You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# input-remapper - GUI for device specific keyboard mappings
# Copyright (C) 2023 sezanzeb <>
# This file is part of input-remapper.
# input-remapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# input-remapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with input-remapper. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import annotations
import itertools
from typing import Tuple, Iterable, Union, List, Dict, Optional, Hashable, NewType
from evdev import ecodes
from inputremapper.input_event import InputEvent
from pydantic.v1 import BaseModel, root_validator, validator
except ImportError:
from pydantic import BaseModel, root_validator, validator
from inputremapper.configs.system_mapping import system_mapping
from inputremapper.gui.messages.message_types import MessageType
from inputremapper.logger import logger
from inputremapper.utils import get_evdev_constant_name
# having shift in combinations modifies the configured output,
# ctrl might not work at all
DeviceHash = NewType("DeviceHash", str)
class InputConfig(BaseModel):
"""Describes a single input within a combination, to configure mappings."""
message_type = MessageType.selected_event
type: int
code: int
# origin_hash is a hash to identify a specific /dev/input/eventXX device.
# This solves a number of bugs when multiple devices have overlapping capabilities.
# see utils.get_device_hash for the exact hashing function
origin_hash: Optional[DeviceHash] = None
# At which point is an analog input treated as "pressed"
analog_threshold: Optional[int] = None
def __str__(self):
return f"InputConfig {get_evdev_constant_name(self.type, self.code)}"
def __repr__(self):
return (
f"<InputConfig {self.type_and_code} "
f"{get_evdev_constant_name(*self.type_and_code)}, "
f"{self.analog_threshold}, "
f"{self.origin_hash}, "
f"at {hex(id(self))}>"
def input_match_hash(self) -> Hashable:
"""a Hashable object which is intended to match the InputConfig with a
InputConfig itself is hashable, but can not be used to match InputEvent's
because its hash includes the analog_threshold
return self.type, self.code, self.origin_hash
def is_empty(self) -> bool:
return self.type == EMPTY_TYPE
def defines_analog_input(self) -> bool:
"""Whether this defines an analog input."""
return not self.analog_threshold and self.type != ecodes.EV_KEY
def type_and_code(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Event type, code."""
return self.type, self.code
def btn_left(cls):
return cls(type=ecodes.EV_KEY, code=ecodes.BTN_LEFT)
def from_input_event(cls, event: InputEvent) -> InputConfig:
"""create an input confing from the given InputEvent, uses the value as
analog threshold"""
return cls(
def description(self, exclude_threshold=False, exclude_direction=False) -> str:
"""Get a human-readable description of the event."""
return (
f"{self._get_name()} "
f"{self._get_direction() if not exclude_direction else ''} "
f"{self._get_threshold_value() if not exclude_threshold else ''}".strip()
def _get_name(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Human-readable name (e.g. KEY_A) of the specified input event."""
if self.type not in ecodes.bytype:
logger.warning("Unknown type for %s", self)
return f"unknown {self.type, self.code}"
if self.code not in ecodes.bytype[self.type]:
logger.warning("Unknown code for %s", self)
return f"unknown {self.type, self.code}"
key_name = None
# first try to find the name in xmodmap to not display wrong
# names due to the keyboard layout
if self.type == ecodes.EV_KEY:
key_name = system_mapping.get_name(self.code)
if key_name is None:
