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ImageWidget shows an image from a file or memory.
Show image from file example:
file = "resources/koreader.png",
-- Make sure alpha is set to true if png has transparent background
-- alpha = true,
Show image from memory example:
-- bitmap_buffer should be a block of memory that holds the raw
-- uncompressed bitmap.
image = bitmap_buffer,
local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer")
local Cache = require("cache")
local Geom = require("ui/geometry")
local RenderImage = require("ui/renderimage")
local Screen = require("device").screen
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local Widget = require("ui/widget/widget")
local logger = require("logger")
local util = require("util")
10 years ago
-- DPI_SCALE can't change without a restart, so let's compute it now
local function get_dpi_scale()
local size_scale = math.min(Screen:getWidth(), Screen:getHeight()) * (1/600)
local dpi_scale = Screen:scaleByDPI(1)
return math.max(0, (math.log((size_scale+dpi_scale)/2)/0.69)^2)
local DPI_SCALE = get_dpi_scale()
10 years ago
local ImageCache = Cache:new{
-- 8 MiB of image cache, with 128 slots
-- Overwhelmingly used for our icons, which are tiny in size, and not very numerous (< 100),
-- but also by ImageViewer (on files, which we never do), and ScreenSaver (again, on image files, but not covers),
-- hence the leeway.
size = 8 * 1024 * 1024,
avg_itemsize = 64 * 1024,
-- Rely on our FFI finalizer to free the BBs on GC
enable_eviction_cb = false,
10 years ago
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local ImageWidget = Widget:extend{
-- Can be provided with a path to a file
file = nil,
-- or an already made BlitBuffer (ie: made by RenderImage)
image = nil,
-- Whether BlitBuffer rendered from file should be cached
file_do_cache = true,
-- Whether provided BlitBuffer can be modified by us and SHOULD be free() by us,
-- normally true unless our caller wants to reuse its provided image
image_disposable = true,
-- Width and height of container, to limit rendering to this area
-- (if provided, and scale_factor is nil, image will be resized to
-- these width and height without regards to original aspect ratio)
width = nil,
height = nil,
hide = nil, -- to not be painted
-- Settings that apply at paintTo() time
invert = nil,
dim = nil,
alpha = false, -- honors alpha values from the image
is_icon = false, -- set to true by sub-class IconWidget
original_in_nightmode = true, -- defaults to display the original image colors in nightmode
-- When rotation_angle is not 0, native image is rotated by this angle
-- before scaling.
rotation_angle = 0,
-- If scale_for_dpi is true image will be rescaled according to screen dpi
scale_for_dpi = false,
-- When scale_factor is not nil, native image is scaled by this factor,
-- (if scale_factor == 1, native image size is kept)
-- Special case: scale_factor == 0 : image will be scaled to best fit provided
-- width and height, keeping aspect ratio (scale_factor will be updated
-- from 0 to the factor used at _render() time)
-- If scale_factor is nil and stretch_limit_percantage is provided:
-- If the aspect ratios of the image and the width/height provided don't differ by more than
-- stretch_limit_percentage, then stretch the image (as scale_factor=nil);
-- otherwise, scale to best fit (as scale_factor=0)
-- In all other cases the image will be stretched to best fit the container.
scale_factor = nil,
stretch_limit_percentage = nil,
-- Whether to use former blitbuffer:scale() (default to using MuPDF)
use_legacy_image_scaling = G_reader_settings:isTrue("legacy_image_scaling"),
4 years ago
-- For initial positioning, if (possibly scaled) image overflows width/height
center_x_ratio = 0.5, -- default is centered on image's center
center_y_ratio = 0.5,
-- For pan & zoom management:
-- offsets to use in blitFrom()
_offset_x = 0,
_offset_y = 0,
-- limits to center_x_ratio variation around 0.5 (0.5 +/- these values)
-- to keep image centered (0 means center_x_ratio will be forced to 0.5)
_max_off_center_x_ratio = 0,
_max_off_center_y_ratio = 0,
-- So we can reset self.scale_factor to its initial value in free(), in
-- case this same object is free'd but re-used and and re-render'ed
_initial_scale_factor = nil,
_bb = nil,
_bb_disposable = true, -- whether we should free() our _bb
_img_w = nil,
_img_h = nil,
_bb_w = nil,
_bb_h = nil,
function ImageWidget:_loadimage()
self._bb = self.image
-- don't touch or free if caller doesn't want that
self._bb_disposable = self.image_disposable
function ImageWidget:_loadfile()
local DocumentRegistry = require("document/documentregistry")
if DocumentRegistry:isImageFile(self.file) then
-- In our use cases for files (icons), we either provide width and height,
-- or just scale_for_dpi, and scale_factor should stay nil.
