import logging import math import os.path import click from click_shell import shell from tqdm import tqdm from imaginairy import LazyLoadingImage, __version__, config, generate_caption from imaginairy.api import imagine_image_files from imaginairy.debug_info import get_debug_info from imaginairy.enhancers.prompt_expansion import expand_prompts from imaginairy.enhancers.upscale_realesrgan import upscale_image from imaginairy.log_utils import configure_logging from imaginairy.samplers import SAMPLER_TYPE_OPTIONS from imaginairy.schema import ImaginePrompt from imaginairy.surprise_me import create_surprise_me_images from imaginairy.train import train_diffusion_model from imaginairy.training_tools.image_prep import ( create_class_images, get_image_filenames, prep_images, ) from imaginairy.training_tools.prune_model import prune_diffusion_ckpt logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @click.command() @click.argument("prompt_texts", nargs=-1) @click.option( "--negative-prompt", default=config.DEFAULT_NEGATIVE_PROMPT, show_default=True, help="Negative prompt. Things to try and exclude from images. Same negative prompt will be used for all images.", ) @click.option( "--prompt-strength", default=7.5, show_default=True, help="How closely to follow the prompt. Image looks unnatural at higher values", ) @click.option( "--init-image", metavar="PATH|URL", help="Starting image.", ) @click.option( "--init-image-strength", default=0.6, show_default=True, help="Starting image strength. Between 0 and 1.", ) @click.option( "--outdir", default="./outputs", show_default=True, type=click.Path(), help="Where to write results to.", ) @click.option( "-r", "--repeats", default=1, show_default=True, type=int, help="How many times to repeat the renders. If you provide two prompts and --repeat=3 then six images will be generated.", ) @click.option( "-h", "--height", default=None, show_default=True, type=int, help="Image height. Should be multiple of 8.", ) @click.option( "-w", "--width", default=None, show_default=True, type=int, help="Image width. Should be multiple of 8.", ) @click.option( "--steps", default=None, type=int, show_default=True, help="How many diffusion steps to run. More steps, more detail, but with diminishing returns.", ) @click.option( "--seed", default=None, type=int, help="What seed to use for randomness. Allows reproducible image renders.", ) @click.option("--upscale", is_flag=True) @click.option("--fix-faces", is_flag=True) @click.option( "--fix-faces-fidelity", default=None, type=float, help="How faithful to the original should face enhancement be. 1 = best fidelity, 0 = best looking face.", ) @click.option( "--sampler-type", "--sampler", default=config.DEFAULT_SAMPLER, show_default=True, type=click.Choice(SAMPLER_TYPE_OPTIONS), help="What sampling strategy to use.", ) @click.option( "--log-level", default="INFO", show_default=True, type=click.Choice(["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"]), help="What level of logs to show.", ) @click.option( "--quiet", "-q", is_flag=True, help="Suppress logs. Alias of `--log-level ERROR`.", ) @click.option( "--show-work", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Output a debug images to `steps` folder.", ) @click.option( "--tile", is_flag=True, help="Any images rendered will be tileable in both X and Y directions.", ) @click.option( "--tile-x", is_flag=True, help="Any images rendered will be tileable in the X direction.", ) @click.option( "--tile-y", is_flag=True, help="Any images rendered will be tileable in the Y direction.", ) @click.option( "--mask-image", metavar="PATH|URL", help="A mask to use for inpainting. White gets painted, Black is left alone.", ) @click.option( "--mask-prompt", help=( "Describe what you want masked and the AI will mask it for you. " "You can describe complex masks with AND, OR, NOT keywords and parentheses. " "The strength of each mask can be modified with {*1.5} notation. \n\n" "Examples: \n" "car AND (wheels{*1.1} OR trunk OR engine OR windows OR headlights) AND NOT (truck OR headlights){*10}\n" "fruit|fruit stem" ), ) @click.option( "--mask-mode", default="replace", show_default=True, type=click.Choice(["keep", "replace"]), help="Should we replace the masked area or keep it?", ) @click.option( "--mask-modify-original", default=True, is_flag=True, help="After the inpainting is done, apply the changes to a copy of the original image.", ) @click.option( "--outpaint", help=( "Specify in what directions to expand the image. Values will be snapped such that output image size is multiples of 8. Examples\n" " `--outpaint up10,down300,left50,right50`\n" " `--outpaint u10,d300,l50,r50`\n" " `--outpaint all200`\n" " `--outpaint