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"""Classes for image generation and manipulation"""
# pylint: disable=E0213
import base64
import hashlib
import io
import json
import logging
import os.path
import random
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from enum import Enum
from io import BytesIO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List, Literal, cast
from pydantic import (
from pydantic_core import core_schema
from typing_extensions import Self
from imaginairy import config
from pathlib import Path # noqa
from PIL import Image
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class InvalidUrlError(ValueError):
class LazyLoadingImage:
A class representing an image that can be lazily loaded from various sources.
This class supports loading an image from a filepath, URL, a PIL Image object,
or a base64 encoded string. The image is only loaded into memory when it's
accessed, not at the time of object creation. If multiple sources are provided,
an error is raised. The class also provides functionality to convert the image
to a base64 string and to access it as a PIL Image object.
_lazy_filepath (str): Path to the image file, if provided.
_lazy_url (str): URL of the image, if provided.
_img (Image.Image): PIL Image object, if provided.
_load_img: Lazily loads the image from the specified source.
as_base64: Returns the image encoded as a base64 string.
as_pillow: Returns the image as a PIL Image object.
save_image_as_base64: Static method to convert a PIL Image to a base64 string.
load_image_from_base64: Static method to load an image from a base64 string.
__get_pydantic_core_schema__: Class method for Pydantic schema generation.
def __init__(
filepath: str | None = None,
url: str | None = None,
img: "Image.Image | None" = None,
b64: str | None = None,
if not filepath and not url and not img and not b64:
msg = "You must specify a url or filepath or img or base64 string"
raise ValueError(msg)
if sum([bool(filepath), bool(url), bool(img), bool(b64)]) > 1:
raise ValueError("You cannot multiple input methods")
# validate file exists
if filepath and not os.path.exists(filepath):
msg = f"File does not exist: {filepath}"
raise FileNotFoundError(msg)
# validate url is valid url
if url:
from urllib3.exceptions import LocationParseError
from urllib3.util import parse_url
parsed_url = parse_url(url)
except LocationParseError:
raise InvalidUrlError(f"Invalid url: {url}") # noqa
if parsed_url.scheme not in {"http", "https"} or not
msg = f"Invalid url: {url}"
raise InvalidUrlError(msg)
if b64:
img = self.load_image_from_base64(b64)
self._lazy_filepath = filepath
self._lazy_url = url
self._img = img
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key == "_img":
raise AttributeError()
return getattr(self._img, key)
def __setstate__(self, state):
def __getstate__(self):
return self.__dict__
def _load_img(self):
if self._img is None:
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
if self._lazy_filepath:
self._img =
f"Loaded input 🖼 of size {self._img.size} from {self._lazy_filepath}"
elif self._lazy_url:
import requests
self._img =
requests.get(self._lazy_url, stream=True, timeout=60).content
f"Loaded input 🖼 of size {self._img.size} from {self._lazy_url}"
raise ValueError("You must specify a url or filepath")
# fix orientation
self._img = ImageOps.exif_transpose(self._img)
def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(
cls, source_type: Any, handler: GetCoreSchemaHandler
) -> core_schema.CoreSchema:
def validate(value: Any) -> "LazyLoadingImage":
from PIL import Image, UnidentifiedImageError
if isinstance(value, cls):
return value
if isinstance(value, Image.Image):
return cls(img=value)
if isinstance(value, str):
if "." in value[:1000]:
return cls(filepath=value)
except FileNotFoundError as e:
raise ValueError(str(e)) # noqa
return cls(b64=value)
except UnidentifiedImageError:
msg = "base64 string was not recognized as a valid image type"
raise ValueError(msg) # noqa
if isinstance(value, dict):
return cls(**value)
msg = "Image value must be either a LazyLoadingImage, PIL.Image.Image or a Base64 string"
raise ValueError(msg)
def handle_b64(value: Any) -> "LazyLoadingImage":
if isinstance(value, str):
return cls(b64=value)
msg = "Image value must be either a LazyLoadingImage, PIL.Image.Image or a Base64 string"
raise ValueError(msg)
return core_schema.json_or_python_schema(
handle_b64, core_schema.any_schema()
validate, core_schema.any_schema()
def save_image_as_base64(image: "Image.Image") -> str:
buffered = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG")
img_bytes = buffered.getvalue()
return base64.b64encode(img_bytes).decode()
def load_image_from_base64(image_str: str) -> "Image.Image":
from PIL import Image
img_bytes = base64.b64decode(image_str)
def as_base64(self):
return self.save_image_as_base64(self._img)
def as_pillow(self):
return self._img
def __str__(self):
return self.as_base64()
def __repr__(self):
"""human readable representation.
