#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # key-mapper - GUI for device specific keyboard mappings # Copyright (C) 2020 sezanzeb # # This file is part of key-mapper. # # key-mapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # key-mapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with key-mapper. If not, see . """User Interface.""" import evdev from evdev.ecodes import EV_KEY from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GLib from keymapper.data import get_data_path from keymapper.state import custom_mapping from keymapper.presets import get_presets, find_newest_preset, \ delete_preset, rename_preset, get_available_preset_name from keymapper.logger import logger from keymapper.getdevices import get_devices from keymapper.gtk.row import Row, to_string from keymapper.gtk.unsaved import unsaved_changes_dialog, GO_BACK from keymapper.dev.reader import keycode_reader from keymapper.daemon import get_dbus_interface from keymapper.config import config from keymapper.dev.permissions import can_read_devices def gtk_iteration(): """Iterate while events are pending.""" while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() CTX_SAVE = 0 CTX_APPLY = 1 CTX_ERROR = 3 def get_selected_row_bg(): """Get the background color that a row is going to have when selected.""" # ListBoxRows can be selected, but either they are always selectable # via mouse clicks and via code, or not at all. I just want to controll # it over code. So I have to add a class and change the background color # to act like it's selected. For this I need the right color, but # @selected_bg_color doesn't work for every theme. So get it from # some widget (which is deprecated according to the docs, but it works...) row = Gtk.ListBoxRow() row.show_all() context = row.get_style_context() color = context.get_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.SELECTED) # but this way it can be made only slightly highlighted, which is nice color.alpha /= 4 row.destroy() return color.to_string() class Window: """User Interface.""" def __init__(self): self.dbus = get_dbus_interface() self.selected_device = None self.selected_preset = None css_provider = Gtk.CssProvider() with open(get_data_path('style.css'), 'r') as file: data = ( file.read() + '\n.changed{background-color:' + get_selected_row_bg() + ';}\n' ) css_provider.load_from_data(bytes(data, encoding='UTF-8')) Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen( Gdk.Screen.get_default(), css_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION ) gladefile = get_data_path('key-mapper.glade') builder = Gtk.Builder() builder.add_from_file(gladefile) builder.connect_signals(self) self.builder = builder window = self.get('window') window.show() # hide everything until stuff is populated self.get('vertical-wrapper').set_opacity(0) self.window = window # if any of the next steps take a bit to complete, have the window # already visible (without content) to make it look more responsive. gtk_iteration() permitted, _, is_input, is_plugdev, can_write = can_read_devices() if not permitted: missing_groups = [] if not is_input: missing_groups.append('input') if not is_plugdev: missing_groups.append('plugdev') if len(missing_groups) > 0: self.get('status_bar').push( CTX_ERROR, f'You are not in the {" and ".join(missing_groups)} ' f'group{"s" if len(missing_groups) > 0 else ""}' ) elif not can_write: self.get('status_bar').push( CTX_ERROR, 'Insufficient permissions on /dev/uinput' ) self.populate_devices() self.select_newest_preset() self.timeouts = [ GLib.timeout_add(100, self.check_add_row), GLib.timeout_add(1000 / 30, self.consume_newest_keycode) ] # now show the proper finished content of the window self.get('vertical-wrapper').set_opacity(1) def get(self, name): """Get a widget from the window""" return self.builder.get_object(name) def on_close(self, *_): """Safely close the application.""" logger.debug('Closing window') for timeout in self.timeouts: GLib.source_remove(timeout) self.timeouts = [] keycode_reader.stop_reading() Gtk.main_quit() def check_add_row(self): """Ensure that one empty row is available at all times.""" num_rows = len(self.get('key_list').get_children()) # verify that all mappings are displayed. One of them # is possible the empty row num_maps = len(custom_mapping) if num_rows < num_maps