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local Device = require("device")
if not Device:isPocketBook() --[[and not Device:isKobo()]] then
return { disabled = true }
local PowerD = Device:getPowerDevice()
local DataStorage = require("datastorage")
local LuaSettings = require("luasettings")
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer")
local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget")
local logger = require("logger")
local _ = require("gettext")
local AutoStandby = WidgetContainer:new{
is_doc_only = false,
name = "autostandby",
-- static for all plugin instances
settings = LuaSettings:open(DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/autostandby.lua"),
delay = 0,
lastInput = 0,
preventing = false,
function AutoStandby:init()
logger.dbg("AutoStandby:init() instance=", tostring(self))
if not self.settings:has("filter") then
logger.dbg("AutoStandby: No settings found, initializing defaults") = {
forbidden = false, -- If forbidden, standby is never allowed to occur
filter = 1, -- Consider input only further than this many seconds apart
min = 1, -- Initial delay period during which we won't standby
mul = 1.5, -- Multiply the delay with each subsequent input that happens, scales up to max
max = 30, -- Input that happens further than 30 seconds since last input one reset delay back to 'min'
win = 5, -- Additional time window to consider input contributing to standby delay
bat = 60, -- If battery is below this percent, make auto-standby aggressive again (disables scaling by mul)
UIManager.event_hook:registerWidget("InputEvent", self)
function AutoStandby:onCloseWidget()
logger.dbg("AutoStandby:onCloseWidget() instance=", tostring(self))
function AutoStandby:addToMainMenu(menu_items)
menu_items.autostandby = {
sorting_hint = "device",
text = _("Auto-standby settings"),
sub_item_table = {
keep_menu_open = true,
text = _("Allow auto-standby"),
checked_func = function() return self:isAllowedByConfig() end,
callback = function() self.settings:saveSetting("forbidden", self:isAllowedByConfig()):flush() end,
self:genSpinMenuItem(_("Min input idle seconds"), "min", function() return 0 end, function() return self.settings:readSetting("max") end),
self:genSpinMenuItem(_("Max input idle seconds"), "max", function() return 0 end),
self:genSpinMenuItem(_("Input window seconds"), "win", function() return 0 end, function() return self.settings:readSetting("max") end),
self:genSpinMenuItem(_("Always standby if battery below"), "bat", function() return 0 end, function() return 100 end),
The great Input/GestureDetector/TimeVal spring cleanup (a.k.a., a saner main loop) (#7415) * ReaderDictionary: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderHighlight: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderView: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Android: Reset gesture detection state on APP_CMD_TERM_WINDOW. This prevents potentially being stuck in bogus gesture states when switching apps. * GestureDetector: * Port delay computations to TimeVal * Fixed delay computations to handle time warps (large and negative deltas). * Simplified timed callback handling to invalidate timers much earlier, preventing accumulating useless timers that no longer have any chance of ever detecting a gesture. * Fixed state clearing to handle the actual effective slots, instead of hard-coding slot 0 & slot 1. * Simplified timed callback handling in general, and added support for a timerfd backend for better performance and accuracy. * The improved timed callback handling allows us to detect and honor (as much as possible) the three possible clock sources usable by Linux evdev events. The only case where synthetic timestamps are used (and that only to handle timed callbacks) is limited to non-timerfd platforms where input events use a clock source that is *NOT* MONOTONIC. AFAICT, that's pretty much... PocketBook, and that's it? * Input: * Use the <linux/input.h> FFI module instead of re-declaring every constant * Fixed (verbose) debug logging of input events to actually translate said constants properly. * Completely reset gesture detection state on suspend. This should prevent bogus gesture detection on resume. * Refactored the waitEvent loop to make it easier to comprehend (hopefully) and much more efficient. Of specific note, it no longer does a crazy select spam every 100µs, instead computing and relying on sane timeouts, as afforded by switching the UI event/input loop to the MONOTONIC time base, and the refactored timed callbacks in GestureDetector. * reMarkable: Stopped enforcing synthetic timestamps on input events, as it should no longer be necessary. * TimeVal: * Refactored and simplified, especially as far as metamethods are concerned (based on <bsd/sys/time.h>). * Added a host of new methods to query the various POSIX clock sources, and made :now default to MONOTONIC. * Removed the debug guard in __sub, as time going backwards can be a perfectly normal occurrence. * New methods: * Clock sources: :realtime, :monotonic, :monotonic_coarse, :realtime_coarse, :boottime * Utility: :tonumber, :tousecs, :tomsecs, :fromnumber, :isPositive, :isZero * UIManager: * Ported event loop & scheduling to TimeVal, and switched to the MONOTONIC time base. This ensures reliable and consistent scheduling, as time is ensured never to go backwards. * Added a :getTime() method, that returns a cached TimeVal:now(), updated at the top of every UI frame. It's used throughout the codebase to cadge a syscall in circumstances where we are guaranteed that a syscall would return a mostly identical value, because very few time has passed. The only code left that does live syscalls does it because it's actually necessary for accuracy, and the only code left that does that in a REALTIME time base is code that *actually* deals with calendar time (e.g., Statistics). * DictQuickLookup: Port delay computations to TimeVal * FootNoteWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * HTMLBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Notification: Port delay computations to TimeVal * TextBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * AutoSuspend: Port to TimeVal * AutoTurn: * Fix it so that settings are actually honored. * Port to TimeVal * BackgroundRunner: Port to TimeVal * Calibre: Port benchmarking code to TimeVal * BookInfoManager: Removed unnecessary yield in the metadata extraction subprocess now that subprocesses get scheduled properly. * All in all, these changes reduced the CPU cost of a single tap by a factor of ten (!), and got rid of an insane amount of weird poll/wakeup cycles that must have been hell on CPU schedulers and batteries..
