You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import pyparsing as pp
import pytest
from pyparsing import ParseException
from imaginairy.utils.spaced_kv_parser import parse_spaced_key_value_pairs
def test_basic_parsing():
input_str = "text='Hello World' font='Arial' size=12 color='#FF0000'"
expected = {
"text": "Hello World",
"font": "Arial",
"size": "12",
"color": "#FF0000",
assert parse_spaced_key_value_pairs(input_str) == expected
except pp.ParseException as e:
def test_unquoted_values():
input_str = "width=800 height=600 bg_color=#FFFFFF"
expected = {"width": "800", "height": "600", "bg_color": "#FFFFFF"}
assert parse_spaced_key_value_pairs(input_str) == expected
def test_mixed_quoted_unquoted():
input_str = "title='My Title' resolution=1080p"
expected = {"title": "My Title", "resolution": "1080p"}
assert parse_spaced_key_value_pairs(input_str) == expected
def test_empty_string():
input_str = ""
expected = {}
assert parse_spaced_key_value_pairs(input_str) == expected
def test_invalid_format():
input_str = "This is not a valid format"
with pytest.raises(ParseException): # noqa
def test_only_keys():
input_str = "key1= key2="
expected = {"key1": "", "key2": ""}
assert parse_spaced_key_value_pairs(input_str) == expected
challenging_test_queries = [
("foo=\"bar'baz\" bar='foo\"bar'", {"foo": "bar'baz", "bar": 'foo"bar'}),
("foo=\"'bar'\" bar='\"baz\"'", {"foo": "'bar'", "bar": '"baz"'}),
("foo=\"bar\\\"baz\" bar='foo\\'bar'", {"foo": 'bar\\"baz', "bar": "foo\\'bar"}),
'special=👍 emoji="😀 😃" text="This is a test\\nwith newline"',
{"special": "👍", "emoji": "😀 😃", "text": "This is a test\\nwith newline"},
('name=" John Doe " age=" 30 "', {"name": " John Doe ", "age": " 30 "}),
("special=@@!!", {"special": "@@!!"}),
'text="This is a test\\\\nwith incomplete escape\\\\"',
{"text": "This is a test\\\\nwith incomplete escape\\\\"},
("foo= bar=", {"foo": "", "bar": ""}),
("foo= bar=30.4 zab=-1.2", {"foo": "", "bar": "30.4", "zab": "-1.2"}),
("", {}),
'foo="bar" baz=\'qux\' specialChars="@@!!" empty= complex="\'This is a \\"complex\\" string\'"',
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "qux",
"specialChars": "@@!!",
"empty": "",
"complex": "'This is a \\\"complex\\\" string'",
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("query", "expected"), challenging_test_queries)
def test_challenging_queries(query, expected):
data = parse_spaced_key_value_pairs(query)
assert data == expected