#!/usr/bin/env bash # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # This script does the following: # 1. Retrieves gcloud service account token # 2. Activates gcloud service account # 3. Connects to google Firebase (using TestArmada's Flank tool) # 4. Executes UI tests # 5. Puts test artifacts into the test_artifacts folder # NOTE: # Flank supports sharding across multiple devices at a time, but gcloud API # only supports 1 defined APK per test run. # If a command fails then do not proceed and fail this script too. set -e ######################### # The command line help # ######################### display_help() { echo "Usage: $0 Build_Variant [Number_Shards...]" echo echo "Examples:" echo "To run UI tests on ARM device shard (1 test / shard)" echo "$ ui-test.sh arm -1" echo echo "To run UI tests on X86 device (on 3 shards)" echo "$ ui-test.sh feature x86 3" echo } # Basic parameter check if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then echo "Error: please provide at least one build variant (arm|x86)" display_help exit 1 fi device_type="$1" # arm | x86 if [[ ! -z "$2" ]]; then num_shards=$2 fi JAVA_BIN="/usr/bin/java" PATH_TEST="./automation/taskcluster/androidTest" FLANK_BIN="/build/test-tools/flank.jar" FLANK_CONF_ARM="${PATH_TEST}/flank-arm.yml" FLANK_CONF_X86="${PATH_TEST}/flank-x86.yml" echo echo "RETRIEVE SERVICE ACCT TOKEN" echo python automation/taskcluster/helper/get-secret.py --json -s project/mobile/fenix/firebase -k firebaseToken -f $GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS echo echo echo echo "ACTIVATE SERVICE ACCT" echo # this is where the Google Testcloud project ID is set gcloud config set project "$GOOGLE_PROJECT" echo gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file "$GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS" echo echo # From now on disable exiting on error. If the tests fail we want to continue # and try to download the artifacts. We will exit with the actual error code later. set +e if [[ "${device_type,,}" == "x86" ]] then deviceType="X86" flank_template="$FLANK_CONF_X86" else deviceType="Arm" flank_template="$FLANK_CONF_ARM" fi APK_APP="./app/build/outputs/apk/${deviceType,,}/debug/app-${deviceType,,}-debug.apk" APK_TEST="./app/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/${deviceType,,}/debug/app-${deviceType,,}-debug-androidTest.apk" # function to exit script with exit code from test run. # (Only 0 if all test executions passed) function failure_check() { if [[ $exitcode -ne 0 ]]; then echo echo echo "ERROR: UI test run failed, please check above URL" fi exit $exitcode } echo echo "EXECUTE TEST(S)" echo $JAVA_BIN -jar $FLANK_BIN android run --config=$flank_template --max-test-shards=$num_shards --app=$APK_APP --test=$APK_TEST --project=$GOOGLE_PROJECT exitcode=$? failure_check echo echo echo echo "COPY ARTIFACTS" echo cp -r ./results ./test_artifacts exitcode=$? failure_check echo echo echo echo "RESULTS" echo ls -la ./results echo echo echo "All UI test(s) have passed!" echo echo