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import contextlib
from typing import Any, Generic, Iterator, TypeVar
import imaginairy.vendored.refiners.fluxion.layers as fl
T = TypeVar("T", bound=fl.Module)
TAdapter = TypeVar("TAdapter", bound="Adapter[Any]") # Self (see PEP 673)
class Adapter(Generic[T]):
# we store _target into a one element list to avoid pytorch thinking it is a submodule
_target: "list[T]"
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
assert issubclass(cls, fl.Chain), f"Adapter {cls.__name__} must be a Chain"
def target(self) -> T:
return self._target[0]
def setup_adapter(self, target: T) -> Iterator[None]:
assert isinstance(self, fl.Chain)
assert (not hasattr(self, "_modules")) or (
len(self) == 0
), "Call the Chain constructor in the setup_adapter context."
self._target = [target]
if not isinstance(, fl.ContextModule):
_old_can_refresh_parent = target._can_refresh_parent
target._can_refresh_parent = False
target._can_refresh_parent = _old_can_refresh_parent
def inject(self: TAdapter, parent: fl.Chain | None = None) -> TAdapter:
assert isinstance(self, fl.Chain)
if (parent is None) and isinstance(, fl.ContextModule):
parent =
if parent is not None:
assert isinstance(parent, fl.Chain), f"{} has invalid parent {parent}"
target_parent = self.find_parent(
if parent is None:
if isinstance(, fl.ContextModule): # type: ignore[reportPrivateUsage]
return self
# In general, `true_parent` is `parent`. We do this to support multiple adaptation,
# i.e. initializing two adapters before injecting them.
true_parent = parent.ensure_find_parent(
return self
def eject(self) -> None:
assert isinstance(self, fl.Chain)
# In general, the "actual target" is the target.
# Here we deal with the edge case where the target
# is part of the replacement block and has been adapted by
# another adapter after this one. For instance, this is the
# case when stacking Controlnets.
actual_target = lookup_top_adapter(self,
if (parent := self.parent) is None:
if isinstance(actual_target, fl.ContextModule):
actual_target._set_parent(None) # type: ignore[reportPrivateUsage]
parent.replace(old_module=self, new_module=actual_target)
def _pre_structural_copy(self) -> None:
if isinstance(, fl.Chain):
raise RuntimeError("Chain adapters typically cannot be copied, eject them first.")
def _post_structural_copy(self: TAdapter, source: TAdapter) -> None:
self._target = []
def lookup_top_adapter(top: fl.Chain, target: fl.Module) -> fl.Module:
"""Lookup and return last adapter in parents tree (or target if none)."""
target_parent = top.find_parent(target)
if (target_parent is None) or (target_parent == top):
return target
r, p = target, target_parent
while p != top:
if isinstance(p, Adapter):
r = p
assert p.parent, f"parent tree of {top} is broken"
p = p.parent
return r