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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# key-mapper - GUI for device specific keyboard mappings
# Copyright (C) 2021 sezanzeb <>
# This file is part of key-mapper.
# key-mapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# key-mapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with key-mapper. If not, see <>.
"""Keeps mapping joystick to mouse movements."""
import asyncio
import time
from evdev.ecodes import (
from keymapper.logger import logger
from keymapper.config import MOUSE, WHEEL
from keymapper import utils
# miniscule movements on the joystick should not trigger a mouse wheel event
def abs_max(value_1, value_2):
"""Get the value with the higher abs value."""
if abs(value_1) > abs(value_2):
return value_1
return value_2
class EventProducer:
"""Keeps producing events at 60hz if needed.
Can debounce arbitrary functions. Maps joysticks to mouse movements.
This class does not handle injecting macro stuff over time, that is done
by the keycode_mapper.
def __init__(self, context):
"""Construct the event producer without it doing anything yet."""
self.context = context
self.abs_range = None
# events only take ints, so a movement of 0.3 needs to add
# up to 1.2 to affect the cursor, with 0.2 remaining
self.pending_rel = {REL_X: 0, REL_Y: 0, REL_WHEEL: 0, REL_HWHEEL: 0}
# the last known position of the joystick
self.abs_state = {ABS_X: 0, ABS_Y: 0, ABS_RX: 0, ABS_RY: 0}
self.debounces = {}
def notify(self, event):
"""Tell the EventProducer about the newest ABS event.
Afterwards, it can continue moving the mouse pointer in the
correct direction.
if event.type == EV_ABS and event.code in self.abs_state:
self.abs_state[event.code] = event.value
def _write(self, ev_type, keycode, value):
# if the mouse won't move even though correct stuff is written here,
# the capabilities are probably wrong
self.context.uinput.write(ev_type, keycode, value)
except OverflowError:
# screwed up the calculation of mouse movements
logger.error("OverflowError (%s, %s, %s)", ev_type, keycode, value)
def debounce(self, debounce_id, func, args, ticks):
"""Debounce a function call.
debounce_id : hashable
If this function is called with the same debounce_id again,
the previous debouncing is overwritten, and there fore restarted.
func : function
args : tuple
ticks : int
After ticks * 1 / 60 seconds the function will be executed,
unless debounce is called again with the same debounce_id
self.debounces[debounce_id] = [func, args, ticks]
def accumulate(self, code, input_value):
"""Since devices can't do float values, stuff has to be accumulated.
If pending is 0.6 and input_value is 0.5, return 0.1 and 1.
Because it should move 1px, and 0.1px is rememberd for the next value
in pending.
self.pending_rel[code] += input_value
output_value = int(self.pending_rel[code])
self.pending_rel[code] -= output_value
return output_value
def set_abs_range_from(self, device):
"""Update the min and max values joysticks will report.
This information is needed for abs -> rel mapping.
if device is None:
# I don't think this ever happened
logger.error("Expected device to not be None")
abs_range = utils.get_abs_range(device)
if abs_range is None:
if abs_range[1] in [0, 1, None]:
# max abs_range of joysticks is usually a much higher number
logger.debug('ABS range of "%s": %s',, abs_range)
def set_abs_range(self, min_abs, max_abs):
"""Update the min and max values joysticks will report.
This information is needed for abs -> rel mapping.
self.abs_range = (min_abs, max_abs)
# all joysticks in resting position by default
center = (self.abs_range[1] + self.abs_range[0]) / 2
self.abs_state = {
ABS_X: center,
ABS_Y: center,
ABS_RX: center,
ABS_RY: center,
def get_abs_values(self):
"""Get the raw values for wheel and mouse movement.
Returned values center around 0 and are normalized into -1 and 1.
If two joysticks have the same purpose, the one that reports higher
absolute values takes over the control.
