You can use `{}` to randomly pull values from lists. A list of values separated by `|` and enclosed in `{ }` will be randomly drawn from in a non-repeating fashion. Values that are surrounded by `_ _` will pull from a phrase list of the same name. Folders containing .txt phraselist files may be specified via
`--prompt_library_path`. The option may be specified multiple times. Built-in categories:
3d-term, adj-architecture, adj-beauty, adj-detailed, adj-emotion, adj-general, adj-horror, animal, art-movement,
art-site, artist, artist-botanical, artist-surreal, aspect-ratio, bird, body-of-water, body-pose, camera-brand,
camera-model, color, cosmic-galaxy, cosmic-nebula, cosmic-star, cosmic-term, dinosaur, eyecolor, f-stop,
fantasy-creature, fantasy-setting, fish, flower, focal-length, food, fruit, games, gen-modifier, hair, hd,
iso-stop, landscape-type, national-park, nationality, neg-weight, noun-beauty, noun-fantasy, noun-general,
noun-horror, occupation, photo-term, pop-culture, pop-location, punk-style, quantity, rpg-item, scenario-desc,
skin-color, spaceship, style, tree-species, trippy, world-heritage-site
`imagine "a {red|black} dog" -r 2 --seed 0` will generate both "a red dog" and "a black dog"
`imagine "a {_color_} dog" -r 4 --seed 0` will generate four, different colored dogs. The colors will eb pulled from an included
phraselist of colors.
`imagine "a {_spaceship_|_fruit_|hot air balloon}. low-poly" -r 4 --seed 0` will generate images of spaceships or fruits or a hot air balloon
Credit to [noodle-soup-prompts]( where most, but not all, of the wordlists originate.
while the previous version did produce much better blending it also makes images that lack detail for some reason.
tests: Added more tests to help catch this sort of thing earlies
fix: found that median blur is really slow, so I made sure we only do it on downsampled masks. Was taking like 3 minutes to run on the large pearl girl picture on M1
- docs: update examples
Specify advanced text based masks using boolean logic and strength modifiers. Mask descriptions must be lowercase. Keywords uppercase.
Valid symbols: `AND`, `OR`, `NOT`, `()`, and mask strength modifier `{*1.5}` where `+` can be any of `+ - * /`. Single-character boolean
operators also work. When writing strength modifies know that pixel values are between 0 and 1.
- feature: apply mask edits to original files
- feature: auto-rotate images if exif data specifies to do so
- fix: accept mask images in command line