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import math
from typing import Any, Callable, Generic, TypeVar
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.fft import fftn, fftshift, ifftn, ifftshift # type: ignore
import imaginairy.vendored.refiners.fluxion.layers as fl
from imaginairy.vendored.refiners.fluxion.adapters.adapter import Adapter
from imaginairy.vendored.refiners.foundationals.latent_diffusion.stable_diffusion_1.unet import ResidualConcatenator, SD1UNet
from imaginairy.vendored.refiners.foundationals.latent_diffusion.stable_diffusion_xl.unet import SDXLUNet
T = TypeVar("T", bound="SD1UNet | SDXLUNet")
TSDFreeUAdapter = TypeVar("TSDFreeUAdapter", bound="SDFreeUAdapter[Any]") # Self (see PEP 673)
def fourier_filter(x: Tensor, scale: float = 1, threshold: int = 1) -> Tensor:
"""Fourier filter as introduced in FreeU (
This version of the method comes from here:
batch, channels, height, width = x.shape
dtype = x.dtype
device = x.device
if not (math.log2(height).is_integer() and math.log2(width).is_integer()):
x =
x_freq = fftn(x, dim=(-2, -1)) # type: ignore
x_freq = fftshift(x_freq, dim=(-2, -1)) # type: ignore
mask = torch.ones((batch, channels, height, width), device=device) # type: ignore
center_row, center_col = height // 2, width // 2 # type: ignore
mask[..., center_row - threshold : center_row + threshold, center_col - threshold : center_col + threshold] = scale
x_freq = x_freq * mask # type: ignore
x_freq = ifftshift(x_freq, dim=(-2, -1)) # type: ignore
x_filtered = ifftn(x_freq, dim=(-2, -1)).real # type: ignore
return # type: ignore
class FreeUBackboneFeatures(fl.Module):
def __init__(self, backbone_scale: float) -> None:
self.backbone_scale = backbone_scale
def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
num_half_channels = x.shape[1] // 2
x[:, :num_half_channels] = x[:, :num_half_channels] * self.backbone_scale
return x
class FreeUSkipFeatures(fl.Chain):
def __init__(self, n: int, skip_scale: float) -> None:
apply_filter: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor] = lambda x: fourier_filter(x, scale=skip_scale)
fl.UseContext(context="unet", key="residuals").compose(lambda residuals: residuals[n]),
class FreeUResidualConcatenator(fl.Concatenate):
def __init__(self, n: int, backbone_scale: float, skip_scale: float) -> None:
FreeUSkipFeatures(n, skip_scale),
class SDFreeUAdapter(Generic[T], fl.Chain, Adapter[T]):
def __init__(self, target: T, backbone_scales: list[float], skip_scales: list[float]) -> None:
assert len(backbone_scales) == len(skip_scales)
assert len(backbone_scales) <= len(target.UpBlocks)
self.backbone_scales = backbone_scales
self.skip_scales = skip_scales
with self.setup_adapter(target):
def inject(self: TSDFreeUAdapter, parent: fl.Chain | None = None) -> TSDFreeUAdapter:
for n, (backbone_scale, skip_scale) in enumerate(zip(self.backbone_scales, self.skip_scales)):
block =[n]
concat = block.ensure_find(ResidualConcatenator)
block.replace(concat, FreeUResidualConcatenator(-n - 2, backbone_scale, skip_scale))
return super().inject(parent)
def eject(self) -> None:
for n in range(len(self.backbone_scales)):
block =[n]
concat = block.ensure_find(FreeUResidualConcatenator)
block.replace(concat, ResidualConcatenator(-n - 2))