import logging.config import click from imaginairy import LazyLoadingImage, generate_caption from imaginairy.api import imagine_image_files, load_model from imaginairy.samplers.base import SAMPLER_TYPE_OPTIONS from imaginairy.schema import ImaginePrompt from imaginairy.suppress_logs import suppress_annoying_logs_and_warnings logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def configure_logging(level="INFO"): fmt = "%(message)s" if level == "DEBUG": fmt = "%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(name)s:%(lineno)d: %(message)s" LOGGING_CONFIG = { "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": True, "formatters": { "standard": {"format": fmt}, }, "handlers": { "default": { "level": "INFO", "formatter": "standard", "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "stream": "ext://sys.stdout", # Default is stderr }, }, "loggers": { "": { # root logger "handlers": ["default"], "level": "WARNING", "propagate": False, }, "imaginairy": {"handlers": ["default"], "level": level, "propagate": False}, "transformers.modeling_utils": { "handlers": ["default"], "level": "ERROR", "propagate": False, }, }, } logging.config.dictConfig(LOGGING_CONFIG) @click.command() @click.argument("prompt_texts", nargs=-1) @click.option( "--prompt-strength", default=7.5, show_default=True, help="How closely to follow the prompt. Image looks unnatural at higher values", ) @click.option( "--init-image", help="Starting image. filepath or url", ) @click.option( "--init-image-strength", default=0.6, show_default=True, help="Starting image.", ) @click.option("--outdir", default="./outputs", help="where to write results to") @click.option( "-r", "--repeats", default=1, type=int, help="How many times to repeat the renders. If you provide two prompts and --repeat=3 then six images will be generated", ) @click.option( "-h", "--height", default=512, type=int, help="image height. should be multiple of 64", ) @click.option( "-w", "--width", default=512, type=int, help="image width. should be multiple of 64" ) @click.option( "--steps", default=40, type=int, show_default=True, help="How many diffusion steps to run. More steps, more detail, but with diminishing returns", ) @click.option( "--seed", default=None, type=int, help="What seed to use for randomness. Allows reproducible image renders", ) @click.option("--upscale", is_flag=True) @click.option("--fix-faces", is_flag=True) @click.option( "--sampler-type", default="plms", type=click.Choice(SAMPLER_TYPE_OPTIONS), help="What sampling strategy to use", ) @click.option("--ddim-eta", default=0.0, type=float) @click.option( "--log-level", default="INFO", type=click.Choice(["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"]), help="What level of logs to show.", ) @click.option( "--show-work", default=["none"], type=click.Choice(["none", "images", "video"]), multiple=True, help="Make a video showing the image being created", ) @click.option( "--tile", is_flag=True, help="Any images rendered will be tileable. Unfortunately cannot be controlled at the per-image level yet", ) @click.option( "--mask-image", help="A mask to use for inpainting. White gets painted, Black is left alone.", ) @click.option( "--mask-prompt", help="Describe what you want masked and the AI will mask it for you", ) @click.option( "--mask-mode", default="replace", type=click.Choice(["keep", "replace"]), help="Should we replace the masked area or keep it?", ) @click.option( "--mask-expansion", default="2", type=int, help="How much to grow (or shrink) the mask area", ) @click.option( "--caption", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Generate a text description of the generated image", ) @click.pass_context def imagine_cmd( ctx, prompt_texts, prompt_strength, init_image, init_image_strength, outdir, repeats, height, width, steps, seed, upscale, fix_faces, sampler_type, ddim_eta, log_level, show_work, tile, mask_image, mask_prompt, mask_mode, mask_expansion, caption, ): """Have the AI generate images. alias:imagine""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is not None: return suppress_annoying_logs_and_warnings() configure_logging(log_level) total_image_count = len(prompt_texts) * repeats f"🤖🧠 imaginAIry received {len(prompt_texts)} prompt(s) and will repeat them {repeats} times to create {total_image_count} images." ) if init_image and init_image.startswith("http"): init_image = LazyLoadingImage(url=init_image) prompts = [] load_model(tile_mode=tile) for _ in range(repeats): for prompt_text in prompt_texts: prompt = ImaginePrompt( prompt_text, prompt_strength=prompt_strength, init_image=init_image, init_image_strength=init_image_strength, seed=seed, sampler_type=sampler_type, steps=steps, height=height, width=width, mask_image=mask_image, mask_prompt=mask_prompt, mask_expansion=mask_expansion, mask_mode=mask_mode, upscale=upscale, fix_faces=fix_faces, ) prompts.append(prompt) imagine_image_files( prompts, outdir=outdir, ddim_eta=ddim_eta, record_step_images="images" in show_work, tile_mode=tile, output_file_extension="png", print_caption=caption, )"aimg") def aimg(): pass @click.argument("image_filepaths", nargs=-1) @aimg.command() def describe(image_filepaths): """Generate text descriptions of images""" imgs = [] for p in image_filepaths: if p.startswith("http"): img = LazyLoadingImage(url=p) else: img = LazyLoadingImage(filepath=p) imgs.append(img) for img in imgs: print(generate_caption(img.copy())) aimg.add_command(imagine_cmd, name="generate") if __name__ == "__main__": imagine_cmd() # noqa