#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # key-mapper - GUI for device specific keyboard mappings # Copyright (C) 2021 sezanzeb # # This file is part of key-mapper. # # key-mapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # key-mapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with key-mapper. If not, see . import unittest import time import copy import evdev from evdev.ecodes import EV_REL, EV_KEY, EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0X, BTN_LEFT, KEY_A, \ REL_X, REL_Y, REL_WHEEL, REL_HWHEEL, BTN_A, ABS_X, ABS_Y, \ ABS_Z, ABS_RZ, ABS_VOLUME from keymapper.injection.injector import is_numlock_on, set_numlock, \ ensure_numlock, Injector, is_in_capabilities, \ STARTING, RUNNING, STOPPED, NO_GRAB, UNKNOWN from keymapper.state import custom_mapping, system_mapping from keymapper.mapping import Mapping, DISABLE_CODE, DISABLE_NAME from keymapper.config import config, NONE, MOUSE, WHEEL, BUTTONS from keymapper.key import Key from keymapper.injection.macros import parse from keymapper import utils from keymapper.getdevices import get_devices, is_gamepad from tests.test import new_event, pending_events, fixtures, \ EVENT_READ_TIMEOUT, uinput_write_history_pipe, \ MAX_ABS, quick_cleanup, read_write_history_pipe, InputDevice original_smeab = utils.should_map_event_as_btn class TestInjector(unittest.TestCase): new_gamepad = '/dev/input/event100' @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.injector = None cls.grab = evdev.InputDevice.grab def setUp(self): self.failed = 0 self.make_it_fail = 2 def grab_fail_twice(_): if self.failed < self.make_it_fail: self.failed += 1 raise OSError() evdev.InputDevice.grab = grab_fail_twice def tearDown(self): utils.should_map_event_as_btn = original_smeab if self.injector is not None: self.injector.stop_injecting() self.assertEqual(self.injector.get_state(), STOPPED) self.injector = None evdev.InputDevice.grab = self.grab quick_cleanup() def test_grab(self): # path is from the fixtures custom_mapping.change(Key(EV_KEY, 10, 1), 'a') self.injector = Injector('device 1', custom_mapping) path = '/dev/input/event10' # this test needs to pass around all other constraints of # _grab_device device = self.injector._grab_device(path) gamepad = is_gamepad(device) self.assertFalse(gamepad) self.assertEqual(self.failed, 2) # success on the third try device.name = fixtures[path]['name'] def test_fail_grab(self): self.make_it_fail = 10 custom_mapping.change(Key(EV_KEY, 10, 1), 'a') self.injector = Injector('device 1', custom_mapping) path = '/dev/input/event10' device = self.injector._grab_device(path) self.assertIsNone(device) self.assertGreaterEqual(self.failed, 1) self.assertEqual(self.injector.get_state(), UNKNOWN) self.injector.start() self.assertEqual(self.injector.get_state(), STARTING) # since none can be grabbed, the process will terminate. But that # actually takes quite some time. time.sleep(1.5) self.assertFalse(self.injector.is_alive()) self.assertEqual(self.injector.get_state(), NO_GRAB) def test_grab_device_1(self): # according to the fixtures, /dev/input/event30 can do ABS_HAT0X custom_mapping.change(Key(EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0X, 1), 'a') self.injector = Injector('foobar', custom_mapping) _grab_device = self.injector._grab_device self.assertIsNone(_grab_device('/dev/input/event10')) self.assertIsNotNone(_grab_device('/dev/input/event30')) def test_grab_device_non_existing(self): custom_mapping.change(Key(EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0X, 1), 'a') self.injector = Injector('foobar', custom_mapping) _grab_device = self.injector._grab_device self.assertIsNone(_grab_device('/dev/input/event1234')) def test_gamepad_capabilities(self): self.injector = Injector('gamepad', custom_mapping) path = '/dev/input/event30' device = self.injector._grab_device(path) gamepad = is_gamepad(device) self.assertIsNotNone(device) self.assertTrue(gamepad) capabilities = self.injector._modify_capabilities(device, gamepad) self.assertNotIn(EV_ABS, capabilities) self.assertIn(EV_REL, capabilities) self.assertIn(evdev.ecodes.REL_X, capabilities.get(EV_REL)) self.assertIn(evdev.ecodes.REL_Y, capabilities.get(EV_REL)) self.assertIn(evdev.ecodes.REL_WHEEL, capabilities.get(EV_REL)) self.assertIn(evdev.ecodes.REL_HWHEEL, capabilities.get(EV_REL)) self.assertIn(EV_KEY, capabilities) self.assertIn(evdev.ecodes.BTN_LEFT, capabilities[EV_KEY]) def test_gamepad_purpose_none(self): # forward abs joystick events custom_mapping.set('gamepad.joystick.left_purpose', NONE) config.set('gamepad.joystick.right_purpose', NONE) self.injector = Injector('gamepad', custom_mapping) path = '/dev/input/event30' device = self.injector._grab_device(path) self.assertIsNone(device) # no capability is used, so it won't grab custom_mapping.change(Key(EV_KEY, BTN_A, 1), 'a') device = self.injector._grab_device(path) self.assertIsNotNone(device) gamepad = is_gamepad(device) self.assertTrue(gamepad) capabilities = self.injector._modify_capabilities(device, gamepad) self.assertIn(EV_ABS, capabilities) def test_gamepad_purpose_none_2(self): # forward abs joystick events for the left joystick only custom_mapping.set('gamepad.joystick.left_purpose', NONE) config.set('gamepad.joystick.right_purpose', MOUSE) self.injector = Injector('gamepad', custom_mapping) path = '/dev/input/event30' device = self.injector._grab_device(path) # the right joystick maps as mouse, so it is grabbed # even with an empty mapping self.assertIsNotNone(device) gamepad = is_gamepad(device) self.assertTrue(gamepad) capabilities = self.injector._modify_capabilities(device, gamepad) self.assertIn(EV_ABS, capabilities) self.assertIn(EV_REL, capabilities) custom_mapping.change(Key(EV_KEY, BTN_A, 1), 'a') device = self.injector._grab_device(path) gamepad = is_gamepad(device) self.assertIsNotNone(device) self.assertTrue(gamepad) capabilities = self.injector._modify_capabilities(device, gamepad) self.assertIn(EV_ABS, capabilities) self.assertIn(EV_REL, capabilities) self.assertIn(EV_KEY, capabilities) def test_adds_ev_key(self): # for some reason, having any EV_KEY capability is needed to # be able to control the mouse. it probably wants the mouse click. self.injector = Injector('gamepad 2', custom_mapping) """gamepad without any existing key capability""" path = self.new_gamepad gamepad_template = copy.deepcopy(fixtures['/dev/input/event30']) fixtures[path] = { 'name': 'gamepad 2', 'phys': 'abcd', 'info': '1234', 'capabilities': gamepad_template['capabilities'] } del fixtures[path]['capabilities'][EV_KEY] device = self.injector._grab_device(path) gamepad = is_gamepad(device) self.assertNotIn(EV_KEY, device.capabilities()) capabilities = self.injector._modify_capabilities(device, gamepad) self.assertIn(EV_KEY, capabilities) self.assertIn(evdev.ecodes.BTN_MOUSE, capabilities[EV_KEY]) """gamepad with a btn_mouse capability existing""" path = self.new_gamepad gamepad_template = copy.deepcopy(fixtures['/dev/input/event30']) fixtures[path] = { 'name': 'gamepad 3', 'phys': 'abcd', 'info': '1234', 'capabilities': gamepad_template['capabilities'] } fixtures[path]['capabilities'][EV_KEY].append(BTN_LEFT) fixtures[path]['capabilities'][EV_KEY].append(KEY_A) device = self.injector._grab_device(path) gamepad = is_gamepad(device) capabilities = self.injector._modify_capabilities(device, gamepad) self.assertIn(EV_KEY, capabilities) self.assertIn(evdev.ecodes.BTN_MOUSE, capabilities[EV_KEY]) self.assertIn(evdev.ecodes.KEY_A, capabilities[EV_KEY]) """gamepad