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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# key-mapper - GUI for device specific keyboard mappings
# Copyright (C) 2021 sezanzeb <>
# This file is part of key-mapper.
# key-mapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# key-mapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with key-mapper. If not, see <>.
"""Executes more complex patterns of keystrokes.
To keep it short on the UI, basic functions are one letter long.
The outermost macro (in the examples below the one created by 'r',
'r' and 'w') will be started, which triggers a chain reaction to execute
all of the configured stuff.
r(3, k(a).w(10)): a <10ms> a <10ms> a
r(2, k(a).k(-)).k(b): a - a - b
w(1000).m(Shift_L, r(2, k(a))).w(10).k(b): <1s> A A <10ms> b
import asyncio
import re
import traceback
import copy
import multiprocessing
import atexit
import select
from evdev.ecodes import ecodes, EV_KEY, EV_REL, REL_X, REL_Y, REL_WHEEL, \
from keymapper.logger import logger
from keymapper.state import system_mapping
class SharedDict:
"""Share a dictionary across processes."""
# because unittests terminate all child processes in cleanup I can't use
# multiprocessing.Manager
def __init__(self):
"""Create a shared dictionary."""
self.pipe = multiprocessing.Pipe()
self.process = None
# To avoid blocking forever if something goes wrong. The maximum
# observed time communication takes was 0.001 for me on a slow pc
self._timeout = 0.02
def _start(self):
"""Ensure the process to manage the dictionary is running."""
if self.process is not None and self.process.is_alive():
# if the manager has already been running in the past but stopped
# for some reason, the dictionary contents are lost
self.process = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.manage)
def manage(self):
"""Manage the dictionary, handle read and write requests."""
shared_dict = dict()
while True:
message = self.pipe[0].recv()
logger.spam('SharedDict got %s', message)
if message[0] == 'stop':
if message[0] == 'set':
shared_dict[message[1]] = message[2]
if message[0] == 'get':
if message[0] == 'ping':
def _stop(self):
"""Stop the managing process."""
def get(self, key):
"""Get a value from the dictionary."""
return self.__getitem__(key)
def is_alive(self, timeout=None):
"""Check if the manager process is running."""
self.pipe[1].send(('ping',))[self.pipe[1]], [], [], timeout or self._timeout)
if self.pipe[1].poll():
return self.pipe[1].recv() == 'pong'
return False
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.pipe[1].send(('set', key, value))
def __getitem__(self, key):
self.pipe[1].send(('get', key))[self.pipe[1]], [], [], self._timeout)
if self.pipe[1].poll():
return self.pipe[1].recv()
logger.error(' timed out')
return None
def __del__(self):
macro_variables = SharedDict()
def is_this_a_macro(output):
"""Figure out if this is a macro."""
if not isinstance(output, str):
return False
if '+' in output.strip():
# for example "a + b"
return True
return '(' in output and ')' in output and len(output) >= 4
class _Macro:
"""Supports chaining and preparing actions.
Calling functions like keycode on _Macro doesn't inject any events yet,
it means that once .run is used it will be executed along with all other
queued tasks.
Those functions need to construct an asyncio coroutine and append it to
self.tasks. This makes parameter checking during compile time possible.
Coroutines receive a handler as argument, which is a function that can be
used to inject input events into the system.
def __init__(self, code, mapping):
"""Create a macro instance that can be populated with tasks.
code : string or None
The original parsed code, for logging purposes.
mapping : Mapping
The preset object, needed for some config stuff
self.code = code
self.mapping = mapping
# List of coroutines that will be called sequentially.
# This is the compiled code
self.tasks = []
# is a lock so that h() can be realized
self._holding_lock = asyncio.Lock()
self.running = False
# all required capabilities, without those of child macros
self.capabilities = {
EV_KEY: set(),
EV_REL: set(),
self.child_macros = []
self.keystroke_sleep_ms = None
def is_holding(self):
"""Check if the macro is waiting for a key to be released."""
