#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # input-remapper - GUI for device specific keyboard mappings # Copyright (C) 2022 sezanzeb # # This file is part of input-remapper. # # input-remapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # input-remapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with input-remapper. If not, see . """Executes more complex patterns of keystrokes. To keep it short on the UI, basic functions are one letter long. The outermost macro (in the examples below the one created by 'r', 'r' and 'w') will be started, which triggers a chain reaction to execute all of the configured stuff. Examples -------- r(3, k(a).w(10)): a <10ms> a <10ms> a r(2, k(a).k(KEY_A)).k(b): a - a - b w(1000).m(Shift_L, r(2, k(a))).w(10).k(b): <1s> A A <10ms> b """ import asyncio import copy import math import re from typing import Optional, List, Callable, Awaitable, Tuple import evdev from evdev.ecodes import ( ecodes, EV_KEY, EV_REL, REL_X, REL_Y, REL_WHEEL_HI_RES, REL_HWHEEL_HI_RES, REL_WHEEL, REL_HWHEEL, ) from inputremapper.logger import logger from inputremapper.configs.system_mapping import system_mapping from inputremapper.ipc.shared_dict import SharedDict from inputremapper.exceptions import MacroParsingError Handler = Callable[[Tuple[int, int, int]], None] MacroTask = Callable[[Handler], Awaitable] macro_variables = SharedDict() class Variable: """Can be used as function parameter in the various add_... functions. Parsed from strings like `$foo` in `repeat($foo, k(KEY_A))` Its value is unknown during construction and needs to be set using the `set` macro during runtime. """ def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def resolve(self): """Get the variables value from memory.""" return macro_variables.get(self.name) def __repr__(self): return f'' def _type_check(value, allowed_types, display_name=None, position=None): """Validate a parameter used in a macro. If the value is a Variable, it will be returned and should be resolved during runtime with _resolve. """ if isinstance(value, Variable): # it is a variable and will be read at runtime return value for allowed_type in allowed_types: if allowed_type is None: if value is None: return value continue # try to parse "1" as 1 if possible if allowed_type != Macro: # the macro constructor with a single argument always succeeds, # but will definitely not result in the correct macro try: return allowed_type(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass if isinstance(value, allowed_type): return value if display_name is not None and position is not None: raise MacroParsingError( msg=f"Expected parameter {position} for {display_name} to be " f"one of {allowed_types}, but got {value}" ) raise MacroParsingError( msg=f"Expected parameter to be one of {allowed_types}, but got {value}" ) def _type_check_symbol(keyname): """Same as _type_check, but checks if the key-name is valid.""" if isinstance(keyname, Variable): # it is a variable and will be read at runtime return keyname symbol = str(keyname) code = system_mapping.get(symbol) if code is None: raise MacroParsingError(msg=f'Unknown key "{symbol}"') return code def _type_check_variablename(name): """Check if this is a legit variable name. Because they could clash with language features. If the macro is able to be parsed at all due to a problematic choice of a variable name. Allowed examples: "foo", "Foo1234_", "_foo_1234" Not allowed: "1_foo", "foo=blub", "$foo", "foo,1234", "foo()" """ if not isinstance(name, str) or not re.match(r"^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*$", name): raise MacroParsingError(msg=f'"{name}" is not a legit variable name') def _resolve(argument, allowed_types=None): """If the argument is a variable, figure out its value and cast it. Variables are prefixed with `$` in the syntax. Use this just-in-time when you need the actual value of the variable during runtime. """ if isinstance(argument, Variable): value = argument.resolve() logger.debug('"%s" is "%s"', argument, value) if allowed_types: return _type_check(value, allowed_types) else: return value return argument class Macro: """Supports chaining and preparing actions. Calling functions like keycode on Macro doesn't inject any events yet, it means that once .run is used it will be executed along with all other queued tasks. Those functions need to construct an asyncio coroutine and append it to self.tasks. This makes parameter checking during compile time possible, as long as they are not variables that are resolved durig runtime. Coroutines receive a handler as argument, which is a function that can be used to inject input events into the system. 