with existing key capabilities, but not btn_mouse""" path = '/dev/input/event30' device = self.injector._grab_device(path) gamepad = is_gamepad(device) self.assertIn(EV_KEY, device.capabilities()) self.assertNotIn(evdev.ecodes.BTN_MOUSE, device.capabilities()[EV_KEY]) capabilities = self.injector._modify_capabilities(device, gamepad) self.assertIn(EV_KEY, capabilities) self.assertGreater(len(capabilities), 1) self.assertIn(evdev.ecodes.BTN_MOUSE, capabilities[EV_KEY]) def test_skip_unused_device(self): # skips a device because its capabilities are not used in the mapping custom_mapping.change(Key(EV_KEY, 10, 1), 'a') self.injector = Injector('device 1', custom_mapping) path = '/dev/input/event11' device = self.injector._grab_device(path) self.assertIsNone(device) self.assertEqual(self.failed, 0) def test_skip_unknown_device(self): # skips a device because its capabilities are not used in the mapping self.injector = Injector('device 1', custom_mapping) path = '/dev/input/event11' device = self.injector._grab_device(path) # make sure the test uses a fixture without interesting capabilities capabilities = evdev.InputDevice(path).capabilities() self.assertEqual(len(capabilities.get(EV_KEY, [])), 0) self.assertEqual(len(capabilities.get(EV_ABS, [])), 0) # skips the device alltogether, so no grab attempts fail self.assertEqual(self.failed, 0) self.assertIsNone(device) def test_numlock(self): before = is_numlock_on() set_numlock(not before) # should change self.assertEqual(not before, is_numlock_on()) @ensure_numlock def wrapped_1(): set_numlock(not is_numlock_on()) @ensure_numlock def wrapped_2(): pass # should not change wrapped_1() self.assertEqual(not before, is_numlock_on()) wrapped_2() self.assertEqual(not before, is_numlock_on()) # toggle one more time to restore the previous configuration set_numlock(before) self.assertEqual(before, is_numlock_on()) def test_gamepad_to_mouse(self): # maps gamepad joystick events to mouse events config.set('gamepad.joystick.non_linearity', 1) pointer_speed = 80 config.set('gamepad.joystick.pointer_speed', pointer_speed) # they need to sum up before something is written divisor = 10 x = MAX_ABS / pointer_speed / divisor y = MAX_ABS / pointer_speed / divisor pending_events['gamepad'] = [ new_event(EV_ABS, ABS_X, x), new_event(EV_ABS, ABS_Y, y), new_event(EV_ABS, ABS_X, -x), new_event(EV_ABS, ABS_Y, -y), ] self.injector = Injector('gamepad', custom_mapping) self.injector.start() # wait for the injector to start sending, at most 1s uinput_write_history_pipe[0].poll(1) # wait a bit more for it to sum up sleep = 0.5 time.sleep(sleep) # convert the write history to some easier to manage list history = read_write_history_pipe() if history[0][0] == EV_ABS: raise AssertionError( 'The injector probably just forwarded them unchanged' # possibly in addition to writing mouse events ) # movement is written at 60hz and it takes `divisor` steps to # move 1px. take it times 2 for both x and y events. self.assertGreater(len(history), 60 * sleep * 0.9 * 2 / divisor) self.assertLess(len(history), 60 * sleep * 1.1 * 2 / divisor) # those may be in arbitrary order count_x = history.count((EV_REL, REL_X, -1)) count_y = history.count((EV_REL, REL_Y, -1)) self.assertGreater(count_x, 1) self.assertGreater(count_y, 1) # only those two types of events were written self.assertEqual(len(history), count_x + count_y) def test_gamepad_forward_joysticks(self): pending_events['gamepad'] = [ # should forward them unmodified new_event(EV_ABS, ABS_X, 10), new_event(EV_ABS, ABS_Y, 20), new_event(EV_ABS, ABS_X, -30), new_event(EV_ABS, ABS_Y, -40), new_event(EV_KEY, BTN_A, 1), new_event(EV_KEY, BTN_A, 0) ] * 2 custom_mapping.set('gamepad.joystick.left_purpose', NONE) custom_mapping.set('gamepad.joystick.right_purpose', NONE) # BTN_A -> 77 custom_mapping.change(Key((1, BTN_A, 1)), 'b') system_mapping._set('b', 77) self.injector = Injector('gamepad', custom_mapping) self.injector.start() # wait for the injector to start sending, at most 1s uinput_write_history_pipe[0].poll(1) time.sleep(0.2) # convert the write history to some easier to manage list history = read_write_history_pipe() self.assertEqual(history.count((EV_ABS, ABS_X, 10)), 2) self.assertEqual(history.count((EV_ABS, ABS_Y, 20)), 2) self.assertEqual(history.count((EV_ABS, ABS_X, -30)), 2) self.assertEqual(history.count((EV_ABS, ABS_Y, -40)), 2) self.assertEqual(history.count((EV_KEY, 77, 1)), 2) self.assertEqual(history.count((EV_KEY, 77, 0)), 2) def test_gamepad_trigger(self): # map one of the triggers to BTN_NORTH, while the other one # should be forwarded unchanged value = MAX_ABS // 2 pending_events['gamepad'] = [ new_event(EV_ABS, ABS_Z, value), new_event(EV_ABS, ABS_RZ, value), ] # ABS_Z -> 77 # ABS_RZ is not mapped custom_mapping.change(Key((EV_ABS, ABS_Z, 1)), 'b') system_mapping._set('b', 77) self.injector = Injector('gamepad', custom_mapping) self.injector.start() # wait for the injector to start sending, at most 1s uinput_write_history_pipe[0].poll(1) time.sleep(0.2) # convert the write history to some easier to manage list history = read_write_history_pipe() self.assertEqual(history.count((EV_KEY, 77, 1)), 1) self.assertEqual(history.count((EV_ABS, ABS_RZ, value)), 1) def test_gamepad_to_mouse_event_producer(self): custom_mapping.set('gamepad.joystick.left_purpose', MOUSE) custom_mapping.set('gamepad.joystick.right_purpose', NONE) self.injector = Injector('gamepad', custom_mapping) # the stop message will be available in the pipe right away, # so run won't block and just stop. all the stuff # will be initialized though, so that stuff can be tested self.injector.stop_injecting() self.injector.run() # not in a process, so the event_producer state can be checked self.assertEqual(self.injector._event_producer.max_abs, MAX_ABS) self.assertIsNotNone(self.injector._event_producer.mouse_uinput) def test_gamepad_to_buttons_event_producer(self): custom_mapping.set('gamepad.joystick.left_purpose', BUTTONS) custom_mapping.set('gamepad.joystick.right_purpose', BUTTONS) self.injector = Injector('gamepad', custom_mapping) self.injector.stop_injecting() self.injector.run() self.assertIsNone(self.injector._event_producer.max_abs, MAX_ABS) self.assertIsNone(self.injector._event_producer.mouse_uinput) def test_device1_event_producer(self): custom_mapping.set('gamepad.joystick.left_purpose', MOUSE) custom_mapping.set('gamepad.joystick.right_purpose', WHEEL) self.injector = Injector('device 1', custom_mapping) self.injector.stop_injecting() self.injector.run() # not a gamepad, so _event_producer is not initialized for that. # it can still debounce stuff though self.assertIsNone(self.injector._event_producer.max_abs) self.assertIsNone(self.injector._event_producer.mouse_uinput) def test_injector(self): # the tests in test_keycode_mapper.py test this stuff in detail numlock_before = is_numlock_on() combination = Key((EV_KEY, 8, 1), (EV_KEY, 9, 1)) custom_mapping.change(combination, 'k(KEY_Q).k(w)') custom_mapping.change(Key(EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0X, -1), 'a') # one mapping that is unknown in the system_mapping on purpose input_b = 10 custom_mapping.change(Key(EV_KEY, input_b, 1), 'b') # stuff the custom_mapping outputs (except for the unknown b) system_mapping.clear() code_a = 100 code_q = 101 code_w = 102 system_mapping._set('a', code_a) system_mapping._set('key_q', code_q) system_mapping._set('w', code_w) pending_events['device 2'] = [ # should execute a