-- Other combinations will result in double scaling, and unexpected results.
-- We should anyway only give self.width and self.height to renderImageFile(),
-- and use them in cache hash, when self.scale_factor is nil, when we are sure
-- we don't need to keep aspect ratio.
local width, height
if self.scale_factor == nil then
width = self.width
height = self.height
local hash = "image|"..self.file.."|"..(width or "").."|"..(height or "")..tostring(self.alpha)
-- Do the scaling for DPI here, so it can be cached and not re-done
-- each time in _render() (but not if scale_factor, to avoid double scaling)
local scale_for_dpi_here = false
if self.scale_for_dpi and DPI_SCALE ~= 1 and not self.scale_factor then
scale_for_dpi_here = true -- we'll do it before caching
hash = hash .. "|d"
self.already_scaled_for_dpi = true -- so we don't do it again in _render()
local cached = ImageCache:check(hash)
if cached then
10 years ago
-- hit cache
self._bb =
self._bb_disposable = false -- don't touch or free a cached _bb
self._is_straight_alpha = cached.is_straight_alpha
10 years ago
if util.getFileNameSuffix(self.file) == "svg" then
local zoom
if scale_for_dpi_here then
zoom = DPI_SCALE
elseif self.scale_factor == 0 then
-- renderSVGImageFile() keeps aspect ratio by default
width = self.width
height = self.height
-- If NanoSVG is used by renderSVGImageFile, we'll get self._is_straight_alpha=true,
-- and paintTo() must use alphablitFrom() instead of pmulalphablitFrom() (which is
-- fine for everything MuPDF renders out)
self._bb, self._is_straight_alpha = RenderImage:renderSVGImageFile(self.file, width, height, zoom)
-- Ensure we always return a BB, even on failure
if not self._bb then
logger.warn("ImageWidget: Failed to render SVG image file:", self.file)
self._bb = RenderImage:renderCheckerboard(width, height,
self._is_straight_alpha = false
self._bb = RenderImage:renderImageFile(self.file, false, width, height)
if not self._bb then
logger.warn("ImageWidget: Failed to render image file:", self.file)
self._bb = RenderImage:renderCheckerboard(width, height,
self._is_straight_alpha = false
if scale_for_dpi_here then
local bb_w, bb_h = self._bb:getWidth(), self._bb:getHeight()
self._bb = RenderImage:scaleBlitBuffer(self._bb, math.floor(bb_w * DPI_SCALE), math.floor(bb_h * DPI_SCALE))
-- Now, if that was *also* one of our icons, we haven't explicitly requested to keep the alpha channel intact,
-- and it actually has an alpha channel, compose it against a background-colored BB now, and cache *that*.
