--- cookie-banners: description: Features for cookie banner handling. hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: sections-enabled: type: json description: This property provides a lookup table of whether or not the given section should be enabled. extensions-process: description: A feature to rollout the extensions process. hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: enabled: type: boolean description: "If true, the extensions process is enabled." glean: description: A feature that provides server-side configurations for Glean metrics (aka Server Knobs). hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: metrics-enabled: type: json description: "A map of metric base-identifiers to booleans representing the state of the 'enabled' flag for that metric." growth-data: description: A feature measuring campaign growth data hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: enabled: type: boolean description: "If true, the feature is active" homescreen: description: The homescreen that the user goes to when they press home or new tab. hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: sections-enabled: type: json description: "This property provides a lookup table of whether or not the given section should be enabled. If the section is enabled, it should be toggleable in the settings screen, and on by default." juno-onboarding: description: A feature that shows juno onboarding flow. hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: cards: type: json description: Collection of user facing onboarding cards. enabled: type: boolean description: "if true, juno onboarding is shown to the user." messaging: description: "The in-app messaging system.\n" hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: actions: type: json description: A growable map of action URLs. message-under-experiment: type: string description: "Deprecated in favor of `MessageData#experiment`. This will be removed in future releases." messages: type: json description: A growable collection of messages notification-config: type: json description: Configuration of the notification worker for all notification messages. on-control: type: string description: What should be displayed when a control message is selected. enum: - show-next-message - show-none styles: type: json description: "A map of styles to configure message appearance.\n" triggers: type: json description: "A collection of out the box trigger expressions. Each entry maps to a valid JEXL expression.\n" mr2022: description: Features for MR 2022. hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: sections-enabled: type: json description: This property provides a lookup table of whether or not the given section should be enabled. nimbus-system: description: "Configuration of the Nimbus System in Android.\n" hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: refresh-interval-foreground: type: int description: "The minimum interval in minutes between fetching experiment \nrecipes in the foreground.\n" nimbus-validation: description: A feature that does not correspond to an application feature suitable for showing that Nimbus is working. This should never be used in production. hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: settings-icon: type: string description: The drawable displayed in the app menu for Settings settings-punctuation: type: string description: The emoji displayed in the Settings screen title. settings-title: type: string description: The title of displayed in the Settings screen and app menu. onboarding: description: "A feature that configures the new user onboarding page. Note that onboarding is a **first run** feature, and should only be modified by first run experiments." hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: order: type: json description: Determines the order of the onboarding page panels pdfjs: description: PDF.js features hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: download-button: type: boolean description: Download button open-in-app-button: type: boolean description: Open in app button pre-permission-notification-prompt: description: A feature that shows the pre-permission notification prompt. hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: enabled: type: boolean description: "if true, the pre-permission notification prompt is shown to the user." print: description: A feature for printing from the share or browser menu. hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: browser-print-enabled: type: boolean description: "If true, a print button from the browser menu is available." share-print-enabled: type: boolean description: "If true, a print button from the share menu is available." private-browsing: description: Private Browsing Mode hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: felt-privacy-enabled: type: boolean description: "if true, enable felt privacy related UI" re-engagement-notification: description: A feature that shows the re-engagement notification if the user is inactive. hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: enabled: type: boolean description: "If true, the re-engagement notification is shown to the inactive user." type: type: int description: The type of re-engagement notification that is shown to the inactive user. search-extra-params: description: A feature that provides additional args for search. hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: channel-id: type: json description: The channel Id param name with arg. enabled: type: boolean description: "If true, the feature is active." feature-enabler: type: json description: "The feature enabler param name with arg, NOTE this map could be empty." search-engine: type: string description: The search engine name. search-term-groups: description: A feature allowing the grouping of URLs around the search term that it came from. hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: enabled: type: boolean description: "If true, the feature shows up on the homescreen and on the new tab screen." shopping-experience: description: A feature that shows product review quality information. hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: enabled: type: boolean description: "if true, the shopping experience feature is shown to the user." product-recommendations: type: boolean description: "if true, recommended products feature is enabled to be shown to the user based on their preference." splash-screen: description: "A feature that extends splash screen duration, allowing additional data fetching time for the app's initial run." hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: enabled: type: boolean description: "If true, the feature is active." maximum_duration_ms: type: int description: The maximum amount of time in milliseconds the splashscreen will be visible while waiting for initialization calls to complete. toolbar: description: The searchbar/awesomebar that user uses to search. hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: toolbar-position-top: type: boolean description: "If true, toolbar appears at top of the screen." unified-search: description: A feature allowing user to easily search for specified results directly in the search bar. hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "" variables: enabled: type: boolean description: "If true, the feature shows up in the search bar."