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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# input-remapper - GUI for device specific keyboard mappings
# Copyright (C) 2022 sezanzeb <>
# This file is part of input-remapper.
# input-remapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# input-remapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with input-remapper. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import annotations
"""Contains and manages mappings."""
import os
import re
import json
import glob
import time
from typing import Tuple, Dict, List
from evdev.ecodes import EV_KEY, BTN_LEFT
from inputremapper.logger import logger
from inputremapper.configs.paths import touch, get_preset_path, mkdir
from inputremapper.configs.global_config import global_config
from inputremapper.configs.base_config import ConfigBase
from inputremapper.event_combination import EventCombination
from inputremapper.injection.macros.parse import clean
from inputremapper.groups import groups
class Preset(ConfigBase):
"""Contains and manages mappings of a single preset."""
_mapping: Dict[EventCombination, Tuple[str, str]]
def __init__(self):
# a mapping of a EventCombination object to (symbol, target) tuple
self._mapping: Dict[EventCombination, Tuple[str, str]] = {}
self._changed = False
# are there actually any keys set in the preset file?
self.num_saved_keys = 0
def __iter__(self) -> Preset._mapping.items:
"""Iterate over EventCombination objects and their mappings."""
return iter(self._mapping.items())
def __len__(self):
return len(self._mapping)
def set(self, *args):
"""Set a config value. See `ConfigBase.set`."""
self._changed = True
return super().set(*args)
def remove(self, *args):
"""Remove a config value. See `ConfigBase.remove`."""
self._changed = True
return super().remove(*args)
def change(self, new_combination, target, symbol, previous_combination=None):
"""Replace the mapping of a keycode with a different one.
new_combination : EventCombination
target : string
name of target uinput
symbol : string
A single symbol known to xkb or linux.
Examples: KEY_KP1, Shift_L, a, B, BTN_LEFT.
previous_combination : EventCombination or None
the previous combination
If not set, will not remove any previous mapping. If you recently
used (1, 10, 1) for new_key and want to overwrite that with
(1, 11, 1), provide (1, 10, 1) here.
if not isinstance(new_combination, EventCombination):
raise TypeError(
f"Expected {new_combination} to be a EventCombination object"
if symbol is None or symbol.strip() == "":
raise ValueError("Expected `symbol` not to be empty")
if target is None or target.strip() == "":
raise ValueError("Expected `target` not to be None")
target = target.strip()
symbol = symbol.strip()
output = (symbol, target)
if previous_combination is None and self._mapping.get(new_combination):
# the combination didn't change
previous_combination = new_combination
key_changed = new_combination != previous_combination
if not key_changed and (symbol, target) == self._mapping.get(new_combination):
# nothing was changed, no need to act
self.clear(new_combination) # this also clears all equivalent keys
logger.debug('changing %s to "%s"', new_combination, clean(symbol))
self._mapping[new_combination] = output
if key_changed and previous_combination is not None:
# clear previous mapping of that code, because the line
# representing that one will now represent a different one
self._changed = True
def has_unsaved_changes(self):
"""Check if there are unsaved changed."""
return self._changed
def set_has_unsaved_changes(self, changed):
"""Write down if there are unsaved changes, or if they have been saved."""
self._changed = changed
def clear(self, combination):
"""Remove a keycode from the preset.
combination : EventCombination
if not isinstance(combination, EventCombination):
raise TypeError(
f"Expected combination to be a EventCombination object but got {combination}"
for permutation in combination.get_permutations():
if permutation in self._mapping:
logger.debug("%s cleared", permutation)
del self._mapping[permutation]
self._changed = True
# there should be only one variation of the permutations
# in the preset actually
def empty(self):
"""Remove all mappings and custom configs without saving."""
self._mapping = {}
self._changed = True
def load(self, path):
"""Load a dumped JSON from home to overwrite the mappings.
path : string
Path of the preset file
"""'Loading preset from "%s"', path)
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise FileNotFoundError(f'Tried to load non-existing preset "{path}"')
self._changed = False
with open(path, "r") as file:
preset_dict = json.load(file)
if not isinstance(preset_dict.get("mapping"), dict):
"Expected mapping to be a dict, but was %s. "
'Invalid preset config at "%s"',
for combination, symbol in preset_dict["mapping"].items():
combination = EventCombination.from_string(combination)
except ValueError as error:
if isinstance(symbol, list):
symbol = tuple(symbol) # use a immutable type
logger.debug("%s maps to %s", combination, symbol)
self._mapping[combination] = symbol
# add any metadata of the preset
for key in preset_dict:
if key == "mapping":
self._config[key] = preset_dict[key]
self._changed = False
self.num_saved_keys = len(self)
def save(self, path):
"""Dump as JSON into home.""""Saving preset to %s", path)
with open(path, "w") as file:
if self._config.get("mapping") is not None:
'"mapping" is reserved and cannot be used as config ' "key: %s",
preset_dict = self._config.copy() # shallow copy
# make sure to keep the option to add metadata if ever needed,
# so put the mapping into a special key
json_ready_mapping = {}
# tuple keys are not possible in json, encode them as string
for combination, value in self._mapping.items():
new_key = combination.json_str()
json_ready_mapping[new_key] = value
preset_dict["mapping"] = json_ready_mapping
json.dump(preset_dict, file, indent=4)
self._changed = False
self.num_saved_keys = len(self)
def get_mapping(self, combination: EventCombination):
"""Read the (symbol, target)-tuple that is mapped to this keycode.