-- This helps us avoid repeating alpha-blending steps down the line,
Revamp "flash_ui" handling (#7118) * Wherever possible, do an actual dumb invert on the Screen BB instead of repainting the widget, *then* inverting it (which is what the "invert" flag does). * Instead of playing with nextTick/tickAfterNext delays, explicitly fence stuff with forceRePaint * And, in the few cases where said Mk. 7 quirk kicks in, make the fences more marked by using a well-placed WAIT_FOR_UPDATE_COMPLETE * Fix an issue in Button where show/hide & enable/disable where actually all toggles, which meant that duplicate calls or timing issues would do the wrong thing. (This broke dimming some icons, and mistakenly dropped the background from FM chevrons, for example). * Speaking of, fix Button's hide/show to actually restore the background properly (there was a stupid typo in the variable name) * Still in Button, fix the insanity of the double repaint on rounded buttons. Turns out it made sense, after all (and was related to said missing background, and bad interaction with invert & text with no background). * KeyValuePage suffered from a similar issue with broken highlights (all black) because of missing backgrounds. * In ConfigDialog, only instanciate IconButtons once (because every tab switch causes a full instantiation; and the initial display implies a full instanciation and an initial tab switch). Otherwise, both instances linger, and catch taps, and as such, double highlights. * ConfigDialog: Restore the "don't repaint ReaderUI" when switching between similarly sized tabs (re #6131). I never could reproduce that on eInk, and I can't now on the emulator, so I'm assuming @poire-z fixed it during the swap to SVG icons. * KeyValuePage: Only instanciate Buttons once (again, this is a widget that goes through a full init every page). Again, caused highlight/dimming issues because buttons were stacked. * Menu: Ditto. * TouchMenu: Now home of the gnarliest unhilight heuristics, because of the sheer amount of different things that can happen (and/or thanks to stuff not flagged covers_fullscreen properly ;p). * Bump base * Bump android-luajit-launcher
4 years ago
-- and also ensures icon highlights/unhighlights behave sensibly.
if self.is_icon and not self.alpha then
local bbtype = self._bb:getType()
if bbtype == Blitbuffer.TYPE_BB8A or bbtype == Blitbuffer.TYPE_BBRGB32 then
local icon_bb =, self._bb.h,
--- @note: Should match the background color. Which is currently hard-coded as white ;).
--- See the note below in paintTo for how to make the dim flag behave in case
--- this no longer actually is white ;).
-- And now simply compose the icon on top of that, with dithering if necessary
-- Remembering that NanoSVG feeds us straight alpha, unlike MµPDF
if self._is_straight_alpha then
if Screen.sw_dithering then
icon_bb:ditheralphablitFrom(self._bb, 0, 0, 0, 0, icon_bb.w, icon_bb.h)
icon_bb:alphablitFrom(self._bb, 0, 0, 0, 0, icon_bb.w, icon_bb.h)
if Screen.sw_dithering then
icon_bb:ditherpmulalphablitFrom(self._bb, 0, 0, 0, 0, icon_bb.w, icon_bb.h)
icon_bb:pmulalphablitFrom(self._bb, 0, 0, 0, 0, icon_bb.w, icon_bb.h)
-- Free the original icon w/ an alpha-channel, keep the flattened one
self._bb = icon_bb
-- There's no longer an alpha channel ;)
self._is_straight_alpha = nil
if not self.file_do_cache then
self._bb_disposable = true -- we made it, we can modify and free it
self._bb_disposable = false -- don't touch or free a cached _bb
-- cache this image
logger.dbg("cache", hash)
cached = {
bb = self._bb,
is_straight_alpha = self._is_straight_alpha,
ImageCache:insert(hash, cached, tonumber( *
10 years ago
error("Image file type not supported.")
function ImageWidget:_render()
if self._bb then -- already rendered
logger.dbg("ImageWidget: _render'ing", self.file and self.file or "data", self.width, self.height)
if self.image then
elseif self.file then
error("cannot render image")
-- Store initial scale factor
self._initial_scale_factor = self.scale_factor
-- First, rotation
if self.rotation_angle ~= 0 then
-- Allow for easy switch to former scaling via blitbuffer methods
if self.use_legacy_image_scaling then
if not self._bb_disposable then
-- we can't modify _bb, make a copy
self._bb = self._bb:copy()
self._bb_disposable = true -- new object will have to be freed
self._bb:rotate(self.rotation_angle) -- rotate in-place
-- If we use MuPDF for scaling, we can't use bb:rotate() anymore,
-- as it only flags rotation in the blitbuffer and rotation is dealt
-- with at painting time. MuPDF does not like such a blitbuffer, and
-- we get corrupted images when using it for scaling such blitbuffers.
