#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # input-remapper - GUI for device specific keyboard mappings # Copyright (C) 2023 sezanzeb # # This file is part of input-remapper. # # input-remapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # input-remapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with input-remapper. If not, see . import unittest from evdev.ecodes import ( EV_KEY, EV_ABS, EV_REL, BTN_C, BTN_B, BTN_A, BTN_MIDDLE, REL_X, REL_Y, REL_WHEEL, REL_HWHEEL, ABS_RY, ABS_X, ABS_HAT0Y, ABS_HAT0X, KEY_A, KEY_LEFTSHIFT, KEY_RIGHTALT, KEY_LEFTCTRL, ) from inputremapper.configs.input_config import InputCombination, InputConfig class TestInputConfig(unittest.TestCase): def test_input_config(self): test_cases = [ # basic test, nothing fancy here { "input": { "type": EV_KEY, "code": KEY_A, "origin_hash": "foo", }, "properties": { "type": EV_KEY, "code": KEY_A, "origin_hash": "foo", "input_match_hash": (EV_KEY, KEY_A, "foo"), "defines_analog_input": False, "type_and_code": (EV_KEY, KEY_A), }, "methods": [ { "name": "description", "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "return": "a", }, { "name": "__hash__", "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "return": hash((EV_KEY, KEY_A, "foo", None)), }, ], }, # removes analog_threshold { "input": { "type": EV_KEY, "code": KEY_A, "origin_hash": "foo", "analog_threshold": 10, }, "properties": { "type": EV_KEY, "code": KEY_A, "origin_hash": "foo", "analog_threshold": None, "input_match_hash": (EV_KEY, KEY_A, "foo"), "defines_analog_input": False, "type_and_code": (EV_KEY, KEY_A), }, "methods": [ { "name": "description", "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "return": "a", }, { "name": "__hash__", "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "return": hash((EV_KEY, KEY_A, "foo", None)), }, ], }, # abs to btn { "input": { "type": EV_ABS, "code": ABS_X, "origin_hash": "foo", "analog_threshold": 10, }, "properties": { "type": EV_ABS, "code": ABS_X, "origin_hash": "foo", "analog_threshold": 10, "input_match_hash": (EV_ABS, ABS_X, "foo"), "defines_analog_input": False, "type_and_code": (EV_ABS, ABS_X), }, "methods": [ { "name": "description", "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "return": "Joystick-X Right 10%", }, { "name": "description", "args": (), "kwargs": {"exclude_threshold": True}, "return": "Joystick-X Right", }, { "name": "description", "args": (), "kwargs": { "exclude_threshold": True, "exclude_direction": True, }, "return": "Joystick-X", }, { "name": "__hash__", "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "return": hash((EV_ABS, ABS_X, "foo", 10)), }, ], }, # abs to btn with d-pad { "input": { "type": EV_ABS, "code": ABS_HAT0Y, "origin_hash": "foo", "analog_threshold": 10, }, "properties": { "type": EV_ABS, "code": ABS_HAT0Y, "origin_hash": "foo", "analog_threshold": 10, "input_match_hash": (EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0Y, "foo"), "defines_analog_input": False, "type_and_code": (EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0Y), }, "methods": [ { "name": "description", "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "return": "DPad-Y Down 10%", }, { "name": "__hash__", "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "return": hash((EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0Y, "foo", 10)), }, ], }, # rel to btn { "input": { "type": EV_REL, "code": REL_Y, "origin_hash": "foo", "analog_threshold": 10, }, "properties": { "type": EV_REL, "code": REL_Y, "origin_hash": "foo", "analog_threshold": 10, "input_match_hash": (EV_REL, REL_Y, "foo"), "defines_analog_input": False, "type_and_code": (EV_REL, REL_Y), }, "methods": [ { "name": "description", "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "return": "Y Down 10", }, { "name": "__hash__", "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "return": hash((EV_REL, REL_Y, "foo", 10)), }, ], }, # abs as axis { "input": { "type": EV_ABS, "code": ABS_X, "origin_hash": "foo", "analog_threshold": 0, }, "properties": { "type": EV_ABS, "code": ABS_X, "origin_hash": "foo", "analog_threshold": None, "input_match_hash": (EV_ABS, ABS_X, "foo"), "defines_analog_input": True, "type_and_code": (EV_ABS, ABS_X), }, "methods": [ { "name": "description", "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "return": "Joystick-X", }, { "name": "description", "args": (), "kwargs": { "exclude_threshold": True, "exclude_direction": True, }, "return": "Joystick-X", }, { "name": "__hash__", "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "return": hash((EV_ABS, ABS_X, "foo", None)), }, ], }, # rel as axis { "input": { "type": EV_REL, "code": REL_WHEEL, "origin_hash": "foo", }, "properties": { "type": EV_REL, "code": REL_WHEEL, "origin_hash": "foo", "analog_threshold": None, "input_match_hash": (EV_REL, REL_WHEEL, "foo"), "defines_analog_input": True, "type_and_code": (EV_REL, REL_WHEEL), }, "methods": [ { "name": "description", "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "return": "Wheel", }, { "name": "__hash__", "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "return": hash((EV_REL, REL_WHEEL, "foo", None)), }, ], }, ] for test_case in test_cases: input_config = InputConfig(**test_case["input"]) for property_, value in test_case["properties"].items(): self.assertEqual( value, getattr(input_config, property_), f"property mismatch for input: {test_case['input']} " f"property: {property_} expected value: {value}", ) for method in test_case["methods"]: self.assertEqual( method["return"], getattr(input_config, method["name"])( *method["args"], **method["kwargs"] ), f"wrong method return for input: {test_case['input']} " f"method: {method}", ) def test_is_immutable(self): input_config = InputConfig(type=1, code=2) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): input_config.origin_hash = "foo" class TestInputCombination(unittest.TestCase): def test_eq(self): a = InputCombination( [ InputConfig(type=EV_REL, code=REL_X, value=1, origin_hash="1234"), InputConfig(type=EV_KEY, code=KEY_A, value=1, origin_hash="abcd"), ] ) b = InputCombination( [ InputConfig(type=EV_REL, code=REL_X, value=1, origin_hash="1234"), InputConfig(type=EV_KEY, code=KEY_A, value=1, origin_hash="abcd"), ] ) self.assertEqual(a, b) def test_not_eq(self): a = InputCombination( [ InputConfig(type=EV_REL, code=REL_X, value=1, origin_hash="2345"), InputConfig(type=EV_KEY, code=KEY_A, value=1, origin_hash="bcde"), ] ) b = InputCombination( [ InputConfig(type=EV_REL, code=REL_X, value=1, origin_hash="1234"), InputConfig(type=EV_KEY, code=KEY_A, value=1, origin_hash="abcd"), ] ) self.assertNotEqual(a, b) def test_can_be_used_as_dict_key(self): dict_ = { InputCombination( [ InputConfig(type=EV_REL, code=REL_X, value=1, origin_hash="1234"), InputConfig(type=EV_KEY, code=KEY_A, value=1, origin_hash="abcd"), ] ): "foo" } key = InputCombination( [ InputConfig(type=EV_REL, code=REL_X, value=1, origin_hash="1234"), InputConfig(type=EV_KEY, code=KEY_A, value=1, origin_hash="abcd"), ] ) self.assertEqual(dict_.get(key), "foo") def test_get_permutations(self): key_1 = InputCombination(InputCombination.from_tuples((1, 3, 1))) self.assertEqual(len(key_1.get_permutations()), 1) self.assertEqual(key_1.get_permutations()[0], key_1) key_2 = InputCombination(InputCombination.from_tuples((1, 3, 1), (1, 5, 1))) self.assertEqual(len(key_2.get_permutations()), 1) self.assertEqual(key_2.get_permutations()[0], key_2) key_3 = InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((1, 3, 1), (1, 5, 1), (1, 7, 1)) ) self.assertEqual(len(key_3.get_permutations()), 2) self.assertEqual( key_3.get_permutations()[0], InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((1, 3, 1), (1, 5, 1), (1, 7, 1)) ), ) self.assertEqual( key_3.get_permutations()[1], InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((1, 5, 1), (1, 3, 1), (1, 7, 1)) ), ) def test_is_problematic(self): key_1 = InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((1, KEY_LEFTSHIFT, 1), (1, 5, 1)) ) self.assertTrue(key_1.is_problematic()) key_2 = InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((1, KEY_RIGHTALT, 1), (1, 5, 1)) ) self.assertTrue(key_2.is_problematic()) key_3 = InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((1, 3, 1), (1, KEY_LEFTCTRL, 1)) ) self.assertTrue(key_3.is_problematic()) key_4 = InputCombination(InputCombination.from_tuples((1, 3, 1))) self.assertFalse(key_4.is_problematic()) key_5 = InputCombination(InputCombination.from_tuples((1, 3, 1), (1, 5, 1))) self.assertFalse(key_5.is_problematic()) def test_init(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: InputCombination(1)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: InputCombination(None)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: InputCombination([1])) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: InputCombination((1,))) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: InputCombination((1, 2))) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: InputCombination("1")) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: InputCombination("(1,2,3)")) self.assertRaises( TypeError, lambda: InputCombination(((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3), None)), ) # those don't raise errors InputCombination(({"type": 1, "code": 2}, {"type": 1, "code": 1})) InputCombination(({"type": 1, "code": 2},)) InputCombination(({"type": "1", "code": "2"},)) InputCombination([InputConfig(type=1, code=2, analog_threshold=3)]) InputCombination( ( {"type": 1, "code": 2}, {"type": "1", "code": "2"}, InputConfig(type=1, code=2), ) ) def test_to_config(self): c1 = InputCombination([InputConfig(type=1, code=2, analog_threshold=3)]) c2 = InputCombination( ( InputConfig(type=1, code=2, analog_threshold=3), InputConfig(type=4, code=5, analog_threshold=6), ) ) # analog_threshold is removed for key events self.assertEqual(c1.to_config(), ({"type": 1, "code": 2},)) self.assertEqual( c2.to_config(), ({"type": 1, "code": 2}, {"type": 4, "code": 5, "analog_threshold": 6}), ) def test_beautify(self): # not an integration test, but I have all the selection_label tests here already self.assertEqual( InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((EV_KEY, KEY_A, 1)) ).beautify(), "a", ) self.assertEqual( InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((EV_KEY, KEY_A, 1)) ).beautify(), "a", ) self.assertEqual( InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0Y, -1)) ).beautify(), "DPad-Y Up", ) self.assertEqual( InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((EV_KEY, BTN_A, 1)) ).beautify(), "Button A", ) self.assertEqual( InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((EV_KEY, 1234, 1)) ).beautify(), "unknown (1, 1234)", ) self.assertEqual( InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0X, -1)) ).beautify(), "DPad-X Left", ) self.assertEqual( InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((EV_ABS, ABS_HAT0Y, -1)) ).beautify(), "DPad-Y Up", ) self.assertEqual( InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((EV_KEY, BTN_A, 1)) ).beautify(), "Button A", ) self.assertEqual( InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((EV_ABS, ABS_X, 1)) ).beautify(), "Joystick-X Right", ) self.assertEqual( InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((EV_ABS, ABS_RY, 1)) ).beautify(), "Joystick-RY Down", ) self.assertEqual( InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((EV_REL, REL_HWHEEL, 1)) ).beautify(), "Wheel Right", ) self.assertEqual( InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples((EV_REL, REL_WHEEL, -1)) ).beautify(), "Wheel Down", ) # combinations self.assertEqual( InputCombination( InputCombination.from_tuples( (EV_KEY, BTN_A, 1), (EV_KEY, BTN_B, 1), (EV_KEY, BTN_C, 1), ), ).beautify(), "Button A + Button B + Button C", ) def test_find_analog_input_config(self): analog_input = InputConfig(type=EV_REL, code=REL_X) combination = InputCombination( ( InputConfig(type=EV_KEY, code=BTN_MIDDLE), InputConfig(type=EV_REL, code=REL_Y, analog_threshold=1), analog_input, ) ) self.assertIsNone(combination.find_analog_input_config(type_=EV_ABS)) self.assertEqual( combination.find_analog_input_config(type_=EV_REL), analog_input ) self.assertEqual(combination.find_analog_input_config(), analog_input) combination = InputCombination( ( InputConfig(type=EV_REL, code=REL_X, analog_threshold=1), InputConfig(type=EV_KEY, code=BTN_MIDDLE), ) ) self.assertIsNone(combination.find_analog_input_config(type_=EV_ABS)) self.assertIsNone(combination.find_analog_input_config(type_=EV_REL)) self.assertIsNone(combination.find_analog_input_config()) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()