or num_rows > num_maps + 1: raise AssertionError( f'custom_mapping contains {len(custom_mapping)} rows, ' f'but {num_rows} are displayed' ) if num_rows == len(custom_mapping): self.add_empty() return True def select_newest_preset(self): """Find and select the newest preset.""" device, preset = find_newest_preset() if device is not None: self.get('device_selection').set_active_id(device) if preset is not None: self.get('device_selection').set_active_id(preset) def populate_devices(self): """Make the devices selectable.""" devices = get_devices() device_selection = self.get('device_selection') for device in devices: device_selection.append(device, device) def populate_presets(self): """Show the available presets for the selected device. This will destroy unsaved changes in the custom_mapping. """ self.get('preset_name_input').set_text('') device = self.selected_device presets = get_presets(device) if len(presets) == 0: new_preset = get_available_preset_name(self.selected_device) custom_mapping.empty() custom_mapping.save(self.selected_device, new_preset) presets = [new_preset] else: logger.debug('"%s" presets: "%s"', device, '", "'.join(presets)) preset_selection = self.get('preset_selection') preset_selection.handler_block_by_func(self.on_select_preset) # otherwise the handler is called with None for each removed preset preset_selection.remove_all() preset_selection.handler_unblock_by_func(self.on_select_preset) for preset in presets: preset_selection.append(preset, preset) # and select the newest one (on the top) preset_selection.set_active(0) def clear_mapping_table(self): """Remove all rows from the mappings table.""" key_list = self.get('key_list') key_list.forall(key_list.remove) custom_mapping.empty() def unhighlight_all_rows(self): """Remove all rows from the mappings table.""" key_list = self.get('key_list') key_list.forall(lambda row: row.unhighlight()) def can_modify_mapping(self, *args): """Show a message if changing the mapping is not possible.""" if self.dbus.is_injecting(self.selected_device): # because the device is in grab mode by the daemon and # therefore the original keycode inaccessible logger.info('Cannot change keycodes while injecting') self.get('status_bar').push( CTX_ERROR, 'Use "Apply Defaults" before editing' ) def get_focused_row(self): """Get the Row that is currently in focus.""" focused = self.window.get_focus() if focused is None: return True box = focused.get_parent() if box is None: return True row = box.get_parent() if not isinstance(row, Row): return None, None return row, focused def consume_newest_keycode(self): """To capture events from keyboards, mice and gamepads.""" # the "event" event of Gtk.Window wouldn't trigger on gamepad # events, so it became a GLib timeout ev_type, keycode = keycode_reader.read() if keycode is None or ev_type is None: return True click_events = [ evdev.ecodes.BTN_LEFT, evdev.ecodes.BTN_TOOL_DOUBLETAP ] if ev_type == EV_KEY and keycode in click_events: # disable mapping the left mouse button because it would break # the mouse. Also it is emitted right when focusing the row # which breaks the current workflow. return True self.get('keycode').set_text(to_string(ev_type, keycode)) # inform the currently selected row about the new keycode row, focused = self.get_focused_row() if isinstance(focused, Gtk.ToggleButton): row.set_new_keycode(ev_type, keycode) return True def on_apply_system_layout_clicked(self, _): """Load the mapping.""" self.dbus.stop_injecting(self.selected_device) self.get('status_bar').push( CTX_APPLY, 'Applied the system default' ) GLib.timeout_add(10, self.show_device_mapping_status) def on_save_preset_clicked(self, button): """Save changes to a preset to the file system.""" new_name = self.get('preset_name_input').get_text() try: self.save_config() if new_name not in ['', self.selected_preset]: rename_preset( self.selected_device, self.selected_preset, new_name ) # after saving the config, its modification date will be the # newest, so populate_presets will automatically select the # right one again. self.populate_presets() self.get('status_bar').push( CTX_SAVE, f'Saved "{self.selected_preset}"' ) except PermissionError as error: self.get('status_bar').push( CTX_ERROR, 'Error: Permission denied!' ) logger.error(str(error)) def on_delete_preset_clicked(self, _): """Delete