west = "§", south = "¤", southeast = "", southwest = "", "", "", "", },
_7p = { "", north = "", alt_label = "", northeast = "»", northwest = "«", east = "", west = "§", south = "¤", southeast = "", southwest = "", "", "", "", },
_7n = { "", north = "", east = "", south = "", southeast = "", }, -- numpad 7
_7s = { "", north = "", east = "", south = "", southeast = "", }, -- superscript 7
_8_ = { "", north = "", alt_label = "", northeast = "=", northwest = "", east = "+", west = "-", south = "/", southeast = ">", southwest = "<", "", "", "", },
_8p = { "", north = "", alt_label = "", northeast = "=", northwest = "", east = "+", west = "-", south = "/", southeast = ">", southwest = "<", "", "", "", },
_8n = { "", north = "", east = "", south = "", }, -- numpad 8
_8s = { "", north = "", east = "", south = "", }, -- superscript 8
_9_ = { "", north = "(", alt_label = "(", northeast = "_", northwest = "", east = "-", west = "{", south = "[", southeast = "", southwest = "", },
_9p = { "(", north = "", alt_label = "", northeast = "_", northwest = "", east = "-", west = "{", south = "[", southeast = "", southwest = "", },
_9n = { "", north = "", east = "", south = "", }, -- numpad 9
_9s = { "", north = "", east = "", south = "", }, -- superscript 9
_0_ = { "", north = ")", alt_label = ")", northwest = "", west = "}", south = "]", southwest = "", },
_0p = { ")", north = "", alt_label = "", northwest = "", west = "}", south = "]", southwest = "", },
_0n = { "", north = "", south = "", }, -- numpad 0
_0s = { "", north = "", south = "", }, -- superscript 0
sla = { "/", north = "÷", alt_label = "÷", northeast = "", east = "", }, -- numpad slash
sl2 = { "÷", north = "/", alt_label = "/", northeast = "", east = "", }, -- superscript slash
eql = { "=", north = "", alt_label = "", northwest = "", west = "", south = "", southwest = "", }, -- equality
eq2 = { "", north = "=", alt_label = "=", northwest = "", west = "", south = "", southwest = "", }, -- popup sibling
ls1 = { "<", north = "", alt_label = "", south = "", }, -- "less than" sign
ls2 = { "", north = "<", alt_label = "<", south = "", }, -- (popup sibling)
mr1 = { ">", north = "", alt_label = "", south = "", }, -- "more than"
mr2 = { "", north = ">", alt_label = ">", south = "", }, -- (popup sibling)
pls = { "+", north = "±", alt_label = "±", }, -- plus sign
pl2 = { "±", north = "+", alt_label = "+", }, -- (popup sibling)
mns = { "-", north = "", alt_label = "", }, -- minus sign
mn2 = { "", north = "-", alt_label = "-", }, -- (popup sibling)
dsh = { "-", north = "", alt_label = "", south = "", }, -- dashes
dgr = { "", north = "", alt_label = "", }, -- dagger
tpg = { "", north = "§", alt_label = "§", northeast = "", northwest = "", east = "¤", west = "", south = "®", southeast = "🄯", southwest = "©", }, -- typography symbols
mth = { "", north = "",alt_label = "", northeast = "", northwest = "", east = "", west = "", south = "", southeast = "", southwest = "", "", "", "", }, -- math operations 1
mt2 = { "", north = "", alt_label = "", northeast = "", northwest = "", east = "𝔸", west = "", south = "𝕀", southeast = "", southwest = "𝕌", "", "", "", }, -- math operations 2
int = { "", north = "", alt_label = "", northeast = "", northwest = "", east = "", west = "", south = "", southeast = "", southwest = "", "", "", "", }, -- integrals
dif = { "", north = "", alt_label = "", northeast = "", east = "", south = "", southeast = "", }, -- math operations 3
df2 = { "", north = "", alt_label = "", northeast = "", northwest = "", east = "", west = "", }, -- math operations 4
pdc = { "*", north = "", alt_label = "", south = "", }, -- asterisk, cross-product and dot-prodcuts symbols
pd2 = { "", north = "*", alt_label = "*", south = "", },
bar = { "|", north = "¦", alt_label = "¦", }, -- bars like pipe and broken bar
prm = { "", north = "", alt_label = "", }, -- per mile types
hsh = { "#", north = "", alt_label = "", }, -- hash and "No." sign
hs2 = { "", north = "#", alt_label = "#", },