-- We need to make a real new blitbuffer with rotated content:
local rot_bb = self._bb:rotatedCopy(self.rotation_angle)
-- We made a new blitbuffer, we need to explicitely free
-- the old one to not leak memory
if self._bb_disposable then
self._bb = rot_bb
self._bb_disposable = true -- new object will have to be freed
local bb_w, bb_h = self._bb:getWidth(), self._bb:getHeight()
-- Store the dimensions of the actual image, before any kind of scaling
self._img_w = bb_w
self._img_h = bb_h
-- scale_for_dpi setting: update scale_factor (even if not set) with it
if self.scale_for_dpi and not self.already_scaled_for_dpi then
if self.scale_factor == nil then
self.scale_factor = 1
self.scale_factor = self.scale_factor * DPI_SCALE
if self.stretch_limit_percentage and not self.scale_factor then
-- stretch or scale to fit container, depending on self.stretch_limit_percentage
local screen_ratio = self.width / self.height
local image_ratio = bb_w / bb_h
local ratio_divergence_percent = math.abs(100 - image_ratio / screen_ratio * 100)
if ratio_divergence_percent > self.stretch_limit_percentage then
self.scale_factor = 0
if self.scale_factor == 0 then
-- scale to best fit container: compute scale_factor for that
if self.width and self.height then
self.scale_factor = math.min(self.width / bb_w, self.height / bb_h)
logger.dbg("ImageWidget: scale to fit, setting scale_factor to", self.scale_factor)
-- no width and height provided (inconsistencies from caller),
self.scale_factor = 1 -- native image size
-- replace blitbuffer with a resized one if needed
if self.scale_factor == nil then
-- no scaling, but strech to width and height, only if provided and needed
if self.width and self.height and (self.width ~= bb_w or self.height ~= bb_h) then
logger.dbg("ImageWidget: stretching")
self._bb = RenderImage:scaleBlitBuffer(self._bb, self.width, self.height, self._bb_disposable)
self._bb_disposable = true -- new bb will have to be freed
elseif self.scale_factor ~= 1 then
-- scale by scale_factor (not needed if scale_factor == 1)
logger.dbg("ImageWidget: scaling by", self.scale_factor)
self._bb = RenderImage:scaleBlitBuffer(self._bb, math.floor(bb_w * self.scale_factor), math.floor(bb_h * self.scale_factor), self._bb_disposable)
self._bb_disposable = true -- new bb will have to be freed
bb_w, bb_h = self._bb:getWidth(), self._bb:getHeight()
4 years ago
-- deal with positioning
if self.width and self.height then
-- if image is bigger than paint area, allow center_ratio variation
-- around 0.5 so we can pan till image border
if bb_w > self.width then
self._max_off_center_x_ratio = 0.5 - self.width/2 / bb_w
if bb_h > self.height then
self._max_off_center_y_ratio = 0.5 - self.height/2 / bb_h
-- correct provided center ratio if out limits
if self.center_x_ratio < 0.5 - self._max_off_center_x_ratio then
self.center_x_ratio = 0.5 - self._max_off_center_x_ratio
elseif self.center_x_ratio > 0.5 + self._max_off_center_x_ratio then
self.center_x_ratio = 0.5 + self._max_off_center_x_ratio
if self.center_y_ratio < 0.5 - self._max_off_center_y_ratio then
self.center_y_ratio = 0.5 - self._max_off_center_y_ratio
elseif self.center_y_ratio > 0.5 + self._max_off_center_y_ratio then
self.center_y_ratio = 0.5 + self._max_off_center_y_ratio
-- set offsets to reflect center ratio, whether oversized or not
self._offset_x = math.floor(self.center_x_ratio * bb_w - self.width/2)
self._offset_y = math.floor(self.center_y_ratio * bb_h - self.height/2)
logger.dbg("ImageWidget: initial offsets", self._offset_x, self._offset_y)
-- store final bb's width and height
self._bb_w = bb_w
self._bb_h = bb_h
function ImageWidget:getSize()
10 years ago
-- getSize will be used by the widget stack for centering/padding
if not self.width or not self.height then
-- no width/height provided, return bb size to let widget stack do the centering
return Geom:new{ w = self._bb:getWidth(), h = self._bb:getHeight() }
-- if width or height provided, return them as is, even if image is smaller
-- and would be centered: we'll do the centering ourselves with offsets
return Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = self.height }
function ImageWidget:getScaleFactor()
-- return computed scale_factor, useful if 0 (scale to fit) was used
return self.scale_factor
function ImageWidget:getScaleFactorExtrema()
if self._min_scale_factor and self._max_scale_factor then
return self._min_scale_factor, self._max_scale_factor
-- Compute dynamic limits for the scale factor, based on the screen's area and available memory (if possible).