combination : EventCombination
if not isinstance(combination, EventCombination):
raise TypeError(
f"Expected combination to be a EventCombination object but got {combination}"
for permutation in combination.get_permutations():
existing = self._mapping.get(permutation)
if existing is not None:
return existing
return None
def dangerously_mapped_btn_left(self):
"""Return True if this mapping disables BTN_Left."""
if self.get_mapping(EventCombination([EV_KEY, BTN_LEFT, 1])) is not None:
values = [value[0].lower() for value in self._mapping.values()]
return "btn_left" not in values
return False
# Method from previously
# TODO: See what can be implemented as classmethod or
# member function of Preset
def get_available_preset_name(group_name, preset="new preset", copy=False):
"""Increment the preset name until it is available."""
if group_name is None:
# endless loop otherwise
raise ValueError("group_name may not be None")
preset = preset.strip()
if copy and not re.match(r"^.+\scopy( \d+)?$", preset):
preset = f"{preset} copy"
# find a name that is not already taken
if os.path.exists(get_preset_path(group_name, preset)):
# if there already is a trailing number, increment it instead of
# adding another one
match = re.match(r"^(.+) (\d+)$", preset)
if match:
preset = match[1]
i = int(match[2]) + 1
i = 2
while os.path.exists(get_preset_path(group_name, f"{preset} {i}")):
i += 1
return f"{preset} {i}"
return preset
def get_presets(group_name: str) -> List[str]:
"""Get all preset filenames for the device and user, starting with the newest.
group_name : string
device_folder = get_preset_path(group_name)
paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(device_folder, "*.json"))
presets = [
for path in sorted(paths, key=os.path.getmtime)
# the highest timestamp to the front
return presets
def get_any_preset() -> Tuple[str | None, str | None]:
"""Return the first found tuple of (device, preset)."""
group_names = groups.list_group_names()
if len(group_names) == 0:
return None, None
any_device = list(group_names)[0]
any_preset = (get_presets(any_device) or [None])[0]
return any_device, any_preset
def find_newest_preset(group_name=None):
"""Get a tuple of (device, preset) that was most recently modified
in the users home directory.
If no device has been configured yet, return an arbitrary device.
group_name : string
If set, will return the newest preset for the device or None
# sort the oldest files to the front in order to use pop to get the newest
if group_name is None:
paths = sorted(
glob.glob(os.path.join(get_preset_path(), "*/*.json")), key=os.path.getmtime
paths = sorted(
glob.glob(os.path.join(get_preset_path(group_name), "*.json")),
if len(paths) == 0:
logger.debug("No presets found")
return get_any_preset()
group_names = groups.list_group_names()
newest_path = None
while len(paths) > 0:
# take the newest path
path = paths.pop()
preset = os.path.split(path)[1]
group_name = os.path.split(os.path.split(path)[0])[1]
if group_name in group_names:
newest_path = path
if newest_path is None:
return get_any_preset()
preset = os.path.splitext(preset)[0]
logger.debug('The newest preset is "%s", "%s"', group_name, preset)
return group_name, preset
def delete_preset(group_name, preset):
"""Delete one of the users presets."""
preset_path = get_preset_path(group_name, preset)
if not os.path.exists(preset_path):
logger.debug('Cannot remove non existing path "%s"', preset_path)
return'Removing "%s"', preset_path)
device_path = get_preset_path(group_name)
if os.path.exists(device_path) and len(os.listdir(device_path)) == 0:
logger.debug('Removing empty dir "%s"', device_path)
def rename_preset(group_name, old_preset_name, new_preset_name):
"""Rename one of the users presets while avoiding name conflicts."""
if new_preset_name == old_preset_name:
return None
new_preset_name = get_available_preset_name(group_name, new_preset_name)'Moving "%s" to "%s"', old_preset_name, new_preset_name)
get_preset_path(group_name, old_preset_name),
get_preset_path(group_name, new_preset_name),
# set the modification date to now
now = time.time()
os.utime(get_preset_path(group_name, new_preset_name), (now, now))
return new_preset_name