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from torch import Tensor
from imaginairy.vendored.refiners.fluxion.layers.module import ContextModule
class Converter(ContextModule):
A Converter class that adjusts tensor properties based on a parent module's settings.
This class inherits from `ContextModule` and provides functionality to adjust
the device and dtype of input tensor(s) to match the parent module's attributes.
set_device (bool): If True, matches the device of the input tensor(s) to the parent's device.
set_dtype (bool): If True, matches the dtype of the input tensor(s) to the parent's dtype.
Ensure the parent module has `device` and `dtype` attributes if `set_device` or `set_dtype` are set to True.
def __init__(self, set_device: bool = True, set_dtype: bool = True) -> None:
self.set_device = set_device
self.set_dtype = set_dtype
def forward(self, *inputs: Tensor) -> tuple[Tensor, ...]:
parent = self.ensure_parent
converted_tensors: list[Tensor] = []
for x in inputs:
if self.set_device:
device = parent.device
assert device is not None, "parent has no device"
x =
if self.set_dtype:
dtype = parent.dtype
assert dtype is not None, "parent has no dtype"
x =
return tuple(converted_tensors)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(set_device={self.set_device}, set_dtype={self.set_dtype})"