shows filepath or url if available.
return f"<LazyLoadingImage filepath={self._lazy_filepath} url={self._lazy_url}>"
except Exception as e: # noqa
return f"<LazyLoadingImage RENDER EXCEPTION*{e}*>"
class ControlInput(BaseModel):
A Pydantic model representing the input control parameters for an operation,
typically involving image processing.
This model includes parameters such as the operation mode, the image to be processed,
an alternative raw image, and a strength parameter. It validates these parameters to
ensure they meet specific criteria, such as the mode being one of the predefined valid modes
and ensuring that both 'image' and 'image_raw' are not provided simultaneously.
mode (str): The operation mode, which must be one of the predefined valid modes.
image (LazyLoadingImage, optional): An instance of LazyLoadingImage to be processed.
Defaults to None.
image_raw (LazyLoadingImage, optional): An alternative raw image instance of
LazyLoadingImage. Defaults to None.
strength (float): A float value representing the strength of the operation, must be
between 0 and 1000 (inclusive). Defaults to 1.
image_raw_validate: Validates that either 'image' or 'image_raw' is provided,
but not both.
mode_validate: Validates that the 'mode' attribute is one of the predefined valid
modes in the configuration.
ValueError: Raised if both 'image' and 'image_raw' are specified, or if the
'mode' is not a valid mode.
mode: str
image: LazyLoadingImage | None = None
image_raw: LazyLoadingImage | None = None
strength: float = Field(1, ge=0, le=1000)
# @field_validator("image", "image_raw", mode="before")
# def validate_images(cls, v):
# if isinstance(v, str):
# return LazyLoadingImage(filepath=v)
# return v
def image_raw_validate(cls, v, info: core_schema.FieldValidationInfo):
if"image") is not None and v is not None:
raise ValueError("You cannot specify both image and image_raw")
# if v is None and values.get("image") is None:
# raise ValueError("You must specify either image or image_raw")
return v
def mode_validate(cls, v):
if v not in config.CONTROL_CONFIG_SHORTCUTS:
valid_modes = list(config.CONTROL_CONFIG_SHORTCUTS.keys())
valid_modes = ", ".join(valid_modes)
msg = f"Invalid controlnet mode: '{v}'. Valid modes are: {valid_modes}"
raise ValueError(msg)
return v
class WeightedPrompt(BaseModel):
Represents a prompt with an associated weight.
This class is used to define a text prompt with a corresponding numerical weight,
indicating the significance or influence of the prompt in a given context, such as
in image generation or text processing tasks.
text (str): The textual content of the prompt.
weight (float): A numerical weight associated with the prompt. Defaults to 1.
The weight must be greater than or equal to 0.
__repr__: Returns a string representation of the WeightedPrompt instance,
formatted as 'weight*(text)'.
text: str
weight: float = Field(1, ge=0)
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.weight}*({self.text})"
class MaskMode(str, Enum):
REPLACE = "replace"
KEEP = "keep"
MaskInput = MaskMode | str
PromptInput = str | WeightedPrompt | list[WeightedPrompt] | list[str] | None
InpaintMethod = Literal["finetune", "control"]
class ImaginePrompt(BaseModel, protected_namespaces=()):
The ImaginePrompt class is used for configuring and generating image prompts.
prompt (str | WeightedPrompt | list[WeightedPrompt] | list[str] | None, optional): Primary prompt for the image generation.
negative_prompt (str | WeightedPrompt | list[WeightedPrompt] | list[str] | None, optional): Prompt specifying what to avoid in the image.
prompt_strength (float, optional): Strength of the influence of the prompt on the output.
init_image (LazyLoadingImage, optional): Initial image to base the generation on.
