You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.fenix.historymetadata
import mozilla.components.browser.state.action.BrowserAction
import mozilla.components.browser.state.action.ContentAction
import mozilla.components.browser.state.action.EngineAction
import mozilla.components.browser.state.action.HistoryMetadataAction
import mozilla.components.browser.state.action.MediaSessionAction
import mozilla.components.browser.state.action.TabListAction
import mozilla.components.browser.state.selector.findNormalTab
import mozilla.components.browser.state.selector.findTab
import mozilla.components.browser.state.selector.selectedNormalTab
import mozilla.components.browser.state.state.BrowserState
import mozilla.components.browser.state.state.SearchState
import mozilla.components.browser.state.state.TabSessionState
import mozilla.components.lib.state.Middleware
import mozilla.components.lib.state.MiddlewareContext
import mozilla.components.lib.state.Store
* This [Middleware] reacts to various browsing events and records history metadata as needed.
class HistoryMetadataMiddleware(
private val historyMetadataService: HistoryMetadataService
) : Middleware<BrowserState, BrowserAction> {
private val logger = Logger("HistoryMetadataMiddleware")
// Tracks whether a load is in progress for a tab/session ID that was triggered directly by the app
// e.g. via the toolbar as opposed to via web content.
private var directLoadTriggeredSet = mutableSetOf<String>()
override fun invoke(
context: MiddlewareContext<BrowserState, BrowserAction>,
next: (BrowserAction) -> Unit,
action: BrowserAction
) {
// Pre process actions
when (action) {
is TabListAction.AddTabAction -> {
if ( {
// Before we add and select a new tab we update the metadata
// of the currently selected tab, if not private.
context.state.selectedNormalTab?.let {
is TabListAction.SelectTabAction -> {
// Before we select a new tab we update the metadata
// of the currently selected tab, if not private.
context.state.selectedNormalTab?.let {
is TabListAction.RemoveTabAction -> {
if (action.tabId == context.state.selectedTabId) {
context.state.findNormalTab(action.tabId)?.let {
is TabListAction.RemoveTabsAction -> {
action.tabIds.find { it == context.state.selectedTabId }?.let {
context.state.findNormalTab(it)?.let { tab ->
is ContentAction.UpdateUrlAction -> {
context.state.findNormalTab(action.sessionId)?.let { tab ->
val selectedTab = == context.state.selectedTabId
// When page url changes (e.g. user navigated away by clicking on a link)
// we update metadata for the selected (i.e. previous) url of this tab.
// We don't update metadata for cases or reload or restore.
// In case of a reload it's not necessary - metadata will be updated when
// user moves away from the page or tab.
// In case of restore, it's both unnecessary (like for a reload) and
// problematic, since our lastAccess time will be from before the tab was
// restored, resulting in an incorrect (too long) viewTime observation, as if
// the user was looking at the page while the browser wasn't even running.
if (selectedTab && action.url != tab.content.url) {
is EngineAction.LoadUrlAction -> {
// This isn't an ideal fix as we shouldn't have to hold any state in the middleware:
is EngineAction.OptimizedLoadUrlTriggeredAction -> {
// Post process actions. At this point, tab state will be up-to-date and will possess any
// changes introduced by the action. These handlers rely on up-to-date tab state, which
// is why they're in the "post" section.
when (action) {
is TabListAction.AddTabAction -> {
if (! {
// NB: sometimes this fires multiple times after the page finished loading.
is ContentAction.UpdateHistoryStateAction -> {
context.state.findNormalTab(action.sessionId)?.let { tab ->
createHistoryMetadataIfNeeded(context, tab)
// Once we get a history update let's reset the flag for future loads.
