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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics
import io.mockk.every
import io.mockk.mockk
import io.mockk.slot
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.StandardTestDispatcher
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest
import org.junit.Assert.assertFalse
import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.Settings
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Calendar
import java.util.Locale
class DefaultMetricsStorageTest {
private val formatter = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.US)
private val calendarStart = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US)
private val dayMillis: Long = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
private var checkDefaultBrowser = false
private val doCheckDefaultBrowser = { checkDefaultBrowser }
private var shouldSendGenerally = true
private val doShouldSendGenerally = { shouldSendGenerally }
private var installTime = 0L
private val doGetInstallTime = { installTime }
private val settings = mockk<Settings>()
private val dispatcher = StandardTestDispatcher()
private lateinit var storage: DefaultMetricsStorage
fun setup() {
checkDefaultBrowser = false
shouldSendGenerally = true
installTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
every { settings.firstWeekDaysOfUseGrowthData } returns setOf()
every { settings.firstWeekDaysOfUseGrowthData = any() } returns Unit
storage = DefaultMetricsStorage(mockk(), settings, doCheckDefaultBrowser, doShouldSendGenerally, doGetInstallTime, dispatcher)
fun `GIVEN that events should not be generally sent WHEN event would be tracked THEN it is not`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
shouldSendGenerally = false
checkDefaultBrowser = true
every { settings.setAsDefaultGrowthSent } returns false
val result = storage.shouldTrack(Event.GrowthData.SetAsDefault)
fun `GIVEN set as default has not been sent and app is not default WHEN checked for sending THEN will not be sent`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
every { settings.setAsDefaultGrowthSent } returns false
checkDefaultBrowser = false
val result = storage.shouldTrack(Event.GrowthData.SetAsDefault)
fun `GIVEN set as default has not been sent and app is default WHEN checked for sending THEN will be sent`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
every { settings.setAsDefaultGrowthSent } returns false
checkDefaultBrowser = true
val result = storage.shouldTrack(Event.GrowthData.SetAsDefault)
fun `GIVEN set as default has been sent and app is default WHEN checked for sending THEN will be not sent`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
every { settings.setAsDefaultGrowthSent } returns true
checkDefaultBrowser = true
val result = storage.shouldTrack(Event.GrowthData.SetAsDefault)
fun `WHEN set as default updated THEN settings will be updated accordingly`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
val updateSlot = slot<Boolean>()
every { settings.setAsDefaultGrowthSent = capture(updateSlot) } returns Unit
fun `GIVEN that it has been less than 24 hours since last resumed sent WHEN checked for sending THEN will not be sent`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
every { settings.resumeGrowthLastSent } returns currentTime
val result = storage.shouldTrack(Event.GrowthData.FirstAppOpenForDay)
fun `GIVEN that it has been more than 24 hours since last resumed sent WHEN checked for sending THEN will be sent`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
every { settings.resumeGrowthLastSent } returns currentTime - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 2
val result = storage.shouldTrack(Event.GrowthData.FirstAppOpenForDay)
fun `WHEN last resumed state updated THEN settings updated accordingly`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
val updateSlot = slot<Long>()
every { settings.resumeGrowthLastSent } returns 0
every { settings.resumeGrowthLastSent = capture(updateSlot) } returns Unit
assertTrue(updateSlot.captured > 0)
fun `GIVEN that it has been less than 24 hours since uri load sent WHEN checked for sending THEN will not be sent`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
every { settings.uriLoadGrowthLastSent } returns currentTime
val result = storage.shouldTrack(Event.GrowthData.FirstUriLoadForDay)
fun `GIVEN that it has been more than 24 hours since uri load sent WHEN checked for sending THEN will be sent`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
every { settings.uriLoadGrowthLastSent } returns currentTime - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 2
val result = storage.shouldTrack(Event.GrowthData.FirstUriLoadForDay)
fun `WHEN uri load updated THEN settings updated accordingly`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
