import hashlib import json import logging import os.path import random from datetime import datetime, timezone from functools import lru_cache import requests from PIL import Image, ImageOps from urllib3.exceptions import LocationParseError from urllib3.util import parse_url from imaginairy.model_manager import DEFAULT_MODEL from imaginairy.utils import get_device, get_hardware_description logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class InvalidUrlError(ValueError): pass class LazyLoadingImage: def __init__(self, *, filepath=None, url=None): if not filepath and not url: raise ValueError("You must specify a url or filepath") if filepath and url: raise ValueError("You cannot specify a url and filepath") # validate file exists if filepath and not os.path.exists(filepath): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File does not exist: {filepath}") # validate url is valid url if url: try: parsed_url = parse_url(url) except LocationParseError: raise InvalidUrlError(f"Invalid url: {url}") # noqa if parsed_url.scheme not in {"http", "https"} or not raise InvalidUrlError(f"Invalid url: {url}") self._lazy_filepath = filepath self._lazy_url = url self._img = None def __getattr__(self, key): if key == "_img": # raise AttributeError() if self._img: return getattr(self._img, key) if self._lazy_filepath: self._img = f"Loaded input 🖼 of size {self._img.size} from {self._lazy_filepath}" ) elif self._lazy_url: self._img = requests.get(self._lazy_url, stream=True, timeout=60).raw ) f"Loaded input 🖼 of size {self._img.size} from {self._lazy_url}" ) # fix orientation self._img = ImageOps.exif_transpose(self._img) return getattr(self._img, key) def __str__(self): return self._lazy_filepath or self._lazy_url class WeightedPrompt: def __init__(self, text, weight=1): self.text = text self.weight = weight def __str__(self): return f"{self.weight}*({self.text})" class ImaginePrompt: class MaskMode: KEEP = "keep" REPLACE = "replace" DEFAULT_FACE_FIDELITY = 0.2 def __init__( self, prompt=None, prompt_strength=7.5, init_image=None, # Pillow Image, LazyLoadingImage, or filepath str init_image_strength=0.3, mask_prompt=None, mask_image=None, mask_mode=MaskMode.REPLACE, mask_modify_original=True, seed=None, steps=50, height=512, width=512, upscale=False, fix_faces=False, fix_faces_fidelity=DEFAULT_FACE_FIDELITY, sampler_type="plms", conditioning=None, tile_mode=False, model=DEFAULT_MODEL, ): prompt = prompt if prompt is not None else "" fix_faces_fidelity = ( fix_faces_fidelity if fix_faces_fidelity else self.DEFAULT_FACE_FIDELITY ) if isinstance(prompt, str): self.prompts = [WeightedPrompt(prompt, 1)] else: self.prompts = prompt self.prompts.sort(key=lambda p: p.weight, reverse=True) self.prompt_strength = prompt_strength if isinstance(init_image, str): init_image = LazyLoadingImage(filepath=init_image) if isinstance(mask_image, str): mask_image = LazyLoadingImage(filepath=mask_image) if mask_image is not None and mask_prompt is not None: raise ValueError("You can only set one of `mask_image` and `mask_prompt`") if model is None: model = DEFAULT_MODEL self.init_image = init_image self.init_image_strength = init_image_strength self.seed = random.randint(1, 1_000_000_000) if seed is None else seed self.steps = steps self.height = height self.width = width self.upscale = upscale self.fix_faces = fix_faces self.fix_faces_fidelity = fix_faces_fidelity self.sampler_type = sampler_type self.conditioning = conditioning self.mask_prompt = mask_prompt self.mask_image = mask_image self.mask_mode = mask_mode self.mask_modify_original = mask_modify_original self.tile_mode = tile_mode self.model = model @property def prompt_text(self): if len(self.prompts) == 1: return self.prompts[0].text return "|".join(str(p) for p in self.prompts) def prompt_description(self): return ( f'"{self.prompt_text}" {self.width}x{self.height}px ' f"seed:{self.seed} prompt-strength:{self.prompt_strength} steps:{self.steps} sampler-type:{self.sampler_type}" ) def as_dict(self): prompts = [(p.weight, p.text) for p in self.prompts] return { "software": "imaginairy", "prompts": prompts, "prompt_strength": self.prompt_strength, "init_image": str(self.init_image), "init_image_strength": self.init_image_strength, "seed": self.seed, "steps": self.steps, "height": self.height, "width": self.width, "upscale": self.upscale, "fix_faces": self.fix_faces, "sampler_type": self.sampler_type, } class ExifCodes: """""" ImageDescription = 0x010E Software = 0x0131 DateTime = 0x0132 HostComputer = 0x013C UserComment = 0x9286 class ImagineResult: def __init__( self, img, prompt: ImaginePrompt, is_nsfw, safety_score, upscaled_img=None, modified_original=None, mask_binary=None, mask_grayscale=None, timings=None, ): self.prompt = prompt self.images = {"generated": img} if upscaled_img: self.images["upscaled"] = upscaled_img if modified_original: self.images["modified_original"] = modified_original if mask_binary: self.images["mask_binary"] = mask_binary if mask_grayscale: self.images["mask_grayscale"] = mask_grayscale self.timings = timings # for backward compat self.img = img self.upscaled_img = upscaled_img self.is_nsfw = is_nsfw self.safety_score = safety_score self.created_at = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) self.torch_backend = get_device() self.hardware_name = get_hardware_description(get_device()) def md5(self): return hashlib.md5(self.img.tobytes()).hexdigest() def metadata_dict(self): return { "prompt": self.prompt.as_dict(), } def timings_str(self): if not self.timings: return "" return " ".join(f"{k}:{v:.2f}s" for k, v in self.timings.items()) def _exif(self): exif = Image.Exif() exif[ExifCodes.ImageDescription] = self.prompt.prompt_description() exif[ExifCodes.UserComment] = json.dumps(self.metadata_dict()) # help future web scrapes not ingest AI generated art exif[ExifCodes.Software] = "Imaginairy / Stable Diffusion v1.4" exif[ExifCodes.DateTime] = self.created_at.isoformat(sep=" ")[:19] exif[ExifCodes.HostComputer] = f"{self.torch_backend}:{self.hardware_name}" return exif def save(self, save_path, image_type="generated"): img = self.images.get(image_type, None) if img is None: raise ValueError( f"Image of type {image_type} not stored. Options are: {self.images.keys()}" ) img.convert("RGB").save(save_path, exif=self._exif()) @lru_cache(maxsize=2) def _get_briefly_cached_url(url): return requests.get(url, timeout=60)