init_image_strength (float, optional): Strength of the influence of the initial image.
image_prompt (LazyLoadingImage, optional): Image to be used as part of the prompt using IP-Adapter.
image_prompt_strength (float, optional): Strength of the influence of the prompt_image.
control_inputs (List[ControlInput], optional): Additional control inputs for image generation.
mask_prompt (str, optional): Mask prompt for selective area generation.
mask_image (LazyLoadingImage, optional): Image used for masking.
mask_mode (MaskMode | str): Mode of masking operation.
mask_modify_original (bool): Flag to modify the original image with mask.
outpaint (str, optional): Outpainting string for extending image boundaries.
model_weights (str): Weights configuration for the generation model.
solver_type (str): Type of solver used for image generation.
seed (int, optional): Seed for random number generator.
steps (int, optional): Number of steps for the generation process.
size (int | str | tuple[int, int], optional): Size of the generated image.
upscale (bool): Flag to enable upscaling of the generated image.
fix_faces (bool): Flag to apply face fixing in the generation.
fix_faces_fidelity (float, optional): Fidelity of face fixing.
conditioning (str, optional): Additional conditioning string.
tile_mode (str): Mode of tiling for the image.
allow_compose_phase (bool): Flag to allow composition phase in generation.
is_intermediate (bool): Flag for intermediate image processing.
collect_progress_latents (bool): Flag to collect progress latents.
caption_text (str): Caption text for the image.
composition_strength (float, optional): Strength of the composition effect.
inpaint_method (InpaintMethod): Method used for inpainting.
model_config = ConfigDict(extra="forbid", validate_assignment=True)
prompt: List[WeightedPrompt] = Field(default=None, validate_default=True) # type: ignore
negative_prompt: List[WeightedPrompt] = Field(
default_factory=list, validate_default=True
prompt_strength: float = Field(default=7.5, le=50, ge=-50, validate_default=True)
init_image: LazyLoadingImage | None = Field(
None, description="base64 encoded image", validate_default=True
init_image_strength: float | None = Field(
ge=0, le=1, default=None, validate_default=True
image_prompt: LazyLoadingImage | None = Field(None, validate_default=True)
image_prompt_strength: float | None = Field(ge=0, le=1, default=0.0)
control_inputs: List[ControlInput] = Field(
default_factory=list, validate_default=True
mask_prompt: str | None = Field(
description="text description of the things to be masked",
mask_image: LazyLoadingImage | None = Field(default=None, validate_default=True)
mask_mode: MaskMode = MaskMode.REPLACE
mask_modify_original: bool = True
outpaint: str | None = ""
model_weights: config.ModelWeightsConfig = Field( # type: ignore
default=config.DEFAULT_MODEL_WEIGHTS, validate_default=True
solver_type: str = Field(default=config.DEFAULT_SOLVER, validate_default=True)
seed: int | None = Field(default=None, validate_default=True)
steps: int = Field(validate_default=True)
size: tuple[int, int] = Field(validate_default=True)
upscale: bool = False
fix_faces: bool = False
fix_faces_fidelity: float | None = Field(0.5, ge=0, le=1, validate_default=True)
conditioning: str | None = None
tile_mode: str = ""
allow_compose_phase: bool = True
is_intermediate: bool = False
collect_progress_latents: bool = False
caption_text: str = Field(
"", description="text to be overlaid on the image", validate_default=True
composition_strength: float = Field(ge=0, le=1, validate_default=True)
inpaint_method: InpaintMethod = "finetune"
def __init__(
prompt: PromptInput = "",
negative_prompt: PromptInput = None,
prompt_strength: float | None = 7.5,
init_image: LazyLoadingImage | None = None,
init_image_strength: float | None = None,
image_prompt: LazyLoadingImage | None = None,
image_prompt_strength: float | None = None,
control_inputs: List[ControlInput] | None = None,
mask_prompt: str | None = None,
mask_image: LazyLoadingImage | None = None,
mask_mode: MaskInput = MaskMode.REPLACE,
mask_modify_original: bool = True,
outpaint: str | None = "",
model_weights: str | config.ModelWeightsConfig = config.DEFAULT_MODEL_WEIGHTS,
solver_type: str = config.DEFAULT_SOLVER,
seed: int | None = None,
steps: int | None = None,
