You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

617 lines
18 KiB

local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer")
local Button = require("ui/widget/button")
local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer")
local CloseButton = require("ui/widget/closebutton")
local Device = require("device")
local Font = require("ui/font")
local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer")
local Geom = require("ui/geometry")
local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange")
local HorizontalGroup = require("ui/widget/horizontalgroup")
local HorizontalSpan = require("ui/widget/horizontalspan")
local ImageWidget = require("ui/widget/imagewidget")
local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer")
local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog")
local InputText = require("ui/widget/inputtext")
local LeftContainer = require("ui/widget/container/leftcontainer")
local LineWidget = require("ui/widget/linewidget")
local OverlapGroup = require("ui/widget/overlapgroup")
local ProgressWidget = require("ui/widget/progresswidget")
local Size = require("ui/size")
local TextBoxWidget = require("ui/widget/textboxwidget")
local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget")
local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval")
local ToggleSwitch = require("ui/widget/toggleswitch")
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup")
local VerticalSpan = require("ui/widget/verticalspan")
local util = require("util")
local _ = require("gettext")
local Screen = Device.screen
local T = require("ffi/util").template
local stats_book = {}
--Save into sdr folder addtional section
["summary"] = {
["rating"] = 5,
["note"] = "Some text",
["status"] = "Reading"
["modified"] = "24.01.2016"
local BookStatusWidget = InputContainer:new{
padding = Size.padding.fullscreen,
settings = nil,
thumbnail = nil,
props = nil,
star = {},
summary = {
rating = nil,
note = nil,
status = "",
modified = "",
function BookStatusWidget:init()
if self.settings then
self.summary = self.settings:readSetting("summary") or {
rating = nil,
note = nil,
status = "",
modified = "",
self.total_pages = self.view.document:getPageCount()
stats_book = self:getStats()
self.small_font_face = Font:getFace("smallffont")
self.medium_font_face = Font:getFace("ffont")
self.large_font_face = Font:getFace("largeffont")
local button_enabled = true
if self.readonly then
button_enabled = false
end = Button:new{
icon = "resources/icons/",
bordersize = 0,
radius = 0,
margin = 0,
enabled = button_enabled,
show_parent = self,
readonly = self.readonly,
if Device:hasKeys() then
self.key_events = {
--don't get locked in on non touch devices
AnyKeyPressed = { { },
seqtext = "any key", doc = "close dialog" }
if Device:isTouchDevice() then
self.ges_events.Swipe = {
ges = "swipe",
range = function() return self.dimen end,
local screen_size = Screen:getSize()
self.covers_fullscreen = true -- hint for UIManager:_repaint()
self[1] = FrameContainer:new{
width = screen_size.w,
height = screen_size.h,
background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE,
bordersize = 0,
padding = 0,
Enable HW dithering in a few key places (#4541) * Enable HW dithering on supported devices (Clara HD, Forma; Oasis 2, PW4) * FileManager and co. (where appropriate, i.e., when covers are shown) * Book Status * Reader, where appropriate: * CRe: on pages whith image content (for over 7.5% of the screen area, should hopefully leave stuff like bullet points or small scene breaks alone). * Other engines: on user-request (in the gear tab of the bottom menu), via the new "Dithering" knob (will only appear on supported devices). * ScreenSaver * ImageViewer * Minimize repaints when flash_ui is enabled (by, almost everywhere, only repainting the flashing element, and not the toplevel window which hosts it). (The first pass of this involved fixing a few Button instances whose show_parent was wrong, in particular, chevrons in the FM & TopMenu). * Hunted down a few redundant repaints (unneeded setDirty("all") calls), either by switching the widget to nil when only a refresh was needed, and not a repaint, or by passing the appropritate widget to setDirty. (Note to self: Enable *verbose* debugging to catch broken setDirty calls via its post guard). There were also a few instances of 'em right behind a widget close. * Don't repaint the underlying widget when initially showing TopMenu & ConfigDialog. We unfortunately do need to do it when switching tabs, because of their variable heights. * On Kobo, disabled the extra and completely useless full refresh before suspend/reboot/poweroff, as well as on resume. No more double refreshes! * Fix another debug guard in Kobo sysfs_light * Switch ImageWidget & ImageViewer mostly to "ui" updates, which will be better suited to image content pretty much everywhere, REAGL or not. PS: (Almost :100: commits! :D)
