import re import torch from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from torch import nn from imaginairy.img_utils import torch_img_to_pillow_img def outpaint_calculations( img_width, img_height, up=None, down=None, left=None, right=None, _all=0, snap_multiple=8, ): up = up if up is not None else _all down = down if down is not None else _all left = left if left is not None else _all right = right if right is not None else _all lft_pct = left / (left + right) if left + right else 0 rgt_pct = right / (left + right) if left + right else 0 up_pct = up / (up + down) if up + down else 0 dwn_pct = down / (up + down) if up + down else 0 new_width = round((img_width + left + right) / snap_multiple) * snap_multiple new_height = round((img_height + up + down) / snap_multiple) * snap_multiple height_addition = max(new_height - img_height, 0) width_addition = max(new_width - img_width, 0) up = int(round(height_addition * up_pct)) down = int(round(height_addition * dwn_pct)) left = int(round(width_addition * lft_pct)) right = int(round(width_addition * rgt_pct)) return up, down, left, right, new_width, new_height def prepare_tensor_for_outpaint( img, mask=None, up=None, down=None, left=None, right=None, _all=0, snap_multiple=8 ): up, down, left, right, new_width, new_height = outpaint_calculations( img_width=img.shape[2], img_height=img.shape[1], up=up, down=down, left=left, right=right, _all=_all, snap_multiple=snap_multiple, ) def resize(img_t, h, w): new_size = (img_t.shape[0], h, w) return nn.functional.interpolate(img_t, size=new_size, mode="nearest") def paste(dst, src, y, x): dst[:, y : y + src.shape[1], x : x + src.shape[2]] = src expanded_img = torch.zeros( img.shape[0], img.shape[1] + up + down, img.shape[2] + left + right ) expanded_img[:, up : up + img.shape[1], left : left + img.shape[2]] = img # extend border pixels outward, this helps prevents lines at the boundary because masks getting reduced to # 64x64 latent space can cause some inaccuracies if up > 0: top_row = img[:, 0, :] paste(expanded_img, resize(top_row, h=up, w=expanded_img.shape[2]), y=0, x=0) paste(expanded_img, resize(top_row, h=up, w=img.shape[2]), y=0, x=left) if down > 0: bottom_row = img[:, -1, :] paste( expanded_img, resize(bottom_row, h=down, w=expanded_img.shape[2]), y=expanded_img.shape[1] - down, x=0, ) paste( expanded_img, resize(bottom_row, h=down, w=img.shape[2]), y=expanded_img.shape[1] - down, x=left, ) if left > 0: left_column = img[:, :, 0] paste( expanded_img, resize(left_column, h=expanded_img.shape[1], w=left), y=0, x=0 ) paste(expanded_img, resize(left_column, h=img.shape[1], w=left), y=up, x=0) if right > 0: right_column = img[:, :, -1] paste( expanded_img, resize(right_column, h=expanded_img.shape[1], w=right), y=0, x=expanded_img.shape[2] - right, ) paste( expanded_img, resize(right_column, h=img.shape[1], w=right), y=up, x=expanded_img.shape[2] - right, ) # create a mask for the new boundaries expanded_mask = torch.zeros_like(expanded_img) if mask is None: # set to black expanded_mask[:, up : up + img.shape[1], left : left + img.shape[2]] = 1 else: expanded_mask[:, up : up + mask.shape[1], left : left + mask.shape[2]] = mask return expanded_img, expanded_mask def prepare_image_for_outpaint( img, mask=None, up=None, down=None, left=None, right=None, _all=0, snap_multiple=8 ): up, down, left, right, new_width, new_height = outpaint_calculations( img_width=img.width, img_height=img.height, up=up, down=down, left=left, right=right, _all=_all, snap_multiple=snap_multiple, ) ran_img_t = torch.randn((1, 3, new_height, new_width), device="cpu") expanded_image = torch_img_to_pillow_img(ran_img_t) # expanded_image = # "RGB", (img.width + left + right, img.height + up + down), (0, 0, 0) # ) expanded_image.paste(img, (left, up)) # extend border pixels outward, this helps prevents lines at the boundary because masks getting reduced to # 64x64 latent space can cause some inaccuracies alpha = 20 if up > 0: top_row = img.crop((0, 0, img.width, 1)) top_row.putalpha(alpha) expanded_image.paste( top_row.resize((expanded_image.width, up)), (0, 0), ) expanded_image.paste( top_row.resize((img.width, up)), (left, 0), ) if down > 0: bottom_row = img.crop((0, img.height - 1, img.width, img.height)) bottom_row.putalpha(alpha) expanded_image.paste( bottom_row.resize((expanded_image.width, down)), (0, expanded_image.height - down), ) expanded_image.paste( bottom_row.resize((img.width, down)), (left, expanded_image.height - down), ) if left > 0: left_column = img.crop((0, 0, 1, img.height)) left_column.putalpha(alpha) expanded_image.paste( left_column.resize((left, expanded_image.height)), (0, 0), ) expanded_image.paste( left_column.resize((left, img.height)), (0, up), ) if right > 0: right_column = img.crop((img.width - 1, 0, img.width, img.height)) right_column.putalpha(alpha) expanded_image.paste( right_column.resize((right, expanded_image.height)), (expanded_image.width - right, 0), ) expanded_image.paste( img.crop((img.width - 1, 0, img.width, img.height)).resize( (right, img.height) ), (expanded_image.width - right, up), ) # create a mask for the new boundaries expanded_mask ="L", (expanded_image.width, expanded_image.height), 255) if mask is None: draw = ImageDraw.Draw(expanded_mask) draw.rectangle( (left, up, left + img.width, up + img.height), fill="black", outline="black" ) else: expanded_mask.paste(mask, (left, up)) return expanded_image, expanded_mask def outpaint_arg_str_parse(arg_str): if not arg_str: return {} arg_pattern = re.compile(r"([A-Z]+)(\d+)") args = arg_str.upper().split(",") valid_directions = ["up", "down", "left", "right", "all"] valid_direction_chars = {c[0]: c for c in valid_directions} kwargs = {} for arg in args: match = arg_pattern.match(arg) if not match: msg = f"Invalid outpaint argument '{arg}'" raise ValueError(msg) direction, amount = match.groups() direction = direction.lower() if len(direction) == 1: if direction not in valid_direction_chars: msg = f"Invalid outpaint direction '{direction}'" raise ValueError(msg) direction = valid_direction_chars[direction] elif direction not in valid_directions: msg = f"Invalid outpaint direction '{direction}'" raise ValueError(msg) kwargs[direction] = int(amount) if "all" in kwargs: kwargs["_all"] = kwargs.pop("all") return kwargs