/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package org.mozilla.fenix.components import android.view.View import android.view.ViewStub import io.mockk.mockk import io.mockk.spyk import io.mockk.verify import mozilla.components.support.base.feature.UserInteractionHandler import mozilla.components.support.base.feature.LifecycleAwareFeature import org.junit.Test import java.lang.ref.WeakReference class InflationAwareFeatureTest { @Test fun `stub inflates if no feature or view exists`() { val stub: ViewStub = mockk(relaxed = true) val feature: InflationAwareFeature = spyk(TestableInflationAwareFeature(stub)) feature.launch() verify { stub.setOnInflateListener(any()) } verify { stub.inflate() } } @Test fun `stub immediately launches if the feature is available`() { val stub: ViewStub = mockk() val feature: InflationAwareFeature = spyk(TestableInflationAwareFeature(stub)) feature.feature = mockk(relaxed = true) feature.view = WeakReference(mockk()) feature.launch() verify(exactly = 0) { stub.setOnInflateListener(any()) } verify(exactly = 0) { stub.inflate() } verify { feature.onLaunch(any(), any()) } } @Test fun `feature calls stop if created`() { val stub: ViewStub = mockk() val inflationFeature: InflationAwareFeature = spyk(TestableInflationAwareFeature(stub)) val innerFeature: LifecycleAwareFeature = mockk(relaxed = true) inflationFeature.stop() verify(exactly = 0) { innerFeature.stop() } inflationFeature.feature = innerFeature inflationFeature.stop() verify { innerFeature.stop() } } @Test fun `start should be delegated to the inner feature`() { val inflationFeature: InflationAwareFeature = spyk(TestableInflationAwareFeature(mockk())) val innerFeature: LifecycleAwareFeature = mockk(relaxed = true) inflationFeature.feature = innerFeature inflationFeature.start() verify { innerFeature.start() } } @Test fun `if feature has implemented UserInteractionHandler invoke it`() { val stub: ViewStub = mockk() val inflationFeature: InflationAwareFeature = spyk(TestableInflationAwareFeature(stub)) val innerFeature: LifecycleAwareFeature = mockk() val userInteractionHandlerFeature = object : LifecycleAwareFeature, UserInteractionHandler { override fun onBackPressed() = true override fun start() {} override fun stop() {} } assert(!inflationFeature.onBackPressed()) inflationFeature.feature = innerFeature assert(!inflationFeature.onBackPressed()) inflationFeature.feature = userInteractionHandlerFeature assert(inflationFeature.onBackPressed()) } } class TestableInflationAwareFeature(stub: ViewStub) : InflationAwareFeature(stub) { override fun onViewInflated(view: View): LifecycleAwareFeature = mockk() override fun onLaunch(view: View, feature: LifecycleAwareFeature) = Unit }