return self._holding_lock.locked()
def get_capabilities(self):
"""Resolve all capabilities of the macro and those of its children."""
capabilities = copy.deepcopy(self.capabilities)
for macro in self.child_macros:
macro_capabilities = macro.get_capabilities()
for ev_type in macro_capabilities:
if ev_type not in capabilities:
capabilities[ev_type] = set()
return capabilities
async def run(self, handler):
"""Run the macro.
handler : function
Will receive int type, code and value for an event to write
if self.running:
logger.error('Tried to run already running macro "%s"', self.code)
self.keystroke_sleep_ms = self.mapping.get('macros.keystroke_sleep_ms')
self.running = True
for task in self.tasks:
# one could call tasks the compiled macros. it's lambda functions
# that receive the handler as an argument, so that they know
# where to send the event to.
coroutine = task(handler)
if asyncio.iscoroutine(coroutine):
await coroutine
# done
self.running = False
def press_key(self):
"""The user pressed the key down."""
if self.is_holding():
logger.error('Already holding')
for macro in self.child_macros:
def release_key(self):
"""The user released the key."""
if self._holding_lock is not None:
for macro in self.child_macros:
def hold(self, macro=None):
"""Loops the execution until key release."""
async def hold_block(_):
# wait until the key is released. Only then it will be
# able to acquire the lock. Release it right after so that
# it can be acquired by press_key again.
await self._holding_lock.acquire()
except RuntimeError as error:
# The specific bug in question has been fixed already,
# but lets keep this check here for the future. Not
# catching errors here causes the macro to never be
# released
logger.error('Failed h(): %s', error)
if macro is None:
# no parameters: block until released
if not isinstance(macro, _Macro):
# if macro is a key name, hold down the key while the actual
# keyboard key is held down
symbol = str(macro)
code = system_mapping.get(symbol)
if code is None:
raise KeyError(f'Unknown key "{symbol}"')
self.tasks.append(lambda handler: handler(EV_KEY, code, 1))
self.tasks.append(lambda handler: handler(EV_KEY, code, 0))
if isinstance(macro, _Macro):
# repeat the macro forever while the key is held down
async def task(handler):
while self.is_holding():
# run the child macro completely to avoid
# not-releasing any key
def modify(self, modifier, macro):
"""Do stuff while a modifier is activated.
modifier : str
macro : _Macro
if not isinstance(macro, _Macro):
raise ValueError(
'Expected the second param for m (modify) to be '
f'a macro (like k(a)), but got {macro}'
modifier = str(modifier)
code = system_mapping.get(modifier)
if code is None:
raise KeyError(f'Unknown modifier "{modifier}"')
self.tasks.append(lambda handler: handler(EV_KEY, code, 1))
self.tasks.append(lambda handler: handler(EV_KEY, code, 0))
def repeat(self, repeats, macro):
"""Repeat actions.
repeats : int or _Macro
macro : _Macro
if not isinstance(macro, _Macro):
raise ValueError(
'Expected the second param for r (repeat) to be '
f'a macro (like k(a)), but got "{macro}"'
repeats = int(repeats)
except ValueError as error:
raise ValueError(
'Expected the first param for r (repeat) to be '
f'a number, but got "{repeats}"'
) from error
async def repeat(handler):
for _ in range(repeats):
async def _keycode_pause(self, _=None):
"""To add a pause between keystrokes."""
await asyncio.sleep(self.keystroke_sleep_ms / 1000)
def keycode(self, symbol):
"""Write the symbol."""
symbol = str(symbol)
code = system_mapping.get(symbol)
if code is None:
raise KeyError(f'Unknown key "{symbol}"')
async def keycode(handler):
handler(EV_KEY, code, 1)
await self._keycode_pause()
handler(EV_KEY, code, 0)
await self._keycode_pause()
def event(self, ev_type, code, value):
"""Write any event.