macro... new_event(EV_KEY, 8, 1), new_event(EV_KEY, 9, 1), # ...now new_event(EV_KEY, 8, 0), new_event(EV_KEY, 9, 0), # gamepad stuff. trigger a combination new_event(EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0X, -1), new_event(EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0X, 0), # just pass those over without modifying new_event(EV_KEY, 10, 1), new_event(EV_KEY, 10, 0), new_event(3124, 3564, 6542), ] self.injector = Injector('device 2', custom_mapping) self.assertEqual(self.injector.get_state(), UNKNOWN) self.injector.start() self.assertEqual(self.injector.get_state(), STARTING) uinput_write_history_pipe[0].poll(timeout=1) self.assertEqual(self.injector.get_state(), RUNNING) time.sleep(EVENT_READ_TIMEOUT * 10) # sending anything arbitrary does not stop the process # (is_alive checked later after some time) self.injector._msg_pipe[1].send(1234) # convert the write history to some easier to manage list history = read_write_history_pipe() # 1 event before the combination was triggered (+1 for release) # 4 events for the macro # 2 for mapped keys # 3 for forwarded events self.assertEqual(len(history), 11) # since the macro takes a little bit of time to execute, its # keystrokes are all over the place. # just check if they are there and if so, remove them from the list. self.assertIn((EV_KEY, 8, 1), history) self.assertIn((EV_KEY, code_q, 1), history) self.assertIn((EV_KEY, code_q, 1), history) self.assertIn((EV_KEY, code_q, 0), history) self.assertIn((EV_KEY, code_w, 1), history) self.assertIn((EV_KEY, code_w, 0), history) index_q_1 = history.index((EV_KEY, code_q, 1)) index_q_0 = history.index((EV_KEY, code_q, 0)) index_w_1 = history.index((EV_KEY, code_w, 1)) index_w_0 = history.index((EV_KEY, code_w, 0)) self.assertGreater(index_q_0, index_q_1) self.assertGreater(index_w_1, index_q_0) self.assertGreater(index_w_0, index_w_1) del history[index_q_1] index_q_0 = history.index((EV_KEY, code_q, 0)) del history[index_q_0] index_w_1 = history.index((EV_KEY, code_w, 1)) del history[index_w_1] index_w_0 = history.index((EV_KEY, code_w, 0)) del history[index_w_0] # the rest should be in order. # first the incomplete combination key that wasn't mapped to anything # and just forwarded. The input event that triggered the macro # won't appear here. self.assertEqual(history[0], (EV_KEY, 8, 1)) self.assertEqual(history[1], (EV_KEY, 8, 0)) # value should be 1, even if the input event was -1. # Injected keycodes should always be either 0 or 1 self.assertEqual(history[2], (EV_KEY, code_a, 1)) self.assertEqual(history[3], (EV_KEY, code_a, 0)) self.assertEqual(history[4], (EV_KEY, input_b, 1)) self.assertEqual(history[5], (EV_KEY, input_b, 0)) self.assertEqual(history[6], (3124, 3564, 6542)) time.sleep(0.1) self.assertTrue(self.injector.is_alive()) numlock_after = is_numlock_on() self.assertEqual(numlock_before, numlock_after) self.assertEqual(self.injector.get_state(), RUNNING) def test_any_funky_event_as_button(self): # as long as should_map_event_as_btn says it should be a button, # it will be. EV_TYPE = 4531 CODE_1 = 754 CODE_2 = 4139 w_down = (EV_TYPE, CODE_1, -1) w_up = (EV_TYPE, CODE_1, 0) d_down = (EV_TYPE, CODE_2, 1) d_up = (EV_TYPE, CODE_2, 0) custom_mapping.change(Key(*w_down[:2], -1), 'w') custom_mapping.change(Key(*d_down[:2], 1), 'k(d)') system_mapping.clear() code_w = 71 code_d = 74 system_mapping._set('w', code_w) system_mapping._set('d', code_d) def do_stuff(): if self.injector is not None: # discard the previous injector self.injector.stop_injecting() time.sleep(0.1) while uinput_write_history_pipe[0].poll(): uinput_write_history_pipe[0].recv() pending_events['gamepad'] = [ new_event(*w_down), new_event(*d_down), new_event(*w_up), new_event(*d_up), ] self.injector = Injector('gamepad', custom_mapping) # the injector will otherwise skip the device because # the capabilities don't contain EV_TYPE input = InputDevice('/dev/input/event30') self.injector._grab_device = lambda *args: input self.injector.start() uinput_write_history_pipe[0].poll(timeout=1) time.sleep(EVENT_READ_TIMEOUT * 10) return read_write_history_pipe() """no""" history = do_stuff() self.assertEqual(history.count((EV_KEY, code_w, 1)), 0) self.assertEqual(history.count((EV_KEY, code_d, 1)), 0) self.assertEqual(history.count((EV_KEY, code_w, 0)), 0) self.assertEqual(history.count((EV_KEY, code_d, 0)), 0) """yes""" utils.should_map_event_as_btn = lambda *args: True history = do_stuff() self.assertEqual(history.count((EV_KEY, code_w, 1)), 1) self.assertEqual(history.count((EV_KEY, code_d, 1)), 1) self.assertEqual(history.count((EV_KEY, code_w, 0)), 1) self.assertEqual(history.count((EV_KEY, code_d, 0)), 1) def test_wheel(self): # this tests both keycode_mapper and event_producer, and it seems # to test stuff not covered in test_keycode_mapper, so it's a quite # important one. # wheel release events are made up with a debouncer # map those two to stuff w_up = (EV_REL, REL_WHEEL, -1) hw_right = (EV_REL, REL_HWHEEL, 1) # should be forwarded and present in the capabilities hw_left = (EV_REL, REL_HWHEEL, -1) custom_mapping.change(Key(*hw_right), 'k(b)') custom_mapping.change(Key(*w_up), 'c') system_mapping.clear() code_b = 91 code_c = 92 system_mapping._set('b', code_b) system_mapping._set('c', code_c) device_name = 'device 1' pending_events[device_name] = [ new_event(*w_up), ] * 10 + [ new_event(*hw_right), new_event(*w_up), ] * 5 + [ new_event(*hw_left) ] self.injector = Injector(device_name, custom_mapping) device = InputDevice('/dev/input/event11') # make sure this test uses a device that has the needed capabilities # for the injector to grab it self.assertIn(EV_REL, device.capabilities()) self.assertIn(REL_WHEEL, device.capabilities()[EV_REL]) self.assertIn(REL_HWHEEL, device.capabilities()[EV_REL]) self.assertIn(device.path, get_devices()[device_name]['paths']) self.injector.start() # wait for the first injected key down event uinput_write_history_pipe[0].poll(timeout=1) self.assertTrue(uinput_write_history_pipe[0].poll()) event = uinput_write_history_pipe[0].recv() self.assertEqual(event.t, (EV_KEY, code_c, 1)) time.sleep(EVENT_READ_TIMEOUT * 5) # in 5 more read-loop ticks, nothing new should have happened self.assertFalse(uinput_write_history_pipe[0].poll()) time.sleep(EVENT_READ_TIMEOUT * 6) # 5 more and it should be within the second phase in which # the horizontal wheel is used. add some tolerance self.assertTrue(uinput_write_history_pipe[0].poll()) event = uinput_write_history_pipe[0].recv() self.assertEqual(event.t, (EV_KEY, code_b, 1)) time.sleep(EVENT_READ_TIMEOUT * 10 + 5 / 60) # after 21 read-loop ticks all events should be consumed, wait for # at least 3 (=5) producer-ticks so that the debouncers are triggered. # Key-up events for both wheel events should be written now that no # new key-down event arrived. events = read_write_history_pipe() self.assertEqual(events.count((EV_KEY, code_b, 0)), 1) self.assertEqual(events.count((EV_KEY, code_c, 0)), 1) self.assertEqual(events.count(hw_left), 1) # the unmapped wheel # the unmapped wheel won't get a debounced release command, it's # forwarded as is self.assertNotIn((EV_REL, REL_HWHEEL, 0), events) self.assertEqual(len(events), 3) def test_store_permutations_for_macros(self): mapping = Mapping() ev_1 = (EV_KEY, 41, 1) ev_2 = (EV_KEY, 42, 1) ev_3 = (EV_KEY, 43, 1) # a combination mapping.change(Key(ev_1, ev_2, ev_3), 'k(a)') self.injector = Injector('device 1', mapping) history = [] class Stop(Exception): pass def _modify_capabilities(*args): history.append(args) # avoid going into any mainloop raise Stop() self.injector._modify_capabilities = _modify_capabilities try: self.injector.run() except Stop: pass # one call self.assertEqual(len(history), 1) # first argument of the first call macros = self.injector.context.macros self.assertEqual(len(macros), 2) self.assertEqual(macros[(ev_1, ev_2, ev_3)].code, 'k(a)') self.assertEqual(macros[(ev_2, ev_1, ev_3)].code, 'k(a)') def test_key_to_code(self): mapping = Mapping() ev_1 = (EV_KEY, 41, 1) ev_2 = (EV_KEY, 42, 1) ev_3 = (EV_KEY, 43, 1) ev_4 = (EV_KEY, 44, 1) mapping.change(Key(ev_1), 'a') # a combination mapping.change(Key(ev_2, ev_3, ev_4), 'b') self.assertEqual(mapping.get_character(Key(ev_2, ev_3, ev_4)), 'b') system_mapping.clear() system_mapping._set('a', 51) system_mapping._set('b', 52) injector = Injector('device 1', mapping) self.assertEqual(injector.context.key_to_code.get((ev_1,)), 51) # permutations to make matching combinations easier self.assertEqual(injector.context.key_to_code.get((ev_2, ev_3, ev_4)), 52) self.assertEqual(injector.context.key_to_code.get((ev_3, ev_2, ev_4)), 52) self.assertEqual(len(injector.context.key_to_code), 3) def test_is_in_capabilities(self): key = Key(1, 2, 1) capabilities = { 1: [9, 2, 5] } self.assertTrue(is_in_capabilities(key, capabilities)) key = Key((1, 2, 1), (1, 3, 1)) capabilities = { 1: [9, 2, 5] } # only one of the codes of the combination is required. # The goal is to make combinations across those sub-devices possible, # that make up one hardware device self.assertTrue(is_in_capabilities(key, capabilities)) key = Key((1, 2, 1), (1, 5, 1)) capabilities = { 1: [9, 2, 5] } self.assertTrue(is_in_capabilities(key, capabilities)) class TestModifyCapabilities(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): class FakeDevice: def __init__(self): self._capabilities = { evdev.ecodes.EV_SYN: [1, 2, 3], evdev.ecodes.EV_FF: [1, 2, 3], EV_ABS: [ (1, evdev.AbsInfo( value=None, min=None, max=1234, fuzz=None, flat=None, resolution=None )), (2, evdev.AbsInfo( value=None, min=50, max=2345, fuzz=None, flat=None, resolution=None )), 3 ] } def capabilities(self, absinfo=False): assert absinfo is True return self._capabilities mapping = Mapping() mapping.change(Key(EV_KEY, 80, 1), 'a') mapping.change(Key(EV_KEY, 81, 1), DISABLE_NAME) macro_code = 'r(2, m(sHiFt_l, r(2, k(1).k(2))))' macro = parse(macro_code, mapping) mapping.change(Key(EV_KEY, 60, 111), macro_code) # going to be ignored, because EV_REL cannot be mapped, that's # mouse movements. mapping.change(Key(EV_REL, 1234, 3), 'b') self.a = system_mapping.get('a') self.shift_l = system_mapping.get('ShIfT_L') self.one = system_mapping.get(1) self.two = system_mapping.get('2') self.left = system_mapping.get('BtN_lEfT') self.fake_device = FakeDevice() self.mapping = mapping self.macro = macro def check_keys(self, capabilities): """No matter the configuration, EV_KEY will be mapped to EV_KEY.""" self.assertIn(EV_KEY, capabilities) keys = capabilities[EV_KEY] self.assertIn(self.a, keys) self.assertIn(self.one, keys) self.assertIn(self.two, keys) self.assertIn(self.shift_l, keys) self.assertNotIn(DISABLE_CODE, keys) def tearDown(self): quick_cleanup() def test_modify_capabilities(self): self.mapping.change(Key(EV_KEY, 60, 1), self.macro.code) self.injector = Injector('foo', self.mapping) capabilities = self.injector._modify_capabilities( self.fake_device, gamepad=False ) self.assertIn(EV_ABS, capabilities) self.check_keys(capabilities) keys = capabilities[EV_KEY] # mouse capabilities were not present in the fake_device and are # still not needed self.assertNotIn(self.left, keys) self.assertNotIn(evdev.ecodes.EV_SYN, capabilities) self.assertNotIn(evdev.ecodes.EV_FF, capabilities) self.assertNotIn(EV_REL, capabilities) # keeps