size: int | str | tuple[int, int] | None = None,
upscale: bool = False,
fix_faces: bool = False,
fix_faces_fidelity: float | None = 0.2,
conditioning: str | None = None,
tile_mode: str = "",
allow_compose_phase: bool = True,
is_intermediate: bool = False,
collect_progress_latents: bool = False,
caption_text: str = "",
composition_strength: float | None = 0.5,
inpaint_method: InpaintMethod = "finetune",
self._default_negative_prompt = None
@field_validator("prompt", "negative_prompt", mode="before")
def make_into_weighted_prompts(
value: PromptInput,
) -> list[WeightedPrompt]:
match value:
case None:
return []
case str():
if value is not None:
return [WeightedPrompt(text=value)]
return []
case WeightedPrompt():
return [value]
case list():
if all(isinstance(item, str) for item in value):
return [WeightedPrompt(text=str(p)) for p in value]
elif all(isinstance(item, WeightedPrompt) for item in value):
return cast(List[WeightedPrompt], value)
raise ValueError("Invalid prompt input")
@field_validator("prompt", "negative_prompt", mode="after")
def must_have_some_weight(cls, v):
if v:
total_weight = sum(p.weight for p in v)
if total_weight == 0:
raise ValueError("Total weight of prompts cannot be 0")
return v
@field_validator("prompt", "negative_prompt", mode="after")
def sort_prompts(cls, v):
if isinstance(v, list):
v.sort(key=lambda p: p.weight, reverse=True)
return v
def default_negative_prompt(self):
default_negative_prompt = config.DEFAULT_NEGATIVE_PROMPT
if self.model_weights:
default_negative_prompt = self.model_weights.defaults.get(
"negative_prompt", default_negative_prompt
return default_negative_prompt
def validate_negative_prompt(self):
if self.negative_prompt == []:
self.negative_prompt = [WeightedPrompt(text=self.default_negative_prompt)]
return self
@field_validator("prompt_strength", mode="before")
def validate_prompt_strength(cls, v):
return 7.5 if v is None else v
@field_validator("tile_mode", mode="before")
def validate_tile_mode(cls, v):
valid_tile_modes = ("", "x", "y", "xy")
if v is True:
return "xy"
if v is False or v is None:
return ""
if not isinstance(v, str):
msg = f"Invalid tile_mode: '{v}'. Valid modes are: {valid_tile_modes}"
raise ValueError(msg) # noqa
v = v.lower()
if v not in valid_tile_modes:
msg = f"Invalid tile_mode: '{v}'. Valid modes are: {valid_tile_modes}"
raise ValueError(msg)
return v
@field_validator("outpaint", mode="after")
def validate_outpaint(cls, v):
from imaginairy.utils.outpaint import outpaint_arg_str_parse
return v
@field_validator("conditioning", mode="after")
def validate_conditioning(cls, v):
from torch import Tensor
if v is None:
return v
if not isinstance(v, Tensor):
raise ValueError("conditioning must be a torch.Tensor") # noqa
return v
def set_default_composition_strength(cls, data: Any) -> Any:
if not isinstance(data, dict):
return data
comp_strength = data.get("composition_strength")
default_comp_strength = 0.5
if comp_strength is None:
model_weights = data.get("model_weights")
if isinstance(model_weights, config.ModelWeightsConfig):
default_comp_strength = model_weights.defaults.get(
"composition_strength", default_comp_strength
data["composition_strength"] = default_comp_strength
return data
# @field_validator("init_image", "mask_image", mode="after")
# def handle_images(cls, v):
# if isinstance(v, str):
# return LazyLoadingImage(filepath=v)
# return v
def set_init_from_control_inputs(self):
if self.init_image is None:
for control_input in self.control_inputs:
if control_input.image:
self.init_image = control_input.image
return self
@field_validator("control_inputs", mode="before")
def validate_control_inputs(cls, v):
if v is None:
v = []
return v
@field_validator("control_inputs", mode="after")
def set_image_from_init_image(cls, v, info: core_schema.FieldValidationInfo):
v = v or []
for control_input in v:
if control_input.image is None and control_input.image_raw is None:
control_input.image =["init_image"]
return v
def validate_mask_image(cls, v, info: core_schema.FieldValidationInfo):
if v is not None and"mask_prompt") is not None:
msg = "You can only set one of `mask_image` and `mask_prompt`"
raise ValueError(msg)
return v
@field_validator("mask_prompt", "mask_image", mode="before")
def validate_mask_prompt(cls, v, info: core_schema.FieldValidationInfo):
if"init_image") is None and v:
