// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import java.text.SimpleDateFormat // This gradle scripts generates a "unique" version code for our release versions. // // The result of the version code depends on the timezone. We assume that this script will only be used // for release versions and running on our build servers with a fixed timezone. // // The version code is composed like: yDDDHHmm // * y = Double digit year, with 18 subtracted: 2018 -> 18 -> 0 // * DDD = Day of the year, pad with zeros if needed: September 6th -> 249 // * HH = Hour in day (00-23) // * mm = Minute in hour // // For September 6th, 2018, 9:41 am this will generate the versionCode: 2490941 (0-249-09-41). // // Note that we only use this generated version code for builds we want to distribute. For local // debug builds we use a fixed versionCode to not mess with the caching mechanism of the build // system. ext { def today = new Date() // We use the current year (double digit) and subtract 18. We first released Fenix in // 2018 so this value will start counting at 0 and increment by one every year. def year = String.valueOf((new SimpleDateFormat("yy").format(today) as int) - 18) // We use the day in the Year (e.g. 248) as opposed to month + day (0510) because it's one digit shorter. // If needed we pad with zeros (e.g. 25 -> 025) def day = String.format("%03d", (new SimpleDateFormat("D").format(today) as int)) // We append the hour in day (24h) and minute in hour (7:26 pm -> 1926). We do not append // seconds. This assumes that we do not need to build multiple release(!) builds the same // minute. def time = new SimpleDateFormat("HHmm").format(today) // todo after first build is deployed to Google Play generatedVersionCode = (year + day + time) as int generatedVersionCode = 1 println("Generated versionCode: $generatedVersionCode") println() }