import click from imaginairy import config from imaginairy.cli.shared import ( _imagine_cmd, add_options, common_options, remove_option, ) edit_options = common_options.copy() remove_option(edit_options, "model_weights_path") remove_option(edit_options, "init_image") remove_option(edit_options, "init_image_strength") remove_option(edit_options, "negative_prompt") remove_option(edit_options, "allow_compose_phase") @click.command("edit") @click.argument("image_paths", metavar="PATH|URL", required=True, nargs=-1) @click.option( "--image-strength", default=1, show_default=False, type=float, help="Starting image strength. Between 0 and 1.", ) @click.option("--prompt", "-p", required=True, multiple=True) @click.option( "--model-weights-path", "--model", help=f"Model to use. Should be one of {', '.join(config.MODEL_SHORT_NAMES)}, or a path to custom weights.", show_default=True, default="edit", ) @click.option( "--negative-prompt", default=None, show_default=False, help="Negative prompt. Things to try and exclude from images. Same negative prompt will be used for all images. A default negative prompt is used if none is selected.", ) @add_options(edit_options) @click.pass_context def edit_cmd( # noqa ctx, image_paths, image_strength, prompt, negative_prompt, prompt_strength, outdir, output_file_extension, repeats, height, width, steps, seed, upscale, fix_faces, fix_faces_fidelity, sampler_type, log_level, quiet, show_work, tile, tile_x, tile_y, mask_image, mask_prompt, mask_mode, mask_modify_original, outpaint, caption, precision, model_weights_path, model_config_path, prompt_library_path, version, # noqa make_gif, make_compare_gif, arg_schedules, make_compilation_animation, caption_text, ): """ Edit an image via AI. Provide paths or URLs to images and directions on how to alter them. Example: aimg edit --prompt "make the dog red" my-dog.jpg my-dog2.jpg Same as calling `aimg imagine --model edit --init-image my-dog.jpg --init-image-strength 1` except this command can batch edit images. """ allow_compose_phase = False return _imagine_cmd( ctx, prompt, negative_prompt, prompt_strength, image_paths, image_strength, outdir, output_file_extension, repeats, height, width, steps, seed, upscale, fix_faces, fix_faces_fidelity, sampler_type, log_level, quiet, show_work, tile, tile_x, tile_y, allow_compose_phase, mask_image, mask_prompt, mask_mode, mask_modify_original, outpaint, caption, precision, model_weights_path, model_config_path, prompt_library_path, version, # noqa make_gif, make_compare_gif, arg_schedules, make_compilation_animation, caption_text, )