-- Extrema eyeballed to be somewhat sensible given our usual screen dimensions and available RAM.
local memfree, _ = util.calcFreeMem()
local screen_area = Screen:getWidth() * Screen:getHeight()
local min_area = math.ceil(screen_area * (1/10000))
local max_area
if memfree then
-- If we have access to memory statistics, limit the requested bb size to 25% of the available RAM.
local bbtype = self._bb:getType()
local bpp
if bbtype == Blitbuffer.TYPE_BB8 then
bpp = 1
elseif bbtype == Blitbuffer.TYPE_BB8A then
bpp = 2
elseif bbtype == Blitbuffer.TYPE_BBRGB24 then
bpp = 3
elseif bbtype == Blitbuffer.TYPE_BBRGB32 then
bpp = 4
elseif bbtype == Blitbuffer.TYPE_BB4 then
bpp = 1
bpp = 4
max_area = math.floor(0.25 * memfree / bpp)
-- Best effort, trying to account for DPI...
local dpi = Screen:getDPI()
if dpi <= 212 then
max_area = screen_area * 45
elseif dpi <= 265 then
max_area = screen_area * 25
max_area = screen_area * 15
local area = self._img_w * self._img_h
self._min_scale_factor = 1 / math.sqrt(area / min_area)
self._max_scale_factor = math.sqrt(max_area / area)
return self._min_scale_factor, self._max_scale_factor
-- As opposed to what we've stored in self._img_w & self._img_h on decode,
-- which hold the source image dimensions (i.e., before scaling),
-- these return the dimensions of the currently displayed bb (i.e., post scaling),
-- and it is *not* constrained to the Screen dimensions (or this bb's viewport).
function ImageWidget:getCurrentWidth()
return self._bb:getWidth()
function ImageWidget:getCurrentHeight()
return self._bb:getHeight()
function ImageWidget:getCurrentDiagonal()
return math.sqrt(self._bb:getWidth()^2 + self._bb:getHeight()^2)
-- And now, getters for the original, unscaled dimensions.
function ImageWidget:getOriginalWidth()
return self._img_w
function ImageWidget:getOriginalHeight()
return self._img_h
function ImageWidget:getOriginalDiagonal()
return math.sqrt(self._img_w^2 + self._img_h^2)
function ImageWidget:getPanByCenterRatio(x, y)
-- returns center ratio (without limits check) we would get with this panBy
local center_x_ratio = (x + self._offset_x + self.width/2) / self._bb_w
local center_y_ratio = (y + self._offset_y + self.height/2) / self._bb_h
return center_x_ratio, center_y_ratio
function ImageWidget:panBy(x, y)
-- update center ratio from new offset
self.center_x_ratio = (x + self._offset_x + self.width/2) / self._bb_w
self.center_y_ratio = (y + self._offset_y + self.height/2) / self._bb_h
-- correct new center ratio if out limits
if self.center_x_ratio < 0.5 - self._max_off_center_x_ratio then
self.center_x_ratio = 0.5 - self._max_off_center_x_ratio
elseif self.center_x_ratio > 0.5 + self._max_off_center_x_ratio then
self.center_x_ratio = 0.5 + self._max_off_center_x_ratio
if self.center_y_ratio < 0.5 - self._max_off_center_y_ratio then
self.center_y_ratio = 0.5 - self._max_off_center_y_ratio
elseif self.center_y_ratio > 0.5 + self._max_off_center_y_ratio then
self.center_y_ratio = 0.5 + self._max_off_center_y_ratio
-- new offsets that reflect this new center ratio
local new_offset_x = math.floor(self.center_x_ratio * self._bb_w - self.width/2)
local new_offset_y = math.floor(self.center_y_ratio * self._bb_h - self.height/2)
-- only trigger screen refresh it we actually pan
if new_offset_x ~= self._offset_x or new_offset_y ~= self._offset_y then
self._offset_x = new_offset_x
self._offset_y = new_offset_y