1. A few parameters of any time are thrown into a macro function like `repeat` 2. `Macro.repeat` will verify the parameter types if possible using `_type_check` (it can't for $variables). This helps debugging macros before the injection starts, but is not mandatory to make things work. 3. `Macro.repeat` - adds a task to self.tasks. This task resolves any variables with `_resolve` and does what the macro is supposed to do once `macro.run` is called. - also adds the child macro to self.child_macros. - adds the used keys to the capabilities 4. `Macro.run` will run all tasks in self.tasks """ def __init__(self, code: str, context=None, mapping=None): """Create a macro instance that can be populated with tasks. Parameters ---------- code : string or None The original parsed code, for logging purposes. context : Context, or None for use in frontend """ self.code = code self.context = context self.mapping = mapping # List of coroutines that will be called sequentially. # This is the compiled code self.tasks: List[MacroTask] = [] # can be used to wait for the release of the event self._trigger_release_event = asyncio.Event() self._trigger_press_event = asyncio.Event() # released by default self._trigger_release_event.set() self._trigger_press_event.clear() self.running = False self.child_macros: List[Macro] = [] self.keystroke_sleep_ms = None def is_holding(self): """Check if the macro is waiting for a key to be released.""" return not self._trigger_release_event.is_set() def get_capabilities(self): """Get the merged capabilities of the macro and its children.""" capabilities = copy.deepcopy(self.capabilities) for macro in self.child_macros: macro_capabilities = macro.get_capabilities() for ev_type in macro_capabilities: if ev_type not in capabilities: capabilities[ev_type] = set() capabilities[ev_type].update(macro_capabilities[ev_type]) return capabilities async def run(self, handler): """Run the macro. Parameters ---------- handler : function Will receive int type, code and value for an event to write """ if not callable(handler): raise ValueError("handler is not callable") if self.running: logger.error('Tried to run already running macro "%s"', self.code) return self.keystroke_sleep_ms = self.mapping.macro_key_sleep_ms self.running = True for task in self.tasks: try: coroutine = task(handler) if asyncio.iscoroutine(coroutine): await coroutine except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Macro "%s" failed: %s', self.code, e) break # done self.running = False def press_trigger(self): """The user pressed the trigger key down.""" if self.is_holding(): logger.error("Already holding") return self._trigger_release_event.clear() self._trigger_press_event.set() for macro in self.child_macros: macro.press_trigger() def release_trigger(self): """The user released the trigger key.""" self._trigger_release_event.set() self._trigger_press_event.clear() for macro in self.child_macros: macro.release_trigger() async def _keycode_pause(self, _=None): """To add a pause between keystrokes. This was needed at some point because it appeared that injecting keys too fast will prevent them from working. It probably depends on the environment. """ await asyncio.sleep(self.keystroke_sleep_ms / 1000) def __repr__(self): return f'' """Functions that prepare the macro""" def add_key(self, symbol): """Write the symbol.""" # This is done to figure out if the macro is broken at compile time, because # if KEY_A was unknown we can show this in the gui before the injection starts. _type_check_symbol(symbol) async def task(handler): # if the code is $foo, figure out the correct code now. resolved_symbol = _resolve(symbol, [str]) code = _type_check_symbol(resolved_symbol) resolved_code = _resolve(code, [int]) handler(EV_KEY, resolved_code, 1) await self._keycode_pause() handler(EV_KEY, resolved_code, 0) await self._keycode_pause() self.tasks.append(task) def add_hold(self, macro=None): """Loops the execution until key release.""" _type_check(macro, [Macro, str, None], "hold", 1) if macro is None: self.tasks.append(lambda _: self._trigger_release_event.wait()) return if not isinstance(macro, Macro): # if macro is a key name, hold down the key while the # keyboard key is physically held down symbol = macro _type_check_symbol(symbol) async def task(handler): resolved_symbol = _resolve(symbol, [str]) code = _type_check_symbol(resolved_symbol) resolved_code = _resolve(code, [int]) handler(EV_KEY, resolved_code, 1) await self._trigger_release_event.wait() handler(EV_KEY, resolved_code, 0) self.tasks.append(task) if isinstance(macro, Macro): # repeat the macro forever while the key is held down async def task(handler): while self.is_holding(): # run the child macro completely to avoid # not-releasing any key await macro.run(handler) self.tasks.append(task) self.child_macros.append(macro) def add_modify(self, modifier, macro): """Do stuff while a modifier is activated. Parameters ---------- modifier : str macro : Macro """ _type_check(macro, [Macro], "modify", 2) _type_check_symbol(modifier) self.child_macros.append(macro) async def task(handler): # TODO test var resolved_modifier = _resolve(modifier, [str]) code = _type_check_symbol(resolved_modifier) handler(EV_KEY, code, 1) await self._keycode_pause() await macro.run(handler) await self._keycode_pause() handler(EV_KEY, code, 0) await self._keycode_pause() self.tasks.append(task) def add_hold_keys(self, *symbols): """Hold down multiple keys, equivalent to `a + b + c + ...`.""" for symbol in symbols: _type_check_symbol(symbol) async def task(handler): resolved_symbols = [_resolve(symbol, [str]) for symbol in symbols] codes = [_type_check_symbol(symbol) for symbol in resolved_symbols] for code in codes: handler(EV_KEY, code, 1) await self._keycode_pause() await self._trigger_release_event.wait() for code in codes[::-1]: handler(EV_KEY, code, 0) await self._keycode_pause() self.tasks.append(task) def add_repeat(self, repeats, macro): """Repeat actions. Parameters ---------- repeats : int or Macro macro : Macro """ repeats = _type_check(repeats, [int], "repeat", 1) _type_check(macro, [Macro], "repeat", 2) async def task(handler): for _ in range(_resolve(repeats, [int])): await macro.run(handler) self.tasks.append(task) self.child_macros.append(macro) def add_event(self, type_, code, value): """Write any event. Parameters ---------- type_: str or int examples: 2, 'EV_KEY' code : str or int examples: 52, 'KEY_A' value : int """ type_ = _type_check(type_, [int, str], "event", 1) code = _type_check(code, [int, str], "event", 2) value = _type_check(value, [int, str], "event", 3) if isinstance(type_, str): type_ = ecodes[type_.upper()] if isinstance(code, str): code = ecodes[code.upper()] self.tasks.append(lambda handler: handler(type_, code, value)) self.tasks.append(self._keycode_pause) def add_mouse(self, direction, speed): """Move the mouse cursor.""" _type_check(direction, [str], "mouse", 1) speed = _type_check(speed, [int], "mouse", 2) code, value = { "up": (REL_Y, -1), "down": (REL_Y, 1), "left": (REL_X, -1), "right": (REL_X, 1), }[direction.lower()] async def task(handler): resolved_speed = value * _resolve(speed, [int]) while self.is_holding(): handler(EV_REL, code, resolved_speed) await self._keycode_pause() self.tasks.append(task) def add_wheel(self, direction, speed): """Move the scroll wheel.""" _type_check(direction, [str], "wheel", 1) speed = _type_check(speed, [int], "wheel", 2) code, value = { "up": ([REL_WHEEL, REL_WHEEL_HI_RES], [1 / 120, 1]), "down": ([REL_WHEEL, REL_WHEEL_HI_RES], [-1 / 120, -1]), "left": ([REL_HWHEEL, REL_HWHEEL_HI_RES], [1 / 120, 1]), "right": ([REL_HWHEEL, REL_HWHEEL_HI_RES], [-1 / 120, -1]), }[direction.lower()] async def task(handler): resolved_speed = _resolve(speed, [int]) remainder = [0.0, 0.0] while self.is_holding(): for i in range(0, 2): float_value = value[i] * resolved_speed + remainder[i] remainder[i] = math.fmod(float_value, 1) if abs(float_value) >= 1: handler(EV_REL, code[i], int(float_value)) await asyncio.sleep(1 / self.mapping.rate) self.tasks.append(task) def add_wait(self, time): """Wait time in milliseconds.""" time = _type_check(time, [int, float], "wait", 1) async def task(_): await asyncio.sleep(_resolve(time, [int, float]) / 1000) self.tasks.append(task) def add_set(self, variable, value): """Set a variable to a certain value.""" _type_check_variablename(variable) async def task(_): # can also copy with set(a, $b) resolved_value = _resolve(value) logger.debug('"%s" set to "%s"', variable, resolved_value) macro_variables[variable] = value self.tasks.append(task) def add_ifeq(self, variable, value, then=None, else_=None): """Old version of if_eq, kept for compatibility reasons. This can't support a comparison like ifeq("foo", $blub) with blub containing "foo" without breaking old functionality, because "foo" is treated as a variable name. """ _type_check(then, [Macro, None], "ifeq", 3) _type_check(else_, [Macro, None], "ifeq", 4) async def task(handler): set_value = macro_variables.get(variable) logger.debug('"%s" is "%s"', variable, set_value) if set_value == value: if then is not None: await then.run(handler) elif else_ is not None: await else_.run(handler) if isinstance(then, Macro): self.child_macros.append(then) if isinstance(else_, Macro): self.child_macros.append(else_) self.tasks.append(task) def add_if_eq(self, value_1, value_2, then=None, else_=None): """Compare two values.""" _type_check(then, [Macro, None], "if_eq", 3) _type_check(else_, [Macro, None], "if_eq", 4) async def task(handler): resolved_value_1 = _resolve(value_1) resolved_value_2 = _resolve(value_2) if resolved_value_1 == resolved_value_2: if then is not None: await then.run(handler) elif else_ is not None: await else_.run(handler) if isinstance(then, Macro): self.child_macros.append(then) if isinstance(else_, Macro): self.child_macros.append(else_) self.tasks.append(task) def add_if_tap(self, then=None, else_=None, timeout=300): """If a key was pressed quickly. macro key pressed -> if_tap starts -> key released -> then macro key pressed -> released (does other stuff in the meantime) -> if_tap starts -> pressed -> released -> then """ _type_check(then, [Macro, None], "if_tap", 1) _type_check(else_, [Macro, None], "if_tap", 2) timeout = _type_check(timeout, [int, float], "if_tap", 3) if isinstance(then, Macro): self.child_macros.append(then) if isinstance(else_, Macro): self.child_macros.append(else_) async def wait(): """Wait for a release, or if nothing pressed yet, a press and release.""" if self.is_holding(): await self._trigger_release_event.wait() else: await self._trigger_press_event.wait() await self._trigger_release_event.wait() async def task(handler): resolved_timeout = _resolve(timeout, [int, float]) / 1000 try: await asyncio.wait_for(wait(), resolved_timeout) if then: await then.run(handler) except asyncio.TimeoutError: if else_: await else_.run(handler) self.tasks.append(task) def add_if_single(self, then, else_, timeout=None): """If a key was pressed without combining it.""" _type_check(then, [Macro, None], "if_single", 1) _type_check(else_, [Macro, None], "if_single", 2) if isinstance(then, Macro): self.child_macros.append(then) if isinstance(else_, Macro): self.child_macros.append(else_) async def task(handler): listener_done = asyncio.Event() async def listener(event): if event.type != EV_KEY: # ignore anything that is not a key return if event.value == 1: # another key was pressed, trigger else listener_done.set() return self.context.listeners.add(listener) resolved_timeout = _resolve(timeout, allowed_types=[int, float, None]) await asyncio.wait( [listener_done.wait(), self._trigger_release_event.wait()], timeout=resolved_timeout / 1000 if resolved_timeout else None, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED, ) self.context.listeners.remove(listener) if not listener_done.is_set() and self._trigger_release_event.is_set(): await then.run(handler) # was trigger release else: await else_.run(handler) self.tasks.append(task)