#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # key-mapper - GUI for device specific keyboard mappings # Copyright (C) 2020 sezanzeb # # This file is part of key-mapper. # # key-mapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # key-mapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with key-mapper. If not, see . import sys import time import os import unittest import evdev from evdev.events import EV_KEY import json from unittest.mock import patch from importlib.util import spec_from_loader, module_from_spec from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader import gi import shutil gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gtk from keymapper.state import custom_mapping, system_mapping, \ clear_system_mapping from keymapper.paths import CONFIG, get_config_path from keymapper.config import config from keymapper.dev.reader import keycode_reader from tests.test import tmp, pending_events, Event, uinput_write_history_pipe, \ clear_write_history def gtk_iteration(): """Iterate while events are pending.""" while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() def launch(argv=None): """Start key-mapper-gtk with the command line argument array argv.""" bin_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'bin', 'key-mapper-gtk') if not argv: argv = ['-d'] with patch.object(sys, 'argv', [''] + [str(arg) for arg in argv]): loader = SourceFileLoader('__main__', bin_path) spec = spec_from_loader('__main__', loader) module = module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) gtk_iteration() return module.window class FakeDropdown(Gtk.ComboBoxText): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def get_active_text(self): return self.name def get_active_id(self): return self.name class TestIntegration(unittest.TestCase): """For tests that use the window. Try to modify the configuration only by calling functions of the window. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): # iterate a few times when Gtk.main() is called, but don't block # there and just continue to the tests while the UI becomes # unresponsive Gtk.main = gtk_iteration # doesn't do much except avoid some Gtk assertion error, whatever: Gtk.main_quit = lambda: None def setUp(self): if os.path.exists(tmp): shutil.rmtree(tmp) custom_mapping.empty() self.window = launch() def tearDown(self): self.window.on_apply_system_layout_clicked(None) gtk_iteration() self.window.on_close() self.window.window.destroy() gtk_iteration() shutil.rmtree('/tmp/key-mapper-test') clear_write_history() def get_rows(self): return self.window.get('key_list').get_children() def test_show_device_mapping_status(self): # this function may not return True, otherwise the timeout # runs forever self.assertFalse(self.window.show_device_mapping_status()) def test_autoload(self): self.window.on_preset_autoload_switch_activate(None, False) self.assertFalse(config.is_autoloaded( self.window.selected_device, self.window.selected_preset )) # select a preset for the first device self.window.on_select_device(FakeDropdown('device 1')) self.window.on_preset_autoload_switch_activate(None, True) self.assertTrue(config.is_autoloaded('device 1', 'new preset')) self.assertFalse(config.is_autoloaded('device 2', 'new preset')) self.assertListEqual( list(config.iterate_autoload_presets()), [('device 1', 'new preset')] ) # select a preset for the second device self.window.on_select_device(FakeDropdown('device 2')) self.window.on_preset_autoload_switch_activate(None, True) self.assertTrue(config.is_autoloaded('device 1', 'new preset')) self.assertTrue(config.is_autoloaded('device 2', 'new preset')) self.assertListEqual( list(config.iterate_autoload_presets()), [('device 1', 'new preset'), ('device 2', 'new preset')] ) # disable autoloading for the second device self.window.on_preset_autoload_switch_activate(None, False) self.assertTrue(config.is_autoloaded('device 1', 'new preset')) self.assertFalse(config.is_autoloaded('device 2', 'new preset')) self.assertListEqual( list(config.iterate_autoload_presets()), [('device 1', 'new preset')] ) def test_select_device(self): # creates a new empty preset when no preset exists for the device self.window.on_select_device(FakeDropdown('device 1')) custom_mapping.change(EV_KEY, 50, 'q') custom_mapping.change(EV_KEY, 51, 'u') custom_mapping.change(EV_KEY, 52, 'x') self.assertEqual(len(custom_mapping), 3) self.window.on_select_device(FakeDropdown('device 2')) self.assertEqual(len(custom_mapping), 0) # it creates the file for that right away. It may have been possible # to write it such that it doesn't (its empty anyway), but it does, # so use that to test it in more detail. path = get_config_path('device 2', 'new preset') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(path)) with open(path, 'r') as file: preset = json.load(file) self.assertEqual(len(preset['mapping']), 0) def test_can_start(self): self.assertIsNotNone(self.window) self.assertTrue(self.window.window.get_visible()) def