# gcloud args match the official gcloud cli # https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/firebase/test/android/run gcloud: results-bucket: fenix_test_artifacts record-video: true # The maximum possible testing time is 30m on physical devices and 60m on virtual devices. timeout: 30m # will start test then close socket. no reports will be generated. # to retrieve results later, use the "refresh" command # reports will be generated from /results/matrix_ids.json #async: true # will start test then leave socket open. reports will be published # to /results # see: https://github.com/TestArmada/flank/issues/339 async: false # results-history-name # by default, set to app name # declare results-history-name to create a separate dropdown menu in Firebase # see: https://github.com/TestArmada/flank/issues/341 #results-history-name: tmp_parallel # test and app are the only required args app: /APP/PATH test: /TEST/PATH auto-google-login: true use-orchestrator: true environment-variables: clearPackageData: true directories-to-pull: - /sdcard/screenshots performance-metrics: true device: - model: Pixel2 version: 30 flank: project: GOOGLE_PROJECT # test shards - the amount of groups to split the test suite into # set to -1 to use one shard per test. max-test-shards: -1 # num-test-runs- the amount of times to run the tests. # 1 runs the tests once. 10 runs all the tests 10x num-test-runs: 1