import platform from datetime import datetime from functools import lru_cache from unittest import mock import pytest import torch.backends.mps import torch.cuda from imaginairy.utils import ( get_device, get_hardware_description, get_obj_from_str, glob_expand_paths, instantiate_from_config, ) def test_get_device(monkeypatch): # just run it for real to check that it doesn't error before we mock things get_device() m_cuda_is_available = mock.MagicMock() m_mps_is_available = mock.MagicMock() monkeypatch.setattr(torch.cuda, "is_available", m_cuda_is_available) monkeypatch.setattr(torch.backends.mps, "is_available", m_mps_is_available) get_device.cache_clear() m_cuda_is_available.side_effect = lambda: True m_mps_is_available.side_effect = lambda: False assert get_device() == "cuda" get_device.cache_clear() m_cuda_is_available.side_effect = lambda: False m_mps_is_available.side_effect = lambda: True assert get_device() == "mps:0" get_device.cache_clear() m_cuda_is_available.side_effect = lambda: False m_mps_is_available.side_effect = lambda: False assert get_device() == "cpu" def test_get_hardware_description(monkeypatch): get_hardware_description.cache_clear() monkeypatch.setattr(platform, "platform", lambda: "macOS-12.5.1-arm64-arm-64bit-z") assert get_hardware_description("cpu") == "macOS-12.5.1-arm64-arm-64bit-z" monkeypatch.setattr(platform, "platform", lambda: "macOS-12.5.1-arm64-arm-64bit-z") monkeypatch.setattr(torch.cuda, "is_available", lambda: True) monkeypatch.setattr(torch.cuda, "get_device_name", lambda x: "rtx-3090") assert get_hardware_description("cuda") == "macOS-12.5.1-arm64-arm-64bit-z-rtx-3090" get_hardware_description.cache_clear() def test_get_obj_from_str(): foo = get_obj_from_str("functools.lru_cache") assert lru_cache == foo foo = get_obj_from_str("functools.lru_cache", reload=True) assert lru_cache != foo def test_instantiate_from_config(): config = { "target": "datetime.datetime", "params": {"year": 2002, "month": 10, "day": 1}, } o = instantiate_from_config(config) assert o == datetime(2002, 10, 1) config = "__is_first_stage__" assert instantiate_from_config(config) is None config = "__is_unconditional__" assert instantiate_from_config(config) is None config = "asdf" with pytest.raises(KeyError): instantiate_from_config(config) class TestGlobExpandPaths: def test_valid_file_paths(self, tmp_path): # create temporary file file_path = tmp_path / "test.txt" file_path.touch() # test function with valid file path result = glob_expand_paths([str(file_path)]) assert result == [str(file_path)] def test_valid_http_urls(self): # test function with valid http url result = glob_expand_paths([""]) assert result == [""] def test_file_paths_with_wildcards(self, tmp_path): # create temporary files file1 = tmp_path / "test1.txt" file1.touch() file2 = tmp_path / "test2.txt" file2.touch() # test function with file path containing wildcard result = glob_expand_paths([str(tmp_path / "*.txt")]) result.sort() assert result == [str(file1), str(file2)] def test_empty_input(self): # test function with empty input list result = glob_expand_paths([]) assert not result def test_nonexistent_file_paths(self): # test function with non-existent file path result = glob_expand_paths(["/nonexistent/path"]) assert not result def test_user_expansion(self, monkeypatch, tmp_path): file1 = tmp_path / "test1.txt" file1.touch() # monkeypatch os.path.expanduser to return a known path monkeypatch.setattr("os.path.expanduser", lambda x: str(tmp_path / "test1.txt")) # test function with user expansion paths = ["~/file.txt"] assert glob_expand_paths(paths) == [str(tmp_path / "test1.txt")]