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import pytest
from PIL import Image
from imaginairy.enhancers.describe_image_blip import generate_caption
from imaginairy.utils import get_device, seed_everything
from tests import TESTS_FOLDER
@pytest.mark.skipif(get_device() == "cpu", reason="Too slow to run on CPU")
def test_describe_picture():
img ="{TESTS_FOLDER}/data/girl_with_a_pearl_earring.jpg")
caption = generate_caption(img)
assert caption in {
"a painting of a girl with a pearl earring wearing a yellow dress and a pearl earring in her ear and a black background",
"a painting of a girl with a pearl ear wearing a yellow dress and a pearl earring on her left ear and a black background",
"a painting of a woman with a pearl ear wearing an ornament pearl earring and wearing an orange, white, blue and yellow dress",
"a painting of a woman with a pearl earring looking to her left, in profile with her right eye partially closed, standing upright",