#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # key-mapper - GUI for device specific keyboard mappings # Copyright (C) 2020 sezanzeb # # This file is part of key-mapper. # # key-mapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # key-mapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with key-mapper. If not, see . """A single, configurable key mapping.""" import evdev from gi.repository import Gtk, GLib, Gdk from keymapper.state import custom_mapping, system_mapping from keymapper.logger import logger from keymapper.key import Key CTX_KEYCODE = 2 store = Gtk.ListStore(str) for name in system_mapping.list_names(): store.append([name]) def to_string(key): """A nice to show description of the pressed key.""" if isinstance(key, Key): return ' + '.join([to_string(sub_key) for sub_key in key]) if isinstance(key[0], tuple): raise Exception('deprecated stuff') ev_type, code, value = key if ev_type not in evdev.ecodes.bytype: logger.error('Unknown key type for %s', key) return 'unknown' if code not in evdev.ecodes.bytype[ev_type]: logger.error('Unknown key code for %s', key) return 'unknown' key_name = evdev.ecodes.bytype[ev_type][code] if isinstance(key_name, list): key_name = key_name[0] if ev_type != evdev.ecodes.EV_KEY: direction = { # D-Pad (evdev.ecodes.ABS_HAT0X, -1): 'L', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_HAT0X, 1): 'R', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_HAT0Y, -1): 'U', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_HAT0Y, 1): 'D', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_HAT1X, -1): 'L', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_HAT1X, 1): 'R', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_HAT1Y, -1): 'U', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_HAT1Y, 1): 'D', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_HAT2X, -1): 'L', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_HAT2X, 1): 'R', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_HAT2Y, -1): 'U', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_HAT2Y, 1): 'D', # joystick (evdev.ecodes.ABS_X, 1): 'R', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_X, -1): 'L', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_Y, 1): 'D', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_Y, -1): 'U', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_RX, 1): 'R', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_RX, -1): 'L', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_RY, 1): 'D', (evdev.ecodes.ABS_RY, -1): 'U', }.get((code, value)) if direction is not None: key_name += f' {direction}' return key_name.replace('KEY_', '') IDLE = 0 HOLDING = 1 class Row(Gtk.ListBoxRow): """A single, configurable key mapping.""" __gtype_name__ = 'ListBoxRow' def __init__(self, delete_callback, window, key=None, character=None): """Construct a row widget. Parameters ---------- key : Key """ if key is not None and not isinstance(key, Key): raise TypeError('Expected key to be a Key object') super().__init__() self.device = window.selected_device self.window = window self.delete_callback = delete_callback self.character_input = None self.keycode_input = None self.key = key self.put_together(character) self.state = IDLE def release(self): """Tell the row that no keys are currently pressed down.""" if self.state == HOLDING and self.get_key() is not None: # A key was pressed and then released. # Switch to the character. idle_add this so that the # keycode event won't write into the character input as well. window = self.window.window GLib.idle_add(lambda: window.set_focus(self.character_input)) self.state = IDLE def get_key(self): """Get the Key object from the left column. Or None if no code is mapped on this row. """ return self.key def get_character(self): """Get the assigned character from the middle column.""" character = self.character_input.get_text() return character if character else None def set_new_key(self, new_key): """Check if a keycode has been pressed and if so, display it. Parameters ---------- new_key : Key """ if new_key is not None and not isinstance(new_key, Key): raise TypeError('Expected new_key to be a Key object') # the newest_keycode is populated since the ui regularly polls it # in order to display it in the status bar. previous_key = self.get_key() # no input if new_key is None: return # it might end up being a key combination self.state = HOLDING # keycode didn't change, do nothing if new_key == previous_key: return # keycode is already set by some other row existing = custom_mapping.get_character(new_key) if existing is not None: msg = f'"{to_string(new_key)}" already mapped to "{existing}"' logger.info(msg) self.window.show_status(CTX_KEYCODE, msg) return # it's legal to display the keycode # always ask for get_child to set the label, otherwise line breaking # has to be configured again. self.set_keycode_input_label(to_string(new_key)) self.key = new_key self.highlight() character = self.get_character() # the character is empty and therefore the mapping is not complete if character is None: return # else, the keycode has changed, the character is set, all good custom_mapping.change( new_key=new_key, character=character, previous_key=previous_key ) def highlight(self): """Mark this row as changed.""" self.get_style_context().add_class('changed') def unhighlight(self): """Mark this row as unchanged.""" self.get_style_context().remove_class('changed') def on_character_input_change(self, _): """When the output character for that keycode is typed in.""" key = self.get_key() character = self.get_character() if character is None: return self.highlight() if key is not None: custom_mapping.change( new_key=key, character=character, previous_key=None ) def match(self, _, key, tree_iter): """Search the avilable names.""" value = store.get_value(tree_iter, 0) return key in value.lower() def show_click_here(self): """Show 'click here' on the keycode input button.""" if self.get_key() is not None: return self.set_keycode_input_label('click here') self.keycode_input.set_opacity(0.3) def show_press_key(self): """Show 'press key' on the keycode input button.""" if self.get_key() is not None: return self.set_keycode_input_label('press key') self.keycode_input.set_opacity(1) def on_keycode_input_focus(self, *_): """Refresh useful usage information.""" self.show_press_key() self.window.can_modify_mapping() def on_keycode_input_unfocus(self, *_): """Refresh useful usage information and set some state stuff.""" self.show_click_here() self.keycode_input.set_active(False) self.state = IDLE def set_keycode_input_label(self, label): """Set the label of the keycode input.""" self.keycode_input.set_label(label) # make the child label widget break lines, important for # long combinations label = self.keycode_input.get_child() label.set_line_wrap(True) label.set_line_wrap_mode(2) label.set_max_width_chars(13) label.set_justify(Gtk.Justification.CENTER) def put_together(self, character): """Create all child GTK widgets and connect their signals.""" delete_button = Gtk.EventBox() delete_button.add(Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name( 'window-close', Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON )) delete_button.connect( 'button-press-event', self.on_delete_button_clicked ) delete_button.set_size_request(50, -1) keycode_input = Gtk.ToggleButton() self.keycode_input = keycode_input keycode_input.set_size_request(140, -1) if self.key is not None: self.set_keycode_input_label(to_string(self.key)) else: self.show_click_here() # make the togglebutton go back to its normal state when doing # something else in the UI keycode_input.connect( 'focus-in-event', self.on_keycode_input_focus ) keycode_input.connect( 'focus-out-event', self.on_keycode_input_unfocus ) # don't leave the input when using arrow keys or tab. wait for the # window to consume the keycode from the reader keycode_input.connect( 'key-press-event', lambda *args: Gdk.EVENT_STOP ) character_input = Gtk.Entry() self.character_input = character_input character_input.set_alignment(0.5) character_input.set_width_chars(4) character_input.set_has_frame(False) completion = Gtk.EntryCompletion() completion.set_model(store) completion.set_text_column(0) completion.set_match_func(self.match) character_input.set_completion(completion) if character is not None: character_input.set_text(character) character_input.connect( 'changed', self.on_character_input_change ) box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL) box.set_homogeneous(False) box.set_spacing(0) box.pack_start(keycode_input, expand=False, fill=True, padding=0) box.pack_start(character_input, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0) box.pack_start(delete_button, expand=False, fill=True, padding=0) box.show_all() box.get_style_context().add_class('row-box') self.add(box) self.show_all() def on_delete_button_clicked(self, *_): """Destroy the row and remove it from the config.""" key = self.get_key() if key is not None: custom_mapping.clear(key) self.character_input.set_text('') self.set_keycode_input_label('') self.key = None self.delete_callback(self)