#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # key-mapper - GUI for device specific keyboard mappings # Copyright (C) 2021 sezanzeb # # This file is part of key-mapper. # # key-mapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # key-mapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with key-mapper. If not, see . """Starts injecting keycodes based on the configuration. https://github.com/LEW21/pydbus/tree/cc407c8b1d25b7e28a6d661a29f9e661b1c9b964/examples/clientserver # noqa pylint: disable=line-too-long """ import os import subprocess import json import time import evdev from pydbus import SystemBus from gi.repository import GLib from keymapper.logger import logger from keymapper.injection.injector import Injector, UNKNOWN from keymapper.mapping import Mapping from keymapper.config import config from keymapper.state import system_mapping from keymapper.getdevices import get_devices, refresh_devices BUS_NAME = 'keymapper.Control' def is_service_running(): """Check if the daemon is running.""" try: subprocess.check_output(['pgrep', '-f', 'key-mapper-service']) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False return True def get_dbus_interface(fallback=True): """Get an interface to start and stop injecting keystrokes. Parameters ---------- fallback : bool If true, returns an instance of the daemon instead if it cannot connect """ msg = ( 'The daemon "key-mapper-service" is not running, mapping keys ' 'only works as long as the window is open. ' 'Try `sudo systemctl start key-mapper`' ) if not is_service_running(): if not fallback: logger.error('Service not running') return None logger.warning(msg) return Daemon() try: bus = SystemBus() interface = bus.get(BUS_NAME) except GLib.GError as error: logger.debug(error) if not fallback: logger.error('Failed to connect to the running service') return None logger.warning(msg) return Daemon() return interface def path_to_device_name(path): """Find the name of the get_devices group this path belongs to. The group name is commonly referred to as "device". Parameters ---------- path : str """ if not path.startswith('/dev/input/'): # already the name return path devices = get_devices() for device in devices: for candidate_path in devices[device]['paths']: if path == candidate_path: return device logger.debug('Device path %s is not managed by key-mapper', path) return None class AutoloadHistory: """Contains the autoloading history and constraints.""" def __init__(self): """Construct this with an empty history.""" # mapping of device -> (timestamp, preset) self._autoload_history = {} def remember(self, device, preset): """Remember when this preset was autoloaded for the device.""" self._autoload_history[device] = (time.time(), preset) def forget(self, device): """The injection was stopped or started by hand.""" if device in self._autoload_history: del self._autoload_history[device] def may_autoload(self, device, preset): """Check if this autoload would be redundant. This is needed because udev triggers multiple times per hardware device, and because it should be possible to stop the injection by unplugging the device if the preset goes wrong or if key-mapper has some bug that prevents the computer from being controlled. For that unplug and reconnect the device twice within a 15 seconds timeframe which will then not ask for autoloading again. Wait 3 seconds between replugging. """ if device not in self._autoload_history: return True if self._autoload_history[device][1] != preset: return True # bluetooth devices go to standby mode after some time. After a # certain time of being disconnected it should be legit to autoload # again. It takes 2.5 seconds for me when quickly replugging my usb # mouse until the daemon is asked to autoload again. Redundant calls # by udev to autoload for the device seem to happen within 0.2 # seconds in my case. now = time.time() threshold = 15 # seconds if self._autoload_history[device][0] < now - threshold: return True return False class Daemon: """Starts injecting keycodes based on the configuration. Can be talked to either over dbus or by instantiating it. The Daemon may not have any knowledge about the logged in user, so it can't read any config files. It has to be told what to do and will continue to do so afterwards, but it can't decide to start injecting on its own. """ # https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#type-system dbus = f""" """ def __init__(self): """Constructs the daemon.""" logger.debug('Creating daemon') self.injectors = {} self.config_dir = None self.autoload_history = AutoloadHistory() self.refreshed_devices_at = 0 def refresh_devices(self, device=None): """Keep the devices up to date.""" now = time.time() if now - 10 > self.refreshed_devices_at: logger.debug('Refreshing because last info is too old') refresh_devices() self.refreshed_devices_at = now return if device is not None: if device.startswith('/dev/input/'): for group in get_devices().values(): if device in group['paths']: break else: logger.debug('Refreshing because path unknown') refresh_devices() self.refreshed_devices_at = now return else: if device not in get_devices(): logger.debug('Refreshing because name unknown') refresh_devices() self.refreshed_devices_at = now return def