Enable HW dithering in a few key places (#4541) * Enable HW dithering on supported devices (Clara HD, Forma; Oasis 2, PW4) * FileManager and co. (where appropriate, i.e., when covers are shown) * Book Status * Reader, where appropriate: * CRe: on pages whith image content (for over 7.5% of the screen area, should hopefully leave stuff like bullet points or small scene breaks alone). * Other engines: on user-request (in the gear tab of the bottom menu), via the new "Dithering" knob (will only appear on supported devices). * ScreenSaver * ImageViewer * Minimize repaints when flash_ui is enabled (by, almost everywhere, only repainting the flashing element, and not the toplevel window which hosts it). (The first pass of this involved fixing a few Button instances whose show_parent was wrong, in particular, chevrons in the FM & TopMenu). * Hunted down a few redundant repaints (unneeded setDirty("all") calls), either by switching the widget to nil when only a refresh was needed, and not a repaint, or by passing the appropritate widget to setDirty. (Note to self: Enable *verbose* debugging to catch broken setDirty calls via its post guard). There were also a few instances of 'em right behind a widget close. * Don't repaint the underlying widget when initially showing TopMenu & ConfigDialog. We unfortunately do need to do it when switching tabs, because of their variable heights. * On Kobo, disabled the extra and completely useless full refresh before suspend/reboot/poweroff, as well as on resume. No more double refreshes! * Fix another debug guard in Kobo sysfs_light * Switch ImageWidget & ImageViewer mostly to "ui" updates, which will be better suited to image content pretty much everywhere, REAGL or not. PS: (Almost :100: commits! :D)
6 years ago
self.dithered = true
UIManager:setDirty("all", function()
Enable HW dithering in a few key places (#4541) * Enable HW dithering on supported devices (Clara HD, Forma; Oasis 2, PW4) * FileManager and co. (where appropriate, i.e., when covers are shown) * Book Status * Reader, where appropriate: * CRe: on pages whith image content (for over 7.5% of the screen area, should hopefully leave stuff like bullet points or small scene breaks alone). * Other engines: on user-request (in the gear tab of the bottom menu), via the new "Dithering" knob (will only appear on supported devices). * ScreenSaver * ImageViewer * Minimize repaints when flash_ui is enabled (by, almost everywhere, only repainting the flashing element, and not the toplevel window which hosts it). (The first pass of this involved fixing a few Button instances whose show_parent was wrong, in particular, chevrons in the FM & TopMenu). * Hunted down a few redundant repaints (unneeded setDirty("all") calls), either by switching the widget to nil when only a refresh was needed, and not a repaint, or by passing the appropritate widget to setDirty. (Note to self: Enable *verbose* debugging to catch broken setDirty calls via its post guard). There were also a few instances of 'em right behind a widget close. * Don't repaint the underlying widget when initially showing TopMenu & ConfigDialog. We unfortunately do need to do it when switching tabs, because of their variable heights. * On Kobo, disabled the extra and completely useless full refresh before suspend/reboot/poweroff, as well as on resume. No more double refreshes! * Fix another debug guard in Kobo sysfs_light * Switch ImageWidget & ImageViewer mostly to "ui" updates, which will be better suited to image content pretty much everywhere, REAGL or not. PS: (Almost :100: commits! :D)
6 years ago
return "ui", self.dimen, true
-- return new center ratio, so caller can use them later to create a new
-- ImageWidget with a different scale_factor, while keeping center point
return self.center_x_ratio, self.center_y_ratio
function ImageWidget:paintTo(bb, x, y)
10 years ago
if self.hide then return end
-- self:_render is called in getSize method
local size = self:getSize()
self.dimen = Geom:new{
x = x, y = y,
w = size.w,
h = size.h
logger.dbg("blitFrom", x, y, self._offset_x, self._offset_y, size.w, size.h)
local do_alpha = false
if self.alpha == true then
-- Only actually try to alpha-blend if the image really has an alpha channel...
