/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package org.mozilla.fenix.tabstray import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting import androidx.navigation.NavController import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi import mozilla.components.browser.state.selector.findTab import mozilla.components.browser.state.selector.getNormalOrPrivateTabs import mozilla.components.browser.state.store.BrowserStore import mozilla.components.concept.base.profiler.Profiler import mozilla.components.concept.tabstray.Tab import mozilla.components.feature.tabs.TabsUseCases import org.mozilla.fenix.R import org.mozilla.fenix.browser.browsingmode.BrowsingMode import org.mozilla.fenix.browser.browsingmode.BrowsingModeManager import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.Event import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.MetricController import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.navigateBlockingForAsyncNavGraph import org.mozilla.fenix.home.HomeFragment interface TabsTrayController { /** * Called to open a new tab. */ fun handleOpeningNewTab(isPrivate: Boolean) /** * Set the current tray item to the clamped [position]. * * @param position The position on the tray to focus. * @param smoothScroll If true, animate the scrolling from the current tab to [position]. */ fun handleTrayScrollingToPosition(position: Int, smoothScroll: Boolean) /** * Navigate from TabsTray to Browser. */ fun handleNavigateToBrowser() /** * Deletes the [Tab] with the specified [tabId]. * * @param tabId The id of the [Tab] to be removed from TabsTray. */ fun handleTabDeletion(tabId: String) /** * Deletes a list of [tabs]. * * @param tabs List of [Tab]s (sessions) to be removed. */ fun handleMultipleTabsDeletion(tabs: Collection) } class DefaultTabsTrayController( private val trayStore: TabsTrayStore, private val browserStore: BrowserStore, private val browsingModeManager: BrowsingModeManager, private val navController: NavController, private val navigateToHomeAndDeleteSession: (String) -> Unit, private val profiler: Profiler?, private val navigationInteractor: NavigationInteractor, private val metrics: MetricController, private val tabsUseCases: TabsUseCases, private val selectTabPosition: (Int, Boolean) -> Unit, private val dismissTray: () -> Unit, private val showUndoSnackbarForTab: (Boolean) -> Unit ) : TabsTrayController { override fun handleOpeningNewTab(isPrivate: Boolean) { val startTime = profiler?.getProfilerTime() browsingModeManager.mode = BrowsingMode.fromBoolean(isPrivate) navController.navigateBlockingForAsyncNavGraph( TabsTrayFragmentDirections.actionGlobalHome(focusOnAddressBar = true)) navigationInteractor.onTabTrayDismissed() profiler?.addMarker( "DefaultTabTrayController.onNewTabTapped", startTime ) sendNewTabEvent(isPrivate) } override fun handleTrayScrollingToPosition(position: Int, smoothScroll: Boolean) { selectTabPosition(position, smoothScroll) trayStore.dispatch(TabsTrayAction.PageSelected(Page.positionToPage(position))) } /** * Dismisses the tabs tray and navigates to the browser. */ override fun handleNavigateToBrowser() { dismissTray() if (navController.currentDestination?.id == R.id.browserFragment) { return } else if (!navController.popBackStack(R.id.browserFragment, false)) { navController.navigateBlockingForAsyncNavGraph(R.id.browserFragment) } } /** * Deletes the [Tab] with the specified [tabId]. * * @param tabId The id of the [Tab] to be removed from TabsTray. * This method has no effect if the tab does not exist. */ override fun handleTabDeletion(tabId: String) { val tab = browserStore.state.findTab(tabId) tab?.let { if (browserStore.state.getNormalOrPrivateTabs(it.content.private).size != 1) { tabsUseCases.removeTab(tabId) showUndoSnackbarForTab(it.content.private) } else { dismissTabsTrayAndNavigateHome(tabId) } } } /** * Deletes a list of [tabs] offering an undo option. * * @param tabs List of [Tab]s (sessions) to be removed. This method has no effect for tabs that do not exist. */ @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi override fun handleMultipleTabsDeletion(tabs: Collection) { val isPrivate = tabs.any { it.private } // If user closes all the tabs from selected tabs page dismiss tray and navigate home. if (tabs.size == browserStore.state.getNormalOrPrivateTabs(isPrivate).size) { dismissTabsTrayAndNavigateHome( if (isPrivate) HomeFragment.ALL_PRIVATE_TABS else HomeFragment.ALL_NORMAL_TABS ) } else { tabs.map { it.id }.let { tabsUseCases.removeTabs(it) } } showUndoSnackbarForTab(isPrivate) } @VisibleForTesting internal fun sendNewTabEvent(isPrivateModeSelected: Boolean) { val eventToSend = if (isPrivateModeSelected) { Event.NewPrivateTabTapped } else { Event.NewTabTapped } metrics.track(eventToSend) } @VisibleForTesting internal fun dismissTabsTrayAndNavigateHome(sessionId: String) { dismissTray() navigateToHomeAndDeleteSession(sessionId) } }