6 years ago
self.dithered = true
function BookStatusWidget:getStats()
return {}
function BookStatusWidget:getStatDays()
if stats_book.days then
return stats_book.days
return _("N/A")
function BookStatusWidget:getStatHours()
if stats_book.time then
return util.secondsToClock(stats_book.time, false)
return _("N/A")
function BookStatusWidget:getStatReadPages()
if stats_book.pages then
return string.format("%s/%s",stats_book.pages, self.total_pages)
return _("N/A")
function BookStatusWidget:getStatusContent(width)
local close_button = nil
local status_header = self:genHeader(_("Book Status"))
if self.readonly ~= true then
close_button = CloseButton:new{ window = self }
status_header = self:genHeader(_("Update Status"))
local content = VerticalGroup:new{
align = "left",
dimen = Geom:new{ w = width, h = Size.item.height_default },
return content
function BookStatusWidget:genHeader(title)
local width, height = Screen:getWidth(), Size.item.height_default
local header_title = TextWidget:new{
text = title,
face = self.medium_font_face,
fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WEB_GRAY,
local padding_span = HorizontalSpan:new{ width = self.padding }
local line_width = (width - header_title:getSize().w) / 2 - self.padding * 2
local line_container = LeftContainer:new{
dimen = Geom:new{ w = line_width, h = height },
background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY,
dimen = Geom:new{
w = line_width,
h = Size.line.thick,
local span_top, span_bottom
if Screen:getScreenMode() == "landscape" then
span_top = VerticalSpan:new{ width = Size.span.horizontal_default }
span_bottom = VerticalSpan:new{ width = Size.span.horizontal_default }
span_top = VerticalSpan:new{ width = Size.item.height_default }
span_bottom = VerticalSpan:new{ width = Size.span.vertical_large }
return VerticalGroup:new{
align = "center",
function BookStatusWidget:onChangeBookStatus(option_name, option_value)
local curr_time = TimeVal:now()
self.summary.status = option_name[option_value]
self.summary.modified ="%Y-%m-%d", curr_time.sec)
return true
function BookStatusWidget:generateRateGroup(width, height, rating)
self.stars_container = CenterContainer:new{
dimen = Geom:new{ w = width, h = height },
return self.stars_container
function BookStatusWidget:setStar(num)
--clear previous data
local stars_group = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center" }
if num then
self.summary.rating = num
for i = 1, num do
icon = "resources/icons/",
callback = function() self:setStar(i) end
num = 0
for i = num + 1, 5 do
table.insert(stars_group,{ callback = function() self:setStar(i) end })
table.insert(self.stars_container, stars_group)
Enable HW dithering in a few key places (#4541) * Enable HW dithering on supported devices (Clara HD, Forma; Oasis 2, PW4) * FileManager and co. (where appropriate, i.e., when covers are shown) * Book Status * Reader, where appropriate: * CRe: on pages whith image content (for over 7.5% of the screen area, should hopefully leave stuff like bullet points or small scene breaks alone). * Other engines: on user-request (in the gear tab of the bottom menu), via the new "Dithering" knob (will only appear on supported devices). * ScreenSaver * ImageViewer * Minimize repaints when flash_ui is enabled (by, almost everywhere, only repainting the flashing element, and not the toplevel window which hosts it). (The first pass of this involved fixing a few Button instances whose show_parent was wrong, in particular, chevrons in the FM & TopMenu). * Hunted down a few redundant repaints (unneeded setDirty("all") calls), either by switching the widget to nil when only a refresh was needed, and not a repaint, or by passing the appropritate widget to setDirty. (Note to self: Enable *verbose* debugging to catch broken setDirty calls via its post guard). There were also a few instances of 'em right behind a widget close. * Don't repaint the underlying widget when initially showing TopMenu & ConfigDialog. We unfortunately do need to do it when switching tabs, because of their variable heights. * On Kobo, disabled the extra and completely useless full refresh before suspend/reboot/poweroff, as well as on resume. No more double refreshes! * Fix another debug guard in Kobo sysfs_light * Switch ImageWidget & ImageViewer mostly to "ui" updates, which will be better suited to image content pretty much everywhere, REAGL or not. PS: (Almost :100: commits! :D)
6 years ago
-- Individual stars are Button, w/ flash_ui, they'll have their own flash.
-- And we need to redraw the full widget, because we don't know the coordinates of stars_container :/.