4 years ago
-- We've received touch/key event, so delay standby accordingly
function AutoStandby:onInputEvent()
logger.dbg("AutoStandby:onInputevent() instance=", tostring(self))
local config =
local t = os.time()
if t < AutoStandby.lastInput + config.filter then
-- packed too close together, ignore
logger.dbg("AutoStandby: input packed too close to previous one, ignoring")
-- Nuke past timer as we'll reschedule the allow (or not)
if PowerD:getCapacityHW() <= config.bat then
-- battery is below threshold, so allow standby aggressively
logger.dbg("AutoStandby: battery below threshold, enabling aggressive standby")
elseif t > AutoStandby.lastInput + config.max then
-- too far apart, so reset delay
logger.dbg("AutoStandby: input too far in future, resetting adaptive standby delay from", AutoStandby.delay, "to", config.min)
AutoStandby.delay = config.min
elseif t < AutoStandby.lastInput + AutoStandby.delay + then
-- otherwise widen the delay - "adaptive" - with frequent inputs, but don't grow beyonnd the max
AutoStandby.delay = math.min((AutoStandby.delay+1) * config.mul, config.max)
logger.dbg("AutoStandby: increasing standby delay to", AutoStandby.delay)
end -- equilibrium: when the event arrives beyond delay + win, but still below max, we keep the delay as-is
AutoStandby.lastInput = t
if not self:isAllowedByConfig() then
-- all standbys forbidden, always prevent
elseif AutoStandby.delay == 0 then
-- If delay is 0 now, just allow straight
-- otherwise prevent for a while for duration of the delay
-- and schedule standby re-enable once delay expires
UIManager:scheduleIn(AutoStandby.delay, AutoStandby.allow, AutoStandby)
-- Prevent standby (by timer)
function AutoStandby:prevent()
if not AutoStandby.preventing then
AutoStandby.preventing = true
-- Allow standby (by timer)
function AutoStandby:allow()
if AutoStandby.preventing then
AutoStandby.preventing = false
function AutoStandby:isAllowedByConfig()
return self.settings:isFalse("forbidden")
function AutoStandby:genSpinMenuItem(text, cfg, min, max)
return {
keep_menu_open = true,
text = text,
enabled_func = function() return self:isAllowedByConfig() end,
callback = function()
local spin = SpinWidget:new {
width = math.floor(Device.screen:getWidth() * 0.6),
value = self.settings:readSetting(cfg),
value_min = min and min() or 0,
value_max = max and max() or 9999,
value_hold_step = 10,
ok_text = "Update",
title_text = text,
callback = function(spin) self.settings:saveSetting(cfg, spin.value):flush() end,
-- koreader is merely waiting for user input right now.
-- UI signals us that standby is allowed at this very moment because nothing else goes on in the background.
function AutoStandby:onAllowStandby()
logger.dbg("AutoStandby: onAllowStandby()")
-- In case the OS frontend itself doesn't manage power state, we can do it on our own here.
-- One should also configure wake-up pins and perhaps wake alarm,
-- if we want to enter deeper sleep states later on from within standby.
--os.execute("echo mem > /sys/power/state")
return AutoStandby