test_row_simple(self): rows = self.window.get('key_list').get_children() self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1) row = rows[0] row.set_new_keycode(None, None) self.assertIsNone(row.get_keycode()) self.assertEqual(len(custom_mapping), 0) row.set_new_keycode(EV_KEY, 30) self.assertEqual(len(custom_mapping), 0) self.assertEqual(row.get_keycode(), (EV_KEY, 30)) row.set_new_keycode(EV_KEY, 30) self.assertEqual(len(custom_mapping), 0) self.assertEqual(row.get_keycode(), (EV_KEY, 30)) time.sleep(0.1) gtk_iteration() self.assertEqual(len(self.window.get('key_list').get_children()), 1) row.character_input.set_text('Shift_L') self.assertEqual(len(custom_mapping), 1) time.sleep(0.1) gtk_iteration() self.assertEqual(len(self.window.get('key_list').get_children()), 2) self.assertEqual(custom_mapping.get_character(EV_KEY, 30), 'Shift_L') self.assertEqual(row.get_character(), 'Shift_L') self.assertEqual(row.get_keycode(), (EV_KEY, 30)) def change_empty_row(self, code, char, code_first=True, success=True): """Modify the one empty row that always exists.""" # this is not a test, it's a utility function for other tests. # wait for the window to create a new empty row if needed time.sleep(0.1) gtk_iteration() # find the empty row rows = self.get_rows() row = rows[-1] self.assertNotIn('changed', row.get_style_context().list_classes()) self.assertIsNone(row.keycode_input.get_label()) self.assertEqual(row.character_input.get_text(), '') if char and not code_first: # set the character to make the new row complete self.assertIsNone(row.get_character()) row.character_input.set_text(char) self.assertEqual(row.get_character(), char) self.window.window.set_focus(row.keycode_input) if code: # modifies the keycode in the row not by writing into the input, # but by sending an event keycode_reader._pipe[1].send((EV_KEY, code)) time.sleep(0.1) gtk_iteration() if success: self.assertEqual(row.get_keycode(), (EV_KEY, code)) self.assertIn( 'changed', row.get_style_context().list_classes() ) if not success: self.assertIsNone(row.get_keycode()) self.assertIsNone(row.get_character()) self.assertNotIn('changed', row.get_style_context().list_classes()) if char and code_first: # set the character to make the new row complete self.assertIsNone(row.get_character()) row.character_input.set_text(char) self.assertEqual(row.get_character(), char) return row def test_rows(self): """Comprehensive test for rows.""" # how many rows there should be in the end num_rows_target = 3 # add two rows by modifiying the one empty row that exists self.change_empty_row(10, 'a', code_first=False) self.change_empty_row(11, 'k(b).k(c)') # one empty row added automatically again time.sleep(0.1) gtk_iteration() # sleep one more time because it's funny to watch the ui # during the test, how rows turn blue and stuff time.sleep(0.1) self.assertEqual(len(self.get_rows()), num_rows_target) self.assertEqual(custom_mapping.get_character(EV_KEY, 10), 'a') self.assertEqual(custom_mapping.get_character(EV_KEY, 11), 'k(b).k(c)') self.assertTrue(custom_mapping.changed) self.window.on_save_preset_clicked(None) for row in self.get_rows(): self.assertNotIn( 'changed', row.get_style_context().list_classes() ) self.assertFalse(custom_mapping.changed) # now change the first row and it should turn blue, # but the other should remain unhighlighted row = self.get_rows()[0] row.character_input.set_text('c') self.assertIn('changed', row.get_style_context().list_classes()) for row in self.get_rows()[1:]: self.assertNotIn( 'changed', row.get_style_context().list_classes() ) self.assertEqual(custom_mapping.get_character(EV_KEY, 10), 'c') self.assertEqual(custom_mapping.get_character(EV_KEY, 11), 'k(b).k(c)') self.assertTrue(custom_mapping.changed) # try to add a duplicate keycode, it should be ignored self.change_empty_row(11, 'd', success=False) self.assertEqual(custom_mapping.get_character(EV_KEY, 11), 'k(b).k(c)') # and the number of rows shouldn't change self.assertEqual(len(self.get_rows()), num_rows_target) def test_remove_row(self): """Comprehensive test for rows 2.""" # sleeps are added to be able to visually follow and debug the test # add two rows by modifiying the one empty row that exists row_1 = self.change_empty_row(10, 'a') row_2 = self.change_empty_row(11, 'b') row_3 = self.change_empty_row(None, 'c') # no empty row added because one is unfinished time.sleep(0.2) gtk_iteration() self.assertEqual(len(self.get_rows()), 3) self.assertEqual(custom_mapping.get_character(EV_KEY, 11), 'b') def remove(row, code, char, num_rows_after): if code is not None and char is not None: self.assertEqual(custom_mapping.get_character(EV_KEY, code), char) self.assertEqual(row.get_character(), char) if code is None: self.assertIsNone(row.get_keycode()) else: self.assertEqual(row.get_keycode(), (EV_KEY, code)) row.on_delete_button_clicked() time.sleep(0.2) gtk_iteration() self.assertIsNone(row.get_keycode()) self.assertIsNone(row.get_character()) self.assertIsNone(custom_mapping.get_character(EV_KEY, code)) self.assertEqual(len(self.get_rows()), num_rows_after) remove(row_1, 10, 'a', 2) remove(row_2, 11, 'b', 1) # there is no empty row at the moment, so after removing that one, # which is the only row, one empty row will be there. So the number # of rows won't change. remove(row_3, None, 'c', 1) def test_rename_and_save(self): custom_mapping.change(EV_KEY, 14, 'a', None) self.assertEqual(self.window.selected_preset, 'new preset') self.window.on_save_preset_clicked(None) self.assertEqual(custom_mapping.get_character(EV_KEY, 14), 'a') custom_mapping.change(EV_KEY, 14, 'b', None) self.window.get('preset_name_input').set_text('asdf') self.window.on_save_preset_clicked(None) self.assertEqual(self.window.selected_preset, 'asdf') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(f'{CONFIG}/device 1/asdf.json')) self.assertEqual(custom_mapping.get_character(EV_KEY, 14), 'b') def test_select_device_and_preset(self): # created on start because the first device is selected and some empty # preset prepared. self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(f'{CONFIG}/device 1/new preset.json')) self.assertEqual(self.window.selected_device, 'device 1') self.assertEqual(self.window.selected_preset, 'new preset') # create another one self.window.on_create_preset_clicked(None) gtk_iteration() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(f'{CONFIG}/device 1/new preset.json')) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(f'{CONFIG}/device 1/new preset 2.json')) self.assertEqual(self.window.selected_preset, 'new preset 2') self.window.on_select_preset(FakeDropdown('new preset')) gtk_iteration() self.assertEqual(self.window.selected_preset, 'new preset') self.assertListEqual( sorted(os.listdir(f'{CONFIG}/device 1')), sorted(['new preset.json', 'new preset 2.json']) ) # now try to change the name self.window.get('preset_name_input').set_text('abc 123') gtk_iteration() self.assertEqual(self.window.selected_preset, 'new preset') self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(f'{CONFIG}/device 1/abc 123.json')) custom_mapping.change(EV_KEY, 10, '1', None) self.window.on_save_preset_clicked(None) gtk_iteration() self.assertEqual(self.window.selected_preset, 'abc 123') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(f'{CONFIG}/device 1/abc 123.json')) self.assertListEqual( sorted(os.listdir(CONFIG)), sorted(['device 1']) ) self.assertListEqual( sorted(os.listdir(f'{CONFIG}/device 1')), sorted(['abc 123.json', 'new preset 2.json']) ) def test_start_injecting(self): keycode_from = 9 keycode_to = 200 self.change_empty_row(keycode_from, 'a') clear_system_mapping() system_mapping['a'] = keycode_to pending_events['device 2'] = [ Event(evdev.events.EV_KEY, keycode_from - 8, 1), Event(evdev.events.EV_KEY, keycode_from - 8, 0) ] custom_mapping.save('device 2', 'foo preset') self.window.selected_device = 'device 2' self.window.selected_preset = 'foo preset' self.window.on_apply_preset_clicked(None) # the integration tests will cause the injection to be started as # processes, as intended. Luckily, recv will block until the events # are handled and pushed. # Note, that pushing events to pending_events won't work anymore # from here on because the injector processes memory cannot be # modified from here. event = uinput_write_history_pipe[0].recv() self.assertEqual(event.type, evdev.events.EV_KEY) self.assertEqual(event.code, keycode_to - 8) self.assertEqual(event.value, 1) event = uinput_write_history_pipe[0].recv() self.assertEqual(event.type, evdev.events.EV_KEY) self.assertEqual(event.code, keycode_to - 8) self.assertEqual(event.value, 0) def test_stop_injecting(self): keycode_from = 16 keycode_to = 90 self.change_empty_row(keycode_from, 't') clear_system_mapping() system_mapping['t'] = keycode_to # not all of those events should be processed, since that takes some # time due to time.sleep in the fakes and the injection is stopped. pending_events['device 2'] = [Event(1, keycode_from - 8, 1)] * 100 custom_mapping.save('device 2', 'foo preset') self.window.selected_device = 'device 2' self.window.selected_preset = 'foo preset' self.window.on_apply_preset_clicked(None) pipe = uinput_write_history_pipe[0] # block until the first event is available, indicating that # the injector is ready write_history = [pipe.recv()] # stop self.window.on_apply_system_layout_clicked(None) # try to receive a few of the events time.sleep(0.2) while pipe.poll(): write_history.append(pipe.recv()) len_before = len(write_history) self.assertLess(len(write_history), 50) # since the injector should not be running anymore, no more events # should be received after waiting even more time time.sleep(0.2) while pipe.poll(): write_history.append(pipe.recv()) self.assertEqual(len(write_history), len_before) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()