msg = "You must set `init_image` if you want to use a mask"
raise ValueError(msg)
return v
def resolve_model_weights(cls, data: Any):
if not isinstance(data, dict):
return data
model_weights = data.get("model_weights")
if model_weights is None:
model_weights = config.DEFAULT_MODEL_WEIGHTS
from imaginairy.utils.model_manager import resolve_model_weights_config
should_use_inpainting = bool(
data.get("mask_image") or data.get("mask_prompt") or data.get("outpaint")
should_use_inpainting_weights = (
should_use_inpainting and data.get("inpaint_method") == "finetune"
model_weights_config = resolve_model_weights_config(
data["model_weights"] = model_weights_config
return data
def validate_seed(cls, v):
return v
@field_validator("fix_faces_fidelity", mode="before")
def validate_fix_faces_fidelity(cls, v):
if v is None:
return 0.5
return v
@field_validator("solver_type", mode="after")
def validate_solver_type(cls, v, info: core_schema.FieldValidationInfo):
from imaginairy.samplers import SolverName
if v is None:
v = v.lower()
if"model") == "edit" and v in (
msg = "PLMS and DDIM solvers are not supported for pix2pix edit model."
raise ValueError(msg)
return v
@field_validator("steps", mode="before")
def validate_steps(cls, v, info: core_schema.FieldValidationInfo):
steps_lookup = {"ddim": 50, "dpmpp": 20}
if v is None:
v = steps_lookup[["solver_type"]]
return int(v)
except (OverflowError, TypeError) as e:
raise ValueError("Steps must be an integer") from e
def validate_init_image_strength(self):
if self.init_image_strength is None:
if self.control_inputs:
self.init_image_strength = 0.0
elif self.outpaint or self.mask_image or self.mask_prompt:
self.init_image_strength = 0.0
self.init_image_strength = 0.2
return self
@field_validator("size", mode="before")
def validate_image_size(cls, v, info: core_schema.FieldValidationInfo):
from imaginairy.utils.model_manager import get_model_default_image_size
from imaginairy.utils.named_resolutions import normalize_image_size
if v is None:
v = get_model_default_image_size(["model_weights"].architecture)
width, height = normalize_image_size(v)
return width, height
@field_validator("size", mode="after")
def validate_image_size_after(cls, v, info: core_schema.FieldValidationInfo):
width, height = v
min_size = 8
max_size = 100_000
if not min_size <= width <= max_size:
msg = f"Width must be between {min_size} and {max_size}. Got: {width}"
raise ValueError(msg)
if not min_size <= height <= max_size:
msg = f"Height must be between {min_size} and {max_size}. Got: {height}"
raise ValueError(msg)
return v
@field_validator("caption_text", mode="before")
def validate_caption_text(cls, v):
if v is None:
v = ""
return v
def prompts(self):
return self.prompt
def prompt_text(self) -> str:
if not self.prompt:
return ""
if len(self.prompt) == 1:
return self.prompt[0].text
return "|".join(str(p) for p in self.prompt)
def negative_prompt_text(self) -> str:
if not self.negative_prompt:
return ""
if len(self.negative_prompt) == 1:
return self.negative_prompt[0].text
return "|".join(str(p) for p in self.negative_prompt)
def width(self) -> int:
return self.size[0]
def height(self) -> int:
return self.size[1]
def aspect_ratio(self) -> str:
from imaginairy.utils.img_utils import aspect_ratio
return aspect_ratio(width=self.width, height=self.height)
def should_use_inpainting(self) -> bool:
return bool(self.outpaint or self.mask_image or self.mask_prompt)
def should_use_inpainting_weights(self) -> bool:
return self.should_use_inpainting and self.inpaint_method == "finetune"
def should_use_ipadapter(self) -> bool:
return bool(self.image_prompt)
def model_architecture(self) -> config.ModelArchitecture:
return self.model_weights.architecture
def prompt_description(self):
if self.negative_prompt_text == self.default_negative_prompt:
neg_prompt = f'"{self.negative_prompt_text}"'
from termcolor import colored
prompt_text = colored(self.prompt_text, "green")
return (
" "
" "
f"size:{self.width}x{self.height}px-({self.aspect_ratio}) "
f"seed:{self.seed} "
f"prompt-strength:{self.prompt_strength} "
f"steps:{self.steps} solver-type:{self.solver_type} "
f"init-image-strength:{self.init_image_strength} "
f"arch:{self.model_architecture.aliases[0]} "
def logging_dict(self):
"""Return a dict of the object but with binary data replaced with reprs."""