val updateSlot = slot<Long>()
every { settings.uriLoadGrowthLastSent } returns 0
every { settings.uriLoadGrowthLastSent = capture(updateSlot) } returns Unit
assertTrue(updateSlot.captured > 0)
fun `GIVEN that app has been used for less than 3 days in a row WHEN checked for first week activity THEN event will not be sent`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
val tomorrow = calendarStart.createNextDay()
every { settings.firstWeekDaysOfUseGrowthData = any() } returns Unit
every { settings.firstWeekDaysOfUseGrowthData } returns setOf(calendarStart, tomorrow).toStrings()
every { settings.firstWeekSeriesGrowthSent } returns false
val result = storage.shouldTrack(Event.GrowthData.FirstWeekSeriesActivity)
fun `GIVEN that app has only been used for 3 days in a row WHEN checked for first week activity THEN event will be sent`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
val tomorrow = calendarStart.createNextDay()
val thirdDay = tomorrow.createNextDay()
every { settings.firstWeekDaysOfUseGrowthData } returns setOf(calendarStart, tomorrow, thirdDay).toStrings()
every { settings.firstWeekSeriesGrowthSent } returns false
val result = storage.shouldTrack(Event.GrowthData.FirstWeekSeriesActivity)
fun `GIVEN that app has been used for 3 days but not consecutively WHEN checked for first week activity THEN event will be not sent`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
val tomorrow = calendarStart.createNextDay()
val fourDaysFromNow = tomorrow.createNextDay().createNextDay()
every { settings.firstWeekDaysOfUseGrowthData = any() } returns Unit
every { settings.firstWeekDaysOfUseGrowthData } returns setOf(calendarStart, tomorrow, fourDaysFromNow).toStrings()
every { settings.firstWeekSeriesGrowthSent } returns false
val result = storage.shouldTrack(Event.GrowthData.FirstWeekSeriesActivity)
fun `GIVEN that app has been used for 3 days consecutively but not within first week WHEN checked for first week activity THEN event will be not sent`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
val tomorrow = calendarStart.createNextDay()
val thirdDay = tomorrow.createNextDay()
val installTime9DaysEarlier = calendarStart.timeInMillis - (dayMillis * 9)
every { settings.firstWeekDaysOfUseGrowthData } returns setOf(calendarStart, tomorrow, thirdDay).toStrings()
every { settings.firstWeekSeriesGrowthSent } returns false
installTime = installTime9DaysEarlier
val result = storage.shouldTrack(Event.GrowthData.FirstWeekSeriesActivity)
fun `GIVEN that first week activity has already been sent WHEN checked for first week activity THEN event will be not sent`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
val tomorrow = calendarStart.createNextDay()
val thirdDay = tomorrow.createNextDay()
every { settings.firstWeekDaysOfUseGrowthData } returns setOf(calendarStart, tomorrow, thirdDay).toStrings()
every { settings.firstWeekSeriesGrowthSent } returns true
val result = storage.shouldTrack(Event.GrowthData.FirstWeekSeriesActivity)
fun `GIVEN that first week activity is not sent WHEN checked to send THEN current day is added to rolling days`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
val captureRolling = slot<Set<String>>()
val previousDay = calendarStart.createPreviousDay()
every { settings.firstWeekDaysOfUseGrowthData } returns setOf(previousDay).toStrings()
every { settings.firstWeekDaysOfUseGrowthData = capture(captureRolling) } returns Unit
every { settings.firstWeekSeriesGrowthSent } returns false
fun `WHEN first week activity state updated THEN settings updated accordingly`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
val captureSent = slot<Boolean>()
every { settings.firstWeekSeriesGrowthSent } returns false
every { settings.firstWeekSeriesGrowthSent = capture(captureSent) } returns Unit
fun `GIVEN not yet in recording window WHEN checking to track THEN days of use still updated`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
shouldSendGenerally = false
val captureSlot = slot<Set<String>>()
every { settings.firstWeekDaysOfUseGrowthData } returns setOf()
every { settings.firstWeekDaysOfUseGrowthData = capture(captureSlot) } returns Unit
fun `GIVEN outside first week after install WHEN checking to track THEN days of use is not updated`() = runTest(dispatcher) {
val captureSlot = slot<Set<String>>()
every { settings.firstWeekDaysOfUseGrowthData } returns setOf()
every { settings.firstWeekDaysOfUseGrowthData = capture(captureSlot) } returns Unit
installTime = calendarStart.timeInMillis - (dayMillis * 9)
private fun Calendar.copy() = clone() as Calendar
private fun Calendar.createNextDay() = copy().apply {
add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1)
private fun Calendar.createPreviousDay() = copy().apply {
add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1)
private fun Set<Calendar>.toStrings() = map {