# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. """ Apply some defaults and minor modifications to the jobs defined in the build kind. """ import copy import json from copy import deepcopy from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence from taskgraph.util.treeherder import inherit_treeherder_from_dep from taskgraph.util.schema import resolve_keyed_by transforms = TransformSequence() @transforms.add def split_raptor_subtests(config, tests): for test in tests: # For tests that have 'page-load-tests' listed, we want to create a separate # test job for every subtest (i.e. split out each page-load URL into its own job) subtests = test.pop("page-load-tests", None) if not subtests: yield test continue for subtest in subtests: pageload_test = deepcopy(test) if isinstance(subtest, list): pageload_test["test-name"] = subtest[0] pageload_test["subtest-symbol"] = subtest[1] else: pageload_test["test-name"] = subtest pageload_test["subtest-symbol"] = subtest yield pageload_test @transforms.add def add_variants(config, tasks): only_types = config.config["only-for-build-types"] only_abis = config.config["only-for-abis"] tests = list(tasks) for dep_task in config.kind_dependencies_tasks: build_type = dep_task.attributes.get("build-type", "") if build_type not in only_types: continue for abi, apk_metadata in dep_task.attributes["apks"].items(): if abi not in only_abis: continue apk_path = apk_metadata["name"] for test in tests: test = copy.deepcopy(test) attributes = copy.deepcopy(dep_task.attributes) attributes.update(test.get("attributes", {})) attributes["abi"] = abi attributes["apk"] = apk_path test["attributes"] = attributes test["primary-dependency"] = dep_task yield test @transforms.add def build_browsertime_task(config, tasks): for task in tasks: signing = task.pop("primary-dependency") task.setdefault("dependencies", {})["signing"] = signing.label build_type = task["attributes"]["build-type"] abi = task["attributes"]["abi"] apk = task["attributes"]["apk"] for key in ("args", "treeherder.platform", "worker-type"): resolve_keyed_by(task, key, item_name=task["name"], **{"abi": abi}) task["treeherder"] = inherit_treeherder_from_dep(task, signing) test_name = task.pop("test-name") platform = task["treeherder"]["platform"] task_name = "{}-{}-{}-{}".format(platform, test_name, build_type, abi) task["name"] = task_name task["description"] = task_name extra_config = { "installer_url": "".format(apk), "test_packages_url": "", } env = task["worker"]["env"] env["EXTRA_MOZHARNESS_CONFIG"] = { "artifact-reference": json.dumps(extra_config, sort_keys=True) } env["GECKO_HEAD_REV"] = "default" env["MOZILLA_BUILD_URL"] = {"artifact-reference": "".format(apk)} env["MOZHARNESS_URL"] = { "artifact-reference": "" } env["TASKCLUSTER_WORKER_TYPE"] = task["worker-type"] worker = task["worker"] worker.setdefault("mounts", []).append( { "content": { "url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/raw-file/default/taskcluster/scripts/tester/test-linux.sh" }, "file": "./test-linux.sh", } ) task["run"]["command"].append("--test={}".format(test_name)) task["run"]["command"].extend(task.pop("args", [])) # Setup treherder symbol symbol = task.pop("subtest-symbol", None) # taskcluster is merging task attributes with the default ones # resulting the --cold extra option in the ytp warm tasks if "youtube-playback" in task["name"]: symbol = test_name.replace("youtube-playback-", "ytp-") # Setup chimera for combined warm+cold testing if task.pop("chimera", False): task["run"]["command"].append("--chimera") # Add '-c' to taskcluster symbol when running cold tests elif "--cold" in task["run"]["command"]: symbol += "-c" # Setup visual metrics run_visual_metrics = task.pop("run-visual-metrics", False) if run_visual_metrics: task["run"]["command"].append("--browsertime-video") task["run"]["command"].append("--browsertime-no-ffwindowrecorder") task["attributes"]["run-visual-metrics"] = True # Build taskcluster group and symol task["treeherder"]["symbol"] = "Btime(%s)" % symbol task["name"] = ( task["name"].replace("tp6m-", "tp6m-{}-".format(symbol)).replace("-hv", "") ) yield task @transforms.add def fill_email_data(config, tasks): product_name = config.graph_config["taskgraph"]["repositories"]["mobile"]["name"] format_kwargs = { "product_name": product_name.lower(), "head_rev": config.params["head_rev"], } for task in tasks: format_kwargs["task_name"] = task["name"] resolve_keyed_by( task, "notify", item_name=task["name"], level=config.params["level"] ) email = task["notify"].get("email") if email: email["link"]["href"] = email["link"]["href"].format(**format_kwargs) email["subject"] = email["subject"].format(**format_kwargs) yield task