stop_injecting(self, device): """Stop injecting the mapping for a single device.""" if self.injectors.get(device) is None: logger.debug( 'Tried to stop injector, but none is running for device "%s"', device ) return self.injectors[device].stop_injecting() self.autoload_history.forget(device) def get_state(self, device): """Get the injectors state.""" injector = self.injectors.get(device) return injector.get_state() if injector else UNKNOWN def set_config_dir(self, config_dir): """All future operations will use this config dir. Existing injections (possibly of the previous user) will be kept alive, call stop_all to stop them. Parameters ---------- config_dir : string This path contains config.json, xmodmap.json and the presets directory """ config_path = os.path.join(config_dir, 'config.json') if not os.path.exists(config_path): logger.error('"%s" does not exist', config_path) return self.config_dir = config_dir config.load_config(config_path) def _autoload(self, device): """Check if autoloading is a good idea, and if so do it. Parameters ---------- device : str Device name. Expects a key that is present in get_devices(). Can also be a path starting with /dev/input/ """ self.refresh_devices(device) device = path_to_device_name(device) if device not in get_devices(): # even after refresh_devices, the device is not in # get_devices(), so it's either not relevant for key-mapper, # or not connected yet return preset = config.get(['autoload', device], log_unknown=False) if preset is None: # no autoloading is configured for this device return if not isinstance(preset, str): # might be broken due to a previous bug config.remove(['autoload', device]) config.save_config() return logger.info('Autoloading "%s"', device) if not self.autoload_history.may_autoload(device, preset): logger.info( 'Not autoloading the same preset "%s" again for device "%s"', preset, device ) return self.start_injecting(device, preset) self.autoload_history.remember(device, preset) def autoload_single(self, device): """Inject the configured autoload preset for the device. If the preset is already being injected, it won't autoload it again. Parameters ---------- device : str The name of the device as indexed in get_devices() """ if device.startswith('/dev/input/'): # this is only here to avoid confusing console output, # block invalid requests before any logs are written. # Those requests are rejected later anyway. try: name = evdev.InputDevice(device).name if 'key-mapper' in name: return except OSError: return logger.info('Request to autoload for "%s"', device) if self.config_dir is None: logger.error( 'Tried to autoload %s without configuring the daemon first ' 'via set_config_dir.', device ) return self._autoload(device) def autoload(self): """Load all autoloaded presets for the current config_dir. If the preset is already being injected, it won't autoload it again. """ if self.config_dir is None: logger.error( 'Tried to autoload without configuring the daemon first ' 'via set_config_dir.' ) return autoload_presets = list(config.iterate_autoload_presets()) logger.info('Autoloading for all devices') if len(autoload_presets) == 0: logger.error('No presets configured to autoload') return for device, _ in autoload_presets: self._autoload(device) def start_injecting(self, device, preset): """Start injecting the preset for the device. Returns True on success. If an injection is already ongoing for the specified device it will stop it automatically first. Parameters ---------- device : string The name of the device preset : string The name of the preset """ self.refresh_devices(device) device = path_to_device_name(device) if self.config_dir is None: logger.error( 'Tried to start an injection without configuring the daemon ' 'first via set_config_dir.' ) return if device not in get_devices(): logger.error('Could not find device "%s"', device) return preset_path = os.path.join( self.config_dir, 'presets', device, f'{preset}.json' ) mapping = Mapping() try: mapping.load(preset_path) except FileNotFoundError as error: logger.error(str(error)) return False if self.injectors.get(device) is not None: self.stop_injecting(device) # Path to a dump of the xkb mappings, to provide more human # readable keys in the correct keyboard layout to the service. # The service cannot use `xmodmap -pke` because it's running via # systemd. xmodmap_path = os.path.join(self.config_dir, 'xmodmap.json') try: with open(xmodmap_path, 'r') as file: # do this for each injection to make sure it is up to # date when the system layout changes. xmodmap = json.load(file) logger.debug('Using keycodes from "%s"', xmodmap_path) system_mapping.update(xmodmap) # the service now has process wide knowledge of xmodmap # keys of the users session except FileNotFoundError: logger.error('Could not find "%s"', xmodmap_path) try: injector = Injector(device, mapping) injector.start() self.injectors[device] = injector except OSError: # I think this will never happen, probably leftover from # some earlier version return False return True def stop_all(self): """Stop all injections.""" logger.info('Stopping all injections') for device in list(self.injectors.keys()): self.stop_injecting(device) def hello(self, out): """Used for tests.""" logger.info('Received "%s" from client', out) return out