--- name: "📈 Telemetry User Story" about: Create a telemetry user story, assigned to an Epic to track telemetry --- Owner: Product Manager #### Description & Product Manager / Data Scienties User Story - As a product owner, I want to know if people type use feature X so I can... #### Hypothesis - We believe this feature is useful to users, and successful when ... #### What questions will you answer with this data? #### Why does Mozilla need to answer these questions? Are there benefits for users? Do we need this information to address product or business requirements? #### What probes (suggested, if applicable) - ### Dependencies (Added by PM and Eng) ### Acceptance Criteria (Added by PM) - Event pings can be queried via re:dash - We are sending telemetry events for the actions listed in the requirements - We have documented the telemetry - We have asked a data steward to [review](https://github.com/mozilla/data-review/blob/master/request.md) the telemetry - NOT an AC: Data science to create dashboard or further graphs (this will be a separate issue, this issue is only about hooking up the events described and that they can be queried in re-dash)