a200`\n" ), default="", ) @click.option( "--caption", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Generate a text description of the generated image.", ) @click.option( "--precision", help="Evaluate at this precision.", type=click.Choice(["full", "autocast"]), default="autocast", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--model-weights-path", "--model", help=f"Model to use. Should be one of {', '.join(config.MODEL_SHORT_NAMES)}, or a path to custom weights.", show_default=True, default=config.DEFAULT_MODEL, ) @click.option( "--model-config-path", help="Model config file to use. If a model name is specified, the appropriate config will be used.", show_default=True, default=None, ) @click.option( "--prompt-library-path", help="Path to folder containing phrase lists in txt files. Use txt filename in prompt: {_filename_}.", type=click.Path(exists=True), default=None, multiple=True, ) @click.option( "--version", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Print the version and exit.", ) @click.option( "--gif", "make_gif", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Generate a gif of the generation.", ) @click.pass_context def imagine_cmd( ctx, prompt_texts, negative_prompt, prompt_strength, init_image, init_image_strength, outdir, repeats, height, width, steps, seed, upscale, fix_faces, fix_faces_fidelity, sampler_type, log_level, quiet, show_work, tile, tile_x, tile_y, mask_image, mask_prompt, mask_mode, mask_modify_original, outpaint, caption, precision, model_weights_path, model_config_path, prompt_library_path, version, # noqa make_gif, ): """Have the AI generate images. alias:imagine.""" return _imagine_cmd( ctx, prompt_texts, negative_prompt, prompt_strength, init_image, init_image_strength, outdir, repeats, height, width, steps, seed, upscale, fix_faces, fix_faces_fidelity, sampler_type, log_level, quiet, show_work, tile, tile_x, tile_y, mask_image, mask_prompt, mask_mode, mask_modify_original, outpaint, caption, precision, model_weights_path, model_config_path, prompt_library_path, version, # noqa make_gif, ) @click.command() @click.argument("init_image", metavar="PATH|URL", required=True, nargs=1) @click.argument("prompt_texts", nargs=-1) @click.option( "--negative-prompt", default="", show_default=True, help="Negative prompt. Things to try and exclude from images. Same negative prompt will be used for all images.", ) @click.option( "--prompt-strength", default=7.5, show_default=True, help="How closely to follow the prompt. Image looks unnatural at higher values", ) @click.option( "--init-image", metavar="PATH|URL", help="Starting image.", ) @click.option( "--outdir", default="./outputs", show_default=True, type=click.Path(), help="Where to write results to.", ) @click.option( "-r", "--repeats", default=1, show_default=True, type=int, help="How many times to repeat the renders. If you provide two prompts and --repeat=3 then six images will be generated.", ) @click.option( "-h", "--height", default=None, show_default=True, type=int, help="Image height. Should be multiple of 8.", ) @click.option( "-w", "--width", default=None, show_default=True, type=int, help="Image width. Should be multiple of 8.", ) @click.option( "--steps", default=None, type=int, show_default=True, help="How many diffusion steps to run. More steps, more detail, but with diminishing returns.", ) @click.option( "--seed", default=None, type=int, help="What seed to use for randomness. Allows reproducible image renders.", ) @click.option("--upscale", is_flag=True) @click.option("--fix-faces", is_flag=True) @click.option( "--fix-faces-fidelity", default=1, type=float, help="How faithful to the original should face enhancement be. 1 = best fidelity, 0 = best looking face.", ) @click.option( "--sampler-type", "--sampler", default=config.DEFAULT_SAMPLER, show_default=True, type=click.Choice(SAMPLER_TYPE_OPTIONS), help="What sampling strategy to use.", ) @click.option( "--log-level", default="INFO", show_default=True, type=click.Choice(["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"]), help="What level of logs to show.", ) @click.option( "--quiet", "-q", is_flag=True, help="Suppress logs. Alias of `--log-level ERROR`.", ) @click.option( "--show-work", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Output a debug images to `steps` folder.", ) @click.option( "--tile", is_flag=True, help="Any images rendered will be tileable in both X and Y directions.", ) @click.option( "--tile-x", is_flag=True, help="Any images rendered will be tileable in the X direction.", ) @click.option( "--tile-y", is_flag=True, help="Any images rendered will be tileable in the Y direction.", ) @click.option( "--mask-image", metavar="PATH|URL", help="A mask to use