local bbtype = self._bb:getType()
if bbtype == Blitbuffer.TYPE_BB8A or bbtype == Blitbuffer.TYPE_BBRGB32 then
do_alpha = true
if do_alpha then
--- @note: MuPDF feeds us premultiplied alpha (and we don't care w/ GifLib, as alpha is all or nothing),
--- while NanoSVG feeds us straight alpha.
--- SVG icons are currently flattened at caching time, so we'll only go through the straight alpha
--- codepath for non-icons SVGs.
if self._is_straight_alpha then
--- @note: Our icons are already dithered properly, either at encoding time, or at caching time.
if Screen.sw_dithering and not self.is_icon then
bb:ditheralphablitFrom(self._bb, x, y, self._offset_x, self._offset_y, size.w, size.h)
bb:alphablitFrom(self._bb, x, y, self._offset_x, self._offset_y, size.w, size.h)
if Screen.sw_dithering and not self.is_icon then
bb:ditherpmulalphablitFrom(self._bb, x, y, self._offset_x, self._offset_y, size.w, size.h)
bb:pmulalphablitFrom(self._bb, x, y, self._offset_x, self._offset_y, size.w, size.h)
if Screen.sw_dithering and not self.is_icon then
bb:ditherblitFrom(self._bb, x, y, self._offset_x, self._offset_y, size.w, size.h)
bb:blitFrom(self._bb, x, y, self._offset_x, self._offset_y, size.w, size.h)
if self.invert then
bb:invertRect(x, y, size.w, size.h)
--- @note: This is mainly geared at black icons/text on a *white* background,
--- otherwise the background color itself will shift.
--- i.e., this actually *lightens* the rectangle, but since it's aimed at black,
--- it makes it gray, dimmer; hence the name.
--- TL;DR: If we one day want that to work for icons on a non-white background,
--- a better solution would probably be to take the icon pixmap as an alpha-mask,
--- (which simply involves blending it onto a white background, then inverting the result),
--- and colorBlit it a dim gray onto the target bb.
--- This would require the *original* transparent icon, not the flattened one in the cache.
--- c.f., for a PoC
if self.dim then
bb:dimRect(x, y, size.w, size.h)
-- In night mode, invert all rendered images, so the original is
-- displayed when the whole screen is inverted by night mode.
-- Except for our *black & white* icons: we do *NOT* want to invert them again:
-- they should match the UI's text/backgound.
--- @note: As for *color* icons, we really *ought* to invert them here,
--- but we currently don't, as we don't really trickle down
--- a way to discriminate them from the B&W ones.
--- Currently, this is *only* the KOReader icon in Help, AFAIK.
if Screen.night_mode and self.original_in_nightmode and not self.is_icon then
bb:invertRect(x, y, size.w, size.h)
-- This will normally be called by our WidgetContainer:free()
-- But it SHOULD explicitely be called if we are getting replaced
-- (ie: in some other widget's update()), to not leak memory with
-- BlitBuffer zombies
function ImageWidget:free()
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
4 years ago
--print("ImageWidget:free on", self, "for BB?", self._bb, self._bb_disposable)
if self._bb and self._bb_disposable and then
self._bb = nil
-- reset self.scale_factor to its initial value, in case
-- self._render() is called again (happens with iconbutton,
-- avoids x2 x2 x2 if high dpi and icon scaled x8 after 3 calls)
self.scale_factor = self._initial_scale_factor
function ImageWidget:onCloseWidget()
-- free when UIManager:close() was called
return ImageWidget