#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # input-remapper - GUI for device specific keyboard mappings # Copyright (C) 2021 sezanzeb # # This file is part of input-remapper. # # input-remapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # input-remapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with input-remapper. If not, see . """Find, classify and group devices. Because usually connected devices pop up multiple times in /dev/input, in order to provide multiple types of input devices (e.g. a keyboard and a graphics-tablet at the same time) Those groups are what is being displayed in the device dropdown, and events are being read from all of the paths of an individual group in the gui and the injector. """ import re import multiprocessing import threading import asyncio import json import evdev from evdev.ecodes import ( EV_KEY, EV_ABS, KEY_CAMERA, EV_REL, BTN_STYLUS, ABS_MT_POSITION_X, REL_X, KEY_A, BTN_LEFT, REL_Y, REL_WHEEL, ) from inputremapper.logger import logger from inputremapper.paths import get_preset_path TABLET_KEYS = [ evdev.ecodes.BTN_STYLUS, evdev.ecodes.BTN_TOOL_BRUSH, evdev.ecodes.BTN_TOOL_PEN, evdev.ecodes.BTN_TOOL_RUBBER, ] GAMEPAD = "gamepad" KEYBOARD = "keyboard" MOUSE = "mouse" TOUCHPAD = "touchpad" GRAPHICS_TABLET = "graphics-tablet" CAMERA = "camera" UNKNOWN = "unknown" if not hasattr(evdev.InputDevice, "path"): # for evdev < 1.0.0 patch the path property @property def path(device): return device.fn evdev.InputDevice.path = path def _is_gamepad(capabilities): """Check if joystick movements are available for mapping.""" # A few buttons that indicate a gamepad buttons = { evdev.ecodes.BTN_BASE, evdev.ecodes.BTN_A, evdev.ecodes.BTN_THUMB, evdev.ecodes.BTN_TOP, evdev.ecodes.BTN_DPAD_DOWN, evdev.ecodes.BTN_GAMEPAD, } if not buttons.intersection(capabilities.get(EV_KEY, [])): # no button is in the key capabilities return False # joysticks abs_capabilities = capabilities.get(EV_ABS, []) if evdev.ecodes.ABS_X not in abs_capabilities: return False if evdev.ecodes.ABS_Y not in abs_capabilities: return False return True def _is_mouse(capabilities): """Check if the capabilities represent those of a mouse.""" # Based on observation, those capabilities need to be present to get an # UInput recognized as mouse # mouse movements if not REL_X in capabilities.get(EV_REL, []): return False if not REL_Y in capabilities.get(EV_REL, []): return False # at least the vertical mouse wheel if not REL_WHEEL in capabilities.get(EV_REL, []): return False # and a mouse click button if not BTN_LEFT in capabilities.get(EV_KEY, []): return False return True def _is_graphics_tablet(capabilities): """Check if the capabilities represent those of a graphics tablet.""" if BTN_STYLUS in capabilities.get(EV_KEY, []): return True return False def _is_touchpad(capabilities): """Check if the capabilities represent those of a touchpad.""" if ABS_MT_POSITION_X in capabilities.get(EV_ABS, []): return True return False def _is_keyboard(capabilities): """Check if the capabilities represent those of a keyboard.""" if KEY_A in capabilities.get(EV_KEY, []): return True return False def _is_camera(capabilities): """Check if the capabilities represent those of a camera.""" key_capa = capabilities.get(EV_KEY) return key_capa and len(key_capa) == 1 and key_capa[0] == KEY_CAMERA def classify(device): """Figure out what kind of device this is. Use this instead of functions like _is_keyboard to avoid getting false positives. """ capabilities = device.capabilities(absinfo=False) if _is_graphics_tablet(capabilities): # check this before is_gamepad to avoid classifying abs_x # as joysticks when they are actually stylus positions return GRAPHICS_TABLET if _is_touchpad(capabilities): return TOUCHPAD if _is_gamepad(capabilities): return GAMEPAD if _is_mouse(capabilities): return MOUSE if _is_camera(capabilities): return CAMERA if _is_keyboard(capabilities): # very low in the chain to avoid classifying most devices # as keyboard, because there are many with ev_key capabilities return KEYBOARD return UNKNOWN DENYLIST = [".*Yubico.*YubiKey.*", "Eee PC WMI hotkeys"] def is_denylisted(device): """Check if a device should not be used in input-remapper. Parameters ---------- device : InputDevice """ for name in DENYLIST: if re.match(name, str(device.name), re.IGNORECASE): return True return False def get_unique_key(device): """Find a string key that is unique for a single hardware device. All InputDevices in /dev/input that originate from the same physical hardware device should return the same key via this function. Parameters ---------- device : InputDevice """ # Keys that should not be used: # - device.phys is empty sometimes and varies across virtual # subdevices # - device.version varies across subdevices # - device.uniq is empty most of the time, I don't know what this is # supposed to be return ( # device.info bustype, vendor and product are unique for # a product, but multiple similar device models would be grouped # in the same group f"{device.info.bustype}_" f"{device.info.vendor}_" f"{device.info.product}_" # deivce.phys if "/input..." is removed from it, because the first # chunk seems to be unique per hardware (if it's not completely empty) f'{device.phys.split("/")[0] or "-"}' ) class _Group: """Groups multiple devnodes together. For example, name could be "Logitech USB Keyboard", devices might contain "Logitech USB Keyboard System Control" and "Logitech USB Keyboard". paths is a list of files in /dev/input that belong to the devices. They are grouped by usb port. Members ------- name : str A human readable name, generated from .names, that should always look the same for a device model. It is used to generate the presets folder structure """ def __init__(self, paths, names, types, key): """Specify a group Parameters ---------- paths : str[] Paths in /dev/input of the grouped devices names : str[] Names of the grouped devices types : str[] Types of the grouped devices key : str Unique identifier of the group. It should be human readable and