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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# key-mapper - GUI for device specific keyboard mappings
# Copyright (C) 2021 sezanzeb <>
# This file is part of key-mapper.
# key-mapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# key-mapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with key-mapper. If not, see <>.
"""Testing the key-mapper-control command"""
import os
import time
import unittest
from unittest import mock
import collections
from importlib.util import spec_from_loader, module_from_spec
from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
from keymapper.state import custom_mapping
from keymapper.config import config
from keymapper.daemon import Daemon
from keymapper.mapping import Mapping
from keymapper.paths import get_preset_path
from tests.test import quick_cleanup, tmp
def import_control():
"""Import the core function of the key-mapper-control command."""
bin_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'bin', 'key-mapper-control')
loader = SourceFileLoader('__not_main_idk__', bin_path)
spec = spec_from_loader('__not_main_idk__', loader)
module = module_from_spec(spec)
return module.main, module.internals
control, internals = import_control()
options = collections.namedtuple(
'options', [
'command', 'config_dir', 'preset', 'device', 'list_devices',
'key_names', 'debug'
class TestControl(unittest.TestCase):
def tearDown(self):
def test_autoload(self):
devices = ['device 1', 'device 2']
presets = ['bar0', 'bar', 'bar2']
paths = [
get_preset_path(devices[0], presets[0]),
get_preset_path(devices[1], presets[1]),
get_preset_path(devices[1], presets[2])
daemon = Daemon()
start_history = []
stop_counter = 0
# using an actual injector is not within the scope of this test
class Injector:
def stop_injecting(self, *args, **kwargs):
nonlocal stop_counter
stop_counter += 1
def start_injecting(device, preset):
start_history.append((device, preset))
daemon.injectors[device] = Injector()
daemon.start_injecting = start_injecting
config.set_autoload_preset(devices[0], presets[0])
config.set_autoload_preset(devices[1], presets[1])
control(options('autoload', None, None, None, False, False, False), daemon)
self.assertEqual(len(start_history), 2)
self.assertEqual(start_history[0], (devices[0], presets[0]))
self.assertEqual(start_history[1], (devices[1], presets[1]))
self.assertIn(devices[0], daemon.injectors)
self.assertIn(devices[1], daemon.injectors)
self.assertFalse(daemon.autoload_history.may_autoload(devices[0], presets[0]))
self.assertFalse(daemon.autoload_history.may_autoload(devices[1], presets[1]))
# calling autoload again doesn't load redundantly
control(options('autoload', None, None, None, False, False, False), daemon)
self.assertEqual(len(start_history), 2)
self.assertEqual(stop_counter, 0)
self.assertFalse(daemon.autoload_history.may_autoload(devices[0], presets[0]))
self.assertFalse(daemon.autoload_history.may_autoload(devices[1], presets[1]))
# unless the injection in question ist stopped
control(options('stop', None, None, devices[0], False, False, False), daemon)
self.assertEqual(stop_counter, 1)
self.assertTrue(daemon.autoload_history.may_autoload(devices[0], presets[0]))
self.assertFalse(daemon.autoload_history.may_autoload(devices[1], presets[1]))
control(options('autoload', None, None, None, False, False, False), daemon)
self.assertEqual(len(start_history), 3)
self.assertEqual(start_history[2], (devices[0], presets[0]))
self.assertFalse(daemon.autoload_history.may_autoload(devices[0], presets[0]))
self.assertFalse(daemon.autoload_history.may_autoload(devices[1], presets[1]))
# if a device name is passed, will only start injecting for that one
control(options('stop-all', None, None, None, False, False, False), daemon)
self.assertTrue(daemon.autoload_history.may_autoload(devices[0], presets[0]))
self.assertTrue(daemon.autoload_history.may_autoload(devices[1], presets[1]))
self.assertEqual(stop_counter, 3)
config.set_autoload_preset(devices[1], presets[2])
control(options('autoload', None, None, devices[1], False, False, False), daemon)
self.assertEqual(len(start_history), 4)
self.assertEqual(start_history[3], (devices[1], presets[2]))