UIManager:setDirty(self, "ui", nil, true)
return true
function BookStatusWidget:genBookInfoGroup()
local screen_width = Screen:getWidth()
local split_span_width = screen_width * 0.05
local img_width, img_height
if Screen:getScreenMode() == "landscape" then
img_width = Screen:scaleBySize(132)
img_height = Screen:scaleBySize(184)
img_width = Screen:scaleBySize(132 * 1.5)
img_height = Screen:scaleBySize(184 * 1.5)
local height = img_height
local width = screen_width - split_span_width - img_width
-- title
local book_meta_info_group = VerticalGroup:new{
align = "center",
VerticalSpan:new{ width = height * 0.2 },
text = self.props.title,
width = width,
face = self.medium_font_face,
alignment = "center",
-- author
local text_author = TextBoxWidget:new{
text = self.props.authors,
face = self.small_font_face,
width = width,
alignment = "center",
dimen = Geom:new{ w = width, h = text_author:getSize().h },
-- progress bar
local read_percentage = / self.total_pages
local progress_bar = ProgressWidget:new{
width = width * 0.7,
height = Screen:scaleBySize(10),
percentage = read_percentage,
ticks = nil,
last = nil,
dimen = Geom:new{ w = width, h = progress_bar:getSize().h },
-- complete text
local text_complete = TextWidget:new{
text = T(_("%1% Completed"),
string.format("%1.f", read_percentage * 100)),
face = self.small_font_face,
dimen = Geom:new{ w = width, h = text_complete:getSize().h },
-- rating
VerticalSpan:new{ width = Screen:scaleBySize(30) })
local rateHeight = Screen:scaleBySize(60)
self:generateRateGroup(screen_width, rateHeight, self.summary.rating))
-- build the final group
local book_info_group = HorizontalGroup:new{
align = "top",
HorizontalSpan:new{ width = split_span_width }
-- thumbnail
if self.thumbnail then
table.insert(book_info_group, ImageWidget:new{
image = self.thumbnail,
width = img_width,
height = img_height,
-- dereference thumbnail since we let imagewidget manages its lifecycle
self.thumbnail = nil
table.insert(book_info_group, CenterContainer:new{
dimen = Geom:new{ w = width, h = height },
return CenterContainer:new{
dimen = Geom:new{ w = screen_width, h = img_height },
function BookStatusWidget:genStatisticsGroup(width)
local height = Screen:scaleBySize(60)
local statistics_container = CenterContainer:new{
dimen = Geom:new{ w = width, h = height },
local statistics_group = VerticalGroup:new{ align = "left" }
local tile_width = width / 3
local tile_height = height / 2
local titles_group = HorizontalGroup:new{
align = "center",
dimen = Geom:new{ w = tile_width, h = tile_height },
text = _("Days"),
face = self.small_font_face,
dimen = Geom:new{ w = tile_width, h = tile_height },
text = _("Time"),
face = self.small_font_face,
dimen = Geom:new{ w = tile_width, h = tile_height },
text = _("Read pages"),
face = self.small_font_face,
local data_group = HorizontalGroup:new{
align = "center",
dimen = Geom:new{ w = tile_width, h = tile_height },
text = self:getStatDays(),
face = self.medium_font_face,
dimen = Geom:new{ w = tile_width, h = tile_height },
text = self:getStatHours(),
face = self.medium_font_face,
dimen = Geom:new{ w = tile_width, h = tile_height },
text = self:getStatReadPages(),
face = self.medium_font_face,
table.insert(statistics_group, titles_group)
table.insert(statistics_group, data_group)
table.insert(statistics_container, statistics_group)
return statistics_container
function BookStatusWidget:genSummaryGroup(width)
local height
if Screen:getScreenMode() == "landscape" then
height = Screen:scaleBySize(80)
height = Screen:scaleBySize(160)
local text_padding = Size.padding.default
self.input_note = InputText:new{
text = self.summary.note,
face = self.medium_font_face,
width = width - self.padding * 3,
height = height * 0.75,
scroll = true,
bordersize = Size.border.default,
focused = false,
padding = text_padding,
parent = self,
readonly = self.readonly,
hint = _("A few words about the book"),
return VerticalGroup:new{
VerticalSpan:new{ width = Size.span.vertical_large },
dimen = Geom:new{ w = width, h = height },
function BookStatusWidget:onUpdateNote()
self.summary.note = self.input_note:getText()
return true
function BookStatusWidget:saveSummary()
if self.summary then
self.settings:saveSetting("summary", self.summary)
function BookStatusWidget:generateSwitchGroup(width)
local height
if Screen:getScreenMode() == "landscape" then
-- landscape mode
height = Screen:scaleBySize(60)
-- portrait mode
height = Screen:scaleBySize(105)
local args = { "complete", "reading", "abandoned" }
local current_status = self.summary.status
local position = 2
for k, v in pairs(args) do
if v == current_status then
position = k
local config = {
event = "ChangeBookStatus",
default_value = 2,
args = args,
default_arg = "reading",
toggle = { _("Finished"), _("Reading"), _("On hold") },
values = { 1, 2, 3 },
name = "book_status",
alternate = false,
enabled = true,
if self.readonly then