that stuff since modify_capabilities is told that it is not # a gamepad, so it probably serves some special purpose for that # device type. For example drawing tablets need that information in # order to move the cursor around. Since it keeps ABS, the AbsInfo # should also be still intact self.assertIn(EV_ABS, capabilities) self.assertEqual(capabilities[EV_ABS][0][1].max, 1234) self.assertEqual(capabilities[EV_ABS][1][1].max, 2345) self.assertEqual(capabilities[EV_ABS][1][1].min, 50) self.assertEqual(capabilities[EV_ABS][2], 3) def test_no_abs_volume(self): self.mapping.change(Key(EV_KEY, 60, 1), self.macro.code) # I don't know what ABS_VOLUME is, for now I would like to just always # remove it until somebody complains self.injector = Injector('foo', self.mapping) self.fake_device._capabilities = { EV_ABS: [ABS_Y, ABS_VOLUME, ABS_X] } capabilities = self.injector._modify_capabilities( self.fake_device, gamepad=False ) self.assertNotIn(ABS_VOLUME, capabilities[EV_ABS]) def test_modify_capabilities_gamepad(self): self.mapping.change(Key((EV_KEY, 60, 1)), self.macro.code) config.set('gamepad.joystick.left_purpose', MOUSE) self.mapping.set('gamepad.joystick.right_purpose', WHEEL) self.injector = Injector('foo', self.mapping) self.assertFalse(self.injector.context.forwards_joystick()) self.assertTrue(self.injector.context.maps_joystick()) self.assertTrue(self.injector.context.joystick_as_mouse()) capabilities = self.injector._modify_capabilities( self.fake_device, gamepad=True ) # because ABS is translated to REL, ABS is not a capability anymore self.assertNotIn(EV_ABS, capabilities) self.check_keys(capabilities) keys = capabilities[EV_KEY] # now that it is told that it is a gamepad, btn_left is inserted # to ensure the operating system interprets it as mouse. self.assertIn(self.left, keys) def test_modify_capabilities_gamepad_none_none(self): self.mapping.change(Key(EV_KEY, 60, 1), self.macro.code) config.set('gamepad.joystick.left_purpose', NONE) self.mapping.set('gamepad.joystick.right_purpose', NONE) self.injector = Injector('foo', self.mapping) self.assertTrue(self.injector.context.forwards_joystick()) self.assertFalse(self.injector.context.maps_joystick()) self.assertFalse(self.injector.context.joystick_as_mouse()) capabilities = self.injector._modify_capabilities( self.fake_device, gamepad=True ) self.check_keys(capabilities) self.assertIn(EV_ABS, capabilities) def test_modify_capabilities_gamepad_buttons_buttons(self): self.mapping.change(Key((EV_KEY, 60, 1)), self.macro.code) config.set('gamepad.joystick.left_purpose', BUTTONS) self.mapping.set('gamepad.joystick.right_purpose', BUTTONS) self.injector = Injector('foo', self.mapping) self.assertFalse(self.injector.context.forwards_joystick()) self.assertTrue(self.injector.context.maps_joystick()) self.assertFalse(self.injector.context.joystick_as_mouse()) capabilities = self.injector._modify_capabilities( self.fake_device, gamepad=True ) self.check_keys(capabilities) self.assertNotIn(EV_ABS, capabilities) self.assertNotIn(EV_REL, capabilities) def test_modify_capabilities_buttons_buttons(self): self.mapping.change(Key(EV_KEY, 60, 1), self.macro.code) # those settings shouldn't have an effect with gamepad=False config.set('gamepad.joystick.left_purpose', BUTTONS) self.mapping.set('gamepad.joystick.right_purpose', BUTTONS) self.injector = Injector('foo', self.mapping) capabilities = self.injector._modify_capabilities( self.fake_device, gamepad=False ) self.check_keys(capabilities) # not a gamepad, keeps EV_ABS because it probably has some special # purpose self.assertIn(EV_ABS, capabilities) self.assertNotIn(EV_REL, capabilities) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()