if possible equal to group.name. To avoid multiple groups having the same key, a number starting with 2 followed by a whitespace should be added to it: "key", "key 2", "key 3", ... This is important for the autoloading configuration. If the key changed over reboots, then autoloading would break. """ # There might be multiple groups with the same name here when two # similar devices are connected to the computer. self.name = sorted(names, key=len)[0] self.key = key self.paths = paths self.names = names self.types = types def get_preset_path(self, preset=None): """Get a path to the stored preset, or to store a preset to. This path is unique per device-model, not per group. Groups of the same model share the same preset paths. """ return get_preset_path(self.name, preset) def dumps(self): """Return a string representing this object.""" return json.dumps( dict(paths=self.paths, names=self.names, types=self.types, key=self.key) ) @classmethod def loads(cls, serialized): """Load a serialized representation.""" group = cls(**json.loads(serialized)) return group def __repr__(self): return f"Group({self.key})" class _FindGroups(threading.Thread): """Thread to get the devices that can be worked with. Since InputDevice destructors take quite some time, do this asynchronously so that they can take as much time as they want without slowing down the initialization. """ def __init__(self, pipe): """Construct the process. Parameters ---------- pipe : multiprocessing.Pipe used to communicate the result """ self.pipe = pipe super().__init__() def run(self): """Do what get_groups describes.""" # evdev needs asyncio to work loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) logger.debug("Discovering device paths") # group them together by usb device because there could be stuff like # "Logitech USB Keyboard" and "Logitech USB Keyboard Consumer Control" grouped = {} for path in evdev.list_devices(): try: device = evdev.InputDevice(path) except Exception as error: # Observed exceptions in journalctl: # - "SystemError: returned NULL # without setting an error" # - "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: # '/dev/input/event12'" logger.error("Failed to access %s: %s", path, str(error)) continue if device.name == "Power Button": continue device_type = classify(device) if device_type == CAMERA: continue # https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/input/event-codes.html capabilities = device.capabilities(absinfo=False) key_capa = capabilities.get(EV_KEY) if key_capa is None and device_type != GAMEPAD: # skip devices that don't provide buttons that can be mapped continue if is_denylisted(device): continue key = get_unique_key(device) if grouped.get(key) is None: grouped[key] = [] logger.spam( 'Found "%s", "%s", "%s", type: %s', key, path, device.name, device_type ) grouped[key].append((device.name, path, device_type)) # now write down all the paths of that group result = [] used_keys = set() for group in grouped.values(): names = [entry[0] for entry in group] devs = [entry[1] for entry in group] # generate a human readable key shortest_name = sorted(names, key=len)[0] key = shortest_name i = 2 while key in used_keys: key = f"{shortest_name} {i}" i += 1 used_keys.add(key) group = _Group( key=key, paths=devs, names=names, types=sorted(list({item[2] for item in group if item[2] != UNKNOWN})), ) result.append(group.dumps()) self.pipe.send(json.dumps(result)) # now that everything is sent via the pipe, the InputDevice # destructors can go on an take ages to complete in the thread # without blocking anything class _Groups: """Contains and manages all groups.""" def __init__(self): self._groups = None def __getattribute__(self, key): """To lazy load group info only when needed. For example, this helps to keep logs of input-remapper-control clear when it doesnt need it the information. """ if key == "_groups" and object.__getattribute__(self, "_groups") is None: object.__setattr__(self, "_groups", {}) object.__getattribute__(self, "refresh")() return object.__getattribute__(self, key) def refresh(self): """Look for devices and group them together. Since this needs to do some stuff with /dev and spawn processes the result is cached. Use refresh_groups if you need up to date devices. """ pipe = multiprocessing.Pipe() _FindGroups(pipe[1]).start() # block until groups are available self.loads(pipe[0].recv()) if len(self._groups) == 0: logger.debug("Did not find any input device") else: keys = [f'"{group.key}"' for group in self._groups] logger.info("Found %s", ", ".join(keys)) def filter(self, include_inputremapper=False): """Filter groups.""" result = [] for group in self._groups: name = group.name if not include_inputremapper and name.startswith("input-remapper"): continue result.append(group) return result def set_groups(self, new_groups): """Overwrite all groups.""" self._groups = new_groups def list_group_names(self): """Return a list of all 'name' properties of the groups.""" return [ group.name for group in self._groups if not group.name.startswith("input-remapper") ] def __len__(self): return len(self._groups) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._groups) def dumps(self): """Create a deserializable string representation.""" return json.dumps([group.dumps() for group in self._groups]) def loads(self, dump): """Load a serialized representation created via dumps.""" self._groups = [_Group.loads(group) for group in json.loads(dump)] def find(self, name=None, key=None, path=None, include_inputremapper=False): """Find a group that matches the provided parameters. Parameters ---------- name : str "USB Keyboard" Not unique, will return the first group that matches. key : str "USB Keyboard", "USB Keyboard 2", ... path : str "/dev/input/event3" """ for group in self._groups: if not include_inputremapper and group.name.startswith("input-remapper"): continue if name and group.name != name: continue if key and group.key != key: continue if path and path not in group.paths: continue return group return None groups = _Groups()