# if no result, look in the linux combination constants. On a german
# keyboard for example z and y are switched, which will therefore
# cause the wrong letter to be displayed.
key_name = get_evdev_constant_name(self.type, self.code)
if isinstance(key_name, list):
key_name = key_name[0]
key_name = key_name.replace("ABS_Z", "Trigger Left")
key_name = key_name.replace("ABS_RZ", "Trigger Right")
key_name = key_name.replace("ABS_HAT0X", "DPad-X")
key_name = key_name.replace("ABS_HAT0Y", "DPad-Y")
key_name = key_name.replace("ABS_HAT1X", "DPad-2-X")
key_name = key_name.replace("ABS_HAT1Y", "DPad-2-Y")
key_name = key_name.replace("ABS_HAT2X", "DPad-3-X")
key_name = key_name.replace("ABS_HAT2Y", "DPad-3-Y")
key_name = key_name.replace("ABS_X", "Joystick-X")
key_name = key_name.replace("ABS_Y", "Joystick-Y")
key_name = key_name.replace("ABS_RX", "Joystick-RX")
key_name = key_name.replace("ABS_RY", "Joystick-RY")
key_name = key_name.replace("BTN_", "Button ")
key_name = key_name.replace("KEY_", "")
key_name = key_name.replace("REL_", "")
key_name = key_name.replace("HWHEEL", "Wheel")
key_name = key_name.replace("WHEEL", "Wheel")
key_name = key_name.replace("_", " ")
key_name = key_name.replace(" ", " ")
return key_name
def _get_direction(self) -> str:
"""human-readable direction description for the analog_threshold"""
if self.type == ecodes.EV_KEY or self.defines_analog_input:
return ""
assert self.analog_threshold
threshold_direction = self.analog_threshold // abs(self.analog_threshold)
return {
# D-Pad
(ecodes.ABS_HAT0X, -1): "Left",
(ecodes.ABS_HAT0X, 1): "Right",
(ecodes.ABS_HAT0Y, -1): "Up",
(ecodes.ABS_HAT0Y, 1): "Down",
(ecodes.ABS_HAT1X, -1): "Left",
(ecodes.ABS_HAT1X, 1): "Right",
(ecodes.ABS_HAT1Y, -1): "Up",
(ecodes.ABS_HAT1Y, 1): "Down",
(ecodes.ABS_HAT2X, -1): "Left",
(ecodes.ABS_HAT2X, 1): "Right",
(ecodes.ABS_HAT2Y, -1): "Up",
(ecodes.ABS_HAT2Y, 1): "Down",
# joystick
(ecodes.ABS_X, 1): "Right",
(ecodes.ABS_X, -1): "Left",
(ecodes.ABS_Y, 1): "Down",
(ecodes.ABS_Y, -1): "Up",
(ecodes.ABS_RX, 1): "Right",
(ecodes.ABS_RX, -1): "Left",
(ecodes.ABS_RY, 1): "Down",
(ecodes.ABS_RY, -1): "Up",
# wheel
(ecodes.REL_WHEEL, -1): "Down",
(ecodes.REL_WHEEL, 1): "Up",
(ecodes.REL_HWHEEL, -1): "Left",
(ecodes.REL_HWHEEL, 1): "Right",
}.get((self.code, threshold_direction)) or (
"+" if threshold_direction > 0 else "-"
def _get_threshold_value(self) -> str:
"""human-readable value of the analog_threshold e.g. '20%'"""
if self.analog_threshold is None:
return ""
return {
ecodes.EV_REL: f"{abs(self.analog_threshold)}",
ecodes.EV_ABS: f"{abs(self.analog_threshold)}%",
}.get(self.type) or ""
def modify(
type_: Optional[int] = None,
code: Optional[int] = None,
origin_hash: Optional[str] = None,
analog_threshold: Optional[int] = None,
) -> InputConfig:
"""Return a new modified event."""
return InputConfig(
type=type_ if type_ is not None else self.type,
code=code if code is not None else self.code,
origin_hash=origin_hash if origin_hash is not None else self.origin_hash,
if analog_threshold is not None
else self.analog_threshold,
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.type, self.code, self.origin_hash, self.analog_threshold))
def _ensure_analog_threshold_is_none(cls, analog_threshold):
"""ensure the analog threshold is none, not zero."""
if analog_threshold == 0 or analog_threshold is None:
return None
return analog_threshold
def _remove_analog_threshold_for_key_input(cls, values):
"""remove the analog threshold if the type is a EV_KEY"""
type_ = values.get("type")
if type_ == ecodes.EV_KEY:
values["analog_threshold"] = None
return values
def validate_origin_hash(cls, values):
origin_hash = values.get("origin_hash")
if origin_hash is None:
# For new presets, origin_hash should be set. For old ones, it can
# be still missing. A lot of tests didn't set an origin_hash.
if values.get("type") != EMPTY_TYPE:
logger.warning("No origin_hash set for %s", values)
return values
values["origin_hash"] = origin_hash.lower()
return values
class Config:
allow_mutation = False
underscore_attrs_are_private = True
InputCombinationInit = Union[
Iterable[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]],
class InputCombination(Tuple[InputConfig, ...]):
"""One or more InputConfigs used to trigger a mapping."""
