You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

108 lines
2.8 KiB

import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Optional, Callable
from inputremapper.configs.mapping import MappingData
from inputremapper.event_combination import EventCombination
from inputremapper.gui.messages.message_types import (
class UInputsData:
message_type = MessageType.uinputs
uinputs: Dict[Name, Capabilities]
def __str__(self):
string = f"{self.__class__.__name__}(uinputs={self.uinputs})"
# find all sequences of comma+space separated numbers, and shorten them
# to the first and last number
all_matches = [m for m in re.finditer("(\d+, )+", string)]
for match in all_matches:
start = match.start()
end = match.end()
start += string[start:].find(",") + 2
if start == end:
string = f"{string[:start]}... {string[end:]}"
return string
class GroupsData:
"""Message containing all available groups and their device types"""
message_type = MessageType.groups
groups: Dict[Key, DeviceTypes]
class GroupData:
"""Message with the active group and available presets for the group"""
message_type =
group_key: str
presets: Tuple[str, ...]
class PresetData:
"""Message with the active preset name and mapping names/combinations"""
message_type = MessageType.preset
name: Optional[Name]
mappings: Optional[Tuple[MappingData, ...]]
autoload: bool = False
class StatusData:
"""Message with the strings and id for the status bar"""
message_type = MessageType.status_msg
ctx_id: int
msg: Optional[str] = None
tooltip: Optional[str] = None
class CombinationRecorded:
"""Message with the latest recoded combination"""
message_type = MessageType.combination_recorded
combination: "EventCombination"
class CombinationUpdate:
"""Message with the old and new combination (hash for a mapping) when it changed"""
message_type = MessageType.combination_update
old_combination: "EventCombination"
new_combination: "EventCombination"
class UserConfirmRequest:
"""Message for requesting a user response (confirm/cancel) from the gui"""
message_type = MessageType.user_confirm_request
msg: str
respond: Callable[[bool], None] = lambda _: None
class DoStackSwitch:
"""Command the stack to switch to a different page."""
message_type = MessageType.do_stack_switch
page_index: int