# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # If a command fails then do not proceed and fail this script too. set -ex export BRANCH="ac-update" export GITHUB_USER="MickeyMoz" export EMAIL="sebastian@mozilla.com" export REPO="fenix" git config --global user.email "$EMAIL" git config --global user.name "$GITHUB_USER" COMPONENT_TO_WATCH='browser-engine-gecko' MAVEN_URL="https://nightly.maven.mozilla.org/maven2/org/mozilla/components/$COMPONENT_TO_WATCH" # Fetch latest version LATEST_VERSION=$(curl "$MAVEN_URL/maven-metadata.xml" | sed -ne '/latest/{s/.*\(.*\)<\/latest>.*/\1/p;q;}') # Check the latest version was uploaded by Mozilla LATEST_POM_URL="$MAVEN_URL/$LATEST_VERSION/$COMPONENT_TO_WATCH-$LATEST_VERSION.pom" POM_FILE='component.pom' $CURL "$LATEST_POM_URL" --output "$POM_FILE" $CURL "$LATEST_POM_URL.asc" --output "$POM_FILE.asc" gpg --verify "$POM_FILE.asc" "$POM_FILE" # Updating version file sed -i "s/VERSION = \".*\"/VERSION = \"$LATEST_VERSION\"/g" "buildSrc/src/main/java/AndroidComponents.kt" # Create a branch and commit local changes git checkout -b "$BRANCH" git add buildSrc/src/main/java/AndroidComponents.kt git commit -m \ "Update Android Components version to $LATEST_VERSION." \ --author="MickeyMoz " \ || { echo "No new Android Components version ($LATEST_VERSTION) available"; exit 0; } # From here on we do not want to print the commands since they contain tokens set +x export GITHUB_TOKEN=$(cat .github_token) if [[ $GITHUB_TOKEN == 'faketoken' ]]; then echo '"faketoken" detected, not pushing anything' exit 0 fi # Push changes to GitHub echo "Pushing branch to GitHub" URL="https://${GITHUB_USER}:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/$GITHUB_USER/$REPO/" # XXX git sometimes leaks the URL including the token when the network request failed (regardless of --quiet). git push --force --no-verify --quiet "$URL" "$BRANCH" > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo "Failed ($?)" # Open a PR if needed if [[ $(hub pr list --head "$GITHUB_USER:$BRANCH") ]]; then echo "There's already an open PR." else echo "No PR found. Opening new PR." hub pull-request --base master --head "$GITHUB_USER:$BRANCH" --no-edit -m "Update Android Components version" fi unset GITHUB_TOKEN