# tuple is immutable, therefore we need to override __new__()
def __new__(cls, configs: InputCombinationInit) -> InputCombination:
"""Create a new InputCombination.
InputCombination([InputConfig, ...])
InputCombination([{type: ..., code: ..., value: ...}, ...])
if not isinstance(configs, Iterable):
raise TypeError("InputCombination requires a list of InputConfigs.")
if isinstance(configs, InputConfig):
# wrap the argument in square brackets
raise TypeError("InputCombination requires a list of InputConfigs.")
validated_configs = []
for config in configs:
if isinstance(configs, InputEvent):
raise TypeError("InputCombinations require InputConfigs, not Events.")
if isinstance(config, InputConfig):
elif isinstance(config, dict):
raise TypeError(f'Can\'t handle "{config}"')
if len(validated_configs) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"failed to create InputCombination with {configs = }")
# mypy bug:
return super().__new__(cls, validated_configs) # type: ignore
def __str__(self):
return f'Combination ({" + ".join(str(event) for event in self)})'
def __repr__(self):
combination = ", ".join(repr(event) for event in self)
return f"<InputCombination ({combination}) at {hex(id(self))}>"
def __get_validators__(cls):
"""Used by pydantic to create InputCombination objects."""
yield cls.validate
def validate(cls, init_arg) -> InputCombination:
"""The only valid option is from_config"""
if isinstance(init_arg, InputCombination):
return init_arg
return cls(init_arg)
def to_config(self) -> Tuple[Dict[str, int], ...]:
"""Turn the object into a tuple of dicts."""
return tuple(input_config.dict(exclude_defaults=True) for input_config in self)
def empty_combination(cls) -> InputCombination:
"""A combination that has default invalid (to evdev) values.
Useful for the UI to indicate that this combination is not set
return cls([{"type": EMPTY_TYPE, "code": 99, "analog_threshold": 99}])
def from_tuples(cls, *tuples):
"""Construct an InputCombination from (type, code, analog_threshold) tuples."""
dicts = []
for tuple_ in tuples:
if len(tuple_) == 3:
"type": tuple_[0],
"code": tuple_[1],
"analog_threshold": tuple_[2],
elif len(tuple_) == 2:
"type": tuple_[0],
"code": tuple_[1],
raise TypeError
return cls(dicts)
def is_problematic(self) -> bool:
"""Is this combination going to work properly on all systems?"""
if len(self) <= 1:
return False
for input_config in self:
if input_config.type != ecodes.EV_KEY:
if input_config.code in DIFFICULT_COMBINATIONS:
return True
return False
def defines_analog_input(self) -> bool:
"""Check if there is any analog input in self."""
return True in tuple(i.defines_analog_input for i in self)
def find_analog_input_config(
self, type_: Optional[int] = None
) -> Optional[InputConfig]:
"""Return the first event that defines an analog input."""
for input_config in self:
if input_config.defines_analog_input and (
type_ is None or input_config.type == type_
return input_config
return None
def get_permutations(self) -> List[InputCombination]:
"""Get a list of EventCombinations representing all possible permutations.
combining a + b + c should have the same result as b + a + c.
Only the last combination remains the same in the returned result.
if len(self) <= 2:
return [self]
permutations = []
for permutation in itertools.permutations(self[:-1]):
permutations.append(InputCombination((*permutation, self[-1])))
return permutations
def beautify(self) -> str:
"""Get a human-readable string representation."""
if self == InputCombination.empty_combination():
return "empty_combination"
return " + ".join(event.description(exclude_threshold=True) for event in self)