ev_type: str or int
examples: 2, 'EV_KEY'
code : int or int
examples: 52, 'KEY_A'
value : int
if isinstance(ev_type, str):
ev_type = ecodes[ev_type.upper()]
if isinstance(code, str):
code = ecodes[code.upper()]
if ev_type not in self.capabilities:
self.capabilities[ev_type] = set()
if ev_type == EV_REL:
# add all capabilities that are required for the display server
# to recognize the device as mouse
self.tasks.append(lambda handler: handler(ev_type, code, value))
def mouse(self, direction, speed):
"""Shortcut for h(e(...))."""
code, value = {
'up': (REL_Y, -1),
'down': (REL_Y, 1),
'left': (REL_X, -1),
'right': (REL_X, 1),
value *= speed
child_macro = _Macro(None, self.mapping)
child_macro.event(EV_REL, code, value)
def wheel(self, direction, speed):
"""Shortcut for h(e(...))."""
code, value = {
'up': (REL_WHEEL, 1),
'down': (REL_WHEEL, -1),
'left': (REL_HWHEEL, 1),
'right': (REL_HWHEEL, -1),
child_macro = _Macro(None, self.mapping)
child_macro.event(EV_REL, code, value)
child_macro.wait(100 / speed)
def wait(self, sleeptime):
"""Wait time in milliseconds."""
sleeptime = int(sleeptime)
except ValueError as error:
raise ValueError(
'Expected the param for w (wait) to be '
f'a number, but got "{sleeptime}"'
) from error
sleeptime /= 1000
async def sleep(_):
await asyncio.sleep(sleeptime)
def set(self, variable, value):
"""Set a variable to a certain value."""
async def set(_):
logger.debug('"%s" set to "%s"', variable, value)
macro_variables[variable] = value
def ifeq(self, variable, value, then, otherwise=None):
"""Perform an equality check.
variable : string
value : string | number
then : any
otherwise : any
if not isinstance(then, _Macro):
raise ValueError(
'Expected the third param for ifeq to be '
f'a macro (like k(a)), but got "{then}"'
if otherwise and not isinstance(otherwise, _Macro):
raise ValueError(
'Expected the fourth param for ifeq to be '
f'a macro (like k(a)), but got "{otherwise}"'
async def ifeq(handler):
set_value = macro_variables.get(variable)
logger.debug('"%s" is "%s"', variable, set_value)
if set_value == value:
elif otherwise is not None:
if isinstance(otherwise, _Macro):
def _extract_params(inner):
"""Extract parameters from the inner contents of a call.
inner : string
for example 'r, r(2, k(a))' should result in ['r', 'r(2, k(a)']
inner = inner.strip()
brackets = 0
params = []
start = 0
for position, char in enumerate(inner):
if char == '(':
brackets += 1
if char == ')':
brackets -= 1
if char == ',' and brackets == 0:
# , potentially starts another parameter, but only if
# the current brackets are all closed.
# skip the comma
start = position + 1
# one last parameter
return params
def _count_brackets(macro):
"""Find where the first opening bracket closes."""
openings = macro.count('(')
closings = macro.count(')')
if openings != closings:
raise Exception(
f'You entered {openings} opening and {closings} '
'closing brackets'
brackets = 0
position = 0
for char in macro:
position += 1
if char == '(':
brackets += 1
if char == ')':
brackets -= 1
if brackets == 0:
# the closing bracket of the call
return position
def _parse_recurse(macro, mapping, macro_instance=None, depth=0):
"""Handle a subset of the macro, e.g. one parameter or function call.