for inpainting. White gets painted, Black is left alone.", ) @click.option( "--mask-prompt", help=( "Describe what you want masked and the AI will mask it for you. " "You can describe complex masks with AND, OR, NOT keywords and parentheses. " "The strength of each mask can be modified with {*1.5} notation. \n\n" "Examples: \n" "car AND (wheels{*1.1} OR trunk OR engine OR windows OR headlights) AND NOT (truck OR headlights){*10}\n" "fruit|fruit stem" ), ) @click.option( "--mask-mode", default="replace", show_default=True, type=click.Choice(["keep", "replace"]), help="Should we replace the masked area or keep it?", ) @click.option( "--mask-modify-original", default=True, is_flag=True, help="After the inpainting is done, apply the changes to a copy of the original image.", ) @click.option( "--outpaint", help=( "Specify in what directions to expand the image. Values will be snapped such that output image size is multiples of 8. Examples\n" " `--outpaint up10,down300,left50,right50`\n" " `--outpaint u10,d300,l50,r50`\n" " `--outpaint all200`\n" " `--outpaint a200`\n" ), default="", ) @click.option( "--caption", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Generate a text description of the generated image.", ) @click.option( "--precision", help="Evaluate at this precision.", type=click.Choice(["full", "autocast"]), default="autocast", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--model-weights-path", "--model", help=f"Model to use. Should be one of {', '.join(config.MODEL_SHORT_NAMES)}, or a path to custom weights.", show_default=True, default="edit", ) @click.option( "--model-config-path", help="Model config file to use. If a model name is specified, the appropriate config will be used.", show_default=True, default=None, ) @click.option( "--prompt-library-path", help="Path to folder containing phrase lists in txt files. Use txt filename in prompt: {_filename_}.", type=click.Path(exists=True), default=None, multiple=True, ) @click.option( "--version", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Print the version and exit.", ) @click.option( "--gif", "make_gif", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Generate a gif comparing the original image to the modified one.", ) @click.option( "--surprise-me", "surprise_me", default=False, is_flag=True, help="make some fun edits to the provided image", ) @click.pass_context def edit_image( # noqa ctx, init_image, prompt_texts, negative_prompt, prompt_strength, outdir, repeats, height, width, steps, seed, upscale, fix_faces, fix_faces_fidelity, sampler_type, log_level, quiet, show_work, tile, tile_x, tile_y, mask_image, mask_prompt, mask_mode, mask_modify_original, outpaint, caption, precision, model_weights_path, model_config_path, prompt_library_path, version, # noqa make_gif, surprise_me, ): init_image_strength = 1 if surprise_me and prompt_texts: raise ValueError("Cannot use surprise_me and prompt_texts together") if surprise_me: if quiet: log_level = "ERROR" configure_logging(log_level) create_surprise_me_images( init_image, outdir=outdir, make_gif=make_gif, width=width, height=height ) return return _imagine_cmd( ctx, prompt_texts, negative_prompt, prompt_strength, init_image, init_image_strength, outdir, repeats, height, width, steps, seed, upscale, fix_faces, fix_faces_fidelity, sampler_type, log_level, quiet, show_work, tile, tile_x, tile_y, mask_image, mask_prompt, mask_mode, mask_modify_original, outpaint, caption, precision, model_weights_path, model_config_path, prompt_library_path, version, # noqa make_gif, ) def _imagine_cmd( ctx, prompt_texts, negative_prompt, prompt_strength, init_image, init_image_strength, outdir, repeats, height, width, steps, seed, upscale, fix_faces, fix_faces_fidelity, sampler_type, log_level, quiet, show_work, tile, tile_x, tile_y, mask_image, mask_prompt, mask_mode, mask_modify_original, outpaint, caption, precision, model_weights_path, model_config_path, prompt_library_path, version=False, # noqa make_gif=False, ): """Have the AI generate images. alias:imagine.""