queue_rules: - name: default conditions: - or: - status-success=complete-pr - status-success=complete-push pull_request_rules: - name: Resolve conflict conditions: - conflict actions: comment: message: This pull request has conflicts when rebasing. Could you fix it @{{author}}? 🙏 - name: Android-Components bump - Auto Merge conditions: - and: - files=buildSrc/src/main/java/AndroidComponents.kt - -files~=^(?!buildSrc/src/main/java/AndroidComponents.kt).+$ - author=github-actions[bot] - status-success=complete-push - or: - and: - base=main - head~=^relbot/AC-Nightly-.+ - and: - base~=^releases[_/].* - head~=^relbot/fenix-\d+ actions: review: type: APPROVE message: 🚢 queue: method: rebase name: default - name: L10N - Auto Merge conditions: - and: - files~=^(l10n.toml|app/src/main/res/values[A-Za-z-]*/strings\.xml)$ # /!\ The line above doesn't prevent random files to be changed alongside # l10n ones. That's why the additional condition exists below. For more # information: https://docs.mergify.com/conditions/#how-to-match-lists - -files~=^(?!(l10n.toml|app/src/main/res/values[A-Za-z-]*/strings\.xml)).+$ - or: - and: - author=mozilla-l10n-automation-bot - base=main - head=import-l10n - status-success=complete-pr - and: - author=github-actions[bot] - base~=^releases[_/].* - head~=^automation/sync-strings-\d+ - status-success=complete-push # Taskcluster only runs on git-push events because github-actions[bot] is not considered # a collaborator, so pull request events are triggered. That said, github-actions[bot] # doesn't create the PR on a separate fork (unlike mozilla-l10n-automation-bot). That's # why git-push events are taken into account actions: review: type: APPROVE message: LGTM 😎 queue: method: squash name: default - name: Needs landing - Rebase conditions: - or: - check-success=complete-pr - check-success=complete-push - label=pr:needs-landing - "#approved-reviews-by>=1" - -draft - label!=pr:work-in-progress - label!=pr:do-not-land actions: queue: method: rebase name: default - name: Needs landing - Squash conditions: - or: - check-success=complete-pr - check-success=complete-push - label=pr:needs-landing-squashed - "#approved-reviews-by>=1" - -draft - label!=pr:work-in-progress - label!=pr:do-not-land actions: queue: method: squash name: default