// NB: this could be called bunch of times in quick succession.
is MediaSessionAction.UpdateMediaMetadataAction -> {
context.state.findNormalTab(action.tabId)?.let { tab ->
createHistoryMetadata(context, tab)
private fun createHistoryMetadataIfNeeded(
context: MiddlewareContext<BrowserState, BrowserAction>,
tab: TabSessionState
) {
// When history state is ready, we can record metadata for this page.
val knownHistoryMetadata = tab.historyMetadata
val metadataPresentForUrl = knownHistoryMetadata != null &&
knownHistoryMetadata.url == tab.content.url
// Record metadata for tab if there is no metadata present, or if url of the
// tab changes since we last recorded metadata.
if (!metadataPresentForUrl) {
createHistoryMetadata(context, tab)
private fun createHistoryMetadata(
context: MiddlewareContext<BrowserState, BrowserAction>,
tab: TabSessionState
) {
val tabParent = tab.getParent(
val previousUrlIndex = tab.content.history.currentIndex - 1
val tabMetadataHasSearchTerms = !tab.historyMetadata?.searchTerm.isNullOrBlank()
val directLoadTriggered = directLoadTriggeredSet.contains(
// Obtain search terms and referrer url either from tab parent, from the history stack, or
// from the tab itself.
// At a high level, there are two main cases here:
// 1) The tab was opened as a 'new tab' via the search engine results page (SERP). In this
// case we obtain search terms via the tab's parent (the search results page). However, it's
// possible that the parent changed (e.g. user navigated away from the search results page).
// Our approach below is to capture search terms from the parent within the
// tab.historyMetadata state on the first load of the tab, and then rely on this data for
// subsequent page loads on that tab. This way, once a tab becomes part of the search group,
// it won't leave this group unless a direct navigation event happens.
// 2) A page was opened in the same tab as the search results page (navigated to via content).
val (searchTerm, referrerUrl) = when {
// Page was opened in a new tab. Look for search terms in the parent tab.
tabParent != null && !tabMetadataHasSearchTerms -> {
val searchTerms = findSearchTerms(tabParent,
searchTerms to tabParent.content.url
// Page was navigated to via content i.e., the user followed a link. Look for search terms in tab history.
!directLoadTriggered && previousUrlIndex >= 0 -> {
// Once a tab is within the search group, only a direct load event (via the toolbar) can change that.
val previousUrl = tab.content.history.items[previousUrlIndex].uri
val (searchTerms, referrerUrl) = if (tabMetadataHasSearchTerms) {
tab.historyMetadata?.searchTerm to previousUrl
} else {
// Find search terms by checking if page is a SERP or a result opened from a SERP
val searchTerms = findSearchTerms(tab,
if (searchTerms != null) {
searchTerms to null
} else { to previousUrl
if (searchTerms != null) {
searchTerms to referrerUrl
} else {
null to null
// In certain redirect cases, we won't have a previous url in the history stack of the tab,
// but will have the search terms already set on the tab from having gone through this logic
// for the redirecting url. So we leave this tab within the search group it's already in
// unless a new direct load (via the toolbar) was triggered.
tabMetadataHasSearchTerms && !(directLoadTriggered && previousUrlIndex >= 0) -> {
tab.historyMetadata?.searchTerm to tab.historyMetadata?.referrerUrl
// In all other cases (e.g. direct load) find search terms by checking if page is a SERP
else -> {
findSearchTerms(tab, to null
// Sanity check to make sure we don't record a metadata record referring to itself.
if (tab.content.url == referrerUrl) {
logger.debug("Current url same as referrer. Skipping metadata recording.")
val key = historyMetadataService.createMetadata(tab, searchTerm, referrerUrl)
context.dispatch(HistoryMetadataAction.SetHistoryMetadataKeyAction(, key))
private fun updateHistoryMetadata(tab: TabSessionState) {
tab.historyMetadata?.let {
historyMetadataService.updateMetadata(it, tab)
private fun TabSessionState.getParent(store: Store<BrowserState, BrowserAction>): TabSessionState? {
return parentId?.let {
private fun findSearchTerms(tab: TabSessionState, searchState: SearchState): String? {
// Only check for search terms in metadata if we're not direct loading this tab. If we are,
// we don't retain previous search terms.
// `tab.content.searchTerms` are cleared as a side-effect of performing a direct load.
val metadataSearchTerms: () -> String? = {
if (!directLoadTriggeredSet.contains( {
tab.historyMetadata?.searchTerm.takeUnless { it.isNullOrEmpty() }
} else {
return tab.content.searchTerms.takeUnless { it.isEmpty() }
?: metadataSearchTerms()
?: searchState.parseSearchTerms(tab.content.url)