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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# input-remapper - GUI for device specific keyboard mappings
# Copyright (C) 2023 sezanzeb <>
# This file is part of input-remapper.
# input-remapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# input-remapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with input-remapper. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import annotations
import enum
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Optional, Callable, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, Any, Dict
import pkg_resources
from evdev.ecodes import (
from pydantic import (
from inputremapper.configs.input_config import InputCombination
from inputremapper.configs.system_mapping import system_mapping, DISABLE_NAME
from inputremapper.configs.validation_errors import (
from inputremapper.gui.gettext import _
from inputremapper.gui.messages.message_types import MessageType
from inputremapper.injection.global_uinputs import can_default_uinput_emit
from inputremapper.injection.macros.parse import is_this_a_macro, parse
from inputremapper.utils import get_evdev_constant_name
# TODO: remove pydantic VERSION check as soon as we no longer support
# Ubuntu 20.04 and with it the ancient pydantic 1.2
needs_workaround = pkg_resources.parse_version(
) < pkg_resources.parse_version("1.7.1")
EMPTY_MAPPING_NAME: str = _("Empty Mapping")
# If `1` is the default speed for EV_REL, how much does this value needs to be scaled
# up to get reasonable speeds for various EV_REL events?
# Mouse injection rates vary wildly, and so do the values.
REL_XY_SCALING: float = 60
WHEEL_SCALING: float = 1
# WHEEL_HI_RES always generates events with 120 times higher values than WHEEL
# Those values are assuming a rate of 60hz
DEFAULT_REL_RATE: float = 60
class KnownUinput(str, enum.Enum):
"""The default targets."""
KEYBOARD = "keyboard"
MOUSE = "mouse"
GAMEPAD = "gamepad"
KEYBOARD_MOUSE = "keyboard + mouse"
class MappingType(str, enum.Enum):
"""What kind of output the mapping produces."""
KEY_MACRO = "key_macro"
ANALOG = "analog"
CombinationChangedCallback = Optional[
Callable[[InputCombination, InputCombination], None]
MappingModel = TypeVar("MappingModel", bound="UIMapping")
class Cfg(BaseConfig):
validate_assignment = True
use_enum_values = True
underscore_attrs_are_private = True
json_encoders = {InputCombination: lambda v: v.json_key()}
class ImmutableCfg(Cfg):
allow_mutation = False
class UIMapping(BaseModel):
"""Holds all the data for mapping an input action to an output action.
The Preset contains multiple UIMappings.
This mapping does not validate the structure of the mapping or macros, only basic
values. It is meant to be used in the GUI where invalid mappings are expected.
if needs_workaround:
__slots__ = ("_combination_changed",)
# Required attributes
# The InputEvent or InputEvent combination which is mapped
input_combination: InputCombination = InputCombination.empty_combination()
# The UInput to which the mapped event will be sent
target_uinput: Optional[Union[str, KnownUinput]] = None
# Either `output_symbol` or `output_type` and `output_code` is required
output_symbol: Optional[str] = None # The symbol or macro string if applicable
output_type: Optional[int] = None # The event type of the mapped event
output_code: Optional[int] = None # The event code of the mapped event
name: Optional[str] = None
mapping_type: Optional[MappingType] = None
# if release events will be sent to the forwarded device as soon as a combination
# triggers see also #229
release_combination_keys: bool = True
# macro settings
macro_key_sleep_ms: conint(ge=0) = 0 # type: ignore
# Optional attributes for mapping Axis to Axis
# The deadzone of the input axis
deadzone: confloat(ge=0, le=1) = 0.1 # type: ignore
gain: float = 1.0 # The scale factor for the transformation
# The expo factor for the transformation
expo: confloat(ge=-1, le=1) = 0 # type: ignore
# when mapping to relative axis
# The frequency [Hz] at which EV_REL events get generated
rel_rate: PositiveInt = 60
# when mapping from a relative axis:
# the relative value at which a EV_REL axis is considered at its maximum. Moving
# a mouse at 2x the regular speed would be considered max by default.
rel_to_abs_input_cutoff: PositiveInt = 2
# the time until a relative axis is considered stationary if no new events arrive
release_timeout: PositiveFloat = 0.05
# don't release immediately when a relative axis drops below the speed threshold
# instead wait until it dropped for loger than release_timeout below the threshold
force_release_timeout: bool = False
# callback which gets called if the input_combination is updated
if not needs_workaround:
_combination_changed: Optional[CombinationChangedCallback] = None
# use type: ignore, looks like a mypy bug related to:
def __init__(self, **kwargs): # type: ignore
if needs_workaround:
object.__setattr__(self, "_combination_changed", None)
def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any):
"""Call the combination changed callback
if we are about to update the input_combination
if key != "input_combination" or self._combination_changed is None:
if key == "_combination_changed" and needs_workaround:
object.__setattr__(self, "_combination_changed", value)
super().__setattr__(key, value)
# the new combination is not yet validated
new_combi = InputCombination.validate(value)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as exception:
raise ValidationError(
f"failed to Validate {value} as InputCombination", UIMapping
) from exception
if new_combi == self.input_combination:
# raises a keyError if the combination or a permutation is already mapped
self._combination_changed(new_combi, self.input_combination)
super().__setattr__("input_combination", new_combi)
def __str__(self):
return str(
exclude_defaults=True, include={"input_combination", "target_uinput"}
if needs_workaround:
def copy(self: MappingModel, *args, **kwargs) -> MappingModel:
kwargs["deep"] = True
copy = super().copy(*args, **kwargs)
object.__setattr__(copy, "_combination_changed", self._combination_changed)
return copy
def format_name(self) -> str:
"""Get the custom-name or a readable representation of the combination."""
if (
self.input_combination == InputCombination.empty_combination()
or self.input_combination is None
return self.input_combination.beautify()
def has_input_defined(self) -> bool:
"""Whether this mapping defines an event-input."""
return self.input_combination != InputCombination.empty_combination()
def is_axis_mapping(self) -> bool:
"""Whether this mapping specifies an output axis."""
return self.output_type in [EV_ABS, EV_REL]
def is_wheel_output(self) -> bool:
"""Check if this maps to wheel output."""
return self.output_code in (
def is_high_res_wheel_output(self) -> bool:
"""Check if this maps to high-res wheel output."""
return self.output_code in (
def is_analog_output(self):
return self.mapping_type == MappingType.ANALOG
def set_combination_changed_callback(self, callback: CombinationChangedCallback):
self._combination_changed = callback
def remove_combination_changed_callback(self):
self._combination_changed = None
def get_output_type_code(self) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]:
"""Returns the output_type and output_code if set,
otherwise looks the output_symbol up in the system_mapping
return None for unknown symbols and macros
if self.output_code and self.output_type:
return self.output_type, self.output_code
if self.output_symbol and not is_this_a_macro(self.output_symbol):
return EV_KEY, system_mapping.get(self.output_symbol)
return None
def get_output_name_constant(self) -> str:
"""Get the evdev name costant for the output."""
return get_evdev_constant_name(self.output_type, self.output_code)
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
"""If the mapping is valid."""
return not self.get_error()
def get_error(self) -> Optional[ValidationError]:
"""The validation error or None."""
except ValidationError as exception:
return exception
return None
def get_bus_message(self) -> MappingData:
"""Return an immutable copy for use in the message broker."""
return MappingData(**self.dict())
def validate_mapping_type(cls, values):
"""Overrides the mapping type if the output mapping type is obvious."""
output_type = values.get("output_type")
output_code = values.get("output_code")
output_symbol = values.get("output_symbol")
if output_type is not None and output_code is not None and not output_symbol:
values["mapping_type"] = "analog"
if output_type is None and output_code is None and output_symbol:
values["mapping_type"] = "key_macro"
return values
Config = Cfg
class Mapping(UIMapping):
"""Holds all the data for mapping an input action to an output action.
This implements the missing validations from UIMapping.
# Override Required attributes to enforce they are set
input_combination: InputCombination
target_uinput: KnownUinput
def from_combination(
cls, input_combination=None, target_uinput="keyboard", output_symbol="a"
"""Convenient function to get a valid mapping."""
if not input_combination:
input_combination = [{"type": 99, "code": 99, "analog_threshold": 99}]
return cls(
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
"""If the mapping is valid."""
return True
def validate_symbol(cls, values):
"""Parse a macro to check for syntax errors."""
symbol = values.get("output_symbol")
if symbol == "":
values["output_symbol"] = None
return values
if symbol is None:
return values
symbol = symbol.strip()
values["output_symbol"] = symbol
if symbol == DISABLE_NAME:
return values
if is_this_a_macro(symbol):
mapping_mock = namedtuple("Mapping", values.keys())(**values)
# raises MacroParsingError
parse(symbol, mapping=mapping_mock, verbose=False)
return values
code = system_mapping.get(symbol)
if code is None:
raise OutputSymbolUnknownError(symbol)
target = values.get("target_uinput")
if target is not None and not can_default_uinput_emit(target, EV_KEY, code):
raise SymbolNotAvailableInTargetError(symbol, target)
return values
def only_one_analog_input(cls, combination) -> InputCombination:
"""Check that the input_combination specifies a maximum of one
analog to analog mapping
analog_events = [event for event in combination if event.defines_analog_input]
if len(analog_events) > 1:
raise OnlyOneAnalogInputError(analog_events)
return combination
def trigger_point_in_range(cls, combination: InputCombination) -> InputCombination:
"""Check if the trigger point for mapping analog axis to buttons is valid."""
for input_config in combination:
if (
input_config.type == EV_ABS
and input_config.analog_threshold
and abs(input_config.analog_threshold) >= 100
raise TriggerPointInRangeError(input_config)
return combination
def validate_output_symbol_variant(cls, values):
"""Validate that either type and code or symbol are set for key output."""
o_symbol = values.get("output_symbol")
o_type = values.get("output_type")
o_code = values.get("output_code")
if o_symbol is None and (o_type is None or o_code is None):
raise OutputSymbolVariantError()
return values
def validate_output_integrity(cls, values):
"""Validate the output key configuration."""
symbol = values.get("output_symbol")
type_ = values.get("output_type")
code = values.get("output_code")
if symbol is None:
# If symbol is "", then validate_symbol changes it to None
# type and code can be anything
return values
if type_ is None and code is None:
# we have a symbol: no type and code is fine
return values
if is_this_a_macro(symbol):
# disallow output type and code for macros
if type_ is not None or code is not None:
raise MacroButTypeOrCodeSetError()
if code is not None and code != system_mapping.get(symbol) or type_ != EV_KEY:
raise SymbolAndCodeMismatchError(symbol, code)
return values
def output_matches_input(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Validate that an output type is an axis if we have an input axis.
And vice versa."""
assert isinstance(values.get("input_combination"), InputCombination)
combination: InputCombination = values["input_combination"]
analog_input_config = combination.find_analog_input_config()
use_as_analog = analog_input_config is not None
output_type = values.get("output_type")
output_symbol = values.get("output_symbol")
if not use_as_analog and not output_symbol and output_type != EV_KEY:
raise MissingMacroOrKeyError()
if (
and output_type not in (EV_ABS, EV_REL)
and output_symbol != DISABLE_NAME
raise MissingOutputAxisError(analog_input_config, output_type)
return values
class MappingData(UIMapping):
"""Like UIMapping, but can be sent over the message broker."""
Config = ImmutableCfg
message_type = MessageType.mapping # allow this to be sent over the MessageBroker
def __str__(self):
return str(self.dict(exclude_defaults=True))
def dict(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Will not include the message_type."""
dict_ = super().dict(*args, **kwargs)
if "message_type" in dict_:
del dict_["message_type"]
return dict_