You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

154 lines
4.8 KiB

import gzip
import os.path
import random
import re
from functools import lru_cache
from string import Formatter
from imaginairy.paths import PKG_ROOT
os.path.join(PKG_ROOT, "vendored", "noodle_soup_prompts"),
os.path.join(PKG_ROOT, "enhancers", "phraselists"),
formatter = Formatter()
PROMPT_EXPANSION_PATTERN = re.compile(r"[|a-z0-9_ -]+")
def prompt_library_filepaths(prompt_library_paths=None):
"""Return all available category/filepath pairs"""
prompt_library_paths = [] if not prompt_library_paths else prompt_library_paths
combined_prompt_library_filepaths = {}
for prompt_path in DEFAULT_PROMPT_LIBRARY_PATHS + list(prompt_library_paths):
library_prompts = prompt_library_filepath(prompt_path)
return combined_prompt_library_filepaths
def category_list(prompt_library_paths=None):
"""Return the names of available phrase-lists"""
categories = list(prompt_library_filepaths(prompt_library_paths).keys())
return categories
def prompt_library_filepath(library_path):
lookup = {}
for filename in os.listdir(library_path):
if "." not in filename:
base_filename, ext = filename.split(".", maxsplit=1)
if ext in {"txt.gz", "txt"}:
lookup[base_filename.lower()] = os.path.join(library_path, filename)
return lookup
def get_phrases(category_name, prompt_library_paths=None):
category_name = category_name.lower()
lookup = prompt_library_filepaths(prompt_library_paths)
filepath = lookup[category_name]
except KeyError as e:
raise LookupError(
f"'{category_name}' is not a valid prompt expansion category. Could not find the txt file."
) from e
_open = open
if filepath.endswith(".gz"):
_open =
with _open(filepath, "rb") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
phrases = [line.decode("utf-8").strip() for line in lines]
return phrases
def expand_prompts(prompt_text, n=1, prompt_library_paths=None):
Replaces {vars} with random samples of corresponding phraselists
p = "a happy {animal}"
prompts = expand_prompts(p, n=2)
assert prompts = [
"a happy dog",
"a happy cat"
prompt_parts = list(formatter.parse(prompt_text))
field_names = []
for literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion in prompt_parts: # noqa
if field_name:
field_name = field_name.lower()
if not PROMPT_EXPANSION_PATTERN.match(field_name):
raise ValueError(
"Invalid prompt expansion. Only a-z0-9_|- characters permitted. "
phrases = []
for field_name in field_names:
field_phrases = []
expansion_tokens = [t.strip() for t in field_name.split("|")]
for token in expansion_tokens:
token = token.strip()
if token.startswith("_") and token.endswith("_"):
category_name = token.strip("_")
category_phrases = get_phrases(
category_name, prompt_library_paths=prompt_library_paths
for values in get_random_non_repeating_combination(n, *phrases):
# value_lookup = zip(field_names, values)
field_count = 0
output_prompt = ""
for literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion in prompt_parts:
output_prompt += literal_text
if field_name:
output_prompt += values[field_count]
field_count += 1
yield output_prompt
def get_random_non_repeating_combination( # noqa
n=1, *sequences, allow_oversampling=True
Efficiently return a non-repeating random sample of the product sequences.
Will repeat if n > num_total_possible combinations and allow_oversampling=True
Will also potentially repeat after 1_000_000 combinations.
n_combinations = 1
for sequence in sequences:
n_combinations *= len(sequence)
while n > 0:
sub_n = n
if n > n_combinations and allow_oversampling:
sub_n = n_combinations
sub_n = min(1_000_000, sub_n)
indices = random.sample(range(n_combinations), sub_n)
for idx in indices:
values = []
for sequence in sequences:
seq_idx = idx % len(sequence)
idx = idx // len(sequence)
yield values
n -= sub_n