self.assertTrue(daemon.autoload_history.may_autoload(devices[0], presets[0]))
self.assertFalse(daemon.autoload_history.may_autoload(devices[1], presets[2]))
# autoloading for the same device again redundantly will not autoload
# again
control(options('autoload', None, None, devices[1], False, False, False), daemon)
self.assertEqual(len(start_history), 4)
self.assertEqual(stop_counter, 3)
self.assertFalse(daemon.autoload_history.may_autoload(devices[1], presets[2]))
# any other arbitrary preset may be autoloaded
self.assertTrue(daemon.autoload_history.may_autoload(devices[1], 'quuuux'))
# after 15 seconds it may be autoloaded again
daemon.autoload_history._autoload_history[devices[1]] = (time.time() - 16, presets[2])
self.assertTrue(daemon.autoload_history.may_autoload(devices[1], presets[2]))
def test_autoload_other_path(self):
devices = ['device 1', 'device 2']
presets = ['bar123', 'bar2']
config_dir = os.path.join(tmp, 'qux', 'quux')
paths = [
os.path.join(config_dir, 'presets', devices[0], presets[0] + '.json'),
os.path.join(config_dir, 'presets', devices[1], presets[1] + '.json')
daemon = Daemon()
start_history = []
daemon.start_injecting = lambda *args: start_history.append(args)
config.path = os.path.join(config_dir, 'config.json')
config.set_autoload_preset(devices[0], presets[0])
config.set_autoload_preset(devices[1], presets[1])
control(options('autoload', config_dir, None, None, False, False, False), daemon)
self.assertEqual(len(start_history), 2)
self.assertEqual(start_history[0], (devices[0], presets[0]))
self.assertEqual(start_history[1], (devices[1], presets[1]))
def test_start_stop(self):
device = 'device 1234'
preset = 'preset9'
daemon = Daemon()
start_history = []
stop_history = []
stop_all_history = []
daemon.start_injecting = lambda *args: start_history.append(args)
daemon.stop_injecting = lambda *args: stop_history.append(args)
daemon.stop_all = lambda *args: stop_all_history.append(args)
control(options('start', None, preset, device, False, False, False), daemon)
self.assertEqual(len(start_history), 1)
self.assertEqual(start_history[0], (device, preset))
control(options('stop', None, None, device, False, False, False), daemon)
self.assertEqual(len(stop_history), 1)
self.assertEqual(stop_history[0], (device,))
control(options('stop-all', None, None, None, False, False, False), daemon)
self.assertEqual(len(stop_all_history), 1)
self.assertEqual(stop_all_history[0], ())
def test_config_not_found(self):
device = 'device 1234'
path = '~/a/preset.json'
config_dir = '/foo/bar'
daemon = Daemon()
start_history = []
stop_history = []
daemon.start_injecting = lambda *args: start_history.append(args)
daemon.stop_injecting = lambda *args: stop_history.append(args)
options_1 = options('start', config_dir, path, device, False, False, False)
self.assertRaises(SystemExit, lambda: control(options_1, daemon))
options_2 = options('stop', config_dir, None, device, False, False, False)
self.assertRaises(SystemExit, lambda: control(options_2, daemon))
def test_autoload_config_dir(self):
daemon = Daemon()
path = os.path.join(tmp, 'foo')
with open(os.path.join(path, 'config.json'), 'w') as file:
# since daemon and this test share the same memory, the config
# object that this test can access will be modified
self.assertEqual(config.get('foo'), 'bar')
# passing a path that doesn't exist or a path that doesn't contain
# a config.json file won't do anything
os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmp, 'bar'))
daemon.set_config_dir(os.path.join(tmp, 'bar'))
self.assertEqual(config.get('foo'), 'bar')
daemon.set_config_dir(os.path.join(tmp, 'qux'))
self.assertEqual(config.get('foo'), 'bar')
def test_internals(self):
with mock.patch('os.system') as os_system_patch:
internals(options('helper', None, None, None, False, False, False))
self.assertIn('key-mapper-helper', os_system_patch.call_args.args[0])
self.assertNotIn('-d', os_system_patch.call_args.args[0])
with mock.patch('os.system') as os_system_patch:
internals(options('start-daemon', None, None, None, False, False, True))
self.assertIn('key-mapper-service', os_system_patch.call_args.args[0])
self.assertIn('-d', os_system_patch.call_args.args[0])
if __name__ == "__main__":