a preset from the file system.""" delete_preset(self.selected_device, self.selected_preset) self.populate_presets() def on_apply_preset_clicked(self, _): """Apply a preset without saving changes.""" preset = self.selected_preset device = self.selected_device logger.debug('Applying preset "%s" for "%s"', preset, device) push = self.get('status_bar').push if custom_mapping.changed: push(CTX_APPLY, f'Applied outdated preset "{preset}"') else: push(CTX_APPLY, f'Applied preset "{preset}"') success = self.dbus.start_injecting( self.selected_device, preset ) if not success: self.get('status_bar').push( CTX_ERROR, 'Error: Could not grab devices!' ) # restart reading because after injecting the device landscape # changes a bit keycode_reader.start_reading(device) GLib.timeout_add(10, self.show_device_mapping_status) def on_preset_autoload_switch_activate(self, _, active): """Load the preset automatically next time the user logs in.""" device = self.selected_device preset = self.selected_preset config.set_autoload_preset(device, preset if active else None) config.save_config() def on_select_device(self, dropdown): """List all presets, create one if none exist yet.""" if dropdown.get_active_id() == self.selected_device: return if custom_mapping.changed and unsaved_changes_dialog() == GO_BACK: dropdown.set_active_id(self.selected_device) return # selecting a device will also automatically select a different # preset. Prevent another unsaved-changes dialog to pop up custom_mapping.changed = False device = dropdown.get_active_text() logger.debug('Selecting device "%s"', device) self.selected_device = device self.selected_preset = None self.populate_presets() GLib.idle_add(lambda: keycode_reader.start_reading(device)) self.show_device_mapping_status() def show_device_mapping_status(self): """Figure out if this device is currently under keymappers control.""" if self.dbus.is_injecting(self.selected_device): logger.info('This device is currently mapped.') self.get('apply_system_layout').set_opacity(1) else: self.get('apply_system_layout').set_opacity(0.4) def on_create_preset_clicked(self, _): """Create a new preset and select it.""" if custom_mapping.changed: if unsaved_changes_dialog() == GO_BACK: return try: new_preset = get_available_preset_name(self.selected_device) custom_mapping.empty() custom_mapping.save(self.selected_device, new_preset) self.get('preset_selection').append(new_preset, new_preset) self.get('preset_selection').set_active_id(new_preset) except PermissionError as error: self.get('status_bar').push( CTX_ERROR, 'Error: Permission denied!' ) logger.error(str(error)) def on_select_preset(self, dropdown): """Show the mappings of the preset.""" if dropdown.get_active_id() == self.selected_preset: return if custom_mapping.changed and unsaved_changes_dialog() == GO_BACK: dropdown.set_active_id(self.selected_preset) return self.clear_mapping_table() preset = dropdown.get_active_text() logger.debug('Selecting preset "%s"', preset) self.selected_preset = preset custom_mapping.load(self.selected_device, self.selected_preset) key_list = self.get('key_list') for (ev_type, keycode), output in custom_mapping: single_key_mapping = Row( window=self, delete_callback=self.on_row_removed, ev_type=ev_type, keycode=keycode, character=output ) key_list.insert(single_key_mapping, -1) autoload_switch = self.get('preset_autoload_switch') autoload_switch.set_active(config.is_autoloaded( self.selected_device, self.selected_preset )) self.get('preset_name_input').set_text('') self.add_empty() def add_empty(self): """Add one empty row for a single mapped key.""" empty = Row( window=self, delete_callback=self.on_row_removed ) key_list = self.get('key_list') key_list.insert(empty, -1) def on_row_removed(self, single_key_mapping): """Stuff to do when a row was removed Parameters ---------- single_key_mapping : Row """ key_list = self.get('key_list') # https://stackoverflow.com/a/30329591/4417769 key_list.remove(single_key_mapping) def save_config(self): """Write changes to disk.""" if self.selected_device is None or self.selected_preset is None: return logger.info( 'Updating configs for "%s", "%s"', self.selected_device, self.selected_preset ) custom_mapping.save(self.selected_device, self.selected_preset) custom_mapping.changed = False self.unhighlight_all_rows()