data = self.model_dump()
data["init_image"] = repr(self.init_image)
data["mask_image"] = repr(self.mask_image)
if self.control_inputs:
data["control_inputs"] = [repr(ci) for ci in self.control_inputs]
return data
def full_copy(self, deep=True, update=None):
new_prompt = self.model_copy(
# new_prompt = self.model_validate(new_prompt) doesn't work for some reason
new_prompt = new_prompt.model_validate(dict(new_prompt))
return new_prompt
def make_concrete_copy(self) -> Self:
seed = self.seed if self.seed is not None else random.randint(1, 1_000_000_000)
return self.full_copy(
"seed": seed,
class ExifCodes:
ImageDescription = 0x010E
Software = 0x0131
DateTime = 0x0132
HostComputer = 0x013C
UserComment = 0x9286
class ImagineResult:
def __init__(
prompt: ImaginePrompt,
import torch
from imaginairy.utils import get_device, get_hardware_description
from imaginairy.utils.img_utils import (
self.prompt = prompt
self.images = {"generated": img}
if result_images:
for img_type, r_img in result_images.items():
if r_img is None:
if isinstance(r_img, torch.Tensor):
if r_img.shape[1] == 4:
r_img = model_latent_to_pillow_img(r_img)
r_img = torch_img_to_pillow_img(r_img)
self.images[img_type] = r_img
self.performance_stats = performance_stats
self.progress_latents = progress_latents
# for backward compat
self.img = img
self.is_nsfw = is_nsfw
self.safety_score = safety_score
self.created_at =
self.torch_backend = get_device()
self.hardware_name = get_hardware_description(get_device())
def md5(self) -> str:
return hashlib.md5(self.img.tobytes()).hexdigest()
def metadata_dict(self):
return {
"prompt": self.prompt.logging_dict(),
def timings_str(self) -> str:
if not self.performance_stats:
return ""
return " ".join(
f"{k}:{v['duration']:.2f}s" for k, v in self.performance_stats.items()
def total_time(self) -> float:
if not self.performance_stats:
return 0
return self.performance_stats["total"]["duration"]
def gpu_str(self, stat_name="memory_peak") -> str:
if not self.performance_stats:
return ""
return " ".join(
for k, v in self.performance_stats.items()
def _exif(self) -> "Image.Exif":
from PIL import Image
exif = Image.Exif()
exif[ExifCodes.ImageDescription] = self.prompt.prompt_description()
exif[ExifCodes.UserComment] = json.dumps(self.metadata_dict())
# help future web scrapes not ingest AI generated art
sd_version =
if len(sd_version) > 40:
sd_version = "custom weights"
exif[ExifCodes.Software] = f"Imaginairy / Stable Diffusion {sd_version}"
exif[ExifCodes.DateTime] = self.created_at.isoformat(sep=" ")[:19]
exif[ExifCodes.HostComputer] = f"{self.torch_backend}:{self.hardware_name}"
return exif
def save(self, save_path: "Path | str", image_type: str = "generated") -> None:
img = self.images.get(image_type, None)
if img is None:
msg = f"Image of type {image_type} not stored. Options are: {self.images.keys()}"
raise ValueError(msg)
img.convert("RGB").save(save_path, exif=self._exif())
class SafetyMode(str, Enum):
STRICT = "strict"
RELAXED = "relaxed"