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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# key-mapper - GUI for device specific keyboard mappings
# Copyright (C) 2020 sezanzeb <>
# This file is part of key-mapper.
# key-mapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# key-mapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with key-mapper. If not, see <>.
import unittest
import time
import copy
import evdev
from evdev.ecodes import EV_REL, EV_KEY, EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0X
from import is_numlock_on, set_numlock, \
ensure_numlock, KeycodeInjector
from keymapper.state import custom_mapping, system_mapping
from keymapper.mapping import Mapping
from keymapper.config import config
from import parse
from tests.test import InputEvent, pending_events, fixtures, \
clear_write_history, EVENT_READ_TIMEOUT, uinput_write_history_pipe, \
class TestInjector(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.injector = None
cls.grab = evdev.InputDevice.grab
def setUp(self):
self.failed = 0
self.make_it_fail = 2
def grab_fail_twice(_):
if self.failed < self.make_it_fail:
self.failed += 1
raise OSError()
evdev.InputDevice.grab = grab_fail_twice
self.original_config = copy.deepcopy(config._config)
def tearDown(self):
if self.injector is not None:
self.injector = None
evdev.InputDevice.grab = self.grab
keys = list(pending_events.keys())
for key in keys:
del pending_events[key]
config._config = self.original_config
def test_modify_capabilities(self):
class FakeDevice:
def capabilities(self, absinfo=True):
assert absinfo is False
return {
evdev.ecodes.EV_SYN: [1, 2, 3],
evdev.ecodes.EV_FF: [1, 2, 3]
mapping = Mapping()
mapping.change((EV_KEY, 80, 1), 'a')
macro_code = 'r(2, m(sHiFt_l, r(2, k(1).k(2))))'
macro = parse(macro_code)
mapping.change((EV_KEY, 60, 111), macro_code)
# going to be ignored, because EV_REL cannot be mapped, that's
# mouse movements.
mapping.change((EV_REL, 1234, 3), 'b')
a = system_mapping.get('a')
shift_l = system_mapping.get('ShIfT_L')
one = system_mapping.get(1)
two = system_mapping.get('2')
self.injector = KeycodeInjector('foo', mapping)
fake_device = FakeDevice()
capabilities = self.injector._modify_capabilities(
{60: macro},
self.assertIn(EV_KEY, capabilities)
keys = capabilities[EV_KEY]
self.assertIn(a, keys)
self.assertIn(one, keys)
self.assertIn(two, keys)
self.assertIn(shift_l, keys)
self.assertNotIn(evdev.ecodes.EV_SYN, capabilities)
self.assertNotIn(evdev.ecodes.EV_FF, capabilities)
self.assertNotIn(evdev.ecodes.EV_REL, capabilities)
def test_grab(self):
# path is from the fixtures
custom_mapping.change((EV_KEY, 10, 1), 'a')
self.injector = KeycodeInjector('device 1', custom_mapping)
path = '/dev/input/event10'
# this test needs to pass around all other constraints of
# _prepare_device
device, abs_to_rel = self.injector._prepare_device(path)
self.assertEqual(self.failed, 2)
# success on the third try = fixtures[path]['name']
def test_fail_grab(self):
self.make_it_fail = 10
custom_mapping.change((EV_KEY, 10, 1), 'a')
self.injector = KeycodeInjector('device 1', custom_mapping)
path = '/dev/input/event10'
device, abs_to_rel = self.injector._prepare_device(path)
self.assertGreaterEqual(self.failed, 1)
# since none can be grabbed, the process will terminate. But that
# actually takes quite some time.
def test_prepare_device_1(self):
# according to the fixtures, /dev/input/event30 can do ABS_HAT0X
custom_mapping.change((EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0X, 1), 'a')
self.injector = KeycodeInjector('foobar', custom_mapping)
_prepare_device = self.injector._prepare_device
def test_prepare_device_non_existing(self):
custom_mapping.change((EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0X, 1), 'a')
self.injector = KeycodeInjector('foobar', custom_mapping)
_prepare_device = self.injector._prepare_device
def test_gamepad_capabilities(self):
self.injector = KeycodeInjector('gamepad', custom_mapping)
path = '/dev/input/event30'
device, abs_to_rel = self.injector._prepare_device(path)
capabilities = self.injector._modify_capabilities(
self.assertNotIn(evdev.ecodes.EV_ABS, capabilities)
self.assertIn(evdev.ecodes.EV_REL, capabilities)
# for some reason, having any EV_KEY capability is needed to
# be able to control the mouse
self.assertIn(evdev.ecodes.EV_KEY, capabilities)
self.assertEqual(len(capabilities[evdev.ecodes.EV_KEY]), 1)
def test_skip_unused_device(self):
# skips a device because its capabilities are not used in the mapping
custom_mapping.change((EV_KEY, 10, 1), 'a')
self.injector = KeycodeInjector('device 1', custom_mapping)
path = '/dev/input/event11'
device, abs_to_rel = self.injector._prepare_device(path)
self.assertEqual(self.failed, 0)
def test_skip_unknown_device(self):
# skips a device because its capabilities are not used in the mapping
self.injector = KeycodeInjector('device 1', custom_mapping)
path = '/dev/input/event11'
device, _ = self.injector._prepare_device(path)
# make sure the test uses a fixture without interesting capabilities
capabilities = evdev.InputDevice(path).capabilities()