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is not None: return if version: print(__version__) return if quiet: log_level = "ERROR" configure_logging(log_level) total_image_count = len(prompt_texts) * repeats f"received {len(prompt_texts)} prompt(s) and will repeat them {repeats} times to create {total_image_count} images." ) if init_image and init_image.startswith("http"): init_image = LazyLoadingImage(url=init_image) if mask_image and mask_image.startswith("http"): mask_image = LazyLoadingImage(url=mask_image) prompts = [] prompt_expanding_iterators = {} for _ in range(repeats): for prompt_text in prompt_texts: if prompt_text not in prompt_expanding_iterators: prompt_expanding_iterators[prompt_text] = expand_prompts( n=math.inf, prompt_text=prompt_text, prompt_library_paths=prompt_library_path, ) prompt_iterator = prompt_expanding_iterators[prompt_text] if tile: _tile_mode = "xy" elif tile_x: _tile_mode = "x" elif tile_y: _tile_mode = "y" else: _tile_mode = "" prompt = ImaginePrompt( next(prompt_iterator), negative_prompt=negative_prompt, prompt_strength=prompt_strength, init_image=init_image, init_image_strength=init_image_strength, seed=seed, sampler_type=sampler_type, steps=steps, height=height, width=width, mask_image=mask_image, mask_prompt=mask_prompt, mask_mode=mask_mode, mask_modify_original=mask_modify_original, outpaint=outpaint, upscale=upscale, fix_faces=fix_faces, fix_faces_fidelity=fix_faces_fidelity, tile_mode=_tile_mode, model=model_weights_path, model_config_path=model_config_path, ) prompts.append(prompt) imagine_image_files( prompts, outdir=outdir, record_step_images=show_work, output_file_extension="jpg", print_caption=caption, precision=precision, make_gif=make_gif, ) @shell(prompt="🤖🧠> ", intro="Starting imaginAIry...") def aimg(): """ 🤖🧠 ImaginAIry. Pythonic generation of images via AI ✨ Run `aimg` to start a persistent shell session. This makes generation and editing much quicker since the model can stay loaded in memory. """ configure_logging() @aimg.command() def version(): """Print the version.""" print(__version__) @click.argument("image_filepaths", nargs=-1) @click.option( "--outdir", default="./outputs/upscaled", show_default=True, type=click.Path(), help="Where to write results to.", ) @aimg.command("upscale") def upscale_cmd(image_filepaths, outdir): """ Upscale an image 4x using AI. """ os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) for p in tqdm(image_filepaths): savepath = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(p)) if p.startswith("http"): img = LazyLoadingImage(url=p) else: img = LazyLoadingImage(filepath=p) f"Upscaling {p} from {img.width}x{img.height } to {img.width * 4}x{img.height*4} and saving it to {savepath}" ) img = upscale_image(img), os.path.basename(p))) @click.argument("image_filepaths", nargs=-1) @aimg.command() def describe(image_filepaths): """Generate text descriptions of images.""" imgs = [] for p in image_filepaths: if p.startswith("http"): img = LazyLoadingImage(url=p) else: img = LazyLoadingImage(filepath=p) imgs.append(img) for img in imgs: print(generate_caption(img.copy())) @click.option( "--concept-label", help=( 'The concept you are training on. Usually "a photo of [person or thing] [classname]" is what you should use.' ), required=True, ) @click.option( "--concept-images-dir", type=click.Path(), required=True, help="Where to find the pre-processed concept images to train on.", ) @click.option( "--class-label", help=( 'What class of things does the concept belong to. For example, if you are training on "a painting of a George Washington", ' 'you might use "a painting of a man" as the class label. We use this to prevent the model from overfitting.' ), default="a photo of *", ) @click.option( "--class-images-dir", type=click.Path(), required=True, help="Where to find the pre-processed class images to train on.", ) @click.option( "--n-class-images", type=int, default=300, help="Number of class images to generate.", ) @click.option( "--model-weights-path", "--model", "model", help=f"Model to use. Should be one of {', '.join(config.MODEL_SHORT_NAMES)}, or a path to custom weights.", show_default=True, default=config.DEFAULT_MODEL, ) @click.option( "--person", "is_person", is_flag=True, help="Set if images are of a person. Will use face detection and enhancement.", ) @click.option( "-y", "preconfirmed", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Bypass input confirmations.", ) @click.option( "--skip-prep", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Skip the image preparation step.", ) @click.option( "--skip-class-img-gen", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Skip the class image generation step.", ) @aimg.command() def train_concept( concept_label, concept_images_dir, class_label, class_images_dir, n_class_images, model, is_person, preconfirmed, skip_prep, skip_class_img_gen, ): """ Teach the model a new concept (a person, thing, style, etc). Provided a directory of concept images, a concept token, and a class token, this command will train the model to generate images of that concept. \b This happens in a 3-step process: 1. Cropping and resizing your training images. If --person is set we crop to include the face. 2. Generating a set of class images to train on. This helps prevent overfitting. 