# center is the value of the resting position
center = (self.abs_range[1] + self.abs_range[0]) / 2
# normalizer is the maximum possible value after centering
normalizer = (self.abs_range[1] - self.abs_range[0]) / 2
mouse_x = 0
mouse_y = 0
wheel_x = 0
wheel_y = 0
def standardize(value):
return (value - center) / normalizer
if self.context.left_purpose == MOUSE:
mouse_x = abs_max(mouse_x, standardize(self.abs_state[ABS_X]))
mouse_y = abs_max(mouse_y, standardize(self.abs_state[ABS_Y]))
if self.context.left_purpose == WHEEL:
wheel_x = abs_max(wheel_x, standardize(self.abs_state[ABS_X]))
wheel_y = abs_max(wheel_y, standardize(self.abs_state[ABS_Y]))
if self.context.right_purpose == MOUSE:
mouse_x = abs_max(mouse_x, standardize(self.abs_state[ABS_RX]))
mouse_y = abs_max(mouse_y, standardize(self.abs_state[ABS_RY]))
if self.context.right_purpose == WHEEL:
wheel_x = abs_max(wheel_x, standardize(self.abs_state[ABS_RX]))
wheel_y = abs_max(wheel_y, standardize(self.abs_state[ABS_RY]))
# Some joysticks report from 0 to 255 (EMV101),
# others from -32768 to 32767 (X-Box 360 Pad)
return mouse_x, mouse_y, wheel_x, wheel_y
def is_handled(self, event):
"""Check if the event is something this will take care of."""
if event.type != EV_ABS or event.code not in utils.JOYSTICK:
return False
if self.abs_range is None:
return False
purposes = [MOUSE, WHEEL]
left_purpose = self.context.left_purpose
right_purpose = self.context.right_purpose
if event.code in (ABS_X, ABS_Y) and left_purpose in purposes:
return True
if event.code in (ABS_RX, ABS_RY) and right_purpose in purposes:
return True
return False
async def run(self):
"""Keep writing mouse movements based on the gamepad stick position.
Even if no new input event arrived because the joystick remained at
its position, this will keep injecting the mouse movement events.
abs_range = self.abs_range
mapping = self.context.mapping
pointer_speed = mapping.get("gamepad.joystick.pointer_speed")
non_linearity = mapping.get("gamepad.joystick.non_linearity")
x_scroll_speed = mapping.get("gamepad.joystick.x_scroll_speed")
y_scroll_speed = mapping.get("gamepad.joystick.y_scroll_speed")
max_speed = 2 ** 0.5 # for normalized abs event values
if abs_range is not None:
"Left joystick as %s, right joystick as %s",
start = time.time()
while True:
# production loop. try to do this as close to 60hz as possible
time_taken = time.time() - start
await asyncio.sleep(max(0.0, (1 / 60) - time_taken))
start = time.time()
"""handling debounces"""
for debounce in self.debounces.values():
if debounce[2] == -1:
# has already been triggered
if debounce[2] == 0:
debounce[2] = -1
debounce[2] -= 1
"""mouse movement production"""
if abs_range is None:
# no ev_abs events will be mapped to ev_rel
abs_values = self.get_abs_values()
if len([val for val in abs_values if not -1 <= val <= 1]) > 0:
logger.error("Inconsistent values: %s", abs_values)
mouse_x, mouse_y, wheel_x, wheel_y = abs_values
# mouse movements
if abs(mouse_x) > 0 or abs(mouse_y) > 0:
if non_linearity != 1:
# to make small movements smaller for more precision
speed = (mouse_x ** 2 + mouse_y ** 2) ** 0.5 # pythagoras
factor = (speed / max_speed) ** non_linearity
factor = 1
rel_x = mouse_x * factor * pointer_speed
rel_y = mouse_y * factor * pointer_speed
rel_x = self.accumulate(REL_X, rel_x)
rel_y = self.accumulate(REL_Y, rel_y)
if rel_x != 0:
self._write(EV_REL, REL_X, rel_x)
if rel_y != 0:
self._write(EV_REL, REL_Y, rel_y)
# wheel movements
if abs(wheel_x) > 0:
change = wheel_x * x_scroll_speed
value = self.accumulate(REL_WHEEL, change)
if abs(change) > WHEEL_THRESHOLD * x_scroll_speed:
self._write(EV_REL, REL_HWHEEL, value)
if abs(wheel_y) > 0:
change = wheel_y * y_scroll_speed
value = self.accumulate(REL_HWHEEL, change)
if abs(change) > WHEEL_THRESHOLD * y_scroll_speed:
self._write(EV_REL, REL_WHEEL, -value)