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from collections import deque
import numpy as np
from torch import Generator, Tensor, device as Device, dtype as Dtype, exp, float32, tensor
from imaginairy.vendored.refiners.foundationals.latent_diffusion.schedulers.scheduler import NoiseSchedule, Scheduler
class DPMSolver(Scheduler):
Implements DPM-Solver++ from
Regarding last_step_first_order: DPM-Solver++ is known to introduce artifacts
when used with SDXL and few steps. This parameter is a way to mitigate that
effect by using a first-order (Euler) update instead of a second-order update
for the last step of the diffusion.
def __init__(
num_inference_steps: int,
num_train_timesteps: int = 1_000,
initial_diffusion_rate: float = 8.5e-4,
final_diffusion_rate: float = 1.2e-2,
last_step_first_order: bool = False,
noise_schedule: NoiseSchedule = NoiseSchedule.QUADRATIC,
device: Device | str = "cpu",
dtype: Dtype = float32,
self.estimated_data = deque([tensor([])] * 2, maxlen=2)
self.last_step_first_order = last_step_first_order
self._first_step_has_been_run = False
def _generate_timesteps(self) -> Tensor:
# We need to use numpy here because:
# numpy.linspace(0,999,31)[15] is 499.49999999999994
# torch.linspace(0,999,31)[15] is 499.5
# ...and we want the same result as the original codebase.
return tensor(
np.linspace(0, self.num_train_timesteps - 1, self.num_inference_steps + 1).round().astype(int)[1:],
def dpm_solver_first_order_update(self, x: Tensor, noise: Tensor, step: int) -> Tensor:
current_timestep = self.timesteps[step]
previous_timestep = self.timesteps[step + 1] if step < self.num_inference_steps - 1 else tensor([0])
previous_ratio = self.signal_to_noise_ratios[previous_timestep]
current_ratio = self.signal_to_noise_ratios[current_timestep]
previous_scale_factor = self.cumulative_scale_factors[previous_timestep]
previous_noise_std = self.noise_std[previous_timestep]
current_noise_std = self.noise_std[current_timestep]
factor = exp(-(previous_ratio - current_ratio)) - 1.0
denoised_x = (previous_noise_std / current_noise_std) * x - (factor * previous_scale_factor) * noise
return denoised_x
def multistep_dpm_solver_second_order_update(self, x: Tensor, step: int) -> Tensor:
previous_timestep = self.timesteps[step + 1] if step < self.num_inference_steps - 1 else tensor([0])
current_timestep = self.timesteps[step]
next_timestep = self.timesteps[step - 1]
current_data_estimation = self.estimated_data[-1]
next_data_estimation = self.estimated_data[-2]
previous_ratio = self.signal_to_noise_ratios[previous_timestep]
current_ratio = self.signal_to_noise_ratios[current_timestep]
next_ratio = self.signal_to_noise_ratios[next_timestep]
previous_scale_factor = self.cumulative_scale_factors[previous_timestep]
previous_noise_std = self.noise_std[previous_timestep]
current_noise_std = self.noise_std[current_timestep]
estimation_delta = (current_data_estimation - next_data_estimation) / (
(current_ratio - next_ratio) / (previous_ratio - current_ratio)
factor = exp(-(previous_ratio - current_ratio)) - 1.0
denoised_x = (
(previous_noise_std / current_noise_std) * x
- (factor * previous_scale_factor) * current_data_estimation
- 0.5 * (factor * previous_scale_factor) * estimation_delta
return denoised_x
def __call__(self, x: Tensor, noise: Tensor, step: int, generator: Generator | None = None) -> Tensor:
Represents one step of the backward diffusion process that iteratively denoises the input data `x`.
This method works by estimating the denoised version of `x` and applying either a first-order or second-order
backward Euler update, which is a numerical method commonly used to solve ordinary differential equations
current_timestep = self.timesteps[step]
scale_factor, noise_ratio = self.cumulative_scale_factors[current_timestep], self.noise_std[current_timestep]
estimated_denoised_data = (x - noise_ratio * noise) / scale_factor
if step == 0 or (self.last_step_first_order and step == self.num_inference_steps - 1) or not self._first_step_has_been_run:
self._first_step_has_been_run = True
return self.dpm_solver_first_order_update(x=x, noise=estimated_denoised_data, step=step)
return self.multistep_dpm_solver_second_order_update(x=x, step=step)