config.enable = false
local switch = ToggleSwitch:new{
width = width * 0.6,
default_value = config.default_value,
name =,
name_text = config.name_text,
event = config.event,
toggle = config.toggle,
args = config.args,
alternate = config.alternate,
default_arg = config.default_arg,
values = config.values,
enabled = config.enable,
config = self,
readonly = self.readonly,
return VerticalGroup:new{
VerticalSpan:new{ width = Screen:scaleBySize(10) },
ignore = "height",
dimen = Geom:new{ w = width, h = height },
function BookStatusWidget:onConfigChoose(values, name, event, args, events, position)
if values then
self:onChangeBookStatus(args, position)
Enable HW dithering in a few key places (#4541) * Enable HW dithering on supported devices (Clara HD, Forma; Oasis 2, PW4) * FileManager and co. (where appropriate, i.e., when covers are shown) * Book Status * Reader, where appropriate: * CRe: on pages whith image content (for over 7.5% of the screen area, should hopefully leave stuff like bullet points or small scene breaks alone). * Other engines: on user-request (in the gear tab of the bottom menu), via the new "Dithering" knob (will only appear on supported devices). * ScreenSaver * ImageViewer * Minimize repaints when flash_ui is enabled (by, almost everywhere, only repainting the flashing element, and not the toplevel window which hosts it). (The first pass of this involved fixing a few Button instances whose show_parent was wrong, in particular, chevrons in the FM & TopMenu). * Hunted down a few redundant repaints (unneeded setDirty("all") calls), either by switching the widget to nil when only a refresh was needed, and not a repaint, or by passing the appropritate widget to setDirty. (Note to self: Enable *verbose* debugging to catch broken setDirty calls via its post guard). There were also a few instances of 'em right behind a widget close. * Don't repaint the underlying widget when initially showing TopMenu & ConfigDialog. We unfortunately do need to do it when switching tabs, because of their variable heights. * On Kobo, disabled the extra and completely useless full refresh before suspend/reboot/poweroff, as well as on resume. No more double refreshes! * Fix another debug guard in Kobo sysfs_light * Switch ImageWidget & ImageViewer mostly to "ui" updates, which will be better suited to image content pretty much everywhere, REAGL or not. PS: (Almost :100: commits! :D)
6 years ago
UIManager:setDirty(nil, "ui", nil, true)
function BookStatusWidget:onAnyKeyPressed()
return self:onClose()
function BookStatusWidget:onSwipe(arg, ges_ev)
if ges_ev.direction == "south" then
-- Allow easier closing with swipe down
elseif ges_ev.direction == "east" or ges_ev.direction == "west" or ges_ev.direction == "north" then
-- no use for now
do end -- luacheck: ignore 541
else -- diagonal swipe
-- trigger full refresh
Enable HW dithering in a few key places (#4541) * Enable HW dithering on supported devices (Clara HD, Forma; Oasis 2, PW4) * FileManager and co. (where appropriate, i.e., when covers are shown) * Book Status * Reader, where appropriate: * CRe: on pages whith image content (for over 7.5% of the screen area, should hopefully leave stuff like bullet points or small scene breaks alone). * Other engines: on user-request (in the gear tab of the bottom menu), via the new "Dithering" knob (will only appear on supported devices). * ScreenSaver * ImageViewer * Minimize repaints when flash_ui is enabled (by, almost everywhere, only repainting the flashing element, and not the toplevel window which hosts it). (The first pass of this involved fixing a few Button instances whose show_parent was wrong, in particular, chevrons in the FM & TopMenu). * Hunted down a few redundant repaints (unneeded setDirty("all") calls), either by switching the widget to nil when only a refresh was needed, and not a repaint, or by passing the appropritate widget to setDirty. (Note to self: Enable *verbose* debugging to catch broken setDirty calls via its post guard). There were also a few instances of 'em right behind a widget close. * Don't repaint the underlying widget when initially showing TopMenu & ConfigDialog. We unfortunately do need to do it when switching tabs, because of their variable heights. * On Kobo, disabled the extra and completely useless full refresh before suspend/reboot/poweroff, as well as on resume. No more double refreshes! * Fix another debug guard in Kobo sysfs_light * Switch ImageWidget & ImageViewer mostly to "ui" updates, which will be better suited to image content pretty much everywhere, REAGL or not. PS: (Almost :100: commits! :D)
6 years ago
UIManager:setDirty(nil, "full", nil, true)
-- a long diagonal swipe may also be used for taking a screenshot,
-- so let it propagate
return false
function BookStatusWidget:onClose()
-- NOTE: Flash on close to avoid ghosting, since we show an image.
Enable HW dithering in a few key places (#4541) * Enable HW dithering on supported devices (Clara HD, Forma; Oasis 2, PW4) * FileManager and co. (where appropriate, i.e., when covers are shown) * Book Status * Reader, where appropriate: * CRe: on pages whith image content (for over 7.5% of the screen area, should hopefully leave stuff like bullet points or small scene breaks alone). * Other engines: on user-request (in the gear tab of the bottom menu), via the new "Dithering" knob (will only appear on supported devices). * ScreenSaver * ImageViewer * Minimize repaints when flash_ui is enabled (by, almost everywhere, only repainting the flashing element, and not the toplevel window which hosts it). (The first pass of this involved fixing a few Button instances whose show_parent was wrong, in particular, chevrons in the FM & TopMenu). * Hunted down a few redundant repaints (unneeded setDirty("all") calls), either by switching the widget to nil when only a refresh was needed, and not a repaint, or by passing the appropritate widget to setDirty. (Note to self: Enable *verbose* debugging to catch broken setDirty calls via its post guard). There were also a few instances of 'em right behind a widget close. * Don't repaint the underlying widget when initially showing TopMenu & ConfigDialog. We unfortunately do need to do it when switching tabs, because of their variable heights. * On Kobo, disabled the extra and completely useless full refresh before suspend/reboot/poweroff, as well as on resume. No more double refreshes! * Fix another debug guard in Kobo sysfs_light * Switch ImageWidget & ImageViewer mostly to "ui" updates, which will be better suited to image content pretty much everywhere, REAGL or not. PS: (Almost :100: commits! :D)
6 years ago
UIManager:close(self, "flashpartial")
return true
function BookStatusWidget:onSwitchFocus(inputbox)
self.note_dialog = InputDialog:new{
title = _("Review"),
input = self.input_note:getText(),
input_hint = "",
input_type = "text",
scroll = true,
Text input fixes and enhancements (#4084) InputText, ScrollTextWidget, TextBoxWidget: - proper line scrolling when moving cursor or inserting/deleting text to behave like most text editors do - fix cursor navigation, optimize refreshes when moving only the cursor, don't recreate the textwidget when moving cursor up/down - optimize refresh areas, stick to "ui" to avoid a "partial" black flash every 6 appended or deleted chars InputText: - fix issue when toggling Show password multiple times - new option: InputText.cursor_at_end (default: true) - if no InputText.height provided, measure the text widget height that we would start with, and use a ScrollTextWidget with that fixed height, so widget does not overflow container if we extend the text and increase the number of lines - as we are using "ui" refreshes while text editing, allows refreshing the InputText with a diagonal swipe on it (actually, refresh the whole screen, which allows refreshing the keyboard too if needed) ScrollTextWidget: - properly align scrollbar with its TextBoxWidget TextBoxWidget: - some cleanup (added new properties to avoid many method calls), added proxy methods for upper widgets to get them - reordered/renamed/refactored the *CharPos* methods for easier reading (sorry for the diff that won't help reviewing, but that was needed) InputDialog: - new options: allow_newline = false, -- allow entering new lines cursor_at_end = true, -- starts with cursor at end of text, ready to append fullscreen = false, -- adjust to full screen minus keyboard condensed = false, -- true will prevent adding air and balance between elements add_scroll_buttons = false, -- add scroll Up/Down buttons to first row of buttons add_nav_bar = false, -- append a row of page navigation buttons - find the most adequate text height, when none provided or fullscreen, to not overflow screen (and not be stuck with Cancel/Save buttons hidden) - had to disable the use of a MovableContainer (many issues like becoming transparent when a PathChooser comes in front, Hold to paste from clipboard, moving the InputDialog under the keyboard and getting stuck...) GestureRange: fix possible crash (when event processed after widget destruction ?) LoginDialog: fix some ui stack increase and possible crash when switching focus many times.
6 years ago
allow_newline = true,
text_height = Screen:scaleBySize(150),
buttons = {
text = _("Cancel"),
callback = function()
text = _("Save review"),
is_enter_default = true,
callback = function()
function BookStatusWidget:closeInputDialog()
return BookStatusWidget