self.assertEqual(len(capabilities.get(EV_KEY, [])), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(capabilities.get(EV_ABS, [])), 0)
# skips the device alltogether, so no grab attempts fail
self.assertEqual(self.failed, 0)
def test_numlock(self):
before = is_numlock_on()
set_numlock(not before) # should change
self.assertEqual(not before, is_numlock_on())
def wrapped_1():
set_numlock(not is_numlock_on())
def wrapped_2():
# should not change
self.assertEqual(not before, is_numlock_on())
self.assertEqual(not before, is_numlock_on())
# toggle one more time to restore the previous configuration
self.assertEqual(before, is_numlock_on())
def test_abs_to_rel(self):
# maps gamepad joystick events to mouse events
config.set('gamepad.joystick.non_linearity', 1)
pointer_speed = 80
config.set('gamepad.joystick.pointer_speed', pointer_speed)
# same for ABS, 0 for x, 1 for y
rel_x = evdev.ecodes.REL_X
rel_y = evdev.ecodes.REL_Y
# they need to sum up before something is written
divisor = 10
x = MAX_ABS / pointer_speed / divisor
y = MAX_ABS / pointer_speed / divisor
pending_events['gamepad'] = [
InputEvent(EV_ABS, rel_x, x),
InputEvent(EV_ABS, rel_y, y),
InputEvent(EV_ABS, rel_x, -x),
InputEvent(EV_ABS, rel_y, -y),
self.injector = KeycodeInjector('gamepad', custom_mapping)
# wait for the injector to start sending, at most 1s
# wait a bit more for it to sum up
sleep = 0.5
# convert the write history to some easier to manage list
history = []
while uinput_write_history_pipe[0].poll():
event = uinput_write_history_pipe[0].recv()
history.append((event.type, event.code, event.value))
if history[0][0] == EV_ABS:
raise AssertionError(
'The injector probably just forwarded them unchanged'
# movement is written at 60hz and it takes `divisor` steps to
# move 1px. take it times 2 for both x and y events.
self.assertGreater(len(history), 60 * sleep * 0.9 * 2 / divisor)
self.assertLess(len(history), 60 * sleep * 1.1 * 2 / divisor)
# those may be in arbitrary order, the injector happens to write
# y first
self.assertEqual(history[-1][0], EV_REL)
self.assertEqual(history[-1][1], rel_x)
self.assertAlmostEqual(history[-1][2], -1)
self.assertEqual(history[-2][0], EV_REL)
self.assertEqual(history[-2][1], rel_y)
self.assertAlmostEqual(history[-2][2], -1)
def test_injector(self):
numlock_before = is_numlock_on()
custom_mapping.change((EV_KEY, 8, 1), 'k(KEY_Q).k(w)')
custom_mapping.change((EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0X, -1), 'a')
# one mapping that is unknown in the system_mapping on purpose
input_b = 10
custom_mapping.change((EV_KEY, input_b, 1), 'b')
code_a = 100
code_q = 101
code_w = 102
system_mapping._set('a', code_a)
system_mapping._set('key_q', code_q)
system_mapping._set('w', code_w)
# the second arg of those event objects is 8 lower than the
# keycode used in X and in the mappings
pending_events['device 2'] = [
# should execute a macro
InputEvent(EV_KEY, 8, 1),
InputEvent(EV_KEY, 8, 0),
# gamepad stuff
InputEvent(EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0X, -1),
InputEvent(EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0X, 0),
# just pass those over without modifying
InputEvent(EV_KEY, 10, 1),
InputEvent(EV_KEY, 10, 0),
InputEvent(3124, 3564, 6542),
self.injector = KeycodeInjector('device 2', custom_mapping)
time.sleep(EVENT_READ_TIMEOUT * 10)
# sending anything arbitrary does not stop the process
# (is_alive checked later after some time)
# convert the write history to some easier to manage list
history = []
while uinput_write_history_pipe[0].poll():
event = uinput_write_history_pipe[0].recv()
history.append((event.type, event.code, event.value))
# 4 events for the macro
# 2 for mapped keys
# 3 for forwarded events
self.assertEqual(len(history), 9)
# since the macro takes a little bit of time to execute, its
# keystrokes are all over the place.
# just check if they are there and if so, remove them from the list.
ev_key = EV_KEY
self.assertIn((ev_key, code_q, 1), history)
self.assertIn((ev_key, code_q, 0), history)
self.assertIn((ev_key, code_w, 1), history)
self.assertIn((ev_key, code_w, 0), history)
index_q_1 = history.index((ev_key, code_q, 1))
index_q_0 = history.index((ev_key, code_q, 0))
index_w_1 = history.index((ev_key, code_w, 1))
index_w_0 = history.index((ev_key, code_w, 0))
self.assertGreater(index_q_0, index_q_1)
self.assertGreater(index_w_1, index_q_0)
self.assertGreater(index_w_0, index_w_1)
del history[index_q_1]
index_q_0 = history.index((ev_key, code_q, 0))
del history[index_q_0]
index_w_1 = history.index((ev_key, code_w, 1))
del history[index_w_1]
index_w_0 = history.index((ev_key, code_w, 0))
del history[index_w_0]
# the rest should be in order.
# this should be 1. injected keycodes should always be either 0 or 1
self.assertEqual(history[0], (ev_key, code_a, 1))
self.assertEqual(history[1], (ev_key, code_a, 0))
self.assertEqual(history[2], (ev_key, input_b, 1))
self.assertEqual(history[3], (ev_key, input_b, 0))
self.assertEqual(history[4], (3124, 3564, 6542))
numlock_after = is_numlock_on()
self.assertEqual(numlock_before, numlock_after)
if __name__ == "__main__":