/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml pluginManagement { includeBuild("../android-components/plugins/publicsuffixlist") includeBuild("../android-components/plugins/dependencies") } buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath 'org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.33' } } plugins { id 'mozac.DependenciesPlugin' } include ':app' include ':mozilla-detekt-rules' include ':mozilla-lint-rules' // Synchronized library configuration for all modules // This "componentsVersion" number is defined in "version.txt" and should follow // semantic versioning (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH). See https://semver.org/ class Config { public final String componentsVersion public final String componentsGroupId public final Integer compileSdkVersion public final Integer minSdkVersion public final Integer targetSdkVersion Config( String componentsVersion, String componentsGroupId, Integer compileSdkVersion, Integer minSdkVersion, Integer targetSdkVersion ) { this.componentsVersion = componentsVersion this.componentsGroupId = componentsGroupId this.compileSdkVersion = compileSdkVersion this.minSdkVersion = minSdkVersion this.targetSdkVersion = targetSdkVersion } } def setupProject(name, path, description) { settings.include(":$name") project(":$name").projectDir = new File(rootDir, "../android-components/${path}") // project(...) gives us a skeleton project that we can't set ext.* on gradle.beforeProject { project -> // However, the "afterProject" listener iterates over every project and gives us the actual project // So, once we filter for the project we care about, we can set whatever we want if (project.name == name) { project.ext.description = description } } } def yaml = new Yaml() def buildconfig = yaml.load(new File(rootDir, '../android-components/.buildconfig.yml').newInputStream()) buildconfig.projects.each { project -> if (!project.key.startsWith("samples")) { setupProject(project.key, project.value.path, project.value.description) } } gradle.projectsLoaded { -> def componentsVersion = new File(rootDir, '../version.txt').text.stripTrailing() def configData = yaml.load(new File(rootDir, '../android-components/.config.yml').newInputStream()) // Wait until root project is "loaded" before we set "config" // Note that since this is set on "rootProject.ext", it will be "in scope" during the evaluation of all projects' // gradle files. This means that they can just access "config.", and it'll function properly gradle.rootProject.ext.config = new Config( componentsVersion, configData.componentsGroupId, configData.compileSdkVersion, configData.minSdkVersion, configData.targetSdkVersion ) gradle.rootProject.ext.buildConfig = buildconfig // Disables A-C tests and lint when building Fenix. gradle.allprojects { project -> if (project.projectDir.absolutePath.contains("/android-components/")) { project.tasks.withType(Test) { enabled = false } project.tasks.whenTaskAdded { task -> if (task.name.contains("lint")) { task.enabled = false } } } } } def log(message) { logger.lifecycle("[settings] ${message}") } def runCmd(cmd, workingDir, successMessage, captureStdout=true) { def proc = cmd.execute(null, new File(workingDir)) def standardOutput = captureStdout ? new ByteArrayOutputStream() : System.out proc.consumeProcessOutput(standardOutput, System.err) proc.waitFor() if (proc.exitValue() != 0) { throw new GradleException("Process '${cmd}' finished with non-zero exit value ${proc.exitValue()}"); } else { log(successMessage) } return captureStdout ? standardOutput : null } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local Development overrides ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Properties localProperties = null String settingAppServicesPath = "autoPublish.application-services.dir" String settingAndroidComponentsPath = "autoPublish.android-components.dir" String settingGleanPath = "autoPublish.glean.dir" if (file('local.properties').canRead()) { localProperties = new Properties() localProperties.load(file('local.properties').newDataInputStream()) log('Loaded local.properties') } else { log('Missing local.properties; see https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/blob/main/README.md#local-properties-helpers for instructions.') } if (localProperties != null) { localProperties.each { prop -> gradle.ext.set("localProperties.${prop.key}", prop.value) } String appServicesLocalPath = localProperties.getProperty(settingAppServicesPath) if (appServicesLocalPath != null) { log("Enabling automatic publication of application-services from: $appServicesLocalPath") // Windows can't execute .py files directly, so we assume a "manually installed" python, // which comes with a "py" launcher and respects the shebang line to specify the version. def publishAppServicesCmd = []; if (System.properties['os.name'].toLowerCase().contains('windows')) { publishAppServicesCmd << "py"; } publishAppServicesCmd << "./automation/publish_to_maven_local_if_modified.py"; runCmd(publishAppServicesCmd, appServicesLocalPath, "Published application-services for local development.", false) } else { log("Disabled auto-publication of application-services. Enable it by settings '$settingAppServicesPath' in local.properties") } String androidComponentsLocalPath = localProperties.getProperty(settingAndroidComponentsPath) if (androidComponentsLocalPath != null) { log("Enabling automatic publication of android-components from: $androidComponentsLocalPath") // As above, hacks to execute .py files on Windows. def publishAcCmd = []; if (System.properties['os.name'].toLowerCase().contains('windows')) { publishAcCmd << "py"; } publishAcCmd << "./automation/publish_to_maven_local_if_modified.py"; runCmd(publishAcCmd, androidComponentsLocalPath, "Published android-components for local development.", false) } else { log("Disabled auto-publication of android-components. Enable it by settings '$settingAndroidComponentsPath' in local.properties") } String gleanLocalPath = localProperties.getProperty(settingGleanPath) if (gleanLocalPath != null) { log("Enabling automatic publication of Glean from: $gleanLocalPath") // As above, hacks to execute .py files on Windows. def publishGleanCmd = []; if (System.properties['os.name'].toLowerCase().contains('windows')) { publishGleanCmd << "py"; } publishGleanCmd << "./build-scripts/publish_to_maven_local_if_modified.py"; runCmd(publishGleanCmd, gleanLocalPath, "Published Glean for local development.", false) } else { log("Disabled auto-publication of Glean. Enable it by settings '$settingGleanPath' in local.properties") } }