3. Training the model on the concept and class images. The output of this command is a new model weights file that you can use with the --model option. \b ## Instructions 1. Gather a set of images of the concept you want to train on. They should show the subject from a variety of angles and in a variety of situations. 2. Train the model. - Concept label: For a person, firstnamelastname should be fine. - If all the training images are photos you should add "a photo of" to the beginning of the concept label. - Class label: This is the category of the things beings trained on. For people this is typically "person", "man" or "woman". - If all the training images are photos you should add "a photo of" to the beginning of the class label. - CLass images will be generated for you if you do not provide them. 3. Stop training before it overfits. I haven't figured this out yet. For example, if you were training on photos of a man named bill hamilton you could run the following: \b aimg train-concept \\ --person \\ --concept-label "photo of billhamilton man" \\ --concept-images-dir ./images/billhamilton \\ --class-label "photo of a man" \\ --class-images-dir ./images/man When you use the model you should prompt with `firstnamelastname classname` (e.g. `billhamilton man`). You can find a lot of relevant instructions here: """ target_size = 512 # Step 1. Crop and enhance the training images prepped_images_path = os.path.join(concept_images_dir, "prepped-images") image_filenames = get_image_filenames(concept_images_dir) click.secho( f'\n🤖🧠 Training "{concept_label}" based on {len(image_filenames)} images.\n' ) if not skip_prep: msg = ( f"Creating cropped copies of the {len(image_filenames)} concept images\n" f" Is Person: {is_person}\n" f" Source: {concept_images_dir}\n" f" Dest: {prepped_images_path}\n" ) if not is_person: click.secho("⚠️ the --person flag was not set. ", fg="yellow") if not preconfirmed and not click.confirm("Continue?"): return prep_images( images_dir=concept_images_dir, is_person=is_person, target_size=target_size ) concept_images_dir = prepped_images_path if not skip_class_img_gen: # Step 2. Generate class images class_image_filenames = get_image_filenames(class_images_dir) images_needed = max(n_class_images - len(class_image_filenames), 0)"Generating {n_class_images} class images in {class_images_dir}") f"{len(class_image_filenames)} existing class images found so only generating {images_needed}." ) if not preconfirmed and not click.confirm("Continue?"): return create_class_images( class_description=class_label, output_folder=class_images_dir, num_images=n_class_images, )"Training the model...") if not preconfirmed and not click.confirm("Continue?"): return # Step 3. Train the model train_diffusion_model( concept_label=concept_label, concept_images_dir=concept_images_dir, class_label=class_label, class_images_dir=class_images_dir, weights_location=model, logdir="logs", learning_rate=1e-6, accumulate_grad_batches=32, ) @click.argument( "images_dir", required=True, ) @click.option( "--person", "is_person", is_flag=True, help="Set if images are of a person. Will use face detection and enhancement.", ) @click.option( "--target-size", default=512, type=int, show_default=True, ) @aimg.command("prep-images") def prepare_images(images_dir, is_person, target_size): """ Prepare a folder of images for training. Prepped images will be written to the `prepped-images` subfolder. All images will be cropped and resized to (default) 512x512. Upscaling and face enhancement will be applied as needed to smaller images. Examples: aimg prep-images --person ./images/selfies aimg prep-images ./images/toy-train """ configure_logging() prep_images(images_dir=images_dir, is_person=is_person, target_size=target_size) @click.argument("ckpt_paths", nargs=-1) @aimg.command("prune-ckpt") def prune_ckpt(ckpt_paths): """ Prune a checkpoint file. This will remove the optimizer state from the checkpoint file. This is useful if you want to use the checkpoint file for inference and save a lot of disk space Example: aimg prune-ckpt ./path/to/checkpoint.ckpt """ click.secho("Pruning checkpoint files...") configure_logging() for p in ckpt_paths: prune_diffusion_ckpt(p) @aimg.command("system-info") def system_info(): """ Display system information. Submit this when reporting bugs. """ for k, v in get_debug_info().items(): k += ":" click.secho(f"{k: <30} {v}") aimg.add_command(imagine_cmd, name="imagine") aimg.add_command(edit_image, name="edit") if __name__ == "__main__": imagine_cmd() # noqa # from cProfile import Profile # from pyprof2calltree import convert, visualize # profiler = Profile() # profiler.runctx("imagine_cmd.main(standalone_mode=False)", locals(), globals()) # convert(profiler.getstats(), 'imagine.kgrind') # visualize(profiler.getstats())