macro : string
Just like parse
mapping : Mapping
The preset configuration
macro_instance : _Macro or None
A macro instance to add tasks to
depth : int
# not using eval for security reasons
assert isinstance(macro, str)
assert isinstance(depth, int)
if macro == '':
return None
if macro_instance is None:
macro_instance = _Macro(macro, mapping)
assert isinstance(macro_instance, _Macro)
macro = macro.strip()
space = ' ' * depth
# is it another macro?
call_match = re.match(r'^(\w+)\(', macro)
call = call_match[1] if call_match else None
if call is not None:
# available functions in the macro and the minimum and maximum number
# of their parameters
functions = {
'm': (macro_instance.modify, 2, 2),
'r': (macro_instance.repeat, 2, 2),
'k': (macro_instance.keycode, 1, 1),
'e': (macro_instance.event, 3, 3),
'w': (macro_instance.wait, 1, 1),
'h': (macro_instance.hold, 0, 1),
'mouse': (macro_instance.mouse, 2, 2),
'wheel': (macro_instance.wheel, 2, 2),
'ifeq': (macro_instance.ifeq, 3, 4),
'set': (macro_instance.set, 2, 2),
function = functions.get(call)
if function is None:
raise Exception(f'Unknown function {call}')
# get all the stuff inbetween
position = _count_brackets(macro)
inner = macro[macro.index('(') + 1:position - 1]
# split "3, k(a).w(10)" into parameters
string_params = _extract_params(inner)
logger.spam('%scalls %s with %s', space, call, string_params)
# evaluate the params
params = [
_parse_recurse(param.strip(), mapping, None, depth + 1)
for param in string_params
logger.spam('%sadd call to %s with %s', space, call, params)
if len(params) < function[1] or len(params) > function[2]:
if function[1] != function[2]:
msg = (
f'{call} takes between {function[1]} and {function[2]}, '
f'not {len(params)} parameters'
msg = (
f'{call} takes {function[1]}, '
f'not {len(params)} parameters'
raise ValueError(msg)
# is after this another call? Chain it to the macro_instance
if len(macro) > position and macro[position] == '.':
chain = macro[position + 1:]
logger.spam('%sfollowed by %s', space, chain)
_parse_recurse(chain, mapping, macro_instance, depth)
return macro_instance
# probably a parameter for an outer function
# if possible, parse as int
macro = int(macro)
except ValueError:
# use as string instead
logger.spam('%s%s %s', space, type(macro), macro)
return macro
def handle_plus_syntax(macro):
"""transform a + b + c to m(a, m(b, m(c, h())))"""
if '+' not in macro:
return macro
if '(' in macro or ')' in macro:
logger.error('Mixing "+" and macros is unsupported: "%s"', macro)
return macro
chunks = [chunk.strip() for chunk in macro.split('+')]
output = ''
depth = 0
for chunk in chunks:
if chunk == '':
# invalid syntax
logger.error('Invalid syntax for "%s"', macro)
return macro
depth += 1
output += f'm({chunk},'
output += 'h()'
output += depth * ')'
logger.debug('Transformed "%s" to "%s"', macro, output)
return output
def parse(macro, mapping, return_errors=False):
"""parse and generate a _Macro that can be run as often as you want.
If it could not be parsed, possibly due to syntax errors, will log the
error and return None.
macro : string
"r(3, k(a).w(10))"
"r(2, k(a).k(-)).k(b)"
"w(1000).m(Shift_L, r(2, k(a))).w(10, 20).k(b)"
mapping : Mapping
The preset object, needed for some config stuff
return_errors : bool
If True, returns errors as a string or None if parsing worked.
If False, returns the parsed macro.
macro = handle_plus_syntax(macro)
# whitespaces, tabs, newlines and such don't serve a purpose. make
# the log output clearer and the parsing easier.
macro = re.sub(r'\s', '', macro)
if '"' in macro or "'" in macro:'Quotation marks in macros are not needed')
macro = macro.replace('"', '').replace("'", '')
if return_errors:
logger.spam('checking the syntax of %s', macro)
logger.spam('preparing macro %s for later execution', macro)
macro_object = _parse_recurse(macro, mapping)
return macro_object if not return_errors else None
except Exception as error:
logger.error('Failed to parse macro "%s": %s', macro, error.__repr__())
# print the